Friday, May 19, 2017

Play time is almost here! We looked over our geo review for the test on MONDAY and we added to our math skills.

Math: set 109 MONDAY
Geo: test MONDAY

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Our dress rehearsal went pretty well today! Good job all.

Memory: hymn 173 TOMORROW
Geo: study guide TOMORROW
Vocab: pages 156-159  TOMORROW
Math: set 108

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Memory: 173 vs 1 Friday
CE: none
CL: project due TOMORROW
Geo: study guide for Friday
Science: Digital Lesson TOMORROW
English: none
Lit: none
Math: set 107 TOMORROW
Music: Theory ws TOMORROW
Vocab pages for Friday

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

CL: project for Thursday
Hymn: 173 for Friday
English: none
Math: set 106
Science: none
Geo: ws for TOMORROW
CE: none
Vocab: pages for Friday
Music: theory sheets for Thursday

Monday, May 15, 2017

Memory: Hymn 173
CL: project for THursday
CE: none
Vocab: pages 156-159
Geo: 24-2 TOMORROW
Science: none
English: ws for Tuesday
Lit: none
Music; theory sheets for Thursday
Math: took a test

Friday, May 12, 2017

I'm back! Did you miss me? With play practice Tuesday, the track meet Wednesday and being gone observing on Thursday, I haven't had a chance to blog in days! We started off the day with a devotion led by a WLA senior. Then we did our one verse hymn. Most of the class got A's but a few will be redoing it next week. For math, we worked with surface area. Easy enough to do, but it takes time and there are lots of places to make mistakes. Some of us had play practice and some of us got to hang out with 4th graders. Then we reviewed tides in science. Oh yea, we had a vocab review in there as well. Then we got to watch live theater the rest of the day. Nice jon pK-6! Our turn is next Friday!

Memory: Hymn 173
CL: project for MONDAY
CE: newsquiz for MONDAY
Vocab: pages 156-159
Geo: none
Science: Lesson summary for MONDAY
English: ws for Tuesday (Don't wait until Monday night to start it!)
Lit: none
Music; theory sheets for Thursday
Math: set 105

Monday, May 8, 2017

Hey, we are running out of Monday's in this school year! Good thing we got to transversals and simplifying equations today. There were a few bonuses during our math lesson today for those paying attention. They are posted below. We send the moon through phases and eclipsed it while we were at it. We started reports on world religions today during Christ Light. Many of these religions come from parts of Asia, so it is a great tie in with geography.

Memory: hymn 320 vs 1 FRIDAY
CE: learn your lines for the play
Geo: ws for TOMORROW
Science: lesson summary for Wednesday
Lit: learn your lines for the play
English: learn your lines for the play
CL: World religion project
Vocab: pages for Friday
Music: theory sheets for Thursday
Math: set 102 for TOMORROW