Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Today we heard updates from the students on various space missions. Some are melted into oblivion, some are still going strong and some haven't even been launched yet! We also looked at the Muslim countries of South Asia. We also looked at mixed number coefficients and spent a lot of time going through some of the recent types of problems. Tomorrow we will review for the test Thursday in both math and science.

Spelling: none
CL: memory from last week for Thursday
Science: study guide for tomorrow, Test Thursday
Geo: questions 1-3 on page 664 for Wed, 2,3 and 6 on 668 for Thursday
English: rough draft of creative writing for Wed, final copy for Thurs. start working on paper presentation, use presentation tool of choice (Museum box wants $100 now so they are out)
Lit: nothing
Math: set 90 skip 2, 10, 13, 20, 21, 30
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
Art: Picasso pic April 12th
Music: instrument matching sheet for April 12th

Monday, March 25, 2013

Welcome to another week. We looked at principles for dating today. We also delved into modern day India after getting into space. I updated the class on my space missions, it will be their turn tomorrow. We read about Elizabethan England a bit and worked with various polygons and how to find their angles.

Spelling: no spelling this week
CL: memory work from last week due for Thursday
Science: space mission updates tomorrow
Geo: questions 1,2,6 on page 655
Science: mission updates
English: 2 ws selected parts
Lit: nothing
Math: set 89 skip 2,6,16,20,22
CE: news quiz tomorrow
Health: nothing
Music: instruments sheet April 12th
Art: Picasso guitar April 12th

Friday, March 22, 2013

Math today was a bit easier so we had time to work on some problems from the assignment set.
We also started a new Picasso project. We got through our religions of India project but it took longer than anticipated so Shakespeare had to pay the price :-(

Spelling: no unit next week
CL: memory work from lesson 4 is moved to Thursday
Geo: nothing
Science: space mission update for Tuesday, study guide for Wednesday
English: nothing
Lit: nothing
Math: set 88 2,10,21,23,27
CE: news quiz for Tuesday
Health: nothing
Art: Picasso guitar
Music: instrument ws

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Today we learned CPR for infants, children, and adults. We also learned what to do if someone is choking. One of our instructors said that the students caught on faster than many adults. The other one said this was the best behaved group of 7th graders he has ever worked with!

Many of the class failed to study for our memory work this morning. ( I guess we know who checks the blog and who doesn't, now ;-)) so I moved it to next week Thursday.

For math we talked about multiplying algebraic terms. The pic above shows you what we did.

Spelling: test tomorrow
CL: memory work moved to next Thursday
Geo: project due tomorrow
Science: nothing
English: ws from yesterday
Lit: nothing
Math: set 87: 1,2,8,12,14,18,19
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
Music: nothing
Art: nothing

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Welcome again! We had a monster science quiz (6 extra credit and everything). We also took some time to work on our geo projects. We are learning about religions in South Asia and about a new web tool called Glogster. So far, it seems we like Prezi better. We also got to talk about indefinite pronouns. We listened to how Shakespeare might have sounded back in the day. It is a lot faster and with a totally different accent. It makes the words actually rhyme that way as well!

Tomorrow morning the class will be taking a class in cpr training. We will also learn how to use the AED's (Automatic External Defibrillator) located in our building. The school will pick up the cost for this training.

CL: memory work from lesson 4 for tomorrow
Spelling: unit 24 tomorrow, test Friday
Geo: project for Friday
Science: study guide for next Wednesday
English: Paper for tomorrow (Rough draft and note cards with the final copy outline and paper), ws for Friday
Lit: nothing
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
Art: nothing
Music: nothing

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

We had some really great questions in science today. However that meant less time to work on our geography project, so that is being moved to Friday. (We have something special lined up for Thursday morning. Shhh.) We also took a math test but don't worry, it didn't cover anything from the last 5 lessons so we will have more time to review that stuff.

A note for the fine arts fair went home today. Check it out!

Spelling: unit 24 for Thursday, test Friday
CL: memory from lesson 4 for Thursday
Science: quiz tomorrow
Geo: project for Friday
Lit: nothing
English: nothing
Math: set 85 skip 1,2,5,11,12,20,30
CE: nothing
Art: nothing
Health: nothing
Music: nothing

Monday, March 18, 2013

We had a tough time with math today so I printed off some of the work we did on the board and gave each student one. Here are the examples I printed. 

Spelling: unit 24 for Thurs, test Friday
CL: memory from lesson 4 for Thursday
Science: quiz
Geo: project for Wednesday
English: nothing
Lit: nothing
Math: set 85 skip 1,2,5,11,12,20,30
CE: nothing
Music: nothing
Health: nothing
Art: nothing

Friday, March 15, 2013

No new assignments but remember we have memory work on Monday and the English sheet as well.

We spent some time talking about The Ides of March and we had a great presentation from our guest.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Good day once again. Today was not such a doozie of a day. We spent most of the math period reviewing yesterday's lesson and doing many problems together. Hopefully it was informative. We also got a new project for geography and spent some time working on that. We are trying out another new web page that i have used personally before but not with a class. I have 29 days left of a free trial so we better get our money's worth! We also finished checking out the earth from space. Tomorrow we will get to pretend pollute with our guest speaker. Then we will learn how not to pollute for real.

Spelling: test tomorrow
CL: memory work tomorrow
Geo: project for next week
Science: nothing
English: ws for Monday
Math: all of set 84. (We won't have math tomorrow but I want to correct the papers before MOnday so it is due tomorrow)
Art: nothing
Music: nothing
CE: nothing
Health: nothing

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Happy Wednesday! We had a doozie of a day today. Math was especially so! Today we learned about dealing with problems with lots of different variables and constants and in the end we didn't even end up with a real answer! This messed with some brains. So, the lesson will be due for Friday and we will have tomorrow for question time.

Pastor will be in tomorrow, no assignment, CL memory will be due on Friday

Spelling: Unit tomorrow, test Friday
CL lesson 3 memory for Friday
Geo: ws for tomorrow
Science: nothing
English: ws for tomorrow
Lit: nothing
Health: nothing
Math: set 84, all due for FRIDAY (tomorrow will be question time)
CE: nothing
Music: nothing
Art: nothing

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Welcome to Tuesday. We survived the dreary day. I am not sure we are all recovered from Daylight Saving Time, though! We discussed the history and governments of South Asia, how to multiply scientific notation, and we really blew things out of the water with demonstrative adjectives and pronouns.

Spelling: unit for Thursday, test Friday
Catechism class memory work from today will be for tomorrow
CL memory work for Thursday is moved to Friday and the Plam Sunday hymn for Friday is moved to Monday
Science: nothing
Geo: ws for Tomorrow
English: nothing
Lit: nothing
Math: set 83 7,8,14,18,21,30
Health: 220 1-14 221 1-35 for Tomorrow
CE: nothing
Art: nothing
Music: nothing

Monday, March 11, 2013

Wow, that was a short weekend! Despite one less hour to work, I did get all of the rough drafts read, commented on and I was able to hand them back today. Overall it was a nice effort. The final copy is due on March 21st, right before break, but I'd be happy to have some early.  

We started Shakespeare today!

Spelling: unit 23 for Thursday, test Friday
CL: Lesson 3 memory for FRIDAY! This is a change due to Pastor having a schedule change
Science: open book partner test for tomorrow
Geo: ws 22-2 for tomorrow
English: nothing
Lit: nothing
CE: news quiz for tomorrow
Health: review for Wednesday
Music: nothing
Art: nothing
Math: 82: 3,11,18,19,28

Friday, March 8, 2013

Happy Friday! We watched a short video about Picasso. It tried to show the students how there really was a lot of thought and intention in the work that looks like some little kid spilled and tired to clean it up. We learned about the geography of India. We were trying to get a better idea of what the monsoon season really means for India. We also learned that near 1/2 a billion people live around the Ganges river. In English we are reviewing pronouns again. In lit I asked the students to show from the book how Bilbo changes during the course of the book. In math we talked about another way to solve percent problems. We also started to practice our song that we will be singing for Palm Sunday.

Spelling: unit 23 for next week
CL: lesson 3 memory work for Thursday
Geo: ws for Monday
Science: nothing
English: ws 18-3 for Monday
Lit: essays for Monday
Math: set 81 skip 8,12,13,18,19,20b,21
Art: nothing
Music: nothing
CE: news quiz for Tuesday
Health: review for Wednesday

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Somehow Thursday snuck up on me and went right on by! How about you? We started talking about the sub continent today. Did you know that Pakistan and India used to be one country? Then why do they have so many conflicts? Ask your student! We also looked at air pollution. We learned that DIRT of all things is a major force in water and air pollution. It all depends on where it is!

Spelling: test tomorrow
Memory: Lesson three Cl for next week Thursday
Science: foldable
Geo: nothing
English: nothing
Lit: nothing
Health: review for next week Wed
Music: ws for Friday
Art: Picasso pic for Friday
CE: nothing

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Happy Wednesday. We finished with Africa today and will be moving on to Asia. We are also studying about pollution. Today was the water, tomorrow the air! We took our math test as well. Hopefully we did well. We discussed life long fitness in health class. We discussed how it is important to find a group of activities that hit different fitness goals and also find things that we can continue to do all our lives.

Spelling: unit 22 tomorrow, test Friday
CL: memory from lesson 2 for tomorrow
Science: foldable from section 1
Geo: Prezzis from Asia are up next!
English: nothing
Lit: nothing
Math: took test
CE: nothing
Health: 220 1-14 and 221 1-35 for next Wed
Art: Picasso pic for Friday
Music: ws for Friday

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Tuesday! Hurrah! We took our test in science today. We rocked it with an A- average. We continued to learn about Nelson Mandela. A good example of someone who was able to forgive. We Did fairly well on our math review sheets from yesterday. I took it as a test grade and most everyone got a small grade bump. We still need to work hard on our basic computation skills. We are getting the concepts be we are adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing wrong. We will continue to work on it! Test tomorrow btw.

Spelling: Unit 22 for Th. test Fri.
CL: Lesson 2 memory for Thursday
Sci: nothing
Geo: nothing
English: ws for tomorrow
Lit: nothing
Math: lesson 80 practice a-d and number 30
Art: Picasso drawing for Friday
Music: ws for Friday
CE: nothing
Health: nothing

Monday, March 4, 2013

Welcome to the first Monday in March. We reviewed for the science test tomorrow. We are exploring more about Nelson Mandela during his time as president of South Africa. We took time out to review for Math today. We are working on 5 different concepts from the last dozen or so lessons. We also got to do MLC Meet Math today!

Spelling: Unit 22 for Thursday, test Friday
CL: lesson 2 memory work for Thursday
Geo: nothing
Science: test
English: rough draft tomorrow, I would like the bibliography handed in as well since it should be just a matter of putting the info from the bibliography cards on paper in alphabetical order. Then I can look it over for the student. If it is not there, it will not affect the grade.
 Lit: nothing
CE: news quiz for tomorrow
Health: nothing
Art: upside down drawing for Friday
Music: ws for Friday
Math: review ws

Friday, March 1, 2013

Greetings! I took Charlie to the Spelling Bee today. She got out int he 7th round and took 7th place! Brennan went out in I think the fourth round. The class had a fun afternoon with Mr. H. since my sub canceled at the last min.

Spelling: next unit next week
CL: lesson two memory for Thursday
Science: study guide and quiz for Monday
Geo: ws for Monday
English: rough draft for Tuesday
Lit: final 2 chapters and summary for Monday
CE: news quiz for Tuesday
Music: ws for Friday
Art: Picasso drawing for Friday
Health: nothing
Math: set 79 skip 1,2,3,4,10,22,24

Our 7th grade confirmation class will be hosting the Lenten dinner on March 13th.  Pastor Weigand will send home a note next week with detailed information.  We will serve a simple meal - hot dogs, chips, carrots, and dessert.