Thursday, November 30, 2017

We had a great trip today. Thanks to those who could come along.

Hymn 2: vs 1
Vocab: pages FRIDAY
Science: lesson summary FRIDAY

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

It's really Wednesday today! We took a math test, visited South Eastern Europe and much of the solar system to boot!

Tomorrow: Be way early, bring a lunch, dress nicely, and enjoy!

Hymn: 2 vs 1 FRIDAY
CL: none
English: none
Geo: ws TOMORROW (Hand it in in the morning if you have time, otherwise before we leave for the day)
Vocab: pages FRIDAY
Science: lesson summary FRIDAY
Lit: none
Math: took a test
Music: none

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

I don't know about you, but I kept thinking it was Wednesday today. Yikes! It is only Tuesday and we reviewed dividing by a decimal, and tried to discuss the solar system and managed to cover a whole lot of other random space related questions.

Reminder that Thursday we want to be on the bus and driving away by 7:30, so please have your student here before then (7:15 would be great). Also, please make sure they pack a lunch.

Hymn: 2 for Friday
Math: set 45 for TOMORROW
CL: none
English: none
Lit: none
Science: none
Geo: ws for Thursday
Music: none
Vocab: pages due FRIDAY

Monday, November 27, 2017

Happy Monday! the students were pretty wiped today. That must mean they had fun this long weekend! Today we talked about how to share God's word with others and let our lights shine. We also discussed when to use a fraction, decimal or remainder when dividing. We also started our next science book! We are getting spacey! We also covered 1,000 years of European history in less than 5 min. HERE

CL: none
Memory: hymn 2 vs 1 Friday
Math: set 44 TOMORROW
English: ws TOMORROW
Lit: questions due TOMORROW
Geo: ws due Wednesday
Music: none
Vocab: due Friday

Monday, November 20, 2017

Happy Monday! We converted decimals, fractions and percents all around today. We also worked on our big science review, and visited southern Europe. Lastly, we got Scrooge to be a good guy!

Hymn 341 vs 1 TOMORROW
Math: set 43 TOMORROW
English: none
Lit: questions are due Tuesday
Vocab: pages are due next week Friday
Music: none
Science: "test" due TOMORROW

Happy Blustery Friday! We tackled Western Europe today, started a major science review and discussed numbers that repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat .


Hymn 341 vs 1 TUESDAY!
Math: set 43
Science: test for Tuesday
Geo: 2-4 from the book
Music: none
Art: word search
Lit: none

Thursday, November 16, 2017


CL: ws Monday
Hymn 606 vs 1-2
Vocab: 52-56
Science: lesson review TOMORROW
Geo: none
English: paper Monday

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

One more Wednesday under the belt. We got to the ghost of Christmas past, made some box and whisker graphs, and checked out info about global warming.

Hymn: 606 vs 1,2 Friday
Science: 11-20 TOMORROW
Lit: questions 1-8 for Friday
Math: Investigation 4 TOMORROW
Geo: questions 1,3,6 TOMORROW
Music: theory sheets TOMORROW
Vocab: pages due Friday
English: Final copy due Monday!

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Today we had Meet Math. We did pretty well, all in all. Remember to have your student watch the video for tomorrow. We have a large investigation and it's a very new concept. This is only one part of it. Thanks for your help. We also discussed some issues that came up in our science book today. Ask your student about them if you get a chance. Not much homework tonight, good chance to work on the final copy of the paper and work ahead on memory work. Also, how are AR points coming?

Hymn: 606 vs 1-2 Friday
Vocab: pages are due Friday
English: none
Lit: none
Music: theory sheets Thursday
Science: none
Geo: none
Math: none

Monday, November 13, 2017

We took our math test today. We will have Meet Math tomorrow. Please have your student watch THIS video before math class on Wednesday. Thanks!

Hymn: 606 vs 1,2 Friday
CL: none
Math: took a test, watch video before Wednesday
English: ws for TOMORROW
Geo: redo foldable TOMORROW
Science: Lesson Review TOMORROW
Music: Theory sheets for Thursday
Lit: none

Friday, November 10, 2017

Happy Living History Friday! We finished up the first section on Europe, played with triangles and reviewed climate.

Hymn: 606 vs 1-2 Friday
Math: Lesson 40 MONDAY
Vocab: 52-56 due Friday
Geo: foldable and CNN MONDAY
Music: Theory sheets for Thursday
English: ws for Tuesday
Science: read through the lesson and do the problems for MONDAY
Lit: none
CL: none