Friday, April 29, 2011

Happy Weekend! Today we tried out a new art site and gave our reviews. They were room temperature. However, we did find some connected resources that were neat. We also added how to find the volume of pyramids, cones, and spheres to our bank of knowledge. We took our map test for geography and started our next chapter. We are nearing the end! Of the world? No, the book.

Spelling: unit 34 for Thursday, test for Friday
Math: set 113 skip 2,3,4,5,8,9,14,22,27,28,29
Geo: quiz Monday, study guide for Tuesday, test Wednesday
CE: ws
Health: nothing
Science: nothing
Literature: nothing
Art: nothing
Music: artist monthly for next Friday
Romans: nothing

Please remember to bring hte money for bowling and the slip for singing!  Thanks!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Another blessed day in the Lord! Today Bilbo got away from Gollum, the Gemini Project proved that man could operate in space and two space craft could rendezvous, and we played with Pythagorean triplets! We did some work with clauses and took our geography test as well.

Spelling: test tomorrow
Memory: none
Romans: none
Art: none
Music: none
English: 1 worksheet
Science: none
Geo: took our test today, map test tomorrow
CE: worksheet
Health: nothing
Lit: in class
Math: 112 skip 17,18,19,22,23,24,25,26,27,28

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Greetings on this rainy Tuesday. At least we don't have to worry about drought any time soon. Today we got back into the swing of things. Ask your child about our science video. I hope they enjoy it half as much as I do!

Spelling: Unit 33or Thursday, test Friday
Math: took test
Geography: study guide and ws are due Wednesday, test Thursday, map test Friday
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
English: two worksheets
Science: test
Lit: nothing
Art: nothing
Music: nothing

I will be gone tomorrow so there most likely will be no blog.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

God bless you as you contemplate the death and resurrection of our Lord.

Romans: nothing
Spelling: Unit 33 for next Thurs, test Friday
Math: Investigation
Algebra: test
Geo: study guide due for Wed
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
English: 28-4 G+H
Art: nothing
Music: nothing

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Spelling unit and test TOMORROW
Song for memory TOMORROW
Art Picture TOMORROW
Music 3 ws for TOMORROW
Math: pretest
English: 2 ws
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
Science: Quiz tomorrow
Geo: quiz tomorrow study guide Wednesday

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas . . . I love WI weather. It always has a surprise ready for you!
Today we took the geo test. As expected, that went well. We also learned about compound interest and participial, gerund, and infinitive phrases. We had a really long science quiz on the early days of space exploration, and then moved on.

Spelling: Unit 32 for Thursday, and test
Math: Unit 100 (YEA!) skip 1,4,8,9,12,13,17,18,20,23,26,28,29
Algebra: set 119 skip 5 problems
Romans: nothing
Memory: song for Thursday
Geo: took test
Sc: took Quiz
Lit: in class
Art: Easter pic for Thurs
Music: 3 definition ws for Thurs
CE: ws
Health: nothing

Monday, April 18, 2011

Happy Monday! Again! Today we got spacey as we looked at a brief overview of the work NASA did to get to the moon. We also looked at adding another step to our solving of equations. We are good to go for the geo test tomorrow as well. We started the day off by getting in deep with the book or Romans.

Spelling: Unit 32 test and unit for Thurs
Memory: song for Thurs
Math: 109 skip 3,6,8,10,11,16,17,20,26,28,29
English: ws 28 2 C+D
Lit: nothing
Health: nothing
CE: ws
Art: Easter pic for Thurs
Music 3 definitions ws for Thurs

Friday, April 15, 2011

Happy Friday! We finished Galatians today. We are planning on Romans next. We had a nice easy and short math lesson today and reviewed in English. For geography we watched some short video clips on our countries and then took an extra credit review. We are working on more definitions for music and focusing on Easter for art.

Spelling: Unit 32 for next Thursday, test on THURSDAY also
Galatians: ws for Monday
Math 108 skip 2,5,7,,8,9,11,13,15,17,21,28
Algebra: 117
Geo: study guide for Monday, test Tuesday
CE: ws
Health: nothing
English: ws 28-1 a + b
Science: quiz for Monday, review for Wednesday
Lit: nothing
Art: Easter picture
Music: 3 ws on musical definitions

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thanks to all who handed back signed midterms already. AWESOME! Today we just about finished Galatians, We looked at slope in Math class. We also went through gerunds, participles, and infinitives at the same time. Now it gets challenging. We also continued our study of Asia and learned more about dwarves and hobbits.

Spelling: test tomorrow
Math: 107 skip 1,2,3,4,8,11,13,15,20,22
Algebra: 116
CE: ws
Health: nothing
English 27-5 I+J
Science: quiz on 22-1 for Monday, Study Guide due Wednesday
Lit: did in class
Art: two pictures for Friday
Music: two ws on definitions for Friday

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Spelling: unit 31 for tomorrow
Galatians: nothing
Math: 105 skip 1,3,5,6,10,13,14,15,26
Geo: quiz
CE ws
Health: nothing
English: nothing
Science: took test
Lit: nothing
Art: two pictures
Music: two vocab worksheets

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Midterms should go home tomorrow. Please remember to sign and return or send me a note letting me know that you saw it. I need to get notes from everyone. Thanks to those of you who remembered at the end of 3rd quarter.

Spelling: unit 31 for Thursday, test Friday
Math set 105 skip 6,9,12,15,18,20,22,24,28
Algebra: 114
Galatians: none
Geo: quiz on 27-2
Health: nothing
CE: worksheet
English: 2 ws 27-4 g+h
Science: test tomorrow
Literature: nothing
Art: two pictures
Music: two wks on music definitions

Monday, April 11, 2011

Welcome to  a new week.
Today we looked at finding the area of semi-cirles, and the legnth of arcs. We are continuing to work through gerunds. We also spent some time looking at current day Asia. 

Spelling: unit 31 due Thurs
Math: 104 skip 1,7,8,13,14,15,16,19,28
Algebra: ?
Geo: quiz on 27-1 study guide due next Monday
CE: work sheet
Health: nothing
English: ws 27-3 E and 27-3 F
Science long quiz on section 21-2, review is due tomorrow
Lit: took test
Art: two pictures for Friday
Music: two worksheets on vocabulary terms for Friday

Friday, April 8, 2011

The end of the week has arrived. Enjoy the hopefully warm weather this weekend.

Today we finished up our Galatians lesson. One more to go. We also looked at an easy way to deal with lots of negatives in a long string of multiplication. We also discussed gerunds. Now we have to be able to figure out if the verbal is a participle or a gerund. Next comes infinitives! We took our geography test today. That went well for the most part. We also started working on musical definitions. We finished the day working on some multi-frame pictures.

Spelling: Unit 31
Math: set 103  skip 2,6,7,12,14,15,16,18,,20
Algebra: test
English: none
Geo: none
Science: quiz on Monday, study guide on Tuesday
Lit: ws for Monday and test on Monday
CE: ws
Health: nothing
Music: two ws for next Fri
Art: two pics for next Fri

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Hello again my friends. Nice to have you here, those failthful few who are still with me.  Today was not so action packed as some, but we still got some things acocmplished. We finished chapter 5 of Galatians, looked at simplifying equations, yes again, but they are longer now, and we are still going with participles and polution. We reviewed for our geography test and did some vocab work in preperation for our lit test. We also went across the world to check in on Libya and Japan. Things do not look good.

Spelling: test
Math: set 102 skip 6,10,11,12,17,20,22,23,28,29
Algebra: 112
Geo: test tomorrow
English: 2 ws
CE: ws
Health: nothing
Art: nothing
Music: nothing

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Happy Wednesday! We discussed writing our own equations from a given problem, reviewed participles, took a science test that overall went well, and finished Treasure Island. What a day!

Spelling Unit due for tomorrow
Math: set 101 skip 2,3,5,9,11,14,15,16,21
Algebra: set 111
Geo: review due tomorrow
Science: took test
English: 2 ws from yesterday
CE: ws
Health: nothing
Art: nothing
Music: nothing
CL: nothing
Lit: ws to finish the book

Monday, April 4, 2011

Hello again! Today we continued our study of Galatians. We learned the difference between chance, odds, and probability. We also talked about reducing, reusing, and recycling.

Spelling: Unit 29 for Thursday
Math: none
Algebra: 109
Geo: quiz section 25-1
Science: Quiz 20-3, study guide
English: ws
CE: ws
Health: nothing
Cat: mem work for tomorrow
Lit: did it in class