Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Happy Wednesday to you. On Friday we are going to be having a work day. We are going to take some time (not all day) to work on our Prezi and Living History projects. Since 8th grade will be gone at WLA, I am hoping we will be able to use the Chrome books to get some work done on both projects. It will also give me a chance to monitor how our network handles that much traffic at once. Please help remind your student to bring anything they may need to work on these such as a resource book. We will start presenting the Prezis on Monday.

Today we talked about area and using squares and square roots. We also started learning about Latin America.We mostly heard about lots of mountains and waterways. There was also an incident with a skunk in literature.

CL: none
Memory: Hymn 422 vs 1-4 for FRIDAY
Music: none
Science: Study Guide (due date will be next week. When depends on our testing schedule. The earliest would be Wednesday)
CE: none
Geo: Prezis
Literature: none
Art: none
Vocab: pp 47-48 for FRIDAY
Math: set 20 skip 6,15,19,26,28

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