Monday, November 30, 2015

No time to be clever tonight!

CL: none
CE: none
English: ws for Thursday
Science: Study guide for Wednesday
Geo: ws for Wednesday
Math: set 42 see below for TOMORROW
Vocab: pages 90-94 for Thursday
Memory: Hymn 16 vs 1-2 for Friday
Art: none
Lit: none
Music: none

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

hAPPY tHANKSGIVING! tHIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN CAPS LOCK IN ON BY ACCDIENT. That's better. The pizza worked very well, thanks to everyone for remembering their money. (I was sure someone would forget.)

Science: ws for Monday
Vocab: pages for Thursday
CL: ws for Monday
Math: review ws for Monday

Monday, November 23, 2015

Welcome to the start and middle of the school week! We did the distributive property in Math, took a peek at Siberia in geography, talked about how to avoid soil erosion in science, and continued our study of 1 Peter.

CE: none
CL: ws for Monday
English: none
Geo: none
Science: 2 ws for Monday
Vocab: pages due on Monday
Math: set 41 see below for TOMORROW
Lit: none
Music: none
Art: none (no art tomorrow because of the funeral)
Memory: none

Math Lesson 41

Friday, November 20, 2015

Happy Friday! Not much homework this weekend. Yea! We had a math test, did a science activity, and had study time for our other subjects Hurah!

For our science activity, we de-potted some plants. We looked at how the roots are designed to hold onto the soil and how that can be an advantage in soil conservation. We also looked through the soil and found out that there are lots of other things in soil besides just dirt. On Monday we will talk about other ways to conserve soil.

Memory: none
CL: none
CE: newsquiz for MONDAY
Vocab: 95-97 for December 3rd
Science: none
Geo: ws for MONDAY
Math: none
English: none
Lit: none
Art: none
Music: none

Thursday, November 19, 2015

A reminder that this week is mid-term Ask your student about their AR points! Today we started a new vocab workshop unit and a unit on Russia. We also did something new in math as we took on box and whisker graphs. Science wasn't new though as we talked about soil. Tomorrow we are going to play in the dirt a bit.

CE: none
CL: none
English: none
Science: none
Geo: none
Music: none
Lit: none
Vocab: pages 90-93 for TOMORROW
Hymn 341 vs 1,2 for TOMORROW
Art: none
Math: test tomorrow

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Welcome to a wet, windy Wednesday! We took a math pretest today to get ready for the real thing on Friday. We also took our geo test and started to discuss weathering in science. We also got working on our cards for service members. We need to have them done tomorrow.

Lots of students need milk and lunch tickets. I'll try to get an email out tonight if possible.

CE: none
Music: none
Vocab: none
Geo: none
Art: none
Lit: none
CL: none
Math: pretest
Science: ws for TOMORROW
English: 9-2 for TOMORROW
Memory: Hymn 341 vs 1-2 for Friday

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Well, well, well. You came around again. Midterm is this week so take a look at your student's grades. Take note of missing work, there is still some out there. Also, several students are in need of milk and lunch tickets. I'll try to send out some specific reminders when possible.

CE: none
CL: none
English: 9-2 for Thursday
Art: none
Music: none
Math: set 40 skip 4,5,6,7,9 TOMORROW
Geo: test TOMORROW
Science: none
Vocab: pages are due Thursday
Hymn: 341 vs 1,2 for Friday
Lit: none

Math 40

Monday, November 16, 2015

It is the start of a new week! We continued to delve into the book of 1st Peter. We also looked at ratios and how we can use them to solve missing numbers. We took our science test and went through the geography review. We also talked about complex sentences because we needed the extra practice. Because we kept forgetting commas, we especially focused on when to use them.

CL: None
Hymn: 341 vs 1-2
English: ws 9-2 for Thursday
Geo: test on Wednesday
Science: none
Vocab: none
Lit: none
Music: Schubert for TOMORROW
CE: none
Math: set 39 skip 6,14,18,24,26 (see below)
Art: Sketchbook

Math 39