Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Merry Christmas!
Please remember to dress up for church tomorrow.
Please remember to keep working on the academic fair project. We spent some time today talking about how to evaluate if a source is a good one or not.
Tomorrow is our class party, please remember your gift labeled "boy" or "girl". You may put a "from" tag on it. Everyone should bring a few snacks or treats to share.
Math was set 60. We are doing the "practice" problems a-g and then 8-10, and 13-14, 17-21
Boys CE will be due the Thursday we get back.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Today we reviewed faults in preparation for our study of earthquakes. We also reviewed our jingles, cleaned up our voice threads, and started writing down our project plan for our academic fair. We also looked at working with negative numbers on a number line. We also checked our reviews for the geography test tomorrow.

Spelling: nothing
CL: nothing
Math: set 58 skip 2,3,4,6,10,11,14,l5,16,17
Algebra: set 63
English: nothing
Geo: test
Science: quiz on section 1 study guide due 1-5
Lit: nothing
Art: nothing
Music: nothing
Health: notes for boys
CE: nothing

Thursday, December 16, 2010

We finished reading A Christmas Carol today. We also took our science test and started a new section in Geography. We also had a good study time as well.

Memory: none
Cat: none
CL: none
Math: set 57 5,8,12,26,28
Algebra: set 61
English: ws 12-2, 12-3
Geo: Notes and quiz for Friday, study guide for Monday
Sc: we took a test
Spelling: test
Music: nothing
Art: ws

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Today we cooked peas for science! We also did some average problems, but with a twist. We also went over our review for geography. We are working on practicing how to write to persuade people. Perhaps your student will persuade you to get them another present for Christmas.

Spelling: Unit 17 for Thursday, test Friday
Math: set 55
Algebra: 60
English: rough draft on 3 paragraph persuasive paper
Geo: test
Science: study guide
Music: nothing
CE: ws
Health 517
Art: nothing
Lit: nothing
Memory: review recitation for service

Friday, December 10, 2010

Today we finished our tall tales. They are published on www.voicethread.com. While some were working on this, the rest of the class got lots of time to work.Your student can show you how to get there. We also had our first group practice for the Christmas Eve service, and the students did well. We need more work on our longer paragraph, but that will come.

Memory: "Jesus Christ is Born" for Monday
Spelling: Unit 17 for next Thursday, no sense putting it off.
Math: set 53
Algebra: set 58
English: ws for Monday
Geo: quiz on Monday, study guide for Tuesday
Sc: quiz on Monday, study guide for Wednesday
Lit: nothing
Music: nothing
Health: 517
CE: boys ws
Art: ws for Friday

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Well, fancy meeting you here. Thanks for joining me in the adventure we call educating your child.

We started working on a website called Voice thread today in connection with our tall tales. We are working on the unfamiliar aspect of it, but it should be fun once we get the hang of it. We also learned about Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally. We reviewed our novel and Christmas service and even had time to take and correct a geography test.

Tomorrow will be our first all school practice for the Christmas service.

Spelling: test 16
Memory: "My Soul in Stillness Waits"
Math: set 52 skip 1,2,6,9,11,17,19
Algebra: 58
English: we did it in class
Geo: we took and corrected a test
Science: quiz Monday, study guide Wed
Lit: double sided ws
Art: nothing
Music: nothing
Health: 517
CE: boys ws

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hello again! Sorry about no blog yesterday, but our visits at Children's took much longer than anticipated.

Today we reviewed for our Geography test. We also reviewed "The Tree of Life" that we have for memory work tomorrow. We spent some time using scientific notation for very large numbers. We had a nice short section in science talking about continental drift. For English we tried to look at the next stage of our tall tales, but ran into some technical issues that may delay us.

Spelling: Unit 16 tomorrow
Math: set 51 skip 8,9,11,14,15,16,17,19,24,27,28,29
Geo: TEST!
English: nothing
Health: 517 1-9
CE: girls nothing, boys ws
Art: nothing
Music: nothing
Memory: The Tree of Life
Algebra: 57 even
Science: quiz tomorrow, study guide next wed

Monday, December 6, 2010

Welcome to Monday. I pray yours is going well. How was ours you ask? Well, in real life is was pretty laid back, but in our literary worlds, it was pretty rough. Johnny, Dallas, and Old Dan died today. It remains to be seen how each character deals with these tragedies.

We also learned some more about Russia, graphs, and floods. We spent some time talking about fact verses opinion and how propaganda is often used, especially in politics and advertising.

Memory: "The Tree of Life" Thursday, "My Soul in Stillness Waits" for Friday, and "Jesus Christ is Born" for Monday
Math: Inv 5 questions 5 and 6
Algebra set 55
English: ws 11-1
Geo: study guide for Wed
Science: test tomorrow
Lit: nothing
Spelling: unit 16
Music: working on the Christmas service
Art: nothing

Friday, December 3, 2010

Today we had an excellent presentation/devotion on our mission for 7th grade, Calvary Academy. Let's work at remembering to bring our offerings to school.

We took an incredibly brief look at Russian history today. Ok, ok, I admit it, I made it a bit longer than the book, but it is fascinating stuff. We also worked on illustrating our tall tales. More will be done with those in the future. We also worked on a pre-test for math so we are good to go for the test on Tuesday. We are also getting into the Christmas service pretty heavily.

Please remember we sing in first service on Sunday.

Spelling: Unit 16 for Thursday, test Friday
Math: pretest for Monday, test will be Tuesday
Algebra: set 54
English: final copy and 3 illustrations
Geo: quiz Monday, study guide Wednesday
Science: Test Monday
Lit: nothing
Health: page 516 1-7
CE: girls ws
Art: houses should be finished, finish illustrations for English
Music: nothing
Memory: recitation from the Christmas service  pages 3 and 4 for Monday.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Today we took a geography test and reviewed for a science test. We also looked at unit multipliers and heard some more about Billy's dogs. Add to that some musings on tall tales and we had a pretty full day.

A couple of reminders for you today. Don't forget we sing in the first service on Sunday. We are also collecting for needy families. We have a box in our room for the collection. We are also having all school devotion tomorrow. We will have a guest speaker talking about our 7th grade mission, Calvary Academy. Please remember any mission offerings as well.

Spelling: test tomorrow
Memory: song for church tomorrow
Math: set 50: skip 4,6,7,9,10,12,13,17,22,24C,26,30
Algebra: logic puzzle
Geo: we took our test
Science: test tomorrow
Lit: nothing
Music: nothing
Health: 516 1-7
CE: ws
Art: we will finish our houses tomorrow

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Happy Advent!  Church tonight at 3:30 and 6:30.

We sing in the first service on Sunday.

We will take our geography test tomorrow. We wrapped up the chapter yesterday and looked over the study guides today. We finished our chapter on water as an agent of erosion in science today. We will check over the study guides for that tomorrow and take our test on Monday.

Spelling: Unit 15 for tomorrow, test Fri
Memory: song for church due Friday
CL: nothing
Math set 49, skip 5,6,8,9,15,26,28
Algebra: test
English: ws 10-3
Geo: test
Science: quiz and study guide
Lit: nothing
Music: we are working on the Christmas service
Health: 156 1-7
CE: worksheets
Art: finish the house picture

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The weather is taking a nasty turn, please remember coats, hats, and gloves!
Today we spent some more time with Russia, percents, sentences, water and Billy. To find out more, ask your student!

Spelling: unit 15 for Tuesday
Cat: sermon summary
Memory: Advent song for church
Math: set 48 skip 3,6,8,14,17,22,27
Algebra: set 53
English: ws
Geo: quiz and review for tomorrow
Sci: quiz tomorrow, review for Thursday
Lit: nothing
Music: nothing
Art: finish house pictures
Health: 516 1-7 for next week
CE: ws

Monday, November 29, 2010

Well, we had some Internet issues, but we are back. Thanks for checking in.  We stared new units in English, geography, and science today.

Don't forget we sing in first service on Sunday. We need all the voices we can get!

Spelling: Unit 15 is due on Thursday, test Friday
Memory: Baptism 3rd for tomorrow,  Work on our song for in church.
Math: set 47 skip 6,,8,11,13,14,17,19,24,29
Algebra: set 52
English: nothing
Geo: quiz on Tuesday, review for Wednesday
Science: quiz tomorrow, study guide for Thursday (they are on the desks)
Lit: page 730 1-9 COMPLETE SENTENCES
Music: nothing
Health: page 516 1-7
CE: ws
Art: nothing

Friday, November 19, 2010

We finished lesson five on Galatians. We also got through dividing by decimal numbers. We managed to almost get finished with our house pictures, but just ran out of time. Short week next week, and it looks to be a cold one. Please remember winter clothing.

Spelling: no spelling unit next week
Math: set 45 ship 3,4,12,15,16,17,22,25,30. Number 5 do but you may skip the diagram
Algebra 1/2: set 49
MW for MONDAY 1+2 Baptism
Cat: test Tue
Geo: test Monday, map test on all of Europe on Tuesday
English: WA #32 part 3
Science: nothing
Lit: nothing
Art: will finish at school
Music: nothing
CE: nothing
Health: nothing

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Today we finished Eastern Europe, reviewed different options for division problems and when to use them, and learned more about the situations in Washington and Haiti. We also heard that Billy is going on a championship coon hunt!

Spelling test tomorrow
Memory work lesson 8 for tomorrow
Music: Beethoven ws for tomorrow
Geo: quiz, review, and map test
English: 2wsh and outline
Math: set 44 skip 3,5,7,13,16,17,19,22,23
Algebra 1/2: took test
Art: we will finish the houses tomorrow
Science: took our test today no assignment
Literature: nothing
CE: nothing
HEalth: nothing

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

We had fun at the 4M Bison farm. Thanks for letting us come. Thank you also to the drivers. It was nice to not have to pay for a bus.

The assignments are all the same from yesterday. We will finish our chapter in literature and find out what terrible thing happened while Billy was hunting the Ghost Coon.

Remember we sing in first service December 5th.
Spelling unit is due tomorrow, lets work hard to do a good job.
Don't forget the science test tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Greetings one and all! Today we looked at converting decimals to percents to fractions and so on. We also finished up with Central and then Southern Europe, including a little time for WW1 and 2. We did some review for Science, and started a research paper with three resources. So far the papers have been pretty good, but we need to keep working on the other items, like the bibliography and the outlines and so on. Remember to refer to Chapter 17!

We also heard about Billy and the Ghost Coon. They found him, but something bad is about to happen and we will have to wait until tomorrow to find out.

Speaking of tomorrow, BISON DAY!

Spelling: Unit 14 for Thursday
Math: set 43, 6,7,13,16,22,24,25,26,27 for THURS
MW: passages and hymn for Friday
English: outline guide and notes for THURS
Science: Ws for tomorrow and Test Thurs   SKIP 13 ON THE WORD SEARCH. THAT SHOULDN'T BE THERE!
Geo: Quizzes for THURS, Section 4 quiz, map test and review for Friday
Lit: nothing
CE: boys ws for Thurs
Health: nothing
Algebra 1/2: set 48 for THURS
Art: we will finish the house in class on Friday
Music: Beethoven ws for Friday

Monday, November 15, 2010

Look for a field trip form that was sent home today. Wednesday is the day! Today we had a speaker in to talk about the bison industry in WI. We even got to try a bison snack! We also worked with repeating decimals and discussed how wind erodes things.

Spelling: unit 14 for Thurs, test Fri
Math: set 42, 4,8,11,13,17,18,21,22
Algebra: set 47
Geo: study guide is due on Friday as is the map test
English: finish ws we started in class
Sc: quiz and study guide for Tue, test Thursday
Health: nothing
CE: boys ws for Thursday
Art: nothing
Music: ws on Beethoven for Friday
Memory: lesson 8 passages and hymn for Friday
Lit: nothing

Friday, November 12, 2010

Today we talked more about central Europe. We also talked about he distributive property. 2(3 + 4) = 2 x 3 + 2 x 4. We are working on final drafts for our English papers, and we worked on perspective again, but made it it bit more challenging this time.

Agricultural ambassador comes Monday and our trip is Wednesday!

Spelling: Unit 14 for next Thurs
Math: set 41 skip 2,5,10,11,15,17,18,20,22,26,29
Algebra 1/2: 46
Geo: review and map test on Eastern Europe for Friday
English: final copy and finish ws we started in class
Science: quiz Monday, review Tuesday, Test Wednesday
Health: nothing
CE: boys for boys ws
Music: Beethoven for next Friday

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Today we rode a glacier over WI, found out why the island of Ireland is divided into two popolitical parts, why Finland is a bit different than its Scandinavian neighbors, and even took some time to find out why President Obama wants India to have a permanent seat on the UN security council.

Happy Veterans Day! Do you have to hide that you are a Christian? If not thank God, then thank a vet.

Spelling test Fri
Math: took test
Algebra: set 45
Geo: quiz tomorrow Eastern Europe Map test next week
English: WA #31 part 2
 Science: quiz on section 2 VOCAB VOCAB VOCAB
Health: nothing
CE: ws for boys
Art: nothing
Music: nothing

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Today we say a very interesting presentation on the history of our countries flad, along with a few others. We also looked at stem and leaf plots in connection with a box and whisker plot. We looked at how gravity affects errosion.


Math: investigation 5-12
Spelling: Unit 13 TOMORROW
English: ws and WA part 2
Algebra 1/2: nothing
Geo: Map test
Science: quiz
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
Music: nothing
Art: nothing
Memory: lesson 7 for Friday

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What a beautiful day again today! The weather was nice outside, too. ;-)
We took some tests today, got ready for another test, and started working on a research paper with two

Thank you for all of the volunteers to drive for our field trip. I know have more than enough drivers. How terrific is that!

10:15 presentation on the history of the flag tomorrow in the gym.

Spelling: unit 13 for Thurs, test Fri
Memory: CL Lesson 7 for Friday
Math: we did the pre test in class today, we will do the investigation tomorrow and take the test Thursday
English: ws and wa#31 part 1
Geo; nothing
Science: nothing
Art: nothing
Music: nothing
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
Algebra 1/2: set 44

Monday, November 8, 2010

Spelling Unit 13 for Thurs test Fri
Math: set 40 skip 15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29
Algebra 1/2: SET 43
Geo: test tomorrow, map test Thurs
English: nothing
Science: test
Cat: Sermon Summary
Health: nothing girls / boys 6-1 1-6
CE: nothing
Art: nothing
Music: nothing

Friday, November 5, 2010

Today we finished watching Expelled. It was very thought provoking. We also did an art project on perspective. (Trying to get things to look 3D.) Throw in some proportions and a final copy of our paper and we had quite a day.

Spelling: Unit 13 for next Thurs. test Friday
Math: set 39 skip 3,4,6,9,10,11,12
Geo: quiz on Monday, test Tue Map test Thursday

English: For Monday: Writing Assignment #30 Page 170

Write final outline
Write final report
PUT EVERYTHING (including note cards and rough outlines and bio)IN RIGHT ORDER
Hand it all in.
Science: quiz and study guide for Monday, test Tue
Algebra: set 42
Art: finish picture
Music: nothing
Health: finish reading 6-1 and answer questions
Lit: nothing

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Blessings on another day of grace! I sent an email and a note home about a field trip opportunity that I have just finalized. I am looking for drivers to avoid bus costs, I have one already (THANKS) but I need several more. Please let me know ASAP! Thanks!

Spelling: test tomorrow
MW: two passages tomorrow
Math: set 37 skip 9,10,17,19,28,29,30
Geo: map test on physical geography of Europe
English: rough draft
Algebra 1/2: set 41
Art: Monet ws
Music: nothing
CE: nothing
Health: finish 6-1 and answer 1-6

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

We finished the history of Europe today and got to watch the 8th grade play. We found out how to find the area of more complex shapes including triangles and rectangles with parts missing.

Mission offering on Friday, feel free to bring it early.
Most of the class could use lunch tickets, remember tomorrow is the day!

Spelling: unit 11 is due tomorrow, test is Friday
Math: set 37 skip 4,5,9,14,19,20,23,24,29
Geo: quiz tomorrow
Music: nothing
Art: Monet for Friday
English: ws and part two of WA #30
MW: CL passages for Friday
Algebra 1/2: took a test
Health: finish 6-1 and answer the questions
CE: Nothing
Lit: nothing

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Amazing how the time flies by! We talked about ratios and simple probability today. Then we started our talk about the history of Europe. It is a challenge to talk about a few thousand years of history involving what we now consider over forty countries in 30 min! We talked about soil formation, and then we moved on to rising action in a plot. After all of that, we had little time to read any of that rising action.

Spelling: Unit 11 for Thursday
Math: set 36 skip 6,12,13,15,16,19,30
Geo: nothing tomorrow, quiz Thurs, map test Fri, test next week Tue?
English: WA #30 part 1 for tomorrow  Using the Encyclopedia page in the text book, make a topic outline, bibliography card, and take notes on note cards. Then organize the cards. (Tomorrow)
MW: CL passages for Friday, no hymn
Algebra 1/2: set 40
Health: Ch 6 section 1 read and answer 1-6
CE: nothing
Art: Monet for Friday
Music: nothing
Lit: nothing

Monday, November 1, 2010

Good day!  I had an informative weekend, I pray you did as well. Today we continued to look at how we should treat people who mock us for what we believe. We also looked at working with decimal numbers. In science we looked at weathering and what can affect it. We wrapped up the day with some review of what has happened to Billy. We also heard about Pony's hiding place. 

Spelling: Unit 11 for Thursday, test Friday
Cat: Fourth Petition
Math: set 35 skip 1,5,6,23,24,25,26,30
Geo: ch 10 take home open book test for tomorrow
English: ws 18-1 for tomorrow
Algebra 1/2: Set 39???
Art: Monet ws for Friday
Music: nothing
Health: Ch 6, read section 1 answers 1-6 for next week
CE: nothing

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Today we continued our discussion of Galatians. We also started looking at the map of Europe. We were a bit amazed at how many small countries that most of us have never heard of there are. We also looked at decimal numbers on a number line, and we reviewed some of the other sentence patterns other than pattern 1.

Math: set 34
Memory: song for church is due on Monday
Algebra: set 38
Art: Monet for Nov. 5th
Geo: Europe map

Thank you for coming in for conferences. It was great to touch base with all of you. Always remember that you can contact me with any issues throughout the year.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

No Spelling
Math: set 33
Science: took test
English: ws and set 13 pg 165
MW: song for Monday
Algebra: set 37
Art: ws Nov 5th
Music: nothing
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
Geo: quiz

Monday, October 25, 2010

A new quarter has begun! After the excitement of last week, we had some long lessons today. In
Math we learned why the rest of the world uses the metric system. We also learned that Europe has twice the people we do, but only 2/3's of the land. We also learned that there are way more rules for outlines than we could have imagined. We also found out that Billy is out of trouble but Johnny and Pony Boy's troubles are just beginning.

I will be gone tomorrow for part of the day. Mr. Haag will be in as a sub again.

Spelling: nothing
Music: nothing
CE: nothing
Health: review from last week due
Math: set 32 skip 1,6,7,12,13,19,21,23,25,27
Cat: test tomorrow
Geo: take home quiz
English: nothing
Algebra 1/2: set 32
Science: test
Lit: nothing

Thursday, October 21, 2010

What an action packed day. We started off talking about how to speak to others who are tempted to turn away from God. We then looked at converting a number to a decimal to a fraction to a percent. We took our Geography test and talked a bit about the rain forest. We read about Billy getting his dogs, and then we started discussing how to write a research paper.

After lunch we took our walk over to one of the labs at the UW. We had to hustle on the way over there which was good for the cardio-vascular system. We had a fun learning experience while we were there. We looked at stream erosion, ground water pollution, clouds, light and even two volcanoes.

Tomorrow we will continue to learn about ground water and pollution when our guest speaker comes in.

Spelling: test tomorrow
Memory: lesson 4 for tomorrow
Math: set 31 for Monday skip 5,6,15,17,18,21,22,25,26,30
Algebra 1/2: set 36
Cat: memory for MONDAY 2nd 3rd petition
Geo: nothing
Science: we will go through the study guide Monday and take the test Tuesday
Art: Monet Nov 5th
Health: 220-221 1-14, 1-35 for Monday/Tuesday
English: nothing

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Walking to the U.W. campus tomorrow, dress appropriately!

Spelling:Unit 10 tomorrow, test Friday
Math: 87 test today
Geo: Jeopardy today, test tomorrow
Science: We will go through the review on Monday, test will be Tuesday
Algebra 1/2: Set 35
Art: ws due Nov. 5th
Music: ws for Friday
Memory: CL lesson 4 for Friday
Health: 220-221 1-14, 1-32
CE: nothing

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hello again. I pray that your day was as clear and breezy as the weather.

Spelling: Unit 10 is due for Thursday
Math: we looked at coordinate planes today and will take the test tomorrow
Geo: we corrected the review today, we will do some reviewing tomorrow and take the test Thursday
English: personification story rough draft (p.81)
Science: quiz on section three, tomorrow we will take on section four, so we will move the study guide until Monday, but we will keep the test on Tuesday
Algebra 1/2: set 33
Art: Monet ws for Nov. 5th
Memory: lesson 4 for Friday
Health: p.220 1-14, p. 221 1-35
CE: nothing

Monday, October 18, 2010

Today we went over the pre-test for rmath in class. We will have an investigation tomorrow and take the test on Wednesday. We talked about South America's blessing and challenges. We also took a little time to work in groups on the review that is due tomorrow. In English we talked about using personification in our writing. We also reviewed using details, especially sensory details, to make our stories really come alive. We then read about Billy and his "Puppy Love".

Thursday afternoon we are walking to the Tech. Please remind your student to appropriate footwear and warm enough clothing. We are also having agronomist Becky Wagner from the FDL County Land & Water Conservation Dept. come and speak to us Friday morning at around 9:30. Join us if you can.

Spelling: Unit 9 is due for Thursday, test Friday
Music: theory ws (both sides) due for Friday
Math: test on Wed
Cat: sermon summary and Address and 1st Petition of the Lord's Prayer
Geo: quiz on section 3 and study guide, test Thursday
English: nothing
Science: quiz tomorrow, study guide Wednesday, test 26th
Algebra 1/2: set 32
Art: Monet ws Nov. 5th
Memory: CL lesson 4 for Friday
Health: 220-221

Friday, October 15, 2010

The correcting is done. Check your email box for a progress report. They have been sent.
Catching up on correcting. Hope to have progress reports sent out before the weekend is over.
And so another week comes to a close. I pray yours was a good one. Today we finished up Mozart, our art project, a Math Meet test, and another section in math.

Spelling: Unit 9 for next Thursday
Math: 30 skip 10,11,17,18,19,20,24,29,30
Algebra 1/2: set 31
Geo: quiz for Monday, review is due Tue, test is Thurs 19th
English: 3 ws for Monday
Science: Study guide for Wed, test is on the 26th
Art: Monet sheet due Nov. 5th
Music: ws both sides due next Friday
Health: girls 519 lesson 5
CE: ws for Wed or Thurs

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Our guest speaker did a great job and hit on many topics that we just covered and will cover. Thanks Mr. Mindock! We also talked about Mexico, the miners in Chile and even took some time for estimating.

We will have another guest speaker coming in on the 22nd, also helping us with science.


Spelling: test tomorrow
Math: set 29 skip 2,5,7,11,13,14,15,27  (make sure you round to the proper place)
Cat: sermon summary and memory for Tue
Geo: quiz on part one tomorrow
Science: Quiz on part one tomorrow
English: students are on their own to finish final copy on the wiki by 3:00 p.m. Friday
Algebra 1/2: set 30
CE: ws
Health: girls 519 Lesson 5
Lit: nothing
Music: nothing
Art: we will finish our fall watercolors on Friday

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Check your email for details about some science activities that are comming up you can join us for.
After we corrected our study guides we took our geography test today as an open note test. We also wne to the lab to finish our naratives and our peer editing as well.

Spelling: Unit 9 is due tomorrow, test Friday
Math: set 28, skip 4,15,16,18,19,20,21,22,25,27,30
Algebra 1/2: set 9
Cat: sermon summary and memory for Tuesday
Geo: we will correct the test tomorrow and start our new section
English: tomorrow we will move on in the text, students will be on their own to finish their final copy of their narative on the wiki by Friday afternoon.
Science: we will take our section 1 quiz on FRIDAY due to the guest speaker tomorrow
Art: nothing
Memory: lesson 3 for Friday
Lit: we started Where the Red Fern Grows no assingment
Music: nothing

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Today we started typing our narratives into our wiki's. We had some mistakes, but we are learning!

The sign up sheet for parent/student/teacher conferences went home today. Please note that I do want the students to come along to these. If you would like to meet with me privately, let me know and we can set up an additional meeting. Also please note that my times start at 5:00 on Tuesday the 26th.

Spelling: Unit 9 for Thursday, test Friday
Math: set 27
Geography: study guide is due tomorrow,
English: we typed our papers into the wiki today and will spend some time peer editing, this can also be done from home
Science: we took out test today, we also graded them already
Algebra: 1/2 test
Art: nothing
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
Memory: lesson 3 for Friday
Lit: nothing
Music: nothing

Monday, October 11, 2010

Today we visited my wiki desk. We followed some links to review for our map test for TOMORROW! We also learned how to log onto our wiki's so that we can compose our latest story online. We also looked at our spelling unit for the week, multiplied and divided mixed fractions, and reviewed for our science test. We also took an easy test on Hatchet.

Spelling: Unit 9 for Thursday
Math: Set 26  do practice a-i, skip 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,10,11,13,14,24
Cat: sermon summary  3rd article
Geo: map test tomorrow and study guide is due
Science: test tomorrow
English: 3 ws for Wednesday, story elements outline for tomorrow
Algebra 1/2 set 28
Lit: crossword puzzle
Music: nothing
Art: nothing
CL: hand in all ws
Memory: lesson 3 for Friday

Friday, October 8, 2010

We did not take the geography map tests today since the history of Latin America took longer than planed. We will review the maps on Monday and take the test on Tuesday. We will also correct the study guide on Tuesday for the test on Wedensday.

We will go though the study guide for Science on Monday so that we can take the test on Tuesday.

We finished the movie version of Hatchet today. There were quite a few differences. Ask your student about them.

Spelling: Unit 9 for next Thurs. Test Fri.
CL: Lesson three memory for Friday
Math: Set 25
English: nothing
Geo: quiz Monday, map test Tuesday, Unit test Wednesday
Music: nothing
Art: nothing
Science: study guide for Monday, test Tuesday
Cat: sermon summary
Lit: Test next week
Health: boys nothing, girls 519 lesson 5
CE: nothing

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Another beautiful day outside. Inside we talked about an easier way to reduce fractions. We continued our look at the history of Latin America. We started the movie version of Hatchet. On top of all that, we are finishing our narratives. I tried something new with the Smart Board features. I was able to put a picture of one of the completed sample problems on the blog. I was also able to record a video of me solving one of the problems. I did not record any audio with the video, it just shows what to do. Check it out if you need help with math.

Spelling: test tomorrow
Memory: C.L. lesson 2 for tomorrow
Cat.: 3rd article for Tue.
Math: set 24, skip 1,3,7,9,10,12,29
Geo: quiz tomorrow
English: final copy of narative, with outline and rough draft
Science: ws and study guide for Monday
Lit: test Monday
Algebra 1/2: set 26
Art: nothing
CE: nothing
Health: boys nothing, girls 519 lesson 5
Music: ws due tomorrow

Math example video

Math example.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Welcome back to another day of education! Today we talked about the history of Latin America. So much good stuff we didn't even get to finish.  We also revisited how to subtract mixed numbers with borrowing. We also took our turn at making a story element out line. (I will include an example.) We were given three ideas. We get to pick one and then form a story around it. We finished off the day by finishing both of our books. Very exciting endings!

Example For Thursday

Pick a story starter from the book on page 65.

Starter 1. Carl Williams slowly backed farther into the shadows.

Write a story elements outline.

I. Main idea

Carl did not practice his piano for his lesson so he is hiding from his music teacher.

II. Setting

A backyard of a suburban home.

III. Character

Mrs. Nevens, Carl, and Sparky

IV. Plot

Carl did not practice piano all week and is not ready for his lesson with Mrs. Nevens so he decides to hide in her back yard after he gets dropped off. He wants to skip his lesson so that he won’t get yelled at. However Mrs. Nevens knows someone is outside and lets her dog, Sparky, loose to get the intruder. Sparky finds Carl and begs for treats. Mrs. Nevens and Carl have a good laugh and Carl promises to practice for next week.

V. Ending

Next week Carl brings treats for Sparky and has a great lesson.

Spelling: unit 8 for Thursday, test for Friday
Math: set 23 skip 1,2,3,4,15,17,24,25
Cat: Sermon Summary
Geo: work on maps
English: story elements outline and rough draft
Science: notes for quiz on section 3 (We go through the section in class, but the students should be going over the section again on their own to touch up their notes.)
Algebra 1/2: Set 25 odd problems
Art: nothing
Memory: CL lesson 2 for Friday
Music: ws for Friday
Lit: epilogue ws

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

We started the day with a discussion of what to say to someone who loses a loved one. A very pertinent discussion for us to have. We also then drifted into lots of speculation about heaven. The students stumped me often with their questions, but we had a good discussion. We then took a look at fraction of a group problems and how to draw a diagram to help solve those. Nothing new, but a good review as these problems will come up again and again. In English we expanded our writing to include short stories. Then Mr. Haag came and gave the Geography test, talked more about minerals and found out what was in the survival pack that Brian found. Thanks for filling in Mr. Haag!

Spelling: Unit 8 for Thursday, test Friday
Math: set 22 skip 7,8,9,10,11,13,14,15, 28
Cat: Sermon Summary
Geo: took test, map test Friday
English: nothing
Science: notes and quiz on section 2
Algebra 1/2: test
Art: nothing
Memory: lesson two from CL passages and hymn
Music: Mozart ws for Friday

Monday, October 4, 2010

Spelling: unit 8 for Thursday, test Friday
Math: set 21
Cat: sermon Summary
Geo: test tomorrow, maps Friday
English: 2 ws from Friday are due tomorrow
Science: quiz on section 1
Algebra: set 24
Music: ws for Friday
Lit: ch 18
Memory: 2nd article tomorrow, CL lesson 2 for Friday

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Magic Flute animated

FRIDAY!  We stared to work with watercolor, but ran out of time to finish. We also took a math test (some of us) and worked on comparative and superlative adjectives. (Ask your student why funner is not a proper word!) We were supposed to have our map test today, but apparently most of the class missed it on the board every day this week so we will take it on Monday. This moves the Geo test to Tuesday. We also watched a version of Mozart's Magic Flute, click the link if you are interested.

Spelling: redo page 4  remember that many words will have two afixes in a row, fear-LESS-NESS  both less and ness should be circled.
Math: test
Algebra 1/2: Set 23
Cat: Sermon Summary
Geo: Map test Monday, review Monday
English: two worksheets for TUESDAY
Science: nothing
Art: nothing
Music: ws for Friday
Lit: nothing new
CL: worksheets are due on Monday

Thursday, September 30, 2010

CNN Student News

The tests are done! The tests are done! Well the Terra Nova ones are at least.   We also took a look at using a compass to make a regular triangle and a regular hexagon. We also talked about writing descriptive paragraphs. We continued our discussion of Latin America and took a science test.

Please remember to bring your offering money tomorrow for Calvary Academy.

Spelling: test 7 tomorrow
Math: Investigation
Cat: Sermon Summary
Christ Light: Memory from lesson one due tomorrow
Geo: quiz on sections one and two, map test
English: final draft of five paragraph essay
Science: nothing
Art: Artist Monthly and self portrait
Music: Mozart ws next week Friday
Lit: nothing new
Health p.519
CE: boys ws on CNN Student news from Monday

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The long test is out of the way. So far so good on the testing. Today was Math. We hope to wrap it up tomorrow with Friday available if needed.

Spelling: Unit 7 for Thurs
Math: took the Terra Nova Test
Cat: sermon summary (Monday)
Geo: look ever part a of section two and take notes
English: rough draft of 5 paragraph paper
Science: test tomorrow
Art: self portrait and ws for this Friday
Memory work: lesson 1 for Friday
Music: ws for next Friday

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

We took several more tests today, but we did find time to review math and science. We also read about Brian getting hit by a moose and a tornado in one day, but the news isn't all bad.

Spelling: Unit 7 please work with care
Math: Terra Nova test tomorrow, In 2 on Thurs, regular test Friday
English: nothing new
Science: pre test for tomorrow, test Thurs
Algebra 1/2: test
Art: self portrait and ws for this Friday
Music: ws for next Friday
Memory: lesson 1 for Friday
Lit: ch 16 ws
Health: 519
CE: nothing

Monday, September 27, 2010

Testing. Testing. So far so good. You should have gotten your mid-term email by now. If you have not been getting my weekly emails, please let me know!

Spelling: Unit 7
Math: set 20 skip 5,7,10,13,24,27
Cat: sermon summary
Geo: chapter 7 section 1 quiz for tomorrow, map test Friday
Science: quiz on section 3
English: wsh 6-3
Algebra 1/2: set 21
Art: self portrait
memory work for Friday: 1 Peter 3:15, 2 Tim 3:15-17, Hymn 469: 1,3
Music: composers ws for NEXT week Friday
Lit: ch 15 ws

Friday, September 24, 2010

Happy Friday! We took our Canada/US test and now we will move on to Latin America. We also looked at perimeter. We said good-by Haydn and hello Mozart! We also continued to look at faces, but this time we looked at our own as we did self portraits and studied the life of Rembrandt. (The artist not the toothpaste.)

Terra Nova tests next week.

Spelling: unit 7 for Thursday, test Friday
Math: set 19 skip 5,6,11,15,18,21,22
Algebra 1/2: set 20
Cat: sermon summary
Geo: we took our test and started looking at Latin America
English: ws 6-2
Science: quiz on Monday
Art: self portrait for next Fri, Rembrandt ws for next Fri
Music: Mozart ws for Oct. 8th
Lit: ch 15 and ws

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Great job on our map tests today. You should have all received your students' mid-terms yesterday via email. If you have not been getting the weekly grade reports, please let me know.  Geography test, memory and spelling test tomorrow.

Math: Set 18 skip 5, 15,17,20,21,22,26,29
Algebra 1/2: set 19
Spelling: test tomorrow
Cat: Sermon Summary
Geo: test tomorrow
English: final copy and rough draft stapled together
Science: quiz on Monday, study guide Wed
Art: nothing
Music: ws, quiz and Haydn ws tomorrow
Lit: ch 14 and ws

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What an incredibly nice day for our Fun and Fitness! Before we headed outside we took a look at using a protractor. We also labeled a map of Canada to review for the map test tomorrow. We are ramping up our writing by going to three paragraph essays.

Spelling: unit 5 tomorrow, test Fri
Math: set 17
Geo: Map test tomorrow, study guide tomorrow, test Friday
English: Three paragraph essay for tomorrow (rough draft)
Science: quiz tomorrow
Algebra 1/2: set 18 even
Art: nothing
Memory work: lesson 5 for Friday
Lit: nothing new
Music: instruments ws and quiz for Friday, and Haydn ws
CE: notes
Health: 519

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Don't you just love the variety in WI weather? Today we looked at some of the issues that face Canada and the US and how they work together to face them. We also looked again at atoms and how they bond.

Spelling: Unit 5 is due on Thursday, take your time on it, test Friday

Math: Set 16 skip 5, 8, 12, 13, 15, 16, 25

Algebra 1/2: set 17

Geo: quiz tomorrow, map tomorrow, map quiz for Thurs, study guide for Thurs, Test Friday

Science: Quiz and ws from yesterday are for tomorrow

English: ws 5-3 for Wed

Art: nothing

Music: Haydn ws, instruments ws and quiz Friday

Memory Work for CL: Lesson 5 for Friday

Monday, September 20, 2010

Welcome to another wild and wacky week in 7th grade. Actually today was really neither wild or wacky, although we did get our heads spining trying to understand atoms, atomic bonds, and the periodic table. Don't worry, we will go through it again. We also reviewed how to change fractions around. We whipped through the geo test in no time and managed to look at more sentences and classify them.

Spelling: Unit 5 for Thurs, test Friday (Remember not to put it off until the last moment!)
Math: Set 15, skip 5,11,13,14,15,16,17,21,23,25
Algebra 1/2: took test
Geo: quiz on section 1 and work on maps
English: ws 5-2
Sc: work sheets for WEDNESDAY due to our symposium
Art: none
Music: instrument ws and quiz on Friday, Haydn ws for Friday
Memory: 2 passages and 1 hymn verse from lesson 5 for Friday
Health: p. 519
Cat: 10th commandment and conclusion
Lit: ws 12 and read

Friday, September 17, 2010

Happy Friday of our first full week! I was informed that we are already about 1/10th of the way through the year. Amazing. Today we looked at Galatians again and marveled that God has given us his word and not something made up by men. We also looked at another kind of story problem in math today. All the story problems we have been doing are fairly easy math, but the difficulty comes in making sure we have the equation right in the first place. We also learned more about Leonardo as an inventor, went through the sights and sounds of some percussion instruments, and prepared for our Monday geography test. Have a great weekend. See you at Faith and Fun and GO PACK!

Spelling: took test, unit 5 for next Thursday
Math: set 14, skip 6, 10, 21, 23, 26, 27, 28, 30
Algebra: set 16
Cat: sermon summary
Geo: test Monday
English: final copy of WA 3 or 4
Sc: word search for Monday
Art: nothing
Music: Haydn ws for next Friday, Instrument ws and instrument quiz for next Friday
Lit: see yesterday
Memory: the 2 verses and 1 hymn verse from CL lesson 5 will be due next Friday

All are invited to come to a symposium at 2:00 on Monday. Also Fun and Fitness is scheduled for Wednesday.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Another day living in God's grace. Thanks for joining us! Today we continued to play with numbers and words reviewing old ways to use them and learning some new ones. We also had fun reviewing our states and capitals for the map test tomorrow. Then we finally had to get to work taking our science test, but it was a short one so that wasn't too bad. Then we learned some more about what happened to Brian. We finished off the day finding out why the police showed up right where Max and Worm happened to be.

Cat: Sermon Summary
Math: set 13 skip 6,7,8,11,19,25,27,29,30
Algebra 1/2: set 15
Geo: map test tomorrow, full test Monday
Science: took test today, word search for Monday
Art: face is due tomorrow
Music: Haydn ws is due next week Friday
Literature: Ch 11 +wsh
English: 3 point expository paragraph for Monday. WA#3 or WA#4

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Today we continued our work on story problems. We also contiuned to practice idetnifying more parts of sentences. We reveiwed for our science test that we will take tomorrow. We also spent some time studying Canada, and then we read about Brian being in Canada.

Spelling: Unit 4 is due tomorrow! Test Fri.
Math: set 12 skip 5,8,11,14,26,28
Algebra 1/2: set 14
Catechism: memory for next Tue
Geo: We will have a quiz on section to tomorrow. We will go through the states and capitals on Thursday, we will take the map test on Friday and get the new map, we will also go through the study guide on Friday and take the test on Monday.
Sc: took our quiz and went through the study guide for the test tomorrow.
Art: face is due in Friday
Music: Haydn ws for next Friday
Literature: ch 10 and ws
CL memory work from lesson 4 is due on Friday

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Today was another very busy day! We talked about the branches of government and spent some special time on the Supreme Court. In fact we found out that "the longest serving justice was William O. Douglas, who retired in November, 1975, after 36 years and six months on the bench."

We also talked about how science develops along with improvements in technology, yet it isn't perfect. We looked at some simple story problems. Don't worry, harder ones are coming.

Spelling: unit 4 is due on THURSDAY, test on Friday
Math: set 11
Algebra 1/2: set 13
Cat: sermon summaries due tomorrow
Geo: No quiz tomorrow, work on the states and capitals map
English: 4-2 (ws page 8)
Science: ch 1 section 2 quiz
Art: picture for Friday
Music: Haydn ws for next Friday
Memory: Lesson 4 memory work for Friday

Monday, September 13, 2010

Greetings! Today we started new chapters in Science and Geography, but we also kept an eye on Brian and reviewed pronouns.

Spelling: redo unit 3 for some, unit 4 for Thursday
Math: took a test
Cat: commandments 7-9 for memory tomorrow
Geo: notes and quiz on 135-139. Test and map test will be on Friday
English: final copy due tomorrow
Science: Ch 1 section 1 notes for quiz
Algebra 1/2 ?
Art: face for Friday
Lit: ch 9 was done in calss, ws for 9
Music: Haydn ws for next Friday
CL: memory for Friday from lesson 3

Friday, September 10, 2010

We survived test day! We also looked and listened to various kinds of musical instruments. We also used some manipulatives to investigate fractions. The regular math test will be on Monday. Cat. next week will be Wednesday and Thursday, keep working on those books of the Bible.

CL: Lesson 4 memory work will be due on Friday
Math: Investigation 1-30 today, test for Monday. Look over the pre-test and get ready to ace the test on Monday.
Algebra 1/2: set 12
Geo: took test
Sci: took test
English: three point expository paragraph on things I like to do on the weekend.
Art: face. Redo or finish Leonardo wsh
Lit: nothing new, ch 8 wsh from yesterday
Music: Haydn wsh for Sept. 24th
Health: page 518 girls, 519 boys
CE: ws

Thursday, September 9, 2010

With our tests coming tomorrow, we had lots of study time today.

Spelling: 20-23 and test tomorrow
Math: we did the pre-test today in groups
Algebra 1/2: set 11
Cat: sermon summary
Geo: test
English: ws 6
Science: test
Art: ws and face due tomorrow
memroy work from leeson 3 of CL due tomorrow
Lit: ch 7 and ws

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Today we continued to reveiw fractions. We also looked at what nouns can do, it's a lot! We are ramping up for our Geography and Science tests on Friday. We took time to review for our map test on Thursday as well. Lots of study time today as well.

Math: Set 10 skip 8,10,12,14,15,18,23,26
Algebra 1/2: set 10
Geo: map test tomorrow, regular test Friday, study guide is due tomorrow
English: ws 3-2
Science: study guide is due tomorrow, test Friday
Lit: ch 7 and wsh
CE: ws due next week
Health: p. 518 for the girls, 519 for the boys.
Memory work is due on Friday, see C.L. lesson 3
Spelling: unit and test 3 are due on Friday

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Welocme back! I hope you had a blessed weekend! Today we looked at working with fractions, Canada and the US, more sentences, fitness, resources and Brian in the wilderness. What an action packed day.

Cat: Test
Math: set 9 skip 10,11,12,13,14,15,21
Algebra 1/2 took test
Geo: keep working on the map and the study guide
English: write three sentences using the guidlines in the book
Science: Ch 4 section 2 take notes for a quiz tomorrow
Lit: Chapter 6 and ws
Health: boys page 519 lesson 3 1-8 for next Tue.
Art: ws and picture are due on Friday

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Welcome to the end . . . . of the week that is. We had another good week. Enjoy the weather this weekend, it is supposed to be beautiful.

CL: Memory work is found in the Christ Light book at the end of the sections. The memory work for next Friday from lesson 3. There are a few short verses and Hymn 490 again, so it should be relatively easy.
Cat: 4th-6th commandments for Tue
Math: set 8, skip 3,13,14,15,18,21,22
Geography: notes and quiz on section 4-2, map test will be next Thursday.
Spelling: unit 3 will be due next week Friday along with the test. After next week the units will be due on Thursdays and the test will be on Fridays.
Health: p. 518, 1-10 for next week
CE: wsh for next week
English: Nothing
Science: ch5 section 1 notes and quiz for Tue
Lit: nothing

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The humidity was a bit much, but that won't stop our learning!
Remember we have Memory Work for tomorrow and it is a double duty. The passages and hymn verses are all in the Christ Light book from lessons one and two. We won't be writing the 4th commandment. Since it is a double there will be a few less blanks than usual, but it will take some studying. We also have spelling unit and test tomorrow as well.

Cat: review ws
Math: Set 6 skip 4,13,16,20,21,23,26
Geography: Quiz on section 4-1. The study maps were handed out today, the map test will be next week Thursday.
English: ws 5
Science: we took our test
Art: ws and picture are due next Friday
Spelling: Unit 2 and test
Literature Ch 5 ws

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Greetings! Thanks for stopping by. Today we looked at divisability rules to help find factors. We also took our Geography test as well. We also ran over when to capitalize, use a comma, or use other punctuation. We also reviewed for the science test tomorrow and read some more about Brian.

Picture day tomorrow!
Click orders are due tomorrow!
First day of hot lunch tomorrow!
Boy, what a day.

Cat. view wsh and books of the Bible
Math: Set 7 skip 3,8,14,17,18,19,27,29.
Geo: We took our test
English: WS 2-2
Health: 518 1-10. Girls lesson 1, boys lesson 2
Memory for Thurs passages (see below) and hymn 490
Art: Artist Monthly for Next Friday
Spelling: Unit 2 and test on Thurs
Sci: test tomorrow

Monday, August 30, 2010

Week two has begun! Today we took a look at place value in math. We also talked about how Jesus' love for us motivates us to love each other. In geography we reveiwed for the test tomorrow. In English we reviewed how to do the sentence questiona and answer flow, and practiced some jingles. We also read another chapter in Hatchet.

CL. Memory work will be written on Thursday this week: Eph 6:1, 2 Tim 1:5, Eph 5:1,2 Ecc. 4:9, John 15:12, Hymn 490 vs 1,2.
Math: Set 5, skip 8, 14, 17, 18, 23, 24
Algebra 1/2: Set 6
Geography: test
English: nothing
Science: complete study guide for tomorrow, test Wed.
Lit: ws ch. 2.
Health: p. 518 1-10 Boys tomorrow, Girls, Monday after next.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Today we began a study of the book of Galatians. We also learned about Leonardo da Vinci and tired our hand at drawing the Mona Lisa. In English we reviewed the four kinds of sentences. You could ask your student about it. Ask your student aboubt it. Will you ask your student about it? It would be fantastic if you would ask your student about it!

Cat: 20-25 and ws for Tue.
Math: set 4, skip 1,2,4,10, 18,20,22,27
Algebra 1/2: Set 5
Geography: today the study guide was handed out. The students should ahve it completed by Monday at which time we will correct the guide. The test will be Tuesday.
English: 6 sentences
Music: ws 7-1, 7-2
Science: Quiz on section 3 on Monday
The Christ Light memory work will be written on Thursday. The passages and hymn will be from lessons one and two of our book.
Lit: wsh from Chapter 1
Art: Mona Lisa and artist monthly for two weeks from today.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Today we started reading Hatchet. We also looked at how and why maps are distorted. We also discussed different economies.

Mission offerings will be collected tomorrow. 7th grade is supporting Calvary Academy.

Cat: 20-25 and ws for Tue
Math: set 3
Algebra 1/2: set 4
Spelling: unit 1 and test for Friday
Geo: notes and quiz on part 3 tomorrow
Science: notes and quiz for Monday
English: ws page 3 for Friday
Lit: wsh on ch1 for Monday

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

So far I have been impressed at how well the studetns are using their time. Keep up the good work!

Today we talked about latitude and longitude and how odd it would be if time zones went right through town! We also talked about globalization and different cultures blending.

Cat: 20-25 and ws. Learn the books of the Bible, with spellings, for two weeks from now.
Math: set 2 skip 7,8,14,18,22,23
Math 1/2: set 3
Spelling: pages 8-11 and test for Friday
Geo: pages 82-89 and quiz
English: ws page 2
Sci: read 160-163 and take notes for a quiz
Lit: nothing

Enjoy a great day!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Welcome to the first day of school! Today we went over routines and classroom procedures. Then we dove right in and got to work!

In science we looked at different kinds of land forms. In English we talked about good study skills. In literature we meet our author, Gary Paulsen.

Math: set 1, skip numbers 9,10,14,15,19,27,30. Due tomorrow
Geography: Notes on p.p. 70-76 open note quiz tomorrow
Health: Boys, page 518 Lesson 1 #'s 1-10 due next week Tue
English: pretest for tomorrow
Spelling: Unit 1 and test for Friday
Science: notes on Ch 6 section 1 quiz tomorrow
Literature: none

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Happy last full day of school. Remember we are out at noon tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

We had a great trip yesterday, it was HOT but we had a lot of fun. Students challenged themselves, and many of them went a great way past their personal goals. It was a fun cap to a fun year. Thanks for the loaner of your "blessings" over the past year. It was a joy to get to know them all.

The science review is due tomorrow. Geography test and ws are tomorrow.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Monday is field trip day. We are planning to leave at 7:30 please be here before that (7:20 should be good). Please let us know ASAP if your student is sick. I hope to be back by 3:00 but we may not make it back Please remember to send a lunch along, have your student wear tennis shoes. From what I understand pants are recquired for the high ropes course but the forecast at this time is 90 for Wautoma, where Camp Philip is located. I suggested that students may want to bring pants and shorts and change as appropriate.

Math: page 777 review of lessons 102, 111 for Tuesday
Science: review for Wed
English: ws for Tue
Lit: nothing
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
Art: did in class
Music: we looked at some Jazz musicians in class
CL: ws
Cat: In class review
Geo: ws and quiz for Tue

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Another beautiful day!

Math: took final test
sc: review for Wed
Lit: finished story
CE: nothing
Art: Pollock for Fri
Music: nothing
CL: ws for Fri
Mem: Borning Day
Geo:ec test

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Praise God for such a beautiful day outside! Enjoy!

Math: took test b
Science: 24a test form for next Wed
English: ws
Lit: started a sci-fy story by Isac Asimov
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
Art: Pollock sheet for Friday
Music: nothing
CL: ws for Monday
Cat: ws and Mw for Thurs
Memory vs 1,2 for Thurs, 5,6 for Fri
Geo: ws and Quiz

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Ask your student about the entertaining program we had this afternoon.

Math: test 23a
Sc: study guide for tomorrow
English: final copy (did in the lab)
Lit: nothing
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
Art: Pollock ws Friday
Music: Waller ws tomorrow
CL: nothing
Memory vs 1,2 for Thurs, 5,6 for Fri
Geo: ws and quiz

Monday, May 17, 2010

Spring fever is most definitely in the air. We graphed non-linear equations today. We started writing a narrative with dialog and reviewed the outer planets. We also took a look at a humorous account of one interesting night.

Math: set 120
Science: study guide wed
English: WA#20 rough draft due Tue Final Due Wed
Lit: nothing
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
Art: Pollock for Friday
Music: Waller for Wed.
CL: nothing
MW: vs 1,2 for Thurs., vs 5,6 for Fri.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Today we spent a lot of time working and got a lot of things done. Most students are done with their Accelerated Reader and music CD. WAY TO GO! Only a few left.

Math: set 119
Science: review due for Wed
Lit: read 571-586 and finish ws for Monday
English: 2 ws for Monday
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
CL: ws for Mon
Mem: vs 1,2 for Thurs, vs 5-6 for Friday
Cat: ws
Art: Pollock for Friday
Music: composer for Wed
Geo: ws for Mon

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Our universe wiki is almost complete! Check it out at http://7thuniverse.wikispaces.com/ .

Math: set 118
Science: Test 23 a next week Wed.
English: finish wiki
Lit: ws on the two stories we read in class, AR bt Friday
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
Music: cd by Friday
Art: nothing
CL: nothing
Memory: Borning Cry vs 1-2 next Thurs, 5-6 next Fri.
Geo: Test

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

We had a blustery track day, but it stayed dry so we are thankful for that!

Math: set 117
Science: review for Wed
Lit: AR points done by Friday
Music: CD Done by Friday
CL: ws for Thurs
Geo: vocab ws
English: wiki

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Today we continued our work on the starts. We also factored polynomials. We read some Aesop's fables and also learned about our solar system.

Math: SET 116
Science: test form a for next Tuesday.
English: wiki
Lit: nothing
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
Music: ws for tomorrow
Cat: ws
Geo: ws

Monday, May 10, 2010

Today we started a new Wiki for English and science. Your 'stars' will be researching the planets and other celestial bodies.

Track meet is Wednesday.

Math: test
Science: finish the review
English: worked on wiki
Lit: questions 1-7 on the story we read in class
health: nothing
CE: nothing
Music: ws for Wed
Art: nothing
CL: ws for Thurs
Cat: ws

Friday, May 7, 2010

Thanks for all of the wonderful gifts of appreciation this week. Allow me to take a moment to let you know that I appreciate the support that you offer as we work together to help your children.

Today we worked on a new art project. We also took a math pretest and finished our movie for Lit. Top that off with geography and spelling tests and we had a productive day.

Math: Pre test
Science: review for Monday
English: ws
Spelling: none
Lit: AR by the 14th
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
Art: flowers
CL: ws for Monday
Cat: ws
Memory: passages for Thurs, hymn for Fri
Geo: took test

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Today we started a discussion about dating. We also learned about converting in the metric system. We then had a very long study time. Several students got a lot done, and many took the chance to ask some good Math questions. We also learned about the attempted terrorist attack in New York. We also learned about the phases of the moon and watched a neat animation. Finally we got to start our Shakespeare movie/musical. It is quite humorous.

Math: set 115
Science: review
English: ws
Spelling: test
Lit: AR by the 14th
health: nothing
CE: nothing
Music: cd by the 14th
Art: nothing
CL: ws
Cat: ws
Hymn for tomorrow
Geo: Test

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Math: set 114
Science: nothing
English: nothing
Spelling: unit 35 for tomorrow
Lit: AR by the 14th
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
Music: cd by the 14 th
Art: space picture
Mem: passages for Thurs, hymn for Fri
Geo: Test

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Apologies for no blog last night. I am experiencing a catastrophic failure of my classroom computer. Good thing the grades are on the server!

Math: yesterday we did set 112, and today we will do 113
Science: Yesterday we learned about the space shuttle and Hubble. Today we will start looking at the Sun Moon system. Notes section 1
English: Today we will work with correcting paragraphs filled with run-on sentences and fragments.
Spelling: unit 35 for Thursday
CL: ws for Thurs
Mem: passages from lesson 1 for Thurs, hymn from lesson 2 for Friday
Health: nothing
CE: ws
Music: composer for Wed
Geo: 25-1 ws

Friday, April 30, 2010

Enjoy a warm day. Today we started to scratch the surface of space art. We also continued to work on classifying sentences and our persuasive paragraphs. In math we divided numbers in scientific notation. Then we learned about Jelly Roll Morton. To top that all off, we heard some very verbose folks complain about some other verbose folks.

We are trying to get AR and the music CD done by 5/14 and many students are there. Good job!

Math: set 111
Science: nothing
English: ws and final copy
Health: nothing
CE: ws
Music: ws for Wednesday
Art: space picture
Lit: nothing
CL: ws on Monday
Memory: passages for Thurs, hymn for Friday
Geo: Map

Thursday, April 29, 2010

One more day of God's grace! Today we went through the Math test question by question so everyone should know how to do each question. We also looked at writing persuasive essays of three paragraphs. We also saw how Apollo 13 was saved.

Please return any missing midterm or field trip forms. Thanks!

Math: went through test, no assignment
English: final copy due for Monday. (There will be more work assigned tomorrow, so don't put it off.)
Spelling: test tomorrow
Health: nothing
CE: ws
Music: nothing
CL: make sure section one of the book is filled in.
MW: three passages from lesson one for next Thurs.
Geo: WS and test for Monday

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Today in our devotion, we talked about being thankful. Thank the Lord for all of the many blessings he has given us, including your children!

I still need many field trip forms and midterm forms. Thanks!

Math: took test
Science: nothing
English: final copy and rough draft handed in tomorrow
Spelling: unit 34 tomorrow
Lit: nothing
Health: noting
CE: ws
Music: Unit 8 by 5-14
Cat: ws
CL: nothing
MW: 1 Tim 2:3,4 for 5-3
Geo: ws and quiz

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Tall Tale Voice Threads are up. Use the link on the right to get to a Wiki where each project has a separate link. Watch one, watch them all! They are quite entertaining. I will warn you that the volume varies greatly from one project to the next. Today we started persuasive paragraphs. We also took a pretest for Math, with the real thing to follow tomorrow. We also finished section three of our science unit and learned about the space shuttle and space station.

Math: pretest
Science: review and notes
English: persuasive rough draft
Spelling: unit 34 for Thursday
Lit: nothing
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
Music: nothing
Art: nothing
Cat: ws
CL: nothing
MW: Col 3:15-16
Geo: nothing

Friday, April 23, 2010

We have finished our Tall Tales! I hope to get them posted soon. Stay tuned!

Math: set 110
English: finished Tall Tales
Spelling: took test
Science: test form A for Tuesday
Literature: nothing
Health: 332, 337
CE: nothing
Music: nothing
Art: nothing
Cat: ws
CL: nothing
MW: passages
Geo: nothing

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Tornado Awareness Week! Today we took a look at the Gemini project. We also worked with equations with squares and tried to finish up our illustrations for our Tall Tales.
Remember examination is tonight.

Math: set 109
Science: test form A for Tuesday
English: nothing
Literature: nothing
Health: 1-4, 1-5
CE: nothing
Art: ws for Friday
Music: nothing
MW: Pass It On

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Midterms went home today. I also sent an email copy for your convenience. Lunch and milk ticket counts were included. Remember you may purchase tickets on Thursday.

Math: Set 108 (nice short lesson today)
Science: nothing (We are losing the space race!)
English: we did more work in the lab
Literature: nothing
Spelling: unit 33
Health: 330 1-4, 337 1-5
Music: nothing (We started learning about Scott Joplin)
Cat: ws 4-27
CL: page 24 for tomorrow
MW: Pass it On for Thursday
Art: Hopper for Friday
CE: ws
Geo: N23-2 and quiz

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Today we got a chance to talk about the slope of a line, worked on our illustrations, started the space race, and met the rest of our major Shakespearean actors. On top of that we had some beautiful weather for recess.

Math: set 107
Science: notes for section 2 and the test form A
English: worked on illustrations
Lit: read in class
Spelling: unit 33
Health: 330 1-4, 337 1-5,
Music: ws for Wed
Cat: ws
CL: page 24 for Thurs
MW: Pass It On for Thurs
Art: Hoper for Friday
CE: ws
GEO: N 23-2 and quiz

Monday, April 19, 2010

As another week begins we looked at our last psalm. We simplified equations that were just letters. We also started working on our illustrations for our tall tales. We started to get spacey in science, and met about half of our Shakespearean cast.

Math: set 106
Science: notes for section 1
English: work on illustrations
Lit: in class
Spelling: unit 33
Health: Boys 1-5, 1-2, girls 1-4, 1-5
Music: ws for Wed.
Cat: test tomorrow, H.W. for Wed
MW: Pass It On for Thursday
Art: ws for Friday
CE: ws
CL: last ws
Geo: N23-1

Friday, April 16, 2010

Today we continued our discussion of what a joy it is to worship with other believers. We also took our Math test. We are working on our final copy of our Tall Tale. We also took a look at Shakespearean language in preparation for starting to read our play next week.

Math: took test
English: final copy
Science: test form A for Monday
Lit: nothing
Spelling: took test
Health: #1-4, #1-2
Music: ws for next Wed
Art: ws for Next Friday
CL: page 22-23
Geo: took test
Cat: test 4-20, H.W. 4-21
CE: ws

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Another warm one! Today we took a math pre-test, learned about Shakespeare, reviewed air pollution one more time, and talked about what a privilege it is to be able to worship with fellow believers.

Math: took pre test
Science: test form A for Monday
English: ws 11-2
Literature: nothing
Spelling: test
Health: 1-4, 1-2
Music: theory ws
Cat: test 4-20, H.W. 4-21
CL: page 23
Memory: Hymn 152 vs 1, 7, 8 (We sing on Sat!)
Art: nothing
CE: ws on video
Geo: test 22

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What a difficult day to be inside! Today we discussed how to find the surface area of right solids and spheres. We also talked about propaganda and marketing techniques. Remember we sing on Saturday.

Math: set 105
Sc: vocab ws and note ws for Thurs, Test sheet for Monday
English: ws 11-1
Lit: nothing
Spelling:Unit 32 for Thursday
Health: 1-4, 1-2
CE: ws
Art: nothing
Music: theory sheets for Friday
Cat: ws 4-21, test 4-20
CL: nothing
Hymn 152: 1, 7,8 for Friday
Geo: N22-2, Quiz, review

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Today we found the area and circumference of part of a circle. We also started Tall Tales. I look forward to a good chuckle reading those. We also looked at air pollution, where it comes from and what we are trying to do about. We also talked about life in Shakespeare's day. We will get into his life next time. We also reviewed some basic first aid ideas.

Math: set 104
Science: notes due Thursday, test form A due Monday
English: story elements outline and rough draft for tomorrow
Lit: nothing
Spelling: unit 32 for Thursday (www.spellingcity.com)
Health: 324-329 1-4, 1-2
CE: nothing
Art: nothing
Music: nothing
CL: nothing
Memory: Hymn 152: vs 1, 7,8
Geo: ?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Welcome back to school! I pray everyone had a good break.
Today we got back into the groove by working with negatives and dividing with variables. We also started our study of Shakespeare leading into our reading of Love's Labours' Lost. We are also looking at how we affect the air and water.

Math: set 103
Science: study guide and ws from section 1
English: ws
Lit: nothing
Spelling: unit due Thursday
Art: nothing
Music: nothing
Cat: ws
Memory: Hymn 152 vs 1,7,8 (we sing on Sat.)
Geo: South Asia map
Health: 324-329 1-4, 1-2

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Today we compared probability with odds with chance. All different ways to express the same idea. We also worked on combining short choppy sentences to make our writing better.

Math: did investigation
English: 2 wsh
Science: study guide is due 4-19
Lit: nothing
Spelling: nothing
Psalms: ws 21,
MW: psalm 84 hymn 152 vs 1,7,8
Cat: ws
Geo: took test
CE: ws
Health: review 320-321

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Today we looked at the relationship between two parallel lines and a transversal (line that cuts across them). We also looked at how to solve problems like 3x-6 = 2x+9. We also did our final assignment for Hatchet. Movie tomorrow!

Math: set 102
Science: the new study guide was handed out, due for 4-19
English: no assignment
Psalms: p. 21 4-12
Cat: ws for Wed
MW: John 20: 22,23 Psalm 84 for 4-15
Music: ws due Wed
Art: ws due Wed
Geo: Review
Spelling: nothing
CE: ws
Health: 320-321 select problems for 4- 12, 4-13

Monday, March 29, 2010

Today we worked at turning word problems into equations, talked about what personification is, and got Brian rescued.

Math: set 101
English: nothing
Science: nothing
Spelling: nothing
Literature: ws for ch 18,19 and epilogue
Art: ws for Wednesday
Music: ws for Wednesday
Psalms: p. 21 for 4/12
CE: ws for the boys
Health: p. 320 #'s 13-21, P. 321 #'s 1-31
Geo: Review, test Wed
MW: 3rd article

Friday, March 26, 2010

Today we saw how Brian survived and even thrived after the moose and tornado. We also took a math test and tried to be Frank Lloyd Wright.

Math: took test
English: ws 9-3 a+b for Monday
Science: study guide is due on Monday
Spelling: we took our test
Lit: CH 17 ws
CE: ws
Health: nothing
Art: ws for Wednesday
Music: we for Wednesday
Geo: N21-3 quiz
Psalms: ws for Monday Psalm 84 from the hymnal due after break

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Today we practiced for our math test tomorrow. We also looked over our science notes for the chapter. We compared compound sentences to complex sentences. Meanwhile, Brian got hit by a moose and then a tornado, but he is keeping his positive attitude that surviving in the wilderness has given him. (CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!)

Lunch and milk tickets are needed. Remember to get some on Monday.

Math: pre test today, test tomorrow
English: ws 9-2
Lit: ws ch 16
Science: study guide is due on Monday
Spelling: test tomorrow
Psalms: nothing
Cat: sermon summary , 3rd Article and explanation
Geo: N21-3 quiz
Art: nothing
Music: nothing
CE: wsh on news show
Health: nothing

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Greetings! Remember lunch and milk tickets are on sale tomorrow.
Congrats Youth Praise on taking a first place!

Math: set 100
English: ws
Science: section 3 ws. Study guide is due on Monday
Spelling: unit 31 for Thurs.
Music: nothing
Art: nothing
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
Geo: took test
Cat: retake the test tomorrow
CL: nothing
Lit: two chs from yesterday

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Math: set 99
Science: sections 1+2 ws and section 2 notes
English: final copy of narrative, no outline is needed
Lit: ch 13-14 ws
Spelling: unit 31 due Thurs
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
Cat: redo test
CL: nothing
CatMW 2nd article and meaning
Art: nothing
Music: nothing
Geo: Ch 20 test

Monday, March 22, 2010

Look for report cards tonight. I apologize but there was a mistake on music grades. It has been corrected and I sent an email with the corrected music grade in it. Academic fair projects also went home today. It was nice to see the many nice boards.

Math: set 98
Science: notes on section 1 study guide 3-29
English: outline and rough draft of personal narrative. Around 10 sentences.
Lit: Ch 13 ws
Spelling: Unit 31 for Thursday (www.spellingcity.com)
Health: nothing
Art: nothing
Music: nothing
CE: nothing
Cat: redo the test
CL: nothing
Cat Mem: 2nd article and meaning
Geo: N20-2

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The end is near! So is the end of the quarter. Today we went through the science study guide question by question. We learned how to estimate angles and use the distributive property with variables. 3(x-6) = 3x - 18. We also saw Brian lose all hope after a rescue plane missed him. To top all of that off, we talked about taxing soda!

Math: set 96
Science: test tomorrow
English: 3 ws due on Monday
Spelling: test
Lit: Chapter 12 ws due for Monday
Music: nothing
Art: nothing
Health: girls read 310-311 and answer 1-4
CE: Nothing
Cat: ws 3-23
CL: page 18 3-22
Cat Mem: 2nd article and meaning 3-22

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Boy is it getting warm out today! Enjoy the weather after church, there shouldn't be much homework tonight.

Math: set 95
English: nothing
Science: study guide is due tomorrow, test Friday
Spelling: unit 29 is due tomorrow
Literature: nothing new
Health: read 310-311 and answer 1-4 for next week Monday
CE: nothing
Music: nothing
Art: nothing
Memory: Palm Sunday song due for memory tomorrow
Geo: test

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Enjoy the nice day!

Math: set 94
English: ws
Spelling: Unit 29 for Thurs
Sc: review is due Thursday
Lit: ws
Art: nothing
Music: nothing
Health: nothing
Memory: Palm Sunday Song for Thurs
Cat: 1st Article
Geo: Quiz sections 1-2 and review

Monday, March 15, 2010

Welcome to a new week! Today Brian ate raw eggs! Meanwhile we worked on Psalm 90, solving equations with negatives, fractions, inequalities and two steps all at the same time, narrative writ ting, and even ocean pollution. Whew!

CL: Palm Sunday hymn for Thursday
Cat: sermon summary, test
Math: set 93
Spelling: unit 29
English: short story
Health: 310-311 #1-4
CE: nothing
Sc: ws for chapters 2-3 and notes for Tue, Study guide due Thurs, test Friday
Lit: 2 ws we read in class
Art: nothing
Music: nothing

Friday, March 12, 2010

Today we finished up our psalm, looked at percent mark up or discount, made some awesome collages (the mess wasn't so bad) figured out how Brian can make fire, discussed story elements and had a lot of fun.

Math: set 92
Spelling: took test
English: did it in class
Health: read 2 pages and answer 1-4
CE: nothing
Science: Section 2 notes
Lit: ch 8 ws (read it in class)
Art: collage (did it in class)
MW: Hymn 130 vs 1,3 for Thurs
Cat: sermon summary
CL: sheet

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The students are really getting into their extra credit projects, good thing we had lots an lots of study time today. We looked at equations with lots of negative signs in them. Don't lose one or you will get the wrong answer. Brian has found a good source of food, but he also got quite a scare! Foreshadowing? We also talked about how evn though we are sinners we can say that we are sinless! How does that work? We also talked about sea life. It is amazing how much Finding Nemo has to do with this chapter.

Math: set 91
English: 2 ws
Science: section 2 notes
CE: nothing
Health: read 2 pages and answer 1-4
Lit: ws
CL: we will finish the psalm tomorrow
Art: ws for tomorrow
Music: nothing
Spelling: test tomorrow (www.spellingcity.com)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Today we did an investigation on graphing functions. The Smart Board was big help. We also had some fun singing fun songs. We looked at double negatives and decided we are never not going to use those.

Some of the students ran out of things to do at the end of the day, so I gave them an English sheet to work on. This is NOT due tomorrow, it is going to be assigned tomorrow due for Friday. I was just giving the students a chance to work on it rather than waste time. Hopefully this means that everyone knows psalm 90 perfectly for tomorrow.

Math: investigation 9 questions 5,6,7
Science: finish notes for section 1
English: ws 7-2 for Friday
Spelling: set 28 for tomorrow and test Friday
Lit: ch 4 ws from yesterday
Health: read 310-311 answer 1-4
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
Art: ws for Friday
CL: ws and psalm 90
Geo: Test

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Today we took a math test and a science test. We looked at how to write a good descriptive paragraph. We also got Brian some food, but will it stay down?

Math: took test
Science: took test
English: wa #8 final copy
Spelling: unit 28
Lit: Ch 6 read in class, ws
Health: 310-311 #1-4
CE: nothing
Music: Ws for Wed
Art: ws for Friday
Cat: w.s.
Cat: memory 1 Cor. 10:17
CL: ws and Psalm 90 for Thursday

Monday, March 8, 2010

Thank you to those who wore their field trip shirts. We had a great time. It was well worth the trip.

Our science test is tomorrow. We did chapter 5 in class today and the worksheet is due tomorrow for ch. 5. Everything else is the same.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Today we did a lot of work, but had some fun, too. We finished watching Where the Red Fern Grows. We also did our pre-test for math. We got new sheets for music and art, but had loads of time to work on them. For English, we peer reviewed our rough drafts.

Monday is our field trip. Remember to wear your field trip shirt.

Math: pretest
English: final copy
Science: study guide and ws for Monday
Spelling: Unit 28 for Thursday (spellingcity.com)
Lit: read ch 4 and do sheet
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
Music: ws for Wednesday
Art: ws for Friday
CL: ws for Monday, Psalm 90 form CW for Thursday
Cat: ws and sermon summary