Monday, December 22, 2008

The Christmas service went well this morrning. There were a few songs that gave us concern during practice, but they came together nicely today.
I have afew volunteers bringing treats for tomorrow. Students may bring their gift for gift exchange tormorrow if they have not already. Boys will bring a generic boy gift and girls will bring a generic girl gift.
We finished our novel today. The students enjoyed it and have asked me to read the sequel to them.

Science: open book test Tue, extra credit due Jan 5th
Literature: chs 24-27
English: wa 19 Tues
Health: boys p. 200
Spelling: nothing
Current Events: nothing
Math: nothing
Geography: nothing

Friday, December 19, 2008


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Today we finished our section on volcanoes. I sent home an extra credit assignment for science. It covers all the chapters we have done this quarter and is due on Jan 5th. The students need to do all of it to get credit. They may use their books. Please do what you can to make sure that any students who did it are trying, not just guessing random answers. That gives the students all Christmas break to work on it, if desired.

Geography: Take home test
Science: nothing
English: ws 36
Music: cd
Spelling: Test
Math: Take home test
Algebra: Take home test
Literature: 21-23 wsh
Health: boys page 200 ASAP
Current Events: nothing

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Today we talked about the different kinds of volcanoes. We also saw some dramatic footage of volcanoes. We are almost done with our novel. The family has made it to America, but is having trouble getting past Ellis Island.

Geography: Nothing
Science: Nothing
English: ws 38
Math: Set 61 practice and evens
Algebra: Set 68 skip 5
Literature: 21-23 Friday
Spelling: 94-95
Music: computer program
Health: boys page 200 1-2 ASAP

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Please remember for Wednesday night, I am not able to be in the room the entire time to supervise. Any students staying in the room must be working quietly. Thanks you for your assistance.
We started looking at volcanoes today and the damage they can cause. We learned that being a vulcanologist can be very dangerous!

Geography: ws quiz
Science: nothing
English: Bee paragraph
Music: nothing
Math: Set 60 even
Algebra: Set 67
Spelling: 92-93
Literature: 17-20

Monday, December 15, 2008

With our Christmas service practices this week, the schedule will be a bit different this week, however we will still have memory due for Thursday and a spelling test on Friday. We should finish our novel this week as well.
We took the science test and got that corrected and handed back today. It went fairly well. There were a few students that scored low, but overall we the scores were not bad.
I printed progress reports on Friday and they were sent home today. Over the weekend I corrected all the late work I had received, but there is still quite a bit at large. It would be great if we had it all in by Christmas break. When we get back from Christmas break there is only one week left in the quarter to finish AR and the music program.

Geography: Nothing
Science: Nothing
Music: Nothing
English: Five paragraph persuasive essay
Literature: ws on chs 17-20 for Wednesday
Math: set 59 practice problems and evens
Algebra: Set 66 25 problems
Health: extra credit

Friday, December 12, 2008

Happy weekend. The science test will be Monday. Today I gave the students a mock test. The real test will have all the same questions but the questions and answers will be in a different order. We went through the entire test in class and discussed all the right answers. The mock test doesn't have to be filled out. It will not be graded, it is for study purposes.
We are getting nearer the end of our literature book. The students need to be writing their answers in complete sentences and the correcting is getting more and more strict. Please help your student remember periods and complete sentences.

Geography: redo the map test
Science: test
English: ws 34
Math: redo problems that were wrong
Algebra: set 65, do 25 problems
Literature: ws on chs 15-16
Spelling: Nothing
Current Events: nothing
Health: p200 1-2

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas is near! I can tell by how squirmy the students are getting each day. We did manage to finish our section on earthquakes. I decided to move the test to Monday instead of Friday. We will do some in class review tomorrow. We are continuing to work on our Christmas service. Help your child run through his or her parts. In Christ Light we continued our discussion on what we can say to people who persecute us for our faith.

Geography: Map test and ws quiz
Science: nothing
Math: set 57
Algebra: set 64
English: ws 33
Literature: ws 12-14
Spelling: Test Friday
Health: girls p 200 1-2
Current Events: nothing
Music: nothing

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Several students are hanging around the room Wednesday nights while they wait for church. I am willing to let students stay in the room as long as they are quietly working. If they are unwilling or unable to do so, please make other arrangements. Thank you for your assitance in this matter.
Today we tried to get back into the swing of things after a day digging out. I am glad everyone made it safely to school today! We continued to talk about earthquakes today. We also got through three chapters in Literature today. Ask your student about Johannes. Remember there is church tonight.

Geography: Read 248-249
Spelling: pp 88-89
English: Nothing
Science: Nothing
Literature: ws for chs 12-14
Math: test
Algebra: test
Health: the boys should have handed in p. 197 1-3 today. Girls have p. 200 1-2 for next week.
C.E.: The worksheet on veterans should be handed in tomorrow for both boys and girls

Monday, December 8, 2008

Singing went well. We had a good turn out and I thought the students did a nice job.
In science we are looking at earthquakes. There are a lot of terms in this section, ask for a review with your student.
The weather forecast looks pretty nasty. If school is called off on Tuesday, literature and spelling will still be due on Wednesday. The students were warned of this.
There is new memory for Thursday.
We took the preliminary test for the spelling bee. We haven't yet corrected it. I am curious to see how we did.

Geography: Open book test Tuesday
Spelling: pp. 86-87 Wednesday
Current Events: read pages 16-19 and do worksheet
Math: set 56
Algebra: set 63
Health: boys page 197 1-3, girls and boys for next week: p 200 1-2
Literature: we read chs 10-11 in class, worksheets due Wednesday
English: 1 practice sentence and 1 improved sentence, rewrite the paragraph, do not worry about the slashes, but do underline ect!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Memory Treasures went quite well today. The students got them back already. We will see how spelling and science went. We are participating in a book mark making contest for art. Students are to be using a saving energy theme. Ask them about their supper hero!

My wife and I are proud to announce that we are expecting a baby boy in April! We are very excited.

Science: Nothing
Current Events: pp 16-19 and ws
Math: Set 55 1-30
Algebra: Set 62 1-30
Health: 197 1-3
Geography: ws and quiz
Spelling: Nothing
Literature: wsh chs 8+9
English: 5 paragraph essay rd+fc
Memory: Let's Go vs 2+3

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Memory and science test tomorrow! Keep working on the AR! We went through all of the questions on the test for science and most of the students knew the majority of them, so it should be a good test.

Math: Set 54 any 20 problems
Science: test
Geography: ws and quiz
English: ws 32
Literature: ch 7 wsh
Spelling: Test
Memory: vs 1 and refrain
Health:197 1-3
Current events: read about veterans and fill out ws

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Enjoy the snow! Wednesday Advent services start today! Hope to see you there.

Geography: 275-277 label map
Science: did in class
English: Wsh 12-2 skip the last to parts
Math: set 53 practice and evens
Algebra: set 60 practice and evens
Spelling: p82-83
Health: 197 1-3 for next week Monday/Tuesday
Current Events: Boys have a wsh and quiz for tomorrow, girls read 26-28 and do ws
Literature: questions for ch 7 for Friday

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The sea floor is spreading! For more details ask your student. We also continued our persuasive writing. What topic did your student choose? Quick reminder we are singing in the 10:30 service this Sunday. We are working on a song with two parts so we need every voice we can get. There is some memory due tomorrow and there will be some due on Friday as well as we get ready for the Christmas service.

Geography: Finish filling in the map
Science: did it in class
English: writing assignment 16, rough draft and final
Math: Set 52, practice and evens
Algebra: set 59 1-30
Spelling: pp 80-81
Literature: read in class, fill out ws on ch. 5+6
Current Events: the girls for Wed. have to finish the Great Depression quiz and brain workout questions. The boys have that for Thurs. along with the quiz they missed last week on Marxism, pages 2-5
Health: p. 197 1-3

Monday, December 1, 2008

Today we started a new section in science talking about sea floor spreading. This chapter is a lead up for volcanoes and earthquakes. We will be covering those in the weeks before Christmas.

Geography: None (?)
Math: Set 51
Algebra: Set 57
Science: Did it in class
English: Writing Assignment 15, pick a topic from the list in the book and write an outline, rough draft and final copy
Spelling: pp 80-81 for Wednesday
Lit: DO ws on chs 5+6 for Wednesday
Health: p 197 1-3 for next week Mon./Tue.
Current Events: Read pp 26-28 and fill out both sides of the worksheet for Wed./Thurs. Boys will have a quiz on Marxism on Thursday also.