Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Happy Advent!

Happy Advent everyone. It was great to be able to worship with most of the class tonight.

Today we kept going with our discussions on erosion and Europe. In math we talked about powers of ten in preparation for dealing with scientific notation.

Don't forget recitation from the Christmas Eve service is due tomorrow.

Spelling: unit 13 for tomorrow, test Friday
CL: recitation from CE service tomorrow, O Little Town . . . for Friday
Math: set 47 skip: 6,8,11,13,14,17,19,24,29
Geo: section 3 ws, map test for Friday, study guide for Monday
Music: vocab ws for Friday
English: 2 worksheets for FRIDAY
CE: nothing
Lit: nothing
Health: nothing
Art: Mona Lisa for Friday

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Hello friends! I had the blog open and ready to go and then life took over and I never got it done. My apologies to my faithful readers! Yesterday we talked about dividing decimal numbers again. We also started discussing Northern Europe and how surface water affects erosion. We also started working on the Christmas Eve service. Please note that there will be Thursday, Friday and Monday memory work while we learn our parts and songs for the service. Please also note that Wednesday Advent services start tomorrow. Pastor has sent home a sheet explaining a service opportunity the students will have to host one of the meals for after the service. Additionally, we are taking a break from Treasure Island and have started a play adaptation of A Christmas Carol in preparation for our trip next week.

We had a nice quiet morning so far today. Many students were working hard to get some things done. Disappointingly, some of them were working on things that were due today. As life gets busier, it is even more important to encourage your student to stay on top of his or her assignments. (Like remembering to do a blog for example ;-)

Spelling: unit 13 is due for Thursday, test Friday
Memory Work: Christmas service recitation for Thursday, hymn for Friday
Math: set 46 skip 3,4,5 do but skip the diagram, 12,15,16,17,22,25,30
Geo: section 2 ws, map test Friday, study guide Monday,
Health: nothing
Music: vocab ws for Friday
Art: Mona Lisa for Friday
English: ws 11-1A
CE: nothing
Science: quiz on section 9-2, study guide for Friday, test Monday
Lit: reading in class

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Check out for a promo for A Christmas Carol at the Pabst Theater.
Happy Thanksgiving! I pray for safe journeys for all! We tied up some loose ends today and talked about the different ways to present an answer to a division problem, based on what kind of a problem it is. (If the question asks how many students would go in each class, you can't say 23 and 1/4 students. There you would use the remainder, but if it asked how long each piece of rope would be, then you could use a fraction or a decimal.) We also spent time talking about how to do the bibliography cards and note cards. Then had a nice long chunk of time to work on putting that into practice.

Spelling: Unit 13 for next Thursday, test Friday
Music: vocabulary ws for Monday
Art: Mona Lisa for next Friday
Geo: We will do the 2nd half of Europe map test late next week
Science: nothing
English: work on the paper, note cards are due December 13th
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
Literature: nothing
Math: set 43, skip 6,7,13,16,22,24,25,26,27
CL: memory from lesson six for next week Friday

Monday, November 21, 2011

Hello friends. To start off with I'd like to share a little personal news. Thaddeus came in at 50th percentile for height and 75th percentile for weight. We are very pleased. We are having an echo cardiogram done in December to see how the heart is doing.

Now, back to work! We discussed what to do when someone puts us down for our faith today. We also spent some time turning fractions into decimals and decimals into fractions and decimals into percents and percents into decimals. Round and round she goes where she stops nobody knows! Jim has cut the ship loose and could now be in some serious trouble. We are also going to try our hand at writing a tale tale. We also are looking at some musical terms and what they mean.

Spelling: none!
CL: lesson 6 memory work for next week Friday
Music: three worksheets for Monday, but I suggest you get them done before break so you can't forget them
Art: Modern day Mona Lisa
Science: nothing
Geography: fill out Easter Europe study guide, the map test will be late next week
Literature: ws for tomorrow, we read in class
English: tall tale rough draft, bring sources and note cards to work on tomorrow
Health: nothing
Math: set 43 skip 6,7,13,16,22,24,25,26,27

Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday is here once again, but you probably already knew that. What you may not have know though is that the pirates attacked the stockade, but the good guys won the battle. The little line that goes over repeating decimals is called a vinculum. You may also not have known that we took a science test and just missed averaging a B-. We also took our map test on one half of the countries of Europe. We also got the map for the other half. We will take that test after Thanksgiving.

Spelling: Unit 13 will be due Thursday December 1st
Art: Mona Lisa 2.0 due Friday December 2nd
CL: nothing
Math: set 42 skip 4,8,11,13,17,18,21,22
Geo: Eastern Europe map study guide, study it
Music: ws due on Monday
Literature: ch 19-21 ws for Monday
English: journal
CE: ws for Monday
Science: took a test
Health: nothing

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Hey everybody! Rejoice with me. Yesterday I managed to bring two computers back from the dead. I don't know for how long they will stay that way, but for now I am pretty excited. Now, add to that that we all got to see Winnie the Pooh today and what more can you ask for? Current events, Meet Math, Phy Ed and a corrected science study guide with some study time and vision testing on the side? Well you got it! Plus we added some pirates on the end as well. Beat that!

Spelling: test tomorrow
CL: memory work from lesson 5 tomorrow
Geo: map test on Easter Europe tomorrow
Math: nothing although set 42 will be assigned tomorrow and we will skip 4,8,11,13,17,18,21,22 in case anyone needs to get a head start
English: two worksheets from today for tomorrow
Science: test tomorrow
Art: Artist Monthly worksheet for tomorrow
Music: Composers Monthly for Monday
Literature: we read two chapters in class, I handed out the worksheet in case anyone wanted to get started on it but it won't be due until Monday since we still have one chapter to read yet tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I hope you have had a good Wednesday. I have had a slew of technical issues culminating in my main computer dying! I will not be very responsive by email until I can get that taken care of. Please bare with me in my time of grief. Anyhow, despite that catastrophe, we managed to do some more work with direct objects, take our geo test (we averaged a B yea!), learn about how wind erodes, and even use the distributive property of multiplication over addition. As if that wasn't enough we got Jim reunited with the other folks despite the mutiny going full blast.

The WLA play is tomorrow. If you are driving please be here before 9. Thanks!

Spelling: unit 12 for Thursday, test is Friday
CL: memory work from lesson 5 for Friday
Math: set 41 skip 2,5,10,11,15,17,18,20,22,26,29
Geo: map test on Easter Europe tomorrow
Music: ws due on Monday
Art: ws due on Friday
English: sources due tomorrow
CE: nothing
Literature: ws tomorrow
Health: nothing

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Another whirlwind of a day is over, well half over is probably more accurate unless your life is a lot more sedate than I think it is! Today we talked about glaciers. We also learned that a Moraine is more than a state park and a high school. We discussed direct objects as well as reviewing for the geo test tomorrow. 

Spelling: unit 12 for Thursday and test on Friday
CL: memory work for Friday
Art: Da Vinci worksheet for Friday
Music: Chopin worksheet for Monday
Math: test
Geo: test tomorrow, Eastern Europe map on Thursday
English: no new assignment, sources are due on Thursday
CE: nothing
Science: quiz on 8-2
Literature: read ch 16 I handed out the worksheet for ch 16-18 right before choir. All they need to do is read Ch 16. They may fill out any ch 16 questions on the sheet but the sheet does not need to be done and they do not need to read past ch 16. We will read in class tomorrow.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Where do the weekends go? Well we are back at it again. We started talking about erosional forces, box and whisker graphs, the cultures of Europe and personification. We also got Jim ashore and a new friend, but don't know why the other "good guys" are on shore. We also listend to Chopin, our latest musician.

Spelling: unit 12 for Thursday, test Friday
Math: Investigation 4 #'s 5-12
Geo: study guide tomorrow
Music: Chopin sheets for next Monday
Art: Da Vinci ws for Friday
Health: nothing
English: sources are due for Thursday
CE: nothing
Science: quiz tomorrow, study guide for Thursday
Literature: read in class, ws due for tomorrow

Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy Friday! There is a busy weekend ahead! We took our science test today and we averaged a B. We also started to learn about Renaissance artists to go along with learning about the Renaissance countries in geography. It all ties together!

Spelling: unit 12 for next week
CL: Lesson five memory work for Next Friday
Math: pretest for Monday
Geo: ws for Monday, study guide for Tuesday
Music: nothing
English: journal
CE: news quiz
Science: took test
Health: nothing
Lit: nothing

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Hello again. Snow is back! Well, come on, it is WI after all! Gotta love it! We looked at angles today and how to figure out a bunch of angles based on the measurement of one of them. We also started a look at European history, but as expected, this took more than one class period, so we will wrap that up tomorrow. We also corrected the geo test and the science study guide so we are ready for the science test tomorrow. We averaged a B- on the study guide which is an improvement. I have to finish the essay question on the geo test but hope to have that entered before I go home tonight.

Spelling: test 11 tomorrow, unit 12 for next week
CL: memory work from lesson is due tomorrow
Math: set 40: skip 15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29
Geo: study guide is due 11-15
Music: Schubert is due tomorrow
Art: tree pic is due tomorrow
English: 3 ws from yesterday are due tomorrow
CE: nothing
Science: test tomorrow
Lit: ws on 10-12

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What a wet day! Good thing that doesn't stop learning. We talked about proportions today like 3/4 = 6/8 for example. We also discussed how to find a missing number in a ratio. We learned about the nuclear accident in the Soviet Union and how to make complex sentences. We also learned that Jim heard something that may have saved all their lives. Of course we have no idea what that is. We also talked about carbs and sugars, but ran out of time to talk about fats.

Spelling: unit 11 due tomorrow
CL: memory work from lesson 4 due Friday
Math: set 39 skip 3,4,6,9,10,11,12,
Geo: study guide is due the 15th, countries map test part one is due on the 16th
Science: quiz and study guide tomorrow, test Friday
Music: Schubert due on Friday
Art: tree picture due by Friday
CE: nothing
Lit: we read in class, nothing due
Health: nothing
English: story or stories due tomorrow, 3 ws due for Friday

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I hope your wet and dreary Tuesday was a decent one. We had issues today with technology as we tried to take the geography test, but we were able to overcome them. It was shortly after we decided to go old school and do it computer free, but I did end up showing those machines who was boss. We also looked at soil and charts, but we didn't get any charts about soil.

Spelling: unit 11 is due on Thursday. Don't wait to start until tomorrow! Test Friday
CL: memory work is due on Friday, don't wait to start that until Thursday!
Math: set 38: do #7 but skip the diagram part, also skip 9,10,17,19,28,29,30
Geo: map test on the geography of Europe TOMORROW!!!! 
Music: Schubert is due on Friday
English: ws 901 for tomorrow, final copy or copies for Thursday
CE: nothing
Science: quiz on section 2 tomorrow
Literature: ws on the chs 7-9 for tomorrow
Research paper: sources are due next week
Health: nothing
Art: fall picture is due by Friday

Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday! A field trip form was sent home today. I need it back ASAP please. I had already reserved some additional tickets for adults, but based on the response to Macbeth, I realized I way under ordered. I am going to try and add more tickets. The sooner I can do that the better chance we have of being able to accommodate everyone. Thanks for your help.

Spelling: Unit 11 for Thursday, test Friday
CL: Lesson four memory work for Friday
Math: set 37: skip 4,5,9,14,19,20,23,24,29
Geo: test tomorrow
Music: Schubert for Friday
English: final copie(s) for Thursday
CE: nothing
Science: quiz tomorrow, study guide for Thursday
Lit: read ch 9
Art: finish tree pic
Health: nothing

Friday, November 4, 2011

Hey! It's Friday! We took our science test today. We averaged about a C+ which is a bit lower than our normal average, but we did have several A's as well, so well done. We talked about simple probability. We also looked at the climate regions of Europe.

Spelling: Unit 11 for Thursday, test Friday
Music: Schubert for Friday 11-11
Art: finish tree project
Math: set 36 skip 6,12,13,15,16,19,30
Geo: Study guide Monday
Science: Study Guide Thursday
Health: nothing
CE: worksheet
English: story elements outline and rough draft
Literature: chapters 4-6 and worksheet
CL: lesson 4 memory work for Friday

Thursday, November 3, 2011

It was good to get back to the routine today. We started learning more about Europe and decimals. We also went through the study guide for the science test tomorrow. We started reading Treasure Island today as well. On the right hand side under links is a link to a favorite web site of mine. It is called Librivox. People take books that are in the public domain and read them out loud. They then make a recording of that available for free download. Treasure Island is one of the books that is available. If your student would like to follow along and listen to the book, or if you want to listen to it yourself, it is available for you. I would ask that any students who listen to it also read along as they do. Thanks!

On another note, our prezis went well. I have given the students their next country but we won't be doing those until some time next year. Some students are very excited and have been working on them already, but I wanted to make sure that everyone knows that they are not due for a long time yet.

Spelling: Unit 11 is due next Thursday, unit 10 test is tomorrow
CL: memory work from lesson 3 is due tomorrow
Art: have the painting available to finish tomorrow
Music: nothing
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
Science: test tomorrow
Lit: read chapters 2 and 3 and finish the worksheet
Geo: Study guide due for Monday, test Tuesday
English: 3 worksheets from yesterday are due for tomorrow (today we had study time to work on them)
Math: set 35: skip 1,5,6,23,25,30

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy Musical Day! We had a good show this afternoon and look forward to doing it again with an even bigger crowd tonight! The show starts at 6:30. We will meet in the room before and then head into the gym together.

Spelling: Unit 10 tomorrow, test Friday
CL: Memory work from lesson 3 for Friday
Geo: study guide for some time next week
Music: nothing
Art: nothing
Health: nothing
English: 3 worksheets for Friday
Math: set 34 skip 1,3,4,6,7,9,14,17,20,22,24,26
Literature: nothing
Science: study guide tomorrow, test Friday

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Long time no see! It has been a very busy few days since we last talked. Conference was interesting and I came back with several useful things. I have also been hard at work with some special visual for our musical. Remember it is tomorrow! Lots of student and teacher hard work has gone into it so come and enjoy!

Spelling: unit is due Thursday, the test is Friday
English: final copy is due tomorrow
Math: set 33 skip 1,7,20,22,24,26,30
Geo: we are going though our prezi's on Europe
Music: nothing
Health: nothing
Art: nothing
CL: memory from lesson 3 due for Friday
Science: study guide due for Thursday
Literature: nothing