Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Happy Tuesday!

Math: set 54 TOMORROW
Science: review for Thursday
Music: composer for Thursday
Vocab: Due Thursday

Monday, December 18, 2017

Happy last school Monday of the year! No math set because of practice this morning.

Math: none
CL: none
English: none
Lit: none
Geo: questions 2,3,4,5 TOMORROW
Music: Composer Thursday
Vocab: pages due Thursday
Science: none

Friday, December 15, 2017

Friday! Should be a light homework weekend. Work on those AR goals!

Math: set 53 MONDAY
Vocab: pages are due Thursday
Memory: none
Science: none
Music: Composer due Thursday
Geo: none
Art: none
English: ws for MONDAY

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Welcome to a cool Thursday. If you were in Oymyakon, Russia, you'd be experiencing -38 degrees below right now. Don't worry though. It is going to warm up to -20 degrees.  Doesn't seem so cold after all does it?

Memory: none
CL: none
Vocab: pages due TOMORROW
Math: set 52 (from yesterday) TOMORROW
Science: lesson summary TOMORROW
AR points are due ASAP. We have many students who are short on points!
CNN: none
Art: none

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Happy Wednesday! Happy Christmas Concert Day! In math today we asked you to Please Excuse Our Dear Aunt Sally. We got starry eyed in science, and then weent to da spuling be.

Memory: The Covenant TOMORROW!
Math: set 52 Friday
English: none
Science: none
Music: none
Lit: none
CL: none
Geo: none
Vocab pages are due Friday

Monday, December 11, 2017

Welcome to another Monday. We spent lots of time on Russian history, graphs and the Christmas service today. 

Memory: The Covenant for Thursday
CL: none
Geo: ws for TOMORROW
English; none
Lit: none
Art: Reflection sheet on Rousseau TOMORROW
Math: Investigation 1-5 TOMORROW
Science: none

Friday, December 8, 2017

Happy Friday!

Memory: Christmas service recitation for MONDAY
Math: set 50 for MONDAY
Geo: ws and CNN sheet for MONDAY
Science: none
English: none
Lit: Hamlet MONDAY
Vocab: pages are due for Friday
CL: none

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Welcome Thursday, how have you been? Apparently winter has arrived. We have had some very good discussions the past few days and today was no exception. It is interesting where things end up when we just let the student's minds go. We started learning about Russia today, added and subtracted mixed measures, and found out how forest fires help new life grow.

Hymn 7 vs 1 TOMORROW
Lit: Hamlet project Monday
Christmas service recitation Monday
Christmas Service song Thursday
Math: set 49 TOMORROW
Vocab: pages 62-66 TOMORROW
English: none
Science: none
Art: Reflection Sheet on Rousseau Tuesday

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Happy Advent! Thought I'd change it to actually be the 7th grade blog. You may have noticed it was saying 3rd grade! WHOOPS! Today we took a math test so there would be no math homework. We do have some memory work for tomorrow which is unusual.

Christmas Service memorization due tomorrow.
Hymn 7 vs 1 due Friday
Vocab: Friday
Lit: Hamlet project for Monday