Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Last TerraNova test today! Yay! Back to regular schedule. It is not the last day of testing for some of the other grades as the students found out today when they disturbed another class. Please remind your student to show respect for others. Thanks!

We started learning about Schubert today in music. We also went through our spelling assignment from Monday. Almost all of the class failed, so after going through all of the answers in class, I reassigned it for tomorrow. It was a tough one. We also went through the two English sheets that are due tomorrow to make sure everyone knows what to do. Since there was only one question, I look forward to lots of A's.

Music: Schubert ws for next Wednesday
Math: test tomorrow
Science: nothing
Geo: test for Friday
English: ws 50-51
Literature: picture for Monday
Spelling: redo p.44 and do 46-47
CE: NASA ws for tomorrow for the boys
MW: CL passages for tomorrow and Hymn for Friday
Art: Monet

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

More testing today! We did have a good review for the math test coming up on Thursday and we spent some time talking about metamorphic rocks. Be aware that there is a spelling page due tomorrow.

Music: nothing
Math: Test Thursday
Science: nothing
Geo: nothing
English: ws 50 and 51 from yesterday due Thurs
Lit: nothing
Spell: p.45
CE: ws Wed for girls, Thurs for boys (from last week)
Health: nothing
Test for Pastor tomorrow.
Passages for CL on Thurs and hymn for Fri.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Testing! Testing! The good news is your student shouldn't have much homework due to the TerraNova testing today, the bad news is your student's brain my not be working anymore after the testing today!

Math: Set 20
English: ws 50-51 for Thursday
Spell: p.44
CE: ws for Wed and Thurs
Memory: passages for Pastor for Wed, for C.L for Thurs. Hymn for Fri
Art: Monet sheets for Friday

Friday, September 25, 2009

Today we learned more about Beethoven and had lots of fun practicing songs for the play. We also finished our faces. They turned out fairly well, except several students were not listening when the directions were given and drew the wrong person, but they still got good practice drawing a face. While behavior wasn't perfect, there clearly was some effort made by most of the students so that was pleasing to see. Now, if we could behave that well because we want to and not out of fear of punishment, we will be in great shape!

Music: nothing
Math: set 19
Science: ws from yesterday, nothing new
Geo: Bodies of water and landforms
English: ws
Lit: ch 25-27 worksheets
Spelling: nothing
CE: ws for Wed (girls) Thurs (boys)
MW: First Article and meaning for Monday
Art: Monet ws for next Friday

Thursday, September 24, 2009

We lost a little ground int he behavior department today. We are going to have to work hard to get back in line tomorrow. (Friday's are always harder.) We did write the words for our song this week and we got to practice with our groups in church again. In English we are doing the final steps of our current research paper. (Next is three sources, after that the students have to research on their own.) Lisenka is getting sent back to Russia because of a prejudice doctor. We also found out that igneous rocks can be intrusive or extrusive.

We also looked at indefinite pronouns and how they are often misused. (Everyone should take out his or her book. Not everyone should take out their book.)

This past week we have also spent some time talking about loving each other and how we treat each other. Take a moment to talk to your child about how he or she treats his or her classmates. Are we always treating each other with Christian love?

Anyhow . . .

Music: nothing
Math: set 18
Science: ws on chs 1-2
Geo: ws. p124-128, mystery state due tomorrow
English: finish off the report and hand in all the materials in the correct order
Literature: Ch 24 ws
Spelling: test
CE: ws on NASA
Health: nothing
MW: First Article is for Monday, nothing for Friday.
Art: Rembrandt is due tomorrow

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

There is a good article talking about Rembrandt and this painting.
We had a pretty good day today, but it did take lots of reminders to stay on task and get some work done. We did take a look at the rock cycle, and we practiced the words for the song we sing on Sunday. (It is due from memory tomorrow.)

Midterms go home today. Please sign and return them tomorrow. Or, if you choose, just send a signed note indicating that you have seen the mid-term. Many students could improve their grades just by being a bit more careful and organized.

Music: nothing
Math: set 17
Science: ws
Geo: p117-122, ws quiz, mystery state 9-25, bodies of water and land masses 10-2
English: WA #31 part 4 for Friday, Test 9-25 for Thursday
Lit: ch 22-23 ws (from yesterday)
Spelling: 34-35 Test Friday
CE: ws on NASA for 9-30 (girls)
Art: Rembrandt sheets for Friday - the picture we will finish Friday in class
MW: One Life due for tomorrow

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

With the English assignment being to work on their reports, we got a very long study time today. I am pleased to report that the students handled it very well. Some of them even did some work! We also took a science test on minerals. We went through all the questions and answers yesterday so I am anxious to see how we did. This also resulted in some study time so your student should have an excelent start on his/her homework for the night or even the week! We also got Lisenka to Elis island, but there was a hitch there. We also managed to listen to some Beethoven, our current composer, during study time. I wonder if his music is so powerfull because he was trying to crank up the volume so he could actually hear it.

Look for mid-terms tomorrow. Please make sure they get signed and returned ASAP. Some parents like to keep the mid-term. If that is the case, then just write and sign a note for me letting me know that you saw it. Thanks!

Music: Beethoven sheets
Math: set 16
Science: took test
Geo: 2 Canada Maps 9-23, bodies of water and landforms map 10-2
English: WA #31 Part 3
Lit: ch 22-23 worksheets (REMEMBER TO PUNCTUATE.)
Spell: pg 33
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
MW: One Life for Friday passages for pastor for tomorrow
Art: Rembrandt sheets for Friday

Monday, September 21, 2009

Today was an active day. We went through every possible test question for tomorrow's science test, we got Lisenka to Elis Island, we have outlines to work on, and we used up 10 min of tomorrow's recess!

Note that There will be no memory for Thursday and the song for Friday is not the Christ Light hymn, but rather the song we are singing in church. We will do the lesson 5 memory for next week.

Music: Beethoven sheets for Wednesday
Science: test
Geo: study guide 9-22
English: WA #31 part 2 (rough outline and draft outline)
Lit: ws for 20-21
Spelling: p. 32
Health: review
MW: One Life to Live for Friday
Art: Rembrandt for Friday

Thursday, September 17, 2009

English Practice from today.
Today we had to practice walking in the hall and tomorrow we will be practicing sitting quietly during recess. It is nice to have such friendly and happy students, but we are working on the proper time and place for things.

Music: Beethoven is due next Wednesday
Math: set 15 (pretest tomorrow)
Science: 2 worksheets (Test on Tuesday)
Geo: States and Caps test
English: Writing assignment 31. The students need to make a list of the things they will talk about in their report. This is the basic outline guide. This is not an actual outline, it is a list of information that will will eventually be put in the outline. They also need to make bibliography cards and take notes on note cards. This is due for Monday, but another assignment will be given tomorrow for Monday as well, so don't put it off if possible.
Lit: ws for Ch 17-18
Spelling: test
Health: Ch 1 review for Mon (girls) or Tue (boys)
Mem: Hymn 194 vs 1 for Friday
Art: Artist ws and picture are due TOMORROW!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Good to see so many of my students in a good mood today. Perhaps we can be in as good a mood tomorrow and be a bit quieter at the same time! Today we talked about gems. We also found out that Beethoven is our next composer. We also discussed demonstrative and interrogative pronouns and adjectives.

Music: Beethoven sheets due next Wednesday
Math: set 14
Science: fill in the blank notes and wsh on sections 2-3
GEO: 92-96 ws quiz
English: nothing
Lit: Ch 15-16 wsh from yesterday
Spelling: 28-29
Health: review due for next week Monday (girls) and Tuesday (boys)
Art: ws due Friday, picture due ASAP no later than Friday

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Today we talked about how to identify minerals and tell them apart. We also continued to solve story problems in math. In literature we found out what happened to Johannes's foot but Chukov is close to catching Lisenka! Johnny is seriously hurt, he will live, but for how long!

Music: Mozart sheets due tomorrow
Math: set 13
Sc: notes and review ws due Thursday
Geo: 82-89, ws, quiz
English: final draft of paper and everything that goes with it as described in lesson 17-5
Lit: Ch 15-16 wsh for Thurs
Spelling: p. 29
Health: section 1 review for next Mon. (girls) Tue (boys)
MW: 2Peter 1:21, 2Tim 3:16
Art: wsh due Friday, picture due ASAP no later than Friday

Monday, September 14, 2009

We worked on self control today. We had a very long study time and most students did quite well working quietly. We talked about minerals today. We also have two cliff hangers. What will happen to Johannes and Johnny? We also talked about how to get along better with other people.

Music: Mozart page 9-16
Math: Set 12
Science: pp 62-66 ws
Geo: p. 42-46 wsh / states and capitals 9-18
English: rough draft
Lit: wsh ch 13-14
Spelling: p.26
Health: pp 44-45
MW: commandments 7-9 Tue, wed? Thurs Christ Light passages, Fri: hymn
Art: wsh due Friday, picture due asap no later than Friday

Friday, September 11, 2009

We had a great afternoon with fun and fitness, it was beautiful weather and a good time was had. Unfortunatly, the excitment of the waiting for the afternoon made it a rough morrning. Self control was a scarce commodity.

We went though all of the science test answers. The class averaged a D- ( we did have a few students who did very well also) so I curved the grades a bit by giving the students some free points to help make up for the chart at the end of the test. This raised the average to a D+. I also gave them a double sided worksheet with the same chart and a similar one to help raise the grades and get the idea across.

Music: Mozart worksheet for next Wednesday (most students are close to done since we had about 40 min to work on it)
Math: Set 11
Science: ws both sides
Geo: nothing
English: writing assignment 30 part 2 (these are the real outlines for the paper that many students already did for the last time)
Lit: Nothing
Spelling: nothing
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
MW: See the schedule for Tuesday's work
Cat: sermon study

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Just finished correcting the science tests. They did not go as well as I had hoped. We will review tomorrow and make sure we get this atom thing down.
We had a light assignment day today and the students took a good oportunity to work on their long range projects like AR, geography, and the music CD.

Fun and Fitness day tomorrow, weather permitting!

Music: nothing
Math: nothing
Science: nothing
Geo: nothing
English: wsh (handed out yesterday, due tomorrow)
Literature: Ch 12 read and do wsh
Spelling: test tomorrow
Current Events: nothing
Health: nothing
Memory: Hymn 490 vs 1-2

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

We had a misunderstanding about English yesterday that resulted in some late nights for some families. I appoligize for that and want to thank the parents that let me know. The outline for English last night was supposed to be a main idea list and be very basic. It should only have taken a few min. We went though the entire assignment in great detail today, and I have reassigned it for tomorrow. If your student did it correctly last night, then he or she has it covered and has no new assignment for tomorrow. I did hand out a worksheet, but that is for anyone who wants to work ahead. It is due Friday.

Music: nothing
Math: test tomorrow
Science: test tomorrow
Geo: ws 59 crossword and test
English: planing outline and note cards for Thursday, ws for Friday
Lit: Ws ch 10-11 (from yesterday)
Spelling: pp 22-23 and test Friday
Current Events: write down at least three things you have learned about health care reform and cite the source.
Health: nothing
Memory: passages Thursday, Hymn Friday

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Today Lisenka escapes her village on her way to America! We also had improper fractions and saw what happens when you put a match to hydrogen. Look for math and science tests later this week.

Music: nothing
Math: set 10
Science: 2 wsh
Geography: notes
English: p. 169 steps 1-6 of a research paper
Literature: Ch 10-11 wsh for Thursday. Ch 12 was handed out but is not due. Students may work ahead if they wish, but do not spoil the story for others please!
Spelling: pages 20-21
Memory: 9-9 Books of the Bible; 9-10 1 Tim 2:3-4, James 2:1, Luke 10:27; 9-11 Hymn 490: 1,2

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Enjoy your long weekend. Keep working on AR books. Also remember to use complete sentences on the literature sheets. There will be another science test next week. We will review on Tuesday and take the test Wednesday or Thursday depending on how much review we need.

Music: nothing
Math: set 9
Geo: study guide for test
Science: section 3 ws
English: ws 44
Lit: Chapter 9 sheet
Spelling: nothing
Cat: 4-6 commandments, Books of the Bible
CE: find out at least three things about the health care debate, write them down and cite your sources

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Today we had a massive science class on atoms, molecules and bonds. I think their brains are realing.

Music: nothing
Math: set 8
Science: notes on section 2 and wsh on section 2
Geo: 2 ws p56-61
English: nothing
Literature: same as yesterday
Spelling: 16-17
Memory: Ecclesiasties 4:9, John 15:12
Art: Leonardo sheets
CE: find out something about health care reform, write down the information and the source

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The science tests are corrected. They did not go as well as I had wanted. The class averaged a C- thanks to a few excellent tests. For the most part, considering we went through every question and answer on Thursday, and I sent home a study guide, I was hoping for a stronger showing than that. This was one of the easier tests for the year, so please encourage your student to really study for the test. They are allowed to take notes as we go though the questions and answers on our review day. In addition there is almost always a study guide as well.

Thank you to those four students who did score in the A category.
Today the students are reading literature on their own. Please remind them to read carefully and answer the questions in complete sentences. Avoid that and because and punctuate.

We also looked at angles and lines and studied the structure of an atom.

Music: nothing
Math: set 7
Geo: pp 50-54 2wsh
English: ws pg 43
Lit: Finish reading ch7 and read 8 and do ws on both
Spelling: p. 15
Cat: Sermon Summary, passages
CL: passages for Thursday
Art: Leonardo activities