Monday, January 20, 2014

The Iran hostage crisis ended today in 1981 just after Ronald Reagan took the oath of office. We didn't do anything quite that dramatic today but we did learn more about what to say to someone who tempts us to sin. We also watched a density current in action and learned more about tides. We followed that up with a start on the history of Africa. Most of Africa was controlled by Europe through WWII. In math we went over the pre-test and talked about how to classify quadrilaterals. We will take the real test tomorrow. Speaking of tomorrow, the students will be given some time to work on their research project. Please help them remember to bring their resources so that they can make good use of this time.

CL: one
Science: foldable note by tomorrow and "test" by Wednesday
Geo: none
Vocab Workshop: word search and pages from the book
Literature: module 6 worksheet for Wednesday
Math: test tomorrow
CE: none
English: final draft and sentences for Wednesday, bring resources tomorrow
Music: Handel sheet for Wednesday

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