Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Greetings! Lord willing Thaddeus will get to come home tomorrow!

Today we reviewed our entire science chapter. We also hit a few European countries and the metric system as well.

Spelling: Unit 9 for Thurs, test Fri
CL: memory from lesson 4
Science: open note test with a partner tomorrow
Geo: 10 most important geographical features of Europe and why
Lit: no assignment
English: no assignment
Math: set 32 skip 5,7,12,14,18
Art: nothing
Music: nothing
CE: nothing
Health: nothing

Monday, October 22, 2012

Very busy day today! We are working on a drought activity for current events which ties in nicely with science. We moved the math test to tomorrow so we could work on the investigation of coordinate planes instead. No spelling this week. Half day Friday.

Spelling: none
CL: memory work from lesson 4 for next Thursday, no hymn
Science: ws on 7-1
Geo: nothing
Lit: nothing
English: nothing
Math: Investigation
Health: drought project for next Monday
CE: nothing
Art: nothing
Music: nothing

Friday, October 19, 2012

We had a good trip yesterday. The kids liked riding on the bus. They also got to play a version of Jeopardy and play with science toys. Oh yea, we saw a video of a jet hitting concrete. Want to know why? Ask your student!

Today we did some house keeping things including starting to look at our home made science tests. The students spent a lot of time looking thought the material to find out what questions were good to ask. We had some very good questions and a few not so good questions. The students found out how hard it is to come up with questions, especially the wrong answers! We had the Friday morning Bible class come in for a visit during our break. We then finished off the day by having the agronomist come in and have us do some hands on activities with rocks. It was a great way to wrap up our unit on minerals and rocks!

There were no new assignments today, but there are several bigger things due on Monday that were assigned Tuesday or Wednesday.

Thanks to all of you who were able to meet with me with week. It helped quite a bit. I am looking forward to meeting with the rest of you on Monday. As you know, I will be gone on Tuesday and Wednesday to be with Thaddeus in the hospital. Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Field Trip tomorrow! Bring a lunch.

Spelling: unit tomorrow
CL: memory work for Friday
Geo: ws for Friday
Science: take home test for MONDAY
Music: nothing
Art: nothing
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
English: final copy Monday
Math: set 30: 7, 21, 24, 29, 30
Lit: project for Monday

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Happy Tuesday! I posted a link to a slide show featuring pictures from when we went to UWFDL. They would like to use our pictures as well. Please let me know if you have a problem with this. I plan to tell them to go ahead. Thanks!

We looked at writing narratives today. We also looked at how to round fractions and to certain place values. We also checked out sedimentary rocks and Central America. We also got invited to 8th grade for a short presentation. Thanks!

Spelling: Unit is DUE ON THURSDAY, test Friday
English: FINAL copy is due on Monday
CL: Memory from lesson 3 is due on FRIDAY
Science: Quiz tomorrow
Geo: ws for tomorrow
Math: set 29 skip 5, 16, 18. 19, 22
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
Art: Nothing
Music: nothing
Literature: project for Monday

Slide show of the pictures taken when we went to UWFDL for science activities.  2012-2013 UWFDL trip

Monday, October 15, 2012

The Lord has granted us another week! Today we started on our final projects for Hatchet. We also took a look at average and other multi-step math problems. We also spent some time thinking about what causes stress in teens and what they can do about it. We also took a quick visit to Mexico.

Field trip is on Thursday. Students will need a cold lunch. We want to leave as soon as we can. Thanks!

Spelling: Unit 8 for THURSDAY, test Friday
CL: Memory from lesson 3 for FRIDAY
Art: nothing
Music: nothing
CE: nothing
English: 2 ws from Friday for Tomorrow
Science: quiz tomorrow
Geo: ws for tomorrow
Health: nothing
Lit: project for next Monday
Math: set 28 skip 16, 18, 20, 24, 27

Friday, October 12, 2012

We had a pretty calm day today. We did get in our spelling test and a bit of art and a few other things as well, including SUPERLATIVES!

Spelling: Unit 8 for Thursday
CL: memory from lesson 3 for Thursday
Science: quiz
Geo: nothing
Math: set 27 skip 6, 7, 11, 13, 26
Lit: nothing
English: 2 ws for Tue
Art: nothing
Music: nothing
Health: nothing
CE: news quiz for Tuesday

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Spelling Test tomorrow
CL: memory work from lesson three next week
Science: quiz, tests are due tomorrow
Geo: ws
Math: set 26 skip 4, 13, 16, 21, 27
English: nothing
Health: nothing
Music: nothing
Art: nothing
CE: nothing
Lit: nothing

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Today we spent some time talking about what makes a good test question. The class is finding out that coming up with these questions is harder than they thought, especially if you aren't allowed to be silly! The class then worked on finishing their tests, using good questions. We also had a very quick history of Latin America. We took our math test and lit test today as well. We are also finishing up our five paragraph essays. We also spent some quality time working on our song that we sing in the late service on Sunday.

Spelling: Unit 7 for Tomorrow, test Friday
CL: memory from lesson 2 for tomorrow
 Science: finish test if not done already
Geo: ws for tomorrow
Lit: nothing
English: final copy
Art: nothing
music: nothing
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
Math: took a test

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Today are trying something new. We are using Google forms to make our own science tests. The students are in groups looking up questions to ask on their tests. They need to find important information to base their questions on, then figure out some false answer choices as well. Then they enter it into the Google form and note the answer on a sheet of paper. After working on it for some time, most students agreed that writing a test takes a lot longer than they thought! We also reviewed how to divide fractions. That was a quick lesson since the class remembered how to do that from past years. We also took a MLC Meet Math test.

Spelling: unit 7 for Thursday, test Friday
CL: memory work from lesson 2 for Thursday
Science: working on making a test
Geo: nothing
Literature: ws, quiz and test tomorrow
English: final copy paragraph due Thursday
Math: set 25 skip 8, 15, 20, 23, 30
Health: nothing
Music: nothing
Art: nothing

Monday, October 8, 2012

We finished our Latin America presentations today. The Europe ones will be due in a couple of weeks. We also learned a short cut in math.
Please return the parent/teacher/student conference slips as soon as you can.

Spelling: Unit 7 for Thursday, test Friday
CL: memory from lesson 2 for Thursday
Geo: nothing
Science: nothing
Lit: ws from the last section of chapters, quiz and test for Wednesday
English: rough draft of 5 paragraph essay for Tuesday
Math: set 24 skip 2, 7, 23, 26, 30
CE: newsquiz for tomorrow
Art: nothing
Music: nothing

Friday, October 5, 2012

Good day! You should have gotten a note regarding parent/student/teacher conferences. It is going to be a bit different for 7th grade due to my son's surgery. Thanks for your flexibility! (By the way, if you are more interested in Thaddeus' condition, I do send out periodic email updates that you can subscribe to. I also post these to a blog at http://thaddeusupdates.blogspot.com/.)

Today we started our presentations for geography. So far I am well pleased with the work the students have done. We are learning a lot about some of the countries in Latin America. We also worked on borrowing when subtracting fractions.

Spelling: unit 7 for Thursday, test Friday
CL: memory work for lesson 2 for Thursday
Art: nothing
Music: nothing
English: nothing
Health: review that was assigned last week is due on Monday
Geo: nothing (unless your prezzi sin't done)
Literature: read the next chapter
CE: news quiz for Tuesday
Math: set 23: skip 9, 10, 15, 20, 23
Science: nothing

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Happy Wednesday! Yea I know it's Thursday, I was hoping you wouldn't notice that between my meeting and the soccer game last night, I forgot to blog! That's two late slips for me now. Anyhow, the field trip was great. We may even get some pictures later. Ask about the river and the volcanoes!

Spelling: Test tomorrow
Cat.:test tomorrow
Art: nothing
Geo: map due tomorrow
Health: review due on Monday
English: Sheets from Tue due tomorrow
Math: set 22 11,15,18,21,28
Music: Beethoven tomorrow
CE: nothing
Science: quiz

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Happy Tuesday! We rocked on the math test yesterday! Great job all! We have several bigger assignments and the field trip Thursday, so we have lots due for Friday.

Spelling: unit 6 for Thurs, Test Friday
Science: quiz tomorrow
Geo: map for Friday
English: 2 ws for Friday
Health: review for next Monday
Math: investigation for tomorrow
Music: Beethoven for Friday
CE: nothing
Art: catch up to where we ended in class if you didn't already

Monday, October 1, 2012

Hey! Sorry about not blogging Friday. It got hectic after school and it just didn't happen. I am back today though! We were talking about the climates of Latin America. They have a bit of everything! Don't forget that pesky El Nino. We also looked at the different shapes that crystals can form. We took a math test and we studied helping verbs.

Walking field trip on Thursday. Pray for no rain!

Spelling: Unit 6 for Thursday, test Friday
CL: memory work from lesson 1 for WEDNESDAY (Pastor has a conference)
Science: quiz tomorrow
Geo: ws for tomorrow
Math: took test
Lit: chapter 16 for Wednesday
Music: Beethoven for Friday
Art: nothing
Health: review pages for next Mon
CE: nothing