Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Thus another day marches on. Today the big news was perimeter. We went around and around with it covering the length and width of the issue until we all could see outside the polygon. We spent a few min going over the thesis statements. We are getting more of them where they need to be, but some are still going to need some work. We also learned about rules for subject verb agreement with the weird stuff like collective nouns (crowd, band) and nous that look plural but are actually singular (mumps, news). We have a practice sheet, but I am sure there will be some questions tomorrow.

P.S. I missed celebrating my 1,000th post to this blog. So, congratulations on being part of my 1,005th post to this blog about the goings on in 7th grade!

CL: none
Music: hymn 422 for FRIDAY
Music: none
Art: ?
Vocab pages are due for THURSDAY
Science: none
English: ws 5-2 for THURSDAY
CE: none
Geo: sheets for WEDNESDAY
Math: set 19 skip 5,10,16,18,23
Literature: none

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