Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Are you enjoying the beautiful, tropic weather? I hope so because it isn't going to last. Oh well. A permission slip came home from Mr. Herkstroeter today. Look for that and please send it back tomorrow if at all possible. Thanks! Today we wrapped up our project and started another section in science. We are looking at our impact on water and air. We also started learning about Richard Wagner. We listened to some musical selections and even had Bugs Bunny help us out. We also spent some time relearning about outlines. Our outline is due tomorrow and when I looked at some of the students' outlines I noticed that we had some things to review. We also finished going through Hamlet. I am sure I enjoyed it more than they did, but they had some laughs along the way. (It will make Romeo and Juliet easier in high school!)

CL: none
Science: none
Geo: none
Music: Wagner for next week Wed
English: final copy of descriptive paragraph is due Monday. Outline is due tomorrow
Lit: none
CE: none
Vocab WS pages 124-125 for tomorrow

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