Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Hey! Today we worked on collecting text books. We also learned a bit about the Titanic. We still have some late work to get in, but there were no new assignments today. Remember to bring bags to take home anything left at school, including art supplies. See you all tomorrow night!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Today we worked on reviewing science from this year and worked on commonly confused words one more time. We also looked at events in the world and above it. (The shuttle finally landed, a new supreme court judge? and wars and rumors of war.)

English: ws
Geo: ws
Math: ws
Algebra: topic J 10-31
Science: review

Friday, May 22, 2009

Happy Assension! Our Lord used his last words to tell us to spread His word so let's not be afraid!

Today we took some time to do a collage. The results are sure to be . . . interesting!
Memory and spelling went home today. We averaged a C and a C- respectively. I also sent home a progress report. For my classes this gives you an idea of what to expect on the final report card. Literature does not yet included the AR points, so those have the best chance of changing. For most of the students, if they are still missing any work, I entered a 0% for that grade. If a student hands in any of that missing work, the grade will be docked for being late, but it will improve over the 0%. The grades from the other teachers are still the midterm grades.

There are no new assignments from today. There are a few things due next week from yesterday.

Geo: 2 ws
Math: ws
Algebra: topic I

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Today we heard the oral reports for English, unfortunately many of the students did not understand what they were talking about. However, with a lot of help from me, we got through it! We also had some trouble during science this morning, but the students did pull it together nicely in the end. Please help your student stay on top of his or her assignments. With the end of the year fast approaching any missing work will be a 0% or the student may have to come in over summer! Any late work will have the grade significantly reduced.

Memory work and spelling are due tomorrow. Please encourage your student to study. Last weeks were much better and I'd like us to finish strong! Also get those AR points in sooner rather than later. The students were given the due date of the 22.

English: nothing
CE: read the rest of GWN
Health: nothing
Science: Fill out the study guide, we will correct it tomorrow
Literature: nothing
Spelling: Unit is due Thurs, test Fri
CL : memory due tomorrow
Geo: nothing
Math: study vocab
Algebra: Topic H 2,7,14,16,19,20

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Well so much for the weather forecast!

English: word pair presentations
Science: nothing
CE: read four pages for short takes
Geo: read and do wsh
Math: test S and Test H study finite number vocab
Algebra: Test G 5-13 odds, study vocabs

Monday, May 18, 2009

Today we got to look at the pictures/videos that I took on the trip. We also talked more about God's gift of sex. We also studied elements of literature, using some specific stories as examples. Unfortunately the students did not do the assignment board so I do not know what assignments they have for the classes I do not teach.

English: ws 30-4d
Health: 290-291
Science: nothing
CE: read 4 pages
Spelling: unit 32 for Thurs test Fri

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The science projects are done! The students had to make Power Points on an assigned planet or other space body. They had to have text and pictures, and as a special twist, they had to record their narration. This created some special issues and I think the students learned a lot about their topic and Power Point. I am posting links to their projects on the right, (the rest will be their soon). Unfortunately, the audio does not seem to work after I publish them to the Internet, so you will have to read them! Enjoy!
JEANS AND SHOES TOMORROW! Any music players will be taken at the students own risk. Please make sure any and all music taken along is appropriate.

All work will be due on Monday or later.

English: 1 wsh
Lit: nothing
Health: nothing
CE: read short articles
CL: memory from lesson 2 for Tuesday

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Algebra: vocab, topic F evens
Math: final exam part one, study vocab
English: ws
Geo: group reports
Science: nothing
Lit: nothing
Spell: W+Unit 31 and test THURS!
Health: 296-297
CL: memory

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Today we just about finished up our science projects. We had a few laughs, but also learned a few things as well.
The memory grades seem to be slipping quite a bit despite me dividing up the memory and their being none from Pastor any more. Please talk to your student about the seriousness of doing their best to learn God's word.

Algebra: first 3 pages of vocab
Math: first 3 pages of vocab
English: ws
Geo: ws, quiz, pp. 714-720
Science: nothing
Lit: nothing
Spelling: unit 31 and test for THURS
Health: 296-297 all but Thinking Critically
CL: memory for Thurs
CE: nothing

Monday, May 11, 2009

Today we started watching the science Power Points. There are still some technical difficulties that we are trying to iron out, but the content has been good so far. We also started looking at poetry in literature. There is more to poetry them rhyming!

Algebra: topic E 1-14
Math: redoes
English: ws
Geo: ws, quiz, 705-713
Science: nothing
Lit: nothing
Spell: unit 31 TEST THURS!
Health 296-297 all but Thinking Critically
CE: nothing
CL: memory Thurs

Friday, May 8, 2009

I'd like to thank all of you who generously gave gifts for teacher appreciation week. Thank you! We finished Where the Red Fern Grows 2 today. It was not as good as the original in my opinion. Choir did a great job (from what I hear) and the non-choir students did some good service work around school.

English: 2 ws (we did part of each in class)
Health: 284, 290, 293

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Today was a bit rough behavior wise. We lost a lot of good study time due to excessive talking.

Algebra:topic D 1-14
Math: take home test
English: ws 104
Geo: read 704-709
Sc: project
Lit: nothing
CE: nothing
Health: 284, 290, 294 1-2 boys
CL: nothing

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Just a reminder to keep an eye on the new web site. Especially check out the school page for updates on softball and the track meet.

Algebra: topic C 21-27
Math: 120 #s 16-30
English: 2ws
Geo: ws and quiz
Science: project is due for Friday
Lit: nothing
CE: nothing
Health: boys ch 10 section questions
CL: hymn and article, book, and possible test

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Thank you to all those you have brought in gifts and/or volunteered to help out on Friday.

Algebra: Topic C 1-10
Math: set 120 practice 1-15
English: nothing
Geo: ws and quiz
Science: finish project
Lit: nothing
Health: questions from ch 10
CE: nothing
CL: First Article and meaning and Hymn 492:4 for Thurs.
Music: ws for Thurs

Monday, May 4, 2009

Algebra: Topic C #1-10
Math: set 120 practice
English: 2 ws
Geo: ?
Science: nothing
Lit: nothing
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
CL: passages

Friday, May 1, 2009

Today most of us finished our science projects. We also finished the movie of Where the Red Fern Grows .

Algebra: topics B #4-8
Math: set 119 1-15
English: 2 ws
Geo: study for test
Science: project
Lit: nothing
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
CL: memory for next week.