Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Today did not go according to plan, but it did go well. The students did well on their science projects. They also did well singing at the funeral and the the hospital. Practice in church also went well. Everything went so well that we have no homework! Enjoy! Go play in the snow after church.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Hey! Did you miss me? Sorry about yesterday, I ended up having several impromptu meetings after school and forgot to blog.

Tomorrow we are singing in the funeral and caroling. I'd love it if the students dressed up more so than T-shirts. Thanks! Also because of the tight schedule, I am asking the students to bring a cold lunch tomorrow.

I also could use some volunteers to bring some treats on Friday.

We did not have any new assignments today.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Happy Friday! We rocked our memory work today. The class average a 97%! How awesome is that? We also talked about persuasive writing so I apologize if you end up with a paragraph saying why you should get your child ___________. We also continued to work on our science and geo projects. For math we did some story problem work and in Lit we are gearing up to learn how Billy and his dogs do in the big hunt.

Spelling: unit 15 for Thursday, test Friday
Memory: psalm 96 for Monday
Geo: prezzi
Science: volcano project
English: rough draft Monday
Lit: chapter 15 for Monday
CE: news quiz for Tuesday
Music: nothing
Health: nothing
Art: nothing
Math: 53 skip 9,16,18,25,29

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Today we spent a lot of time working on our projects for Geo and Science. We had some very productive study time, especially in the morning.

Spelling Test tomorrow
Memory: "Jesus Christ is Born" for Friday
English: ws
Geo: prezzi
Science: project
Lit: nothing
CE: nothing
health: nothing
art: in class

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Spelling:Unit for Thursday, test Friday
Memory: "Jesus Christ is Born" for Friday
Math: set 52 skip 5, 6, 11, 15, 16, 19, 24, 30
Geo: prezzi
Science: group project on volcano
English: ws for tomorrow
Lit: nothing
CE: nothing
art: in class
music: nothing
Health: nothing

 Volcano project instructions and links

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The radio station Sunny 97.7 has their Christmas Idol running on the station. Our fourth grade class submitted a song.  According to the info I was given, the fourth grade will be on the air today (11th) at 5:10-5:20.

Voting is done online by going to their website.
Then click on Radio Plus Info
Wait for the picture that describes the Christmas Idol and click where it says click here

There is a place to submit your vote along with your e-mail.
Only one vote is allowed for each e-mail address.

The original info had said that the entries would be online for people to listen to, I couldn't find that-it may still be coming.

Hope you enjoy their song.

If we win, we get money, so vote please!
Hey everyone. It is a nasty cold and flu season out there, and now whooping cough! Stay healthy my friends! Today we went through our math test from Friday. A few folks did very well, but since we average a C we are going to give it another try. The biggest issues in math seem to be paying attention to what we are doing and not making computation errors. (When the problems get longer we seem to forget how to add and subtract etc.) We also picked our second countries to do prezzis on. We did a sort of lottery system. We also learned about a bunch of different types of formations left behind by volcanoes and almost volcanoes. Not as exciting as watching volcanoes explode, but we survived. I forgot to mention that we went through food labels in health yesterday and talked about some of the trade offs we sometimes need to make.

Spelling: unit for Thursday, test Friday remember on the second page last part, to put the part of speech with the word
Memory: "Jesus Christ is Born" for Friday
Geo: prezzis
Science: ws we did in class
English: nothing
Lit: ch 14 and ws for tomorrow
CE: nothing
Art: in class
Music: nothing
Health: nothing
Math: test 9b (we are doing it as a ws so it is due tomorrow, students may check things in the book if needed and may check with a calculator,but only once the problem is done.)

Monday, December 10, 2012

Today was a pretty mild day. We started a new section in Geo by taking a look at some maps and comparing them. We also learned that there are three different types of volcanoes. We also worked with scientific notation in math.

Spelling: unit 14 for Thursday, test Friday
Memory: Jesus Christ is Born for Friday
Science: ws
Geo: nothing
English: nothing
Lit: ch 14 and ws
Math: 51 8, 15, 16, 25, 27
CE: nothing
Music: nothing
Health: nothing
Art: in class

Friday, December 7, 2012

It's Friday! Go Panthers! Today we took or Russia test and we averaged a B. We also finished our video on volcanoes. We started a new art project and we learned that following directions makes things work more easily. We also worked on drawing some graphs for math.

Spelling: Unit 14 for Thursday, test Friday
Memory: we will keep working on the service material next week
Geo: nothing
Science: extra credit notes from the video
English: nothing
Lit: finish ch 12 and read 13, keep working on sheets
Math: 361 #4, 362 #5
Art: we will continue next week
Music: nothing
CE: news quiz sheet for Tuesday
Health: nothing

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Spelling Test tomorrow
Memory: part 2 of recitation
English: work on research project topic
Lit: read 10 and 11
Science: ws
Geo: test
Math: set 50 skip 1, 4, 16, 16, 22
Health: none
Music: none
Health: none
CE: none

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Happy Advent! Jesus is Coming! Today we had a REALLY long Russia video that was crammed with way more stuff than we had time for, so we picked out some segments to watch. We corrected the science tests as well. We had 8 A's and averaged a B overall. Not bad! We took our math test today. It was set for tomorrow, but this gives us less homework on a church night. We also had some time to work on our geo study guide that is due tomorrow.

Spelling: unit 13 for tomorrow, test Friday
Memory: first recitation tomorrow, second recitation Friday
Science: nothing
Geo: study guide
English: nothing
Lit: ch 10+11 for Friday keep working on the sheets
Math: took test
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
Art: nothing
Music: nothing

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Another week is slipping by! I had a tech conference this am which was worth my time. Mrs. Boggs had a great time filling in for me. They discussed Russia some more and also took the science test. They also discussed fact vs opinion and how to tell the difference. In math we looked at adding and subtracting mix measures. In other words, how do you add 3 hours 48 min 23 seconds and 2 hours 55 min and 46 seconds.

Spelling Unit 13 for Thursday
Memory: recitation 1 for Thursday, recitation 2 for Friday
Science: nothing
Geo: Foldable and outline of major issues facing Russia (shoot for at least 5) for tomorrow, Study guide for Thursday
English: fact and opinion ws for tomorrow (most was done in class)
Lit: chapters 8+9 for tomorrow
Math: set 49 skip 1,6,11,16,22
Art: nothing
Music: nothing
CE: nothing
Health: nothing

Monday, December 3, 2012

Busy busy busy day. We are still working through Russia and are wrapping up volcanoes. We had some technical issues in English and are looking for a plan B! Add a math class and a few more technical issues and the day is full!

Spelling: unit 13 for Thursday, test Friday
Memory: recitation part 1 for Thursday, part 2 for Friday
Geo: foldable for Wednesday, Study Guide for Thursday
English: nothing
Lit: read 8 and 9 for Wednesday
Math: 48 skip 7, 12, 16, 22, 27
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
Music: nothing
Art: nothing