Tuesday, December 22, 2015

MERRY CHRISTMAS! I'll see you Thursday at 2:10 or 4:10!

Monday, December 21, 2015

Tall Tale due tomorrow!

Friday, December 18, 2015

Howdy! Lots of Russia today! We also got to go see the Pre-School nativity. That was very neat. Some geo and current events over the weekend. Also, please remember to bring a soup can for Mrs. Kemnitz for art class.

CE: News Quiz for Monday
Math: we took a test
English: Tall Tale for Tuesday
Geo: 2 ws for Monday

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Happy Happy Thursday! The year is winding down! Where has it gone??? Today some of it when to Russia, Christmas service practice, making graphs and working with words! We also joined the 6th grade class for Zumba! That went well.

CL: none
CE: none
Math: Investigation 5, test TOMORROW
Memory: none
English: Tall Tale for Tuesday
Science: took a test
Geo: none
Lit: none
Music: none
Vocab: 115-117 for TOMORROW

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Happy Wednesday!

Science: Test TOMORROW
Vocab: 108-114 TOMORROW
Math: pretest TOMORROW

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Greetings friends. Today I learned that today in 1781 a planet was found with the help of a telescope for the first time. I was also reminded that waiting on hold is not much fun! Your students learned how to use unit multipliers to convert from one measurement to another. (As you can see below.)  We are all learning today that Mrs. K wants all of the students to bring in a soup can (or any can of that size) as soon as possible for their next art project. Thanks! 

CE: none
CL: none
Memory: none
Music: none
English: Tall Tale for Tuesday
Vocab: 108-114 for Thursday
Math: set 50 for TOMORROW (see below)
Lit: none
Geo: none
Science: pretest TOMORROW

Monday, December 14, 2015

Happy Packer victory Monday! Today we kept working on our service for Christmas, and worked on our science study guide for the test. (Due Wednesday) In math today, we worked on adding and subtracting mixed measures like 4 days, 2 hours, 32 minutes minus 2 days, 3 hours, 45 minutes. (see below)

CL: none
Math: set 49 see below for TOMORROW
English: Tall Tale for next Tuesday
Science: study guide for Wednesday
Lit: none
CE: none
Music: none
Vocab: 108-114 for Thursday
Geo: none

Math 49

Friday, December 11, 2015

Happy Friday! Today we visited Russia, changed fractions into percents, got a science pretest and worked on our Christmas service.

Memory: It Takes a Wise Man and recitation for MONDAY
Math: set 48 (see below) for MONDAY
English: Tall Tale for Tuesday the 22nd
CE: Newsquiz for MONDAY
Geo: ws for MONDAY
CL: ws for MONDAY
Vocab: 110-114 for Thursday
Music: none
Lit: AR POINTS for Friday
Science: study guide for Wednesday

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Happy Wednesday! Field trip tomorrow. Please have your student here with a lunch and dressed nicely by 7:25! Thanks.

Spelling Bee was today. Eli was declared the winner!

CL: none
CE: none
English: none
Lit: none
Memory: recitation for Friday
Vocab: 105-107 for Friday
Geo: none
Science: ws for Friday
Math: none
Music: none

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Happy Tuesday! Please remember we need all the students here before 7:30 with a cold lunch on Thursday.

CL: none
Memory: recitation for Friday
English: none
Science: ws for TOMORROW
Math: set 47 for TOMORROW see below
Geo: none
CE: none
Music: none
vocab: 105-107 for Friday

Monday, December 7, 2015

Math 46

Some reminders on a dreary Monday.

Field trip on Thursday. We LEAVE at 7:30 am and students will need a cold lunch. Dressing up a bit would be great.
As I emailed, we sing in both services on Sunday.
Several people need milk or lunch tickets (or will soon). Thanks to those who bought some.

Memory: more recitation for Friday
English: we did the ws in class, Tall Tale for the 22nd
Math: set 46 for TOMORROW, see below
Geo: none
Science: ws for Wednesday
Art: coloring picture
Vocab: 105-107 for Friday
Music: none
Lit: none
CL: none
CE: none