Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Welcome to Wednesday! Did you miss me yesterday? I had a meeting immediately after school and didn't get a chance to blog before. Seems as if everyone survived! Today we stopped and spent the math class reviewing negatives, combining like terms and multiplying all sorts of letters and things. For our assignment, students need to hand in corrections on at least one (more would be great) set from this quarter. We also started a new challenge in IE. It ties into our current science lessons and should be a little fun as well! We are also frantically working on our Shakespeare projects. I am giving them more time to work on it in class and moved the due date to Friday.

Have you heard that we aren't using the assignment board anymore this quarter? I am trying to get the students to be more responsible about writing down assignments right away instead of mobbing the board at the end of the day. That's also why the blog has been a little more vague of late.  If you have comments or thoughts on it, feel free to let me know!

The hymn is due for Friday, math corrections are due tomorrow, science questions are due on Friday and so is vocab.

Have a lovely night.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Happy Monday! Hope your break was great. We have some grammar due for Wednesday, some old vocab to correct tomorrow, and of course a new math set. We are also discussing the planets.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Friday March 15,2019

Happy Friday! Enjoy your break from Spring!
CNN-Ws Monday
Hymn-103 vs1-6 Friday
Vocab-pages Tuesday
Everything else-none

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Related imageMeanwhile around the corner from school . . . .

Hymn, Vocab, Geo and Math are due tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Happy Wednesday! Math is due tomorrow, hymn and vocab for Friday.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

What's with all the sunshine? It's weird! Encourage your students to take their time on their math and think about the problems. We are doing problems that587: 3,4  involve many parts and negatives. They need to be very careful with each step. I helped illustrate that today by making my own mistake. (All in the cause of education of course!) I offered printouts of the examples I did on the board to all of the students so they could see the below examples on paper.

Hymn 587: 3,4 Friday
Math set 85 TOMORROW
Grammar: ws TOMORROW
Lit: none
Vocab: pages are due Friday
Science: review due TOMORROW