Tuesday, September 22, 2009

With the English assignment being to work on their reports, we got a very long study time today. I am pleased to report that the students handled it very well. Some of them even did some work! We also took a science test on minerals. We went through all the questions and answers yesterday so I am anxious to see how we did. This also resulted in some study time so your student should have an excelent start on his/her homework for the night or even the week! We also got Lisenka to Elis island, but there was a hitch there. We also managed to listen to some Beethoven, our current composer, during study time. I wonder if his music is so powerfull because he was trying to crank up the volume so he could actually hear it.

Look for mid-terms tomorrow. Please make sure they get signed and returned ASAP. Some parents like to keep the mid-term. If that is the case, then just write and sign a note for me letting me know that you saw it. Thanks!

Music: Beethoven sheets
Math: set 16
Science: took test
Geo: 2 Canada Maps 9-23, bodies of water and landforms map 10-2
English: WA #31 Part 3
Lit: ch 22-23 worksheets (REMEMBER TO PUNCTUATE.)
Spell: pg 33
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
MW: One Life for Friday passages for pastor for tomorrow
Art: Rembrandt sheets for Friday

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