Friday, January 29, 2010

Happy Friday! Today we did another perspective picture, but with a greater degree of freedom. We also looked at solving equations where we have a ratio but don't know the total number of things. We reviewed the four kinds of sentences and learned more about a composer the students studied last year. We also reviewed convection, conduction and radiation.

Math : Set 71 Science: ws section 1 from yesterday English: write 8 sentences

Literature: nothing Spelling: test Monday Cat: sermon summary

CL: page 7 for Monday MW: Psalm 2 for Thursday Art: nothing CE: nothing

Music: Composer sheet Wednesday GEO: quiz 14-2, review numbers 1-13

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Good News! Math scores on set 70 were, on average, significantly better. Let's keep that trend going! Today we discussed keeping an equation balanced and what that means to us for solving. We also talked about precipitation and spent a lot of time on clouds.

Math: Investigation 7 in class, do corrections if any Science: nothing

English: ws 1-3 Lit: nothing Spelling: Test Cat: Sermon Summary

CL Page 7 for Monday Psalm 2 out of the hymnal for Thursday

Music: ws 7-13 for Friday Art: nothing Health: nothing CE: nothing

Geo: Q 14-1 notes 14-2

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

We had a few tests today. That should mean less homework tonight. A good chance to work on that academic fair project and AR points.

Math: took test
Science: took test
English: ws 1-2
Literature: ws from yesterday for tomorrow (follow that?)
Spelling: unit 22, test Friday
CL: page 6 of the Psalms book
No memory work for tomorrow, Psalm 2 out of the hymnal for next week
Music: theory ws 7-13 for Friday
Art: nothing
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
Rough Draft is due February 4th.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Keep working on those Academic Fair projects. Today we reviewed for our science test, talked about volume and finished reading our fairy tales. We really need to work on the run on sentences because the students like to go on and on and not use punctuation unless of course they use a fragment. Because proofreading is needed.

Math: Set 70
Science: Test
Geo: test
English: Academic Fair
Lit: ws for Thursday
Spelling: Unit 22 for Thursday
CL: Psalms sheet p. 6 for Thursday
MW: Eph 2:19-20 Romans 12:5
Music: Vivaldi for Wednesday
Art: nothing
Health: nothing
CE: nothing

Monday, January 25, 2010

Lunch and Milk ticket count has been updated.
Today we looked at another Psalm. We read through some of our fairy tales and learned that while we are a creative bunch, proofreading would have been good. You can read them yourself. The link to the web page is on the right.
This weekend and this morning, my son (thanks Jeremiah) tabulated which problems students got wrong on the last three math sets. Today, I then used the class time to go through the problems that the most students got wrong. The assignment for tomorrow is to make corrections on any of these three lessons where the student got 10 or more wrong. He or she should also get those papers signed by a parent or guardian.

Math: corrections
Science: vocab and overview sheets, test Wed
Geo: Q 13-2, rev p. 384-385 #1-12
English: nothing
Literature: nothing
Spelling: unit 22 for Thursday
Cat: Sermon Summary
CL: Page 6 of the Psalms book due on Thursday
MW: 2nd part of Holy Communion
Music: Vivaldi for Wednesday
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
Art: nothing
Academic Fair rough draft is due on 2-4

Friday, January 22, 2010

Today we had lots of study time so that the students could get their daily work done at school. I am hoping they will use the extra time this weekend to work on their Academic Fair projects and their AR books.

Today we talked about air movement and how the sun causes wind. We also learned about, and took a turn writing a Haiku. We also looked at how to multiply a positive and a negative exponent. (Easier than it sounds.) I want to make you aware of a new policy. Students are always welcome to make corrections, but from now on if anyone gets ten or more wrong, he or she will need to get the paper signed and then make corrections on all the problems that were incorrect, and then hand it in to be re-checked. I have been encouraging the students to ask questions. Today they did a GREAT job of that.

Math: set 69 (40 min of study time)
Science: section 15-3 ws and notes (15 min)
Art: we finished our 2 point perspective pictures (5 - 20 min extra study time)
Geo: nothing new notes 13-2 and quiz 13-1 again for Monday
English: Haiku for Monday remember to illustrate (1. 25 hours)
Spelling: took test Unit 22 for net Thurs
Cat: sermon summary
CL: ws page 5
Music: Verdi for next Wed. (20 min of study time)
Health: nothing
CE: nothing

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Today we put the finishing touches on our wiki on Iran, our fairy tales for English, and the 8th grade commercials. Look for links to those to be published here in the future as time allows. On top of that we looked at algebraic addition, Psalm 22, and the atmosphere. What a day!

Remember we sing this weekend, pick your service.

Math: set 68 (24 min of study time)
Sc: notes and ws on sections 1-2 (15 min of study time)
Geography: notes section 13-2 and quiz
English: final copy of the fairy tale should be done (30 min of study time)
Lit: nothing
Spelling: test (remember
Cat: sermon summary, ws for next week
Memory: nothing tomorrow
CL: page 5 for Monday
Art: nothing (we will finish our two point perspective pictures in class tomorrow)
Music: theory ws tomorrow

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Nice to see so many of the parents today. I hope you enjoyed your visit, the students seemed to enjoy having you! In math today we talked about circumference and how to find it. In English we laid the ground work to do our own fairy tales, and in lit. we heard about some amazing hunting dogs. In science we buzzed through the geologic time table.

Math: set 66
Science: nothing
English: fairy tale rough draft
Lit: nothing
Spelling: Unit 21
Health: Nothing
Cat: ?
CL: ws on lessons 1 and 2 for Thursday
Art: nothing
Music: Wagner due tomorrow

Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy Monday! Today we took a look at some of the terms evolutionists use. We also worked on more ratio problems, got Billy to cut a tree down and get that raccoon, and studied Psalm 51.

Math: set 65
Science: vocab ws
Geo: Q 12-4 , map, R p. 358-359
English: answer questions about the fairy tale we read in class. page 303
Lit: N/A
Spelling: Unit 21 for Thursday
Cat.: Sermon Summary
MW: 1st communion 1-19
Health: N/A
CL: lesson 1 and 2 wsh
Art: N/A
Music: Composer monthly for Wed

Friday, January 15, 2010

Happy Friday! Today we worked on two point perspective in art. The houses are coming along nicely! We also did some work with our autobiographies, and we even learned how to add signed numbers. (-8 + 4 = -4)

Math: set 64
Science: nothing
Geo: notes
English: final copy
Lit: ws on chapters 1-7
Spelling: unit 21 for next Thurs.
Cat: sermon summary
Health: nothing
Music: Wagner

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hymn 492:4 As you, Lord, have lived for others,
So may we for others live.
Freely have your gifts been granted;
Freely may your servants give.
Yours the gold and yours the silver,
Yours the wealth of land and sea;
We but stewards of your bounty
Held in solemn trust will be.
Today we took and corrected the science tests. We had many very good grades. Good studying! We also took our Christ Light test. It was a review of 4 of the 6 main concepts we discussed. We also worked with other symbols of inclusion form math. {[(4+9) -6] +2} / 4[14 - (6 + 8)]

Math: set 63
Science: test
Geo: notes
English: bio rough draft
Lit: ws for ch 1-7, pages 13, 14, 15 #s 4,5
Spelling: test
Cat: sermon summary
MW: Hymn 492 vs 4
Health: nothing
Art: nothing
Music: theory sheets 5-8 for Friday

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Greetings from 7th grade! Today we classified triangles, (not too tough) we learned our new song for church the weekend after next, we reviewed words that are commonly misused, learned about the earthquake in Haiti and corrected our science pretest so that everyone can get an A!

Math: set 62
Science: test
English: ws 31-1a
Lit: nothing
Spelling Unit 20, test Fri
Cat: sermon summary
MW: CL passages for Thurs and hymn verse for Friday
Health: nothing
Music: ws 5-8 for this Friday, 1-15
ACADEMIC FAIR Outline and sketch of display are due.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Busy busy day today. We had our oral reports for English, talked about area and angles or parallelograms (easier than it sounds), got Billy home with his pups, and watched some volcanoes explode.

Math: set 61
Sc: fill in study guide for tomorrow
Geo: ?
English: ws
Lit: nothing
Spelling: unit 20 for Thurs
Cat: mw for tomorrow
CL: memory passages for Thurs and hymn for Fri
Health: nothing
C: nothing
Art: nothing
Music: ws for Wed

Monday, January 11, 2010

Look for report cards today. Please sign and return the envelopes tomorrow.

Voters budget meeting next Monday. Hope you can make it.

We finished up our Christ Light books today. They will be collected on Thursday. Please make sure your student has his/her book filled out.

Very few students are using their assignment notebooks. Please encourage them to fill them out daily.

Math: Investigation
English: pair of words, definition and explanation
Science: overview and vocab ws - review on Tue, vid on Wed, test on Thurs.
Geo: notes and map
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
Art: nothing
Music: theory ws 1-4 due on Wednesday
Lit: nothing
Memory: Lesson 6 passages for Thurs, hymn for Fri.
Cat: Sermon Summary and memory

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Congrats to Travis on getting second place in the spelling bee!

See you in church tonight. We will meet in the balcony.

Math: we did the pretest today and corrected it
Science: sections 1+2 ws and notes
Geo: notes
English: ws
Lit: nothing
Spelling: test
MW: Hymn 485
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
Music: ws 1-4 for next week Wed
Art: nothing
Hello! Sorry about never blogging yesterday. It has been a very crazy week for me! (Yes, with 5 kids and 23 students every week is a crazy one, but this one has been crazier than usual.) My apologies!

We are off to the spelling bee.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Today we took our science test. That seemed to go well. We corrected them already so ask to see your student's. We also started talking about volcanoes. They are hot right now :-) OK, that was a bad one. The students also had to figure out if a clause was an adj or adv clause. We did that in class. Billy is on his way to get his dogs, and we can figure out how to answer story problems that ask how to find a fraction of a number.

C.L. passages and spelling are due tomorrow!

Math: set 60
Science: notes form ch. 12 section 1
Geo: study 12-1 quiz with map, 12-2a notes
English: did in class
Literature: read in class
Spelling: unit 19
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
Music: theory ws 1-4
Art: nothing

Lots of students need lunch/milk tickets. Remember to get yours on Thursday!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Today we learned about adverb clauses, absolute value, and puppy love. What a day! Science test is tomorrow.

Math: set 59
Science: test
English: ws
Health: none
CE: none
Lit: none
Spelling: unit 19 for Thurs
Cat: memory
Art: nothing
Music: nothing
Geo: ?

P.S. Thanks again for the Christmas gift cards. So far I got a new belt to wear to school, replaced my furnace filter, and got a chimney cleaning log. Not very glamours, but all very useful and appreciated!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Today we were excited to see one another again, but we managed to get back to work as well. We looked at simple functions in math, dependant clauses used as adjectives (The boy, WHO WAS TIRED, fell asleep in class.) in English, and we reviewed for our science test that we will take on Wednesday. In literature we started Where the Red Fern Grows and we discussed flashbacks, foreshadowing, and similes.

CL: passages for Thursday 1 Tim 6:10, 1 Cor. 10:31, 1 Cor. 16:2
Math: set 58
English: ws
Literature: nothing
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
Spelling: unit 19 (
Cat: sermon summary and memory
Art: nothing
Music: nothing
Geo: Notes