Friday, November 30, 2018

Happy Friday!
Math-Course 2 set 46 Course 3 44 MONDAY
Science-questions 5-19 MONDAY
Vocab-pg.77-79 Tuesday
Writing-Descriptive paragraph Friday

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Image result for thursday memeOr is it just me?

We took a math test today and also did lots of singing. We are starting to memorize for the Christmas service. We are starting off small for Monday, but then will be kicking it into high gear.

Hymn 7 vs 1 for Friday
7th-grade recitation block for Monday
Science: none
Grammar: none
Math: took a test
Red Fern: read in class
Vocab: synonym pages for TOMORROW

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Happy (I actually had to stop and think about it) Wednesday! We exchanged names for Christmas gifts today, ask your child who he/she got before he/she forgets! We also got Billy out on his first raccoon hunt. We started a new section in science by talking about air masses and weather fronts.

Hymn 7 vs 1 for Friday
Vocab synonym pages are due Friday
Math set 45 TOMORROW
Science: none
Grammar: none
CL: none
Literature: none
Geography: ws TOMORROW

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Math-Course2 set 44 Course 3 set 43 WEDNESDAY
Literature-Where the Red Fern grows response WEDNESDAY
Writing-Paragraph about Thanksgiving Break Friday
Hymn 7 vs 1 for Friday  

Monday, November 26, 2018

Math-Course 2 set 43 
Catechism-sermon summary
Hymn 7 vs 1 for Friday

Monday, November 19, 2018

Happy Monday all! Yes, I used happy and Monday in the same sentence. We repeated decimals, put our heads in the clouds, and found out what predicate nominatives are today.

Hymn 7 vs 1 for next week
Math: set 42 for TOMORROW
Vocab: antonym pages due TOMORROW
Science: Lesson Summary for next week Monday
Red Fern: none
Grammar: none
CL: hang on to the worksheet until next Monday

Friday, November 16, 2018

Don't forget babysitting tomorrow. See you then
Math-C2 set 41 C3 set 86 MONDAY
Grammer-Ws MONDAY
Christ Light-WS MONDAY 
Vocab-67-69 Monday