Thursday, May 26, 2011

HAPPY LAST DAY OF SCHOOL (for the kids). Keep them reading over the summer and we will see you next year.

I'll be having meetings and working on next year until we take Thaddeus in for surgery. That is still on for the 6th and 7th. The average recovery time is 7 to 10 days. Keep up the prayers! Thanks!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Happy last full day of school! We watched the Hobbit movie today. Not quite the best version, but since it is the only version so far . . . We also learned about how NASA fixed Hubble and talked about space stations. We finished going though our voice thread projects and also went through our fairy tales. All in all an entertainingly educational day.

Please remember to send bags along tomorrow so that students will be able to carry their stuff home.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

We stayed dry and cool today. We had some fun, but we also learned the importance of listening to each other.

The English final copy is due tomorrow and the literature essay questions are also do. Please don't forget! Have a great night.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Field tomorrow! Please remember a lunch and there will be no cooler.
We started watching our geo projects on Voicethread. Check them out. Your studnet can show you how.

Spelling: nothing
Religion: nothing
Math: review sets 75 and 82 on page 776
Geo: we watched our voice thread projects. Check them out.
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
English: fairy tale final copy
Science ws 25 3+4
Lit: 3 essays
Art: nothing
Music: nothing
Good news update!  Wautoma is predicting 65 and partly sunny for Tuesday! (So far at least.)

Friday, May 20, 2011

We have had some blog problems this week, the problem being I got so busy after school I forgot to do it! So sorry! (On the plus side I did get the computer virus removed.) Anyhow, so ends the last complete week of school. We got to watch the lower grades play entitled "I Need a Vacation!" That got our minds thinking about summer, that and the beautiful weather. Speaking of weather, I will keep an eye on the weather forecast for Wautoma, but as of right now they are predicting a slight chance of rain and a high of 57. Last year it was in the 90s. We shall see, but keep an eye on it so we dress appropriately.

Today we started chapter six of Romans. We also finished up our geography projects. Those that were done already worked on building a model of a lunar lander. We are starting our fairy tales for English but reviewing for math.

Spelling: nothing, we are all done!
Lit: read in class, we will finish the book on Monday and have our essays due for Wednesday.
Science: ws on 25 1+2
English: Fairy Tale rough draft for Monday, final copy for Wednesday
CE: nothing (President Obamah thinks Israel should give back all the land they got in the 6 day war? WOW!)
Health: nothing
Art: nothing
Music: nothing
Math: two review sections from page 776
Romans: ws we did in class

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Happy Wednesday! Today we took some more verses in Romans. We had a bit of a technical difficulty, but we were able to try out some different technology which worked out well indeed. We also did some review in math and English, kept hammering away on our projects for geography and got Smaug killed in The Hobbit.

Spelling: unit 36 due tomorrow, test Friday
Lit: read in class
Science: two wshs
English: ws 31-2b
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
Geo: project
Math: 111,114 page 777]
Art: color window picture
Music: nothing

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Well, we had some technological difficulties today, but we eventually got our science test taken. We also did a math test, worked on our geo projects and did some more work on words that are often mixed up. The principal reason our principal is here is to uphold our principle of Christian education.

Anyhow . . .

Spelling: unit 36 for Thursday, test Friday
Lit: read in class
Science: took a test today
English: ws 31-a
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
Art: color
Music: nothing
Geo: project
Math: end of the year test
Romans: nothing

Monday, May 16, 2011

Today we got Hubble launched but oppps it has a problem! We also took our math test, worked on our geography project, and did most of our English reports.

Spelling: Unit 36 for Thursday, test Friday
Lit: in class
Science: test tomorrow
English: nothing
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
Geo: project
Math: test
Romans: ws in class
Art: color the picture
Music: nothing

Friday, May 13, 2011

Happy Friday everyone! Today we looked at a movie version of Treasure Island. It is interesting how with a few small twists you can change the nature of the characters and thereby the story. Is Silver a bad guy or a good guy?

Spelling: Unit 36 for next week
Lit: nothing
Art: color window picture
Music: nothing
Science: test on Tuesday
English: word pairs report for Monday
CE: nothing
Geo: country project
Math: nothing
Religion: nothing
Health: nothing

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Wow its a warm one out there! I am sending home the paper work for our field trip today. (It got handed out during Youth Praise, so some of you may not get it until tomorrow.) There is your standard information sheet, but there is also a registration form from Camp Phillip. I need both back, with the $15 as soon as you can work it. Thanks!

Today we started our project for geography. We also reviewed for our science test for next week. We did some math and English work, and talked more about the book of Romans. We also watched the Road to Emmaus video. Ask your child about it. I think it is very well done.

Spelling : Test 35 tomorrow
Lit: in class
Science: test next week
English: ws 30-3c, 30-4d
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
Geo: project
Math: set 120 all but 19
Romans: in class
Art: window picture
Music: nothing

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Hey, it's Tuesday! Today we saved the crew of Apollo 11, took a math pretest, reviewed for the geography test, tired to figure out if the dependant clause was an adj or an adv, and we got the dwarfs out of the barrels and they are all alive, for now!

Two weeks from today  we will take our trip to Camp Philip! There will be a sheet coming home soon, but the entire trip will be accomplished within the confines of a regular school day. The cost will be $15 thanks to some help from the school to cover the cost of the bus.

Track meet tomorrow, weather permitting. Dress appropriately. 

Spelling: unit 35 due Thurs, test Fri
Lit: read in class
Science: quiz
English: ws 30-1A, 30-2b
Geo: test
Health: nothing
CE: ws
Math: pretest
Romans: nothing
Art: window picture
Music: nothing

Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy rain filled Monday. Today we learned about how we can't divide by zero. We also continued to study Romans. We looked at the moon some, but will study it more tomorrow. We also wrapped up our study of Antarctica.

Spelling: Unit 35 for Thurs, test Friday
Lit: in class
Science: quiz on section 2 review due Thurs
Health: nothing
CE: ws
English: nothing
Math: 119 skip 5,12,15,23-30
Geo: quiz and study guide tomorrow
Romans: in class
Art: window picture by Friday, not colored.
Music: nothing

Friday, May 6, 2011

Thanks PSF for the lunch! I had a toasted club sandwich and the Backyard grill and it was good! Thank you also to those who gave gifts. It is especially nice at this time of year, when the students would rather be outside then trying to learn, to get a little pat on the back to let us know our long hours are appreciated. The thing is, we appreciate your long hours with your children, too!

Spelling: Unit 35
Lit: nothing
Art: window picture, b+w we will color next week
Music: nothing
Science: quiz on Monday, review for Thursday
English: ws 29-5 F
CE: ws
Health: review on pages 438-439
Geo: quiz on section 2 review due on Tuesday
Math: 118 skip 3,7,12,14,15,20,21,24,25,27
Religion: nothing

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Today we bowled! We had a good time, got some exercise and raised some much needed funds. We also learned about slope intercept form, heard Paul speak to us about our hypocrisy, spent some more time in Australia and New Zealand,  and we saw that dependant clauses can be used as adjectives. Whew! What a day.

Spelling: test 34 tomorrow
Lit: read in class
Science: quiz on Monday
English: nothing
CE: ws
Health: 438-439 review
Geo: quiz on ch 30 section 1
Math: 117 skip 2,3,5,10,11,12,14,16,22,30
Romans: ws we finished in class
Art: nothing
Music: Joplin ws


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What a beautiful day! Today we heard the Apostle Paul speak to us about thinking we are better than others just because we seem to lead a more moral life. We also did some factoring of binomials and trinomials. We also looked at why we have seasons and learned lots of vocabulary words.

Spelling: Unit 34 for Thursday, test Friday
Lit: Hobbit, in class
Science: Chapter 23 section 1 quiz, study guide will be due next Thurs.
English: ws 29 4 D and E
CE: ws for next week
Health: review 438-439 for next week
Geo: took test
Math: 116 skip 1,6,7,11,18,22,28,30
Romans: ws we did in class
Art: nothing
Music: Scott Joplin ws for Friday

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Welcome to Tuesday! Today we landed on the moon! Well, we watched some guys land on the moon while Micheal Collins orbited the moon so they would have some place to go back to. We also learned how the metric system connects mass, area, and volume in a very logical and easy way. We reviewed for our geography test and expanded our knowledge of subordinate clauses.

Thanks to everyone who is helping make this teacher appreciation week special!

Spelling: Unit 34 due Thursday, test Friday
Lit: Read in class
Science: If you were around then, talk to your student about the moon landing, or get Grandma and Grandpa to do it!
English: ws 29-3 C
Health: 438 1-16, 439 1-32 for next Monday/Tuesday
CE: ws for Wed/Thurs
Geo: test
Math: 115 skip 3,4,6,7,14,15,19,28
Romans: nothing
Art: nothing
Music: Joplin ws (Scott not Janice)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Happy Monday! Today we kept rolling with Australia and New Zealand. We also got to Appollo 10 but are still waiting to land on the moon. In math we looked at negative exponents which is easier than it sounds as it turns out.