Wednesday, August 28, 2013

WEDNESDAY! I pray that you had a good Wednesday. The big event of our Wednesday was pictures! The class sure looked nice today. We talked about mineral resources today and we also discussed recycling and why that works well in some cases. We worked a bit on learning the words for our Reformation song and discussed our answers for literature. Let's work on detailed and complete answers on the next section! We also talked about lines, rays, angles and all things related. We also talked about punctuation rules. There sure are a plethora of them!

CL: ws for tomorrow
Science: notes for tomorrow
Geo: nothing
Music: Mozart for next week Wednesday
Lit: nothing
Math: set 6 skip 14,15,19,20,21,22
CE: nothing
English: nothing
Vocab ws: synonyms due tomorrow

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

We have completed our first Monday successfully! We finished our Christ Light lesson. It was about dating choices. We also started discussing energy. Tomorrow we will go NUCLEAR!

Wow. I just noticed this is all the farther I got in the hour and a half I was here after school last night. SORRY!

Today, Tuesday, we did in fact go nuclear. We talked about nuclear power plants and then discussed solar power in its many forms including wind and biomass. We looked at pros and cons of all the different forms of energy production. We also started our new unit on Latin America by looking at different maps of the regions to learn more about it. We will get into it in more depth in the future. This also means that it is time to start working on our country prezis. Each student will be asked to present to the class about an assigned country. Look for the country assignments this week. We also had our first art lesson with Mrs. Kemnitz and our first choir with Mrs. Herkstroeter today.

P.S. Pictures are tomorrow! Also please bring back any Scholastic orders ASAP.

CL: ws for Thursday
Science: "foldable" notes for Thursday
Literature: ch 1-5 ws for Wednesday
Math: set 6 skip 17,18,19,26,27,28
CE: nothing
English: nothing
Vocab ws: synonyms for Thursday

Friday, August 23, 2013

Friday! Four days down, 172 to go. We talked about culture today. We also caught up on the news of the week, went negative in math and learned some new words!

CL: nothing
Science: ws for Monday
Geo: nothing
CE: ws for Monday
Math: set 4 skip 19,20,23,26,27,28
English: nothing
Lit: nothing
Vocabulary ws: pages 17 and 18 for Thursday

Thursday, August 22, 2013

So we seem to have come to the end of another day. We talked about dating choices in Christ Light today. We had a little fun with maps as well. Additionally, we discussed population distribution and changes. We also got ready to crash a plane, solved problems that were missing parts, figured out there are four kinds of sentences and four kinds of writing, laughed a lot at things that weren't that funny.

CL: none
Science: note taking ws are do tomorrow
Geo: nothing
CE: nothing
Literature: look over the questions for chapters 1-5 and work on any that you can
English: none
Math: set 3 skip 19,20,21,27,28
Music: Haydn sheet due Wednesday
Art: nothing

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Hello! We tried our best to have more of a normal day of school today and we succeeded pretty well in our classroom. We started reading our novel today. We had our first English and music assignments, and kept plugging along in math. We also got nice and warm as soon as we went outside . . . .

Math: set 2 is due tomorrow skip 2,9, 14,18,22
English: worksheet that we started in class is due tomorrow
Lit: nothing
Science: finish up the notes sheet from section 2 for Friday
Music: Haydn worksheet for next Wednesday
Geo: nothing
CE: nothing

Monday, August 19, 2013

Our singing schedule has been added to the bottom of the blog. Remember, you can sign up to get these posts by email. See you tomorrow!