Friday, February 27, 2015

Happy Friday! We went though most all of the 4 min speeches today. Guess what. EVERYONE survived! We worked on a math pretest as well as zoomed through 6 billion years of fake history and discussed countries that didn't even exist "back in my day."

CE: news quiz for MONDAY
Memory: 606 vs 1+2 for FRIDAY
English: none
Lit: none
Geo: ws on section 3 MONDAY
Science: none
Math: pretest for MONDAY
Vocab: none
Music: none
Art: sketch book for TUESDAY
CL: none

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Take a look at the previous post for math examples. We worked on finding the area of shapes that have a rectangle and a triangle in it, or the are of a trapezoid. Tomorrow we plan on getting through most all of our 4-minute speeches. We also finished our movie, peeked at Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan and their neighbors. Shakespeare was back on the agenda and so was vocab.

CL: none
Memory: none
Math: set 75 skip 1,6,15,22,28 FRIDAY
Music: theory sheets FRIDAY
English: Speeches FRIDAY
CE: none
Lit: none
Geo: section 2 ws FRIDAY
Vocab: none
Science: fill in the blank notes FRIDAY

Math 75

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

CL: none
CE: none
Engish: 4 min speech
Geo: ws for FRIDAY
Science: note sheet for THURSDAY
Vocab: 153-155 for THURSDAY
Lit: nothing
Math: Lesson 74 skip 6,11,13,19,20
Music: theory sheets for FRIDAY
Memory: none

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

We started our four-minute speeches today. One thing to remember is to include actions and to sound excited about your topic! In math today we had a pretty quick lesson on multiplying negative and positive numbers. Remember: two wrongs don't make a right, but two negatives do make a positive (but only when multiplied). You can see the examples below.

CL: none
CE: none
Math: set 73 skip 2,4,11,15,21 for WEDNESDAY
Science: notes on section 1 for WEDNESDAY
Geo: ws for WEDNESDAY
Vocab: 153-155 for THURSDAY
English: 4-minute speech
Lit: nothing
Music: Theory Sheets for FRIDAY
Art: Sketchbook for TUESDAY
Memory: none

Math set 73

Monday, February 23, 2015

Happy Monday! Today we started looking at North Africa today. For math we went through many of the problems on the last two sets in class. Our assignment is to make corrections for tomorrow. For science, we started looking over the section on fossils and clues to the earth's past. We will discuss what the theories are and why we don't believe them. We also got to watch a little of the made for TV movie "The Westing Game".

CL: none
Memory: none
English: 4 min speech presentations tomorrow
Vocab: 153-155 for THURSDAY
Geo: section 1 ws for WEDNESDAY
Science: notes on section 1 for WEDNESDAY
Math: corrections on 72-73
Lit: nothing
Music: theory sheets for FRIDAY
CE: none

Thursday, February 19, 2015

We practiced our four min. speeches one more time today. We will have them ready to go for next week.

We are being asked to have the students dress in a plain white shirt for a school picture next weekTuesday. Thanks!

Tried something new in math today. I printed off my smart board pages for the students so they could take note and do the problems with me. They can use this as a reference. I also posted the drawn on examples to the blog.

Memory: 103 1-4 for TOMORROW
CL: none
Math: set 72 skip 13,14,18,28,30
English: 4 min speech ready to go from notes final copy TUESDAY
Vocab: 146-152 for TOMORROW
Geo: open book test for TOMORROW
Science: took test
CE: none
Music: composer for TOMORROW
Lit: nothing

Math Lesson 72

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Memory: 103 1-4 for FRIDAY
Math: set 71 skip 6,10,14,21,24 TOMORROW
Geo: 17-2 ws THURSDAY
Science: test THURSDAY
CE: none
Lit: none
Vocab: pages due for THURSDAY
Music: ws for FRIDAY
English: 4 min speech should be ready from NOTES THURSDAY

Monday, February 16, 2015

Happy Monday! Amazing how many students came to school today with hair cuts! Looking good. We worked on our math pretest today and then corrected it right away to use as a guide for our test tomorrow. In geography, we looked at the major religions or North Africa and the Middle East and some of the conflicts that have arisen around those religions. To top that off, we looked at geographic formations that form with volcanoes. We finished the day by starting our discussion of Shakespeare. It wasn't as bad as all that.

CL: worksheet
Memory: 103 1-4 for FRIDAY
Science: Study guide for WEDNESDAY, test THURSDAY
CE: none
Geo: 'quiz' worksheet for WEDNESDAY
Lit: ws for WEDNESDAY
English: 4 min speech actually at 4 min for TUESDAY, have notes ready for THURSDAY
Vocab: 143-145 for THURSDAY
Music: Composer due FRIDAY

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Happy Wednesday. We watched some fantastic volcanic explosions, learned about some of the dangers of volcanoes and what some scientists are doing to try and help save lives. We also did an investigation about getting x all alone. (It's very anti-social). We also reviewed our Bible history as we talked about ancient Egypt, Isreal and Mesopotamia.

CE: none
Memory: none
Math: Investigation 11-21
Science: none
Geo: none
Music: Composer for next FRIDAY
Vocab: pages due net THURSDAY
Lit: none
English: 4 min speech

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

HAPPY BIRTHDAY THADDEUS! In honor of his birthday, we had math! Yea! We talked about finding the volume of a 3-dimensional object. We also practiced our 4 min speech and found out some of us have a 2 or 3 min speech only. Shakespeare did say that brevity is the soul of wit, but in this case we need a minimum of 3:30! 4 is better.

CL: none
Memory: none
CE: none
Music: Musician Monthly for NEXT FRIDAY
Math: set 70 skip 2,5,13,24,29
English: work on getting the 4 min speech to 4 min for TUESDAY
Vocab: 143-145 for NEXT THURSDAY
Geo: Foldable and essay due WEDNESDAY
Science: ws both sides for WEDNESDAY
Lit: nothing

Monday, February 9, 2015

Happy Monday everyone! We started the day with a new Christ Light book. We then looked at scientific notation again, This time we were given examples of it done wrong and we worked on how to fix it. It usually comes down to adding one or subtracting one, but which one becomes the question. The rest of the day was filled with things like aquifers, volcanoes, and racoon hunting dogs. Have a great night!

CL: none
Memory: none
Math: set 69 skip 3,6,16,18,30 for TUESDAY
Science: ws for WEDNESDAY
Geo: foldable and essay for WEDNESDAY
CE: none
Lit: none
Vocab: 143-145 for NEXT THURSDAY
English: 4 min speech
Music: Composer for NEXT FRIDAY

Friday, February 6, 2015

Happy Friday! We got through most of our literature projects today. We had some very nicely done ones. The next big thing is the 4 min speech rough draft for Monday.

CE: News Quiz for MONDAY
Memory: none
CL: books if not already handed in
Vocab: finish the unit for Thursday 2-19
Music: Hayden for Friday 2-20
Literature: none
Science: none
Geo: foldable AND essay for WEDNESDAY
Math: set 68 skip 2,4,8,17,21 for MONDAY
English: 4 min rough draft MONDAY

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Happy Thursday! Today we started looking at the landscapes and resources of our new geography section. Fresh, clean water is a huge deal here. We also started working with geometric solids in math. In addition we also had a gigantic dialogue leaving our minds ajar to implore ourselves to adequately mull over the innumerable uses in narratives and overtures of our vocab workshop words without causing havoc or a stalemate in our hearths  and homes.   We took some time to work on our English speech and our literature projects, and took a test in science.

CL: book due
Memory: hymn 429 1-3 for TOMORROW
Math: set 67 skip 10,18,22,24,29
English: rough draft due on MONDAY (This may need research!)
Vocab: 138-142 for TOMORROW
CE: none
Geo: none
Science: none
Music: theory sheets TOMORROW
Lit: project

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Another Wednesday has come to pass. I hope yours was a good one. We looked at more ratios today in math, looked over the Middle East and Northern Africa, and learned a little more about the world around us.

CE: none
CL: none
Memory: 429 1-3
English: 4 min speech rough draft for MONDAY
Geo: none
Science: test tomorrow
Math: set 66 skip 3,5,11,20,29
Lit: project
Vocab: 133-135 for THURSDAY
Art: project
Music: theory sheets for FRIDAY

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Greetings! The calendar tells me it is Tuesday, despite the fact that my body is telling me it must be Thursday. We took our math test today after looking at the pretest answers to see what we did wrong. We did a nice job on our English worksheet for today.

Right now for English and literature we are working on some bigger projects. I know some of the students have been working on their literature, but I suspect many have not been really working on either. Please encourage your students not to put either one off until the last moment, (the same goes for memory work) and to instead make good use of their study time at school.

Our four min speech rough draft is due on Monday. Just a few reminders, a note cards are allowed, but the speech may not be read. It should also include some facts. If the student is using their research paper topic, then that is already done. If not, they need to do some research on the topic. The goal is to get as close to 4 min as possible. A bare minimum would be 3:30

Just a reminder that this is our last scheduled week for donations for the Solutions Center. Donations have been pretty few and far between. If you were planning to donate, please bring it in this week sometime. Thanks!

CL: none
Memory: Hymn 429 vs 1-3 FRIDAY
Art: Pop art project for TUESDAY
Science: Study guide for WEDNESDAY
Vocab: pages 133-135 for THURSDAY
Lit: project
English: 4 min speech rough draft for MONDAY
CE: none
Geo: none
Music: theory sheets for FRIDAY
Math: took test

Hello everyone! Sorry about no blog last night. It was a very busy night with one thing after another and the blog got lost in the shuffle. On the bright side, we (the IT committee) made good progress on the phone system at our meeting last night.

So in the better late than never category:

CL: none
Math: pre-test, test TUESDAY 2-3
Science: study guide for WEDNESDAY
CE: none
Geo: took test
Lit: projects
Vocab: 133-135 for THURSDAY
Music; Theory for FRIDAY
English: ws for TUESDAY 2-3, write 4 min speech rough draft for next TUESDAY
Memory: hymn 429 vs 1-3 for FRIDAY
Art: Sketchbook for TUESDAY 2-3