Monday, December 22, 2008

The Christmas service went well this morrning. There were a few songs that gave us concern during practice, but they came together nicely today.
I have afew volunteers bringing treats for tomorrow. Students may bring their gift for gift exchange tormorrow if they have not already. Boys will bring a generic boy gift and girls will bring a generic girl gift.
We finished our novel today. The students enjoyed it and have asked me to read the sequel to them.

Science: open book test Tue, extra credit due Jan 5th
Literature: chs 24-27
English: wa 19 Tues
Health: boys p. 200
Spelling: nothing
Current Events: nothing
Math: nothing
Geography: nothing

Friday, December 19, 2008


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Today we finished our section on volcanoes. I sent home an extra credit assignment for science. It covers all the chapters we have done this quarter and is due on Jan 5th. The students need to do all of it to get credit. They may use their books. Please do what you can to make sure that any students who did it are trying, not just guessing random answers. That gives the students all Christmas break to work on it, if desired.

Geography: Take home test
Science: nothing
English: ws 36
Music: cd
Spelling: Test
Math: Take home test
Algebra: Take home test
Literature: 21-23 wsh
Health: boys page 200 ASAP
Current Events: nothing

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Today we talked about the different kinds of volcanoes. We also saw some dramatic footage of volcanoes. We are almost done with our novel. The family has made it to America, but is having trouble getting past Ellis Island.

Geography: Nothing
Science: Nothing
English: ws 38
Math: Set 61 practice and evens
Algebra: Set 68 skip 5
Literature: 21-23 Friday
Spelling: 94-95
Music: computer program
Health: boys page 200 1-2 ASAP

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Please remember for Wednesday night, I am not able to be in the room the entire time to supervise. Any students staying in the room must be working quietly. Thanks you for your assistance.
We started looking at volcanoes today and the damage they can cause. We learned that being a vulcanologist can be very dangerous!

Geography: ws quiz
Science: nothing
English: Bee paragraph
Music: nothing
Math: Set 60 even
Algebra: Set 67
Spelling: 92-93
Literature: 17-20

Monday, December 15, 2008

With our Christmas service practices this week, the schedule will be a bit different this week, however we will still have memory due for Thursday and a spelling test on Friday. We should finish our novel this week as well.
We took the science test and got that corrected and handed back today. It went fairly well. There were a few students that scored low, but overall we the scores were not bad.
I printed progress reports on Friday and they were sent home today. Over the weekend I corrected all the late work I had received, but there is still quite a bit at large. It would be great if we had it all in by Christmas break. When we get back from Christmas break there is only one week left in the quarter to finish AR and the music program.

Geography: Nothing
Science: Nothing
Music: Nothing
English: Five paragraph persuasive essay
Literature: ws on chs 17-20 for Wednesday
Math: set 59 practice problems and evens
Algebra: Set 66 25 problems
Health: extra credit

Friday, December 12, 2008

Happy weekend. The science test will be Monday. Today I gave the students a mock test. The real test will have all the same questions but the questions and answers will be in a different order. We went through the entire test in class and discussed all the right answers. The mock test doesn't have to be filled out. It will not be graded, it is for study purposes.
We are getting nearer the end of our literature book. The students need to be writing their answers in complete sentences and the correcting is getting more and more strict. Please help your student remember periods and complete sentences.

Geography: redo the map test
Science: test
English: ws 34
Math: redo problems that were wrong
Algebra: set 65, do 25 problems
Literature: ws on chs 15-16
Spelling: Nothing
Current Events: nothing
Health: p200 1-2

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas is near! I can tell by how squirmy the students are getting each day. We did manage to finish our section on earthquakes. I decided to move the test to Monday instead of Friday. We will do some in class review tomorrow. We are continuing to work on our Christmas service. Help your child run through his or her parts. In Christ Light we continued our discussion on what we can say to people who persecute us for our faith.

Geography: Map test and ws quiz
Science: nothing
Math: set 57
Algebra: set 64
English: ws 33
Literature: ws 12-14
Spelling: Test Friday
Health: girls p 200 1-2
Current Events: nothing
Music: nothing

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Several students are hanging around the room Wednesday nights while they wait for church. I am willing to let students stay in the room as long as they are quietly working. If they are unwilling or unable to do so, please make other arrangements. Thank you for your assitance in this matter.
Today we tried to get back into the swing of things after a day digging out. I am glad everyone made it safely to school today! We continued to talk about earthquakes today. We also got through three chapters in Literature today. Ask your student about Johannes. Remember there is church tonight.

Geography: Read 248-249
Spelling: pp 88-89
English: Nothing
Science: Nothing
Literature: ws for chs 12-14
Math: test
Algebra: test
Health: the boys should have handed in p. 197 1-3 today. Girls have p. 200 1-2 for next week.
C.E.: The worksheet on veterans should be handed in tomorrow for both boys and girls

Monday, December 8, 2008

Singing went well. We had a good turn out and I thought the students did a nice job.
In science we are looking at earthquakes. There are a lot of terms in this section, ask for a review with your student.
The weather forecast looks pretty nasty. If school is called off on Tuesday, literature and spelling will still be due on Wednesday. The students were warned of this.
There is new memory for Thursday.
We took the preliminary test for the spelling bee. We haven't yet corrected it. I am curious to see how we did.

Geography: Open book test Tuesday
Spelling: pp. 86-87 Wednesday
Current Events: read pages 16-19 and do worksheet
Math: set 56
Algebra: set 63
Health: boys page 197 1-3, girls and boys for next week: p 200 1-2
Literature: we read chs 10-11 in class, worksheets due Wednesday
English: 1 practice sentence and 1 improved sentence, rewrite the paragraph, do not worry about the slashes, but do underline ect!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Memory Treasures went quite well today. The students got them back already. We will see how spelling and science went. We are participating in a book mark making contest for art. Students are to be using a saving energy theme. Ask them about their supper hero!

My wife and I are proud to announce that we are expecting a baby boy in April! We are very excited.

Science: Nothing
Current Events: pp 16-19 and ws
Math: Set 55 1-30
Algebra: Set 62 1-30
Health: 197 1-3
Geography: ws and quiz
Spelling: Nothing
Literature: wsh chs 8+9
English: 5 paragraph essay rd+fc
Memory: Let's Go vs 2+3

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Memory and science test tomorrow! Keep working on the AR! We went through all of the questions on the test for science and most of the students knew the majority of them, so it should be a good test.

Math: Set 54 any 20 problems
Science: test
Geography: ws and quiz
English: ws 32
Literature: ch 7 wsh
Spelling: Test
Memory: vs 1 and refrain
Health:197 1-3
Current events: read about veterans and fill out ws

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Enjoy the snow! Wednesday Advent services start today! Hope to see you there.

Geography: 275-277 label map
Science: did in class
English: Wsh 12-2 skip the last to parts
Math: set 53 practice and evens
Algebra: set 60 practice and evens
Spelling: p82-83
Health: 197 1-3 for next week Monday/Tuesday
Current Events: Boys have a wsh and quiz for tomorrow, girls read 26-28 and do ws
Literature: questions for ch 7 for Friday

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The sea floor is spreading! For more details ask your student. We also continued our persuasive writing. What topic did your student choose? Quick reminder we are singing in the 10:30 service this Sunday. We are working on a song with two parts so we need every voice we can get. There is some memory due tomorrow and there will be some due on Friday as well as we get ready for the Christmas service.

Geography: Finish filling in the map
Science: did it in class
English: writing assignment 16, rough draft and final
Math: Set 52, practice and evens
Algebra: set 59 1-30
Spelling: pp 80-81
Literature: read in class, fill out ws on ch. 5+6
Current Events: the girls for Wed. have to finish the Great Depression quiz and brain workout questions. The boys have that for Thurs. along with the quiz they missed last week on Marxism, pages 2-5
Health: p. 197 1-3

Monday, December 1, 2008

Today we started a new section in science talking about sea floor spreading. This chapter is a lead up for volcanoes and earthquakes. We will be covering those in the weeks before Christmas.

Geography: None (?)
Math: Set 51
Algebra: Set 57
Science: Did it in class
English: Writing Assignment 15, pick a topic from the list in the book and write an outline, rough draft and final copy
Spelling: pp 80-81 for Wednesday
Lit: DO ws on chs 5+6 for Wednesday
Health: p 197 1-3 for next week Mon./Tue.
Current Events: Read pp 26-28 and fill out both sides of the worksheet for Wed./Thurs. Boys will have a quiz on Marxism on Thursday also.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

We tried something new for music today. We did the worksheet in partners. Those strong in musical background helped to guide those who haven't perhaps had piano or band lessons. This seemed to work out fairly well. We also wrapped up our science unit on water erosion just in time to take the test tomorrow. The students were given a study guide to aid their studies. They may also use the note taking worksheets that we have been doing as a daily assignment.

Geography:246-252, ws and quiz
Science: Test
Math: Set 50 evens and test
Algebra: Set 56 evens and test
Lit: Questions on chapters 1+2
Catechism: Test
English: ws 11-2b
Spelling: Nothing
Current Events: pages 2-5 and quiz
Health: Nothing
Music: Nothing
Memory Treasures: recitation

Monday, November 24, 2008

Wow. Today has been a hectic one. Due to may factors I did not get to this at school before I needed to vacate the room for Pastor. Unfortunately I do not have the Math or Geography assignments here at home. I apologize for any inconvenience.

A good part of my day was spent going over last week's spelling test and memory treasures. While many students continued their excellent work, there were enough who did poorly that I felt some review and redo's were in order. Students either got a chance to improve their grade or get some extra work done. I'd call that a win/win for the students. Every full week we have memory on Thursday and spelling on Friday. It seems pretty clear that a few students are simply not preparing themselves sufficiently for these. Please encourage your student to keep at them. I am making some adjustments intended to reduce the amount of homework a student needs to bring home if they are faithfully using their time at school. This should open some more time t0 work on spelling and the study of God's word.

We started Red as in Russia, Measles, and Love in literature today. We read through the first two chapters in class. I hope, as time allows, to do more of this novel in class as a group.

English: ws 11-1
Literature: ws for ch's 1-2 for Wednesday. (We read the chapters in class.)
Health: None
Current Events: Read pp 2-5 and be ready for a quiz
Memory: Christmas service recitation for Wednesday

Friday, November 21, 2008

Please remember to send money for tickets. We have 14 students that are either at 0 or into negative numbers for lunch and/or milk.
Today we saw the play at WLA. (Why yes, my children did make adorable munchkins, thanks for asking. Oh you meant how did my students in the orchestra do? They were good, too.) We had a good time. We also watched the end of Call of the Wild. Ask your student about the many differences from the book to the movie.

We also started practicing the Christmas service. Our two recitations will be due on Wednesday. They are listed on the side post.

Geography: Ws 85 and quiz, in book 2,3,5
Math: 48 evens
Algebra: 54 evens
Spelling: Nothing
Literature: Nothing
Music: Nothing
English: Nothing
Health: Nothing
Current Events: Pages 2-5 and quiz

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Click on a link to read a Tall Tale by a student. The students had to choose one of four story starters. These are posted as the students wrote them with no, or very minor changes by me.
A Day at the Carnival by Emily
A Big Bubble by Mitchell
A Barren Cornfield by Tim
Angie and the Big Bubble by Mikayla
Lighter Than Air by Kayla
Monster Snake by Andrew
The Big Wind by Mason
The Bubblegum Contest by Dylan
The Contest by Justin
The Girl Who Became Pink by Laura
The Hungry Crows by Lee
The Hungry Crows by Lucas
The Mystery by Rachel
The Very Hungry Crows by Ben
There Once Was a Girl Named Jilby by Amber
Today we typed some tall tales. I hope to get some posted here for you to read. Unfortunately, due to a misunderstanding, we lost some of them when another class used the lab. I will see how many I can salvage. Keep an eye open for those, they should be fun. Tomorrow is The Wizard of Oz at WLA. In the afternoon we will finish Call of the Wild and work on our song for Dec 7th when we sing in church. I have posted our singing schedule at the bottom of the page.

The Science tests did not go as well (as a class) as I had hoped. While we had several A's there were some grades that were lower than I would like to see. It seems that not everyone is using the study guide. I strongly encourage using it. We also took a break from chapter 9 to review some of the key terms for chapter 8. We made a "mind map" of some of the key concepts. I gave the students two worksheets to review the vocabulary terms. I want to make sure we get these terms before we move on, and it should be an easy grade as well. I plan on getting the tests back to the students tomorrow.

Journals will be due tomorrow. I plan on making this our last journal entry. While the English series strongly recommends doing them, I do not think that what we are getting out of them, in most cases, is worth the amount of time that the students are putting into writing them and the time I am putting into reading them. Students are welcome and encouraged to keep writing on their own.

Geography: In book 2,3,5 wsh 85 and quiz for Monday
English: Journal "If I could pick any other time to live in I would pick _."
Science: wshs 15 and 18
Math: Set 48 evens for Monday
Algebra: 54 evens for Monday
Spelling: Test tomorrow first thing
Current Events: pp 2-5 and quiz
Health: No assignment

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

We had a pretty good day today. The students handed in some good journal entries, and they did a better job quieting down during transition time. Let's keep up the good work!

We started talking about water as an agent of erosion. We will spend today and tomorrow working on tall tales. I hope to be able to post some here. We also got to watch part of a movie based on Call of the Wild. Unfortunately, it is pretty loosely based, but it offers a good comparison.

Geography: No assignment
Science: Read 238-248, wsh 9-1
English: Rough Draft of a tall tale and story outline
Spelling: 76-77
Math: Set 47 practice problems and evens
Algebra: Set 53
Health: No assignment
Current Events: Boys have a quiz on pages 16-19 tomorrow, Next week pages 2-5 and a quiz will be due on Wednesday for the girls and Thursday for the boys
Music: 37-40
C.L. Memory Treasures Tomorrow!
Journal for Friday: If I could live in a different time, I would pick __.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Greetings! Since I had corrected all of my late work I sent home updated progress reports today. Look for those. We took the Science test today, but did not have time to correct it. Due to some tests and coincidence it should be a fairly light homework day; however, we are still working on getting settled down and getting right to our work, so it could have been even lighter. Every minuet counts! If there is any extra time, keep plugging away at those AR books!

Geography: Map test tomorrow
Science: No assignment
English: Work on journal "If the world was going to end tomorrow, I would _ today."
Spelling: pp 74-75
Algebra: No assignment
Math: No assignment
Current Events: read 16-19 be ready for a quiz on the Supreme Court
Music: 37-40 for Thursday
Health: No assignment
Memory Treasures are due Thursday

Monday, November 17, 2008

Today we had a special presentation on how cheese is made. We got to sample bleu cheese. There was some debate about if that is a good thing or a bad thing. Ask your student what they learned about cheese.

We missed out on some study time this AM, but we had a very productive study time this afternoon.

The Call of the Wild test went well. The class averaged a B.

Geography: Map test Wednesday
Spelling: 74-75 for Wednesday
English: Worksheet 10-3 for Tuesday, journal for Wednesday "If tomorrow were the end of the world, I would ___ today."
Science: Test Study guide was handed out Friday and is available at the link below.
Math: Set 46
Algebra: 52 test
Current Events: Read pp 16-19 and be ready for a quiz
Music: wsh 33-36
Christ Light: Memory Treasures for Thursday

Friday, November 14, 2008

Happy Friday! Ask your student about working with the second grade today. A good time was had by all. We had a long and productive study time this morning. We took some time to work on journal entries. I am going to try setting more frequent due dates and giving the students topics on which to write. Hopefully this will improve our journaling efforts.

Progress Reports went home today. Some of the grades may change based on late work that I am working through. Call of the Wild has been a challenge for some students. The test on Monday will will consists of multiple choice questions. Most of these will be taken directly off of the worksheets. A few have been reworded and there is one trick question.

The science test will be Tuesday. The students were given a study guide today. The link below will bring that up as well.

Geography: Test Wednesday
Science: Review on pages pp 234-235
Literature: Test Monday
Math: Set 45 even, 5 problems you don't know
Algebra: Set 51
English: 10-2 A+B
Heath: 190 Column 1 1-11, p191 1-34 hand in asap
CE: pp 16-19 Quiz on the Supreme Court
Music: wsh 33-36 Tuesday
Christ Light: Memory Thursday
Journal for Monday: "If I won $50,000 I would . . . because. . .."

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Click to view science study guides.

8th grade Science Test Ch. 8 Study

7th grade Science Test Ch 8 Study Guide
I have received many complaints about students behavior in the bathrooms. I have started sending only a few students at a time at break and at lunch time. However, this takes up a lot of valuable time, and I have continued to get complaints despite this precaution. Unfortunately there is not enough time to be able to send the students one at a time. I have told the students that there will be no break on Friday. This is not something I am willing to continue long term. Please speak to your student and encourage them to use proper behavior while in the rest rooms. I appreciate your help.

On the positive side we had some very good study time this morning. The afternoons continue to be a bit rougher, but we seem to be making some progress in the mornings.

In an effort to reduce the amount of late work still outstanding, I am going to be having some mandatory after school study halls for anyone who has existing late work. I would like students with late work to stay after on any of these days when he or she does not have a practice. I have picked days when I will be around to help the student(s) if needed. Hopefully we can get the board cleared!

Geography: Read 223-224 quiz and ws are due for Friday, the test will be Wednesday
Science: ws 8-3 for Friday, the test will be Tuesday,
Literature: ch 7 and ws Friday, test Monday
Spelling: Test Friday
Math: set 44
Algebra: set 50
English: page 84 re-write the two paragraphs
Health: page 190 column 1 1-11, page 191 1-34
Current Events: pp 16-19 and quiz
Music: wsh 33-36 for Tuesday
Christ Light: Memory for Thursday

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Glaciers and direct objects were the order of the day. Also, we are on chapter away from finishing Call of the Wild. If you get a chance, ask you student about the mouse in the room. (Part of the story I am reading to them.)

Geography: Read 218-228 and do the foldable
Science: Read 210-214, do wsh 8-2
Literature: Read Chapter 7 and do wsh for Friday
Spelling: Pages 70-71
Math: Set 43
Algebra: Set 49
English: Sentence flow on worksheet, one sentence following the pattern in lesson 10-1 and one improved sentence
Christ Light: Worksheets and memory for TOMORROW!
Health: p. Column 1 1-11, p.191 1-34
Current Events: Read 16-19
Music: 29-32 for TOMORROW!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Today in English we talked about personification. The students will write a narrative as an object. I look forward to reading some really creative paragraphs. We also started talking about agents of weathering.

Some students are still struggling with getting all of their work in on time, but over all the class seems to be improving. Please stay on top of this! We are also still working on quieting down during transitions so that we can get right to the next thing. This was particularly rough today.

Geography: Read 212-215, Work Sheets 61 and 85
Science: Read pages 210-219 and complete wsh 27
Literature: Wsh on ch 6
Spelling: pp 68-69
Math: Set 42
Algebra: Set 48
English: Writing Assignment 13, outline, rough draft, final copy, journals due this week
Christ Light: Memory and worksheets due Thursday
Health: p 190, column 1 1-11, p 191 1-34 hand in as soon as possible, no later than next health class
Current Events: read pp 6-9 be ready for a quiz
Music: wsh 29-32 for Thursday

Monday, November 10, 2008

We took the science test today and were plagued by technical difficulties, still are in fact. We corrected most of the test already, so your student should have a good idea how he or she did.

Geography: Read 209-211 and do the foldable
Literature: We listened to chapter 6 in class. Have the worksheet done by Wednesday
Spelling: p.p. 68-69 for Wednesday
Math: Set 41 for Tuesday
Algebra: Set 47 for Tuesday
English: Wsh 22-23 for Tuesday
Christ Light: Two worksheets and memory for Thursday
Health: p. 190 Column 1 questions 1-11, page 191 1-34 Due Monday 11-17 for the girls, Tuesday 11-18 for the boys.
Current Events: Read pp 6-9 be ready for a quiz, Wednesday or Thursday
Music: 29-32 for Thursday

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Science Study Guide

Earth Science Test Ch 7 Study Guide
Soil is a mixture of weathered rock, mineral fragments, water, air and what?
The layer of soil that contains the most organic material is called the ___ horizon.
What factors cause mechanical weathering?
Litter often covers which horizon?
Chemical weathering is more rapid in what kind of climate?
Mechanical weathering is more rapid in what kind of climate?
Soil erosion can be slowed by what?
What is the organic matter in humus made of?
The rate of weathering depends upon an area’s what?
The rock and mineral fragments in soil come from rock that has been ___.
On steep slopes and mountains, what helps reduce erosion by creating level areas for crops? (Don’t say farmers, what do we call what the farmers do?

What is the difference between mechanical and chemical weathering?
Soils in what kind of area contain little organic material and are thin?
Plants cannot grow without what?
What regions are especially vulnerable to erosion because their soils are useful to farmers for only a few years before their nutrients are gone?

Ice wedging is brought about by what?
Minerals found in the B horizon were dissolved in water and carried there by a process called what?
Oxidation occurs when materials containing what are exposed to oxygen and water?
In bottomlands where water is plentiful, soil is often what?
Describe the B horizon.
Plants don’t grow as well when what has been lost?
Name the factors that affect soil development.
What horizon has smaller rocks and mineral particles than the other layers?
How does mechanical weathering work?
How does chemical weathering work?
In areas where freezing and thawing occur frequently, rocks weather because of the ___ of freezing water.

When water mixes with carbon dioxide gas in the air or soil, what forms?
Because desert soils contain little organic material, their soil profiles have ___ horizons.
What turns and loosens soil, improving it for crops, but leaving soil vulnerable to erosion?
What factors contribute to soil erosion?
What is it called when farmers leave plant stalks in the field to reduce soil erosion?
Label a diagram of the soil horizons.
What do we call all of the soil horizons together for an area?
Which horizon contains the most humus?
Which horizon is most like the parent material?
The most leaching occurs from which horizon to which horizon?
Topsoil is which horizon?
Which horizon has the least organic material?
Most plant roots grow in which horizon?
What do we call leaves, twigs, and other organic matter on the A horizon?
What do we call small pieces of rock such as sand, silt, and clay?
What do we call the pattern of weather that occurs in a particular area of many years?
Because plants do not grow well when topsoil has been removed ___ is harmful.
When farm animals eat the grass on land until there is almost no ground cover, it is called what?
What is made of dead plant and animal matter that has decayed due to bacteria and fungi?
Planting along the natural slope of the land to reduce soil erosion is called what?
Eroded soil can enter what, causing them to fill up with sediment?
Be able to identify which picture shows ice wedging.
Be able to identify which picture shows weathering involving carbonic acid?
Are animal burrows an example of chemical or mechanical weathering?
Describe the factors that influence the development and type of soil in a certain area.
What human activities lead to soil erosion?
Name three things farmers can do to reduce soil erosion.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Happy Friday! We started the day off with chapel where we heard about mission opportunities being all around us. We ended the day with a presentation on the African Medical Mission. Be sure to ask your students about both of these.

We continued to struggle with students not making the best use of their time. Too much time was spent waiting for students to quiet down at various places during the day. I am trying to impress on the students that every moment that is wasted at school is that much more homework for that night. Please try to reinforce this message.

Keep at those journals and AR books!

There is a great website I would like to recommend to you. It is called Librivox. Volunteers record themselves reading various public domain works. You are then able to download the mp3 file and listen to them for free. They work in conjunction with the Guetenburg project which supplies free text versions of various works as well. Since it is done by volunteers it is free. but the quality of the work varies. The web site is The site for Call of the Wild is If you are interested check it out. I listen to the books while driving, exercising, or even cutting the grass.

Geography: Label Map
Literature: Chapter 5 read and do worksheet
Science: Test Monday
English: Wsh 21
Math and Algebra had a test
Health: 187 1-5 for Monday or Tuesday
Current Events: read pages 6-9 and be ready for a quiz Wednesday or Thursday
Music: wsh 29-32 for Thursday

Thursday, November 6, 2008

We finished our study of soils today in science. The test will be on Monday.

We will continue with Call of the Wild in Literature tomorrow. I shared with the students today, that Chapter 4 has a section that many students find confusing. The author talks about Buck, the main character who happens to be a dog, is imaging sitting by a fire with a different man. This different man is a vision of man in the past. The author is trying to show how Buck is reverting to a more primitive state, going back to his instincts from many generations ago. Many students find this part confusing.

In Christ Light we started a discussion on what do we say to people who do not believe in Jesus as their savior.

The last two days we also had a good discussion about the election process, the electoral college, and we looked at a map that shows how each area of the country and state voted. You can find it at

Most of the students made good use of their study time today. We are continuing to work on improving transition time.

Geography: Study for Map Test
Literature: Chapter 4 and worksheet
Math: Pick any 10 problems from any Math set
Algebra: Set 46
Science: Review on pages 206 and 207 for Friday, the test will be Monday
Spelling: Spelling test at as close to 8:00 as possible
English: Worksheet 20, everything but the writting assignment-we are skipping the writting assignment
Health p. 187 1-5
Current Events: Read pages 6-9 and be ready for a quiz next week on pages 4-9
Music: Worksheets 29-32 for Thursday the 13th

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We had a chance to see the 8th grade play today. It was very cute, be sure to ask your student about it. The class was vary talkative this morning, but they did an excellent job during the play. They were a good audience.

Geography: Review wsh
Lit: Read chapter 4 and do worksheet. (Several students are still having a very rough time with the multiple choice worksheet. Please encourage them read carefully and answer the questions carefully as well.) Due Friday
Math 8/7: Set 40 evens
Algebra: Set 45 1-30
Science: Read pages 196-199 and do wsh 7-3
Spelling: Pages 64-65
English: Personal Narrative - outline, rough draft and final copy
Christ Light Memory is due tomorrow!
Health p. 187 questions 1-5 Due Monday for the girls and Tuesday for the boys
Current Events: Read pages 6 - 9 in God's World News. Next Wednesday for the girls and next Thursday for the boys

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Today was a mixed day. We had one very good study time after Science, but the students did not do as well at the end of the day. Part of that may have been that we switched desks. Encourage your student to resit the temptations that may arise due to a new seating arrangement.

We are in need of people to sign up to help out at Basketball games. Please sign up for as much time as you are able.

Everything is Due Wednesday unless otherwise noted.
Geography: p 198 - 202, worksheet 38, and a quiz.
Literature: Read Chapter 3 of Call of the Wild and fill out the worksheet.
Algebra: Set 44
Math: Set 39
Science: Read 188-194 and worksheet 7-2
Spelling: 62 - 63
English: Worksheets 18 + 19, 8-3 A and B
Health: page 187 questions 1-5 Due Monday the 10th for the girls, Tuesday the 11th for the boys.

We will be watching the 8th grade play tomorrow at 1:30. I hear it is a good one!
On Friday we will be having a guest speaker talking to the school about the WELS African Medical Mission.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Math: Set 38 do 25 problems for Tuesday
Science p. 182- 187 an wsh 7-1 for Tuesday
Geography: p.192-196 wsh 37 and Quiz for Tuesday
English: wsh 17, Chapter 8 lesson 2 for Tuesday
Reading: Call of the Wild Read chapter 3 and do worksheet for Wednesday
Spelling: Pages 62-63 for Wednesday

We started chapter 7 in science today. We are discussing weathering and soil formation. The grades for chapter 2 of Call of the Wild were not where we would like them to be. I encourage you to have your student tell you what is happening in the book. Make sure they are reading for comprehension and not just to say they read it.

The Memory Treasure are posted on the right. Encourge your student to be working on them a little bit every day.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Pastor will be gone this week so we will be using the Catechism time for other tasks. We will watch the 8th grade play on Wednesday at 1:30. There will also be another performance Thursday night.

Last week we started Call of the Wild by Jack London for literature. We will be working on that for the next few weeks.

Thank you to everyone for coming in for conferences. I found them to be productive and look forward to the fruits that will result.

Friday, October 31, 2008


Teacher's conference went well. I hope all my students were able to work on their AR books!