Friday, September 30, 2011

It's Friday again. With no testing or trips today, we got to have more of a regularr day. We worked on self portraits, things we can do with a compass (and we learned some other things about circles), and our prezzis. We discussed what really is classical music anyway and finished this version of Macbeth. Phew!

Spelling: Unit 7 for Thursday, Test Friday
Art: self portrait for Friday
Music: Beethoven ws for Friday
Geography: Latin America prezzis for Monday
English: two worksheets from yesterday for Monday
CE: news quiz for Monday, use the web site to replay the videos or read the transcripts to get the answers
Science: quiz on section 2-2
Literature: nothing

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Hello again. We had a great trip to the lab over at UW Fond du Lac today. We got some great hands on time and a slew of concepts that we will cover through out the year were introduced. We also talked about collective nouns and how to decide when they are plural and when they are singular. We spent a lot of time discussing atoms and the periodic table as well.

Spelling: Test tomorrow
CL: memory work from lesson 5 tomorrow
English: 2 worksheets for MONDAY
Art: face due tomorrow
Math: pre-test from yesterday is due tomorrow
Geography: keep working on the prezzi
Music: nothing
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
Science: quiz tomorrow
Literature: nothing

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hi. The first page of spelling is a bit confusing because some of the words have short vowel sounds and double consonants. So as a special bonus for my faithful blog readers here is some help.

17. harass
18. appendix
19. confess
20. vanilla

Aren't you glad you checked the blog tonight? Don't forget it can be emailed to you every night between 5 and 7. Look at the bottom of the page and you can have this delivered. And unlike a pizza, you don't even have to tip!
Today we finished Terra Nova testing! We also went though half of the pre-test in class. The students will have the next half due for Friday since we will have our trip tomorrow. Please remember that we are walking, possibly in rain, so help your student be prepared for the weather. We also had our map test today. Some of the students took the extra testing time to study their maps. Good for them! We also took a look at some irregular verb forms. Lots to remember there.

Spelling: unit 6 due tomorrow, test Friday
CL: lesson 5 memory work due for Friday
Art: face due Friday
Music: nothing
Health: nothing
English: nothing
Math: pretest 2a do 2,4,6,7,10,12,14,16,18,20 for Friday
Literature: nothing
CE: nothing
Geo: nothing
Science: nothing

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hello again! Today we spent much of our day testing. We did go through some sentences for English and discussed possessive nouns and pronouns. We also took our geography test.

Remember our walking field trip is on Thursday. Please encourage appropriate shoes and clothes. The last forecast I saw no includes some rain on Thursday. Please keep that in mind.

CL: memory work from lesson 5 due on Friday
Spelling: unit 6 for Thursday, test Friday
Health: review due tomorrow
Art: face due on Friday
Geo: map test tomorrow
Music: nothing
Science: nothing
English: nothing
Literature: nothing
CE: nothing
Math: nothing

Monday, September 26, 2011

Happy Monday! Today we did a lot of Terra Nova tests. We did get to talk about square roots and area though. We also watched a bit more of Macbeth.

A note was sent home today about our UW field trip on Thursday. We will walk over and it doesn't cost us anything. We will get to play in the lab of one of their earth science professors.

Spelling: Unit 6 for Thursday, test Friday
Geo: test tomorrow
CL: Lesson 5 memory work for Friday
Science: nothing
English: journal due tomorrow 3 more entries min.
Lit: nothing
Math Set 20: skip 5,7,10,13,24,27
Art: face for Friday
Music: nothing
Health: review for Wednesday
CE: nothing

Friday, September 23, 2011

Another week down. Today we drew each other. We also talked about perimiter, worked on our paragraphs, and corrected our study guides.

Spelling: Unit 6 for Thursday, test Friday
CL: Memory work lesson 5 for next Friday
Art: partner's face for Friday
Music: nothing
Geo: test Tuesday, Map test Wednesday
English: final copy paragraph due Monday
CE: ws due on Monday
Science: nothing
Literature: nothing
Health: reveiw of chapter 2
Math: set 19 skip 5,6,11,15,18,21,22

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Today Macbeth was killed. We will start watching some productions of the play tomorrow. We took our science test today and we averaged a B-. We also averaged a B- on our geography test yesterday.
CL: memory work due for tomorrow
Spelling: test tomorrow
ART: face
English: rough draft paragraph
Math: set 18: 5, 15, 17, 20, 21, 22, 26, 29
Geo: study guide
Science: took test
CE: nothing
Literature: nothing
Health: review from section 2

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Today we found out that the English are comming with Macduff and Malcom to take care of that pesky Macbeth. We also found out where Johnny and Pony Boy are hiding out. We looked over our study guide for the science test tomorrow. We also looked at Canada and America today.

Science: test tomorrow
Spelling: unit 5 tomorrow, test Friday
CL: memory work from lesson 4 for Friday
Art: face due for Friday
Music: instrument and Mozart music due for Friday
Health: review from chapter 2 due next week Wednesday
Literature: nothing
CE: nothing
Math: set 17, skip 12,16,19,28,29,30
Geo: ws on section one for tomorrow, study guide for Friday

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Don't forget about our presentation on bullying tonight at 6:30. Students are welcome!

Today we covered working with US standard measurements, the academic fair project part two, more on, the scientific method, and Malcom and Macduff plotting the demise of Macbeth!

Look for midterms tomorrow and remember you can check your student's grades 24/7 at

Math: set 16 skip 5,8,12,13,15,16,25
Spelling: unit 5 for Thursday, test Friday
Memory work: lesson 4 for Friday
Art: face for Friday
Music: instrument and Mozart ws due on Friday
Geography: we took our test today. The class averaged a B- with 2 A+ and 2 A's! Way to go!
English: same two ws from yesterday, academic fair topic by Friday the 30th.
CE: nothing
Science: study guide is due tomorrow remember this is open book and notes!
Literature: nothing
Health: nothing

Monday, September 19, 2011

Welcome to Monday! The weather sure improved as the day went on! Today we started talking about the animal rights movement. We then moved into equivalent fractions and followed that up with subject verb agreement. We learned some more about Mozart. We than checked in with Macbeth and found out what extremes he is willing to go to. We finished off hearing about the trouble Johnny and Pony Boy are in.

Spelling: unit 5 for Thursday and test for Friday
CL: memory from lesson 4 for Friday
Math: set 15, skip 5,11,13,14,15,16,17,21,23,25
Geography: test tomorrow
Music: Composer Monthly sheet due Friday, instrument ws due on Friday
English: 2 worksheets due for WEDNESDAY
CE: nothing
Science: study guide due WEDNESDAY
Literature: nothing
Art: face due for FRIDAY

Friday, September 16, 2011

Happy Friday! We drew another face today, heard and read about Mozart, did some more story problems, reviewed geography and even read an article in an actual print newspaper.

Spelling: unit 5 for Thursday, (Watch the directions on the first page!) test on Friday
Art: Face for Friday
Math: Set 14 skip
Geography: study guide due on Monday
Music: Mozart ws due on Friday
English: final copy paragraph due on Monday. In pen and cursive or typed.
CE: news quiz due on Monday
Science: quiz on Monday
Literature: nothing
Health: nothing

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Here is the video from all of your pictures.

Check out this link for pictures from our Fun and Fitness day!

CL: memory work from lesson 3 is due tomorrow
Spelling: test tomorrow
Art: nothing
Geo: worksheet
Music: instrument quiz
English: writing assignment 1
CE: nothing
Science: quiz on chapter 1 section one
Literature: enjoy Shakespeare
Math: Set 13: skip 6,7,8,11,19,27,29,30

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

We had a great turnout for Grand parent day. It was awesome. The video turned out very well thanks to all the pictures I got. Thanks! Our afternoon was a lot of fun as well. God blessed us very much.

Spelling: unit 4 due tomorrow, test Friday
Math: Set 12 skip 5,8,11,14,26,28
Music: quiz on Friday
CL: memory work for Friday
Geo: worksheet on chapter 5 section 1

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Come on in! Thanks for dropping by. Today we looked at story problems in math. We also took our map test in geography. I posted on the board the proposed (subject to change) due dates for geography for the next month or so. Hopefully that doesn't have to change too much. We also heard more about Macbeth starting to lose it over his guilt for killing his king.

Spelling: unit 4 for Thursday, test Friday
CL: Lesson 3 memory work for Friday
Literature: nothing
CE: nothing
Art: nothing
Music: quiz on Friday
Science: we took our test, nothing
English: write in your journal
Math: set 11 5,7,19,20,21,22,28,29,30

Monday, September 12, 2011

Happy Monday everyone! Today we finished up our discussion of abortion. We also took a math test. We had a surprise not quiz! I moved the map test to tomorrow and we reviewed today. We also took some time to sing some fun songs.

Spelling: unit 4 for THURSDAY and test for Friday
Math: we took a test
Geo: map test tomorrow
Music: instrument quiz Friday
English: ws 3-2, 3-3
CE: nothing
Science: test tomorrow
Literature: nothing
Health: nothing
Art: nothing

Friday, September 9, 2011

Welcome to Friday! A full week next week oh my! Today Pastor Boggs had all school devotion with us. It got our day off to a great start, but we did have to do some creative schedule rearranging the rest of the day! We got our geography test taken after a little rescheduling. We went over the science study guide and tested out a website we will be using for geography. We also did some more sentences for English. We got a little farther in Macbeth as well.

Spelling: Unit 4 for THURSDAY and test on Friday
CL: Memory work from lesson 3 due for Friday
Music: matching the instrument with the picture ws due for Monday
Geography: map test for Monday
English: nothing
CE: worksheet on the week. Videos and transcripts can be found on CNN's student news page.
Health: nothing
Science: test will be on Tuesday
Math: investigation 1, test will be on Monday, look over the pre-test.

Literature: did in class

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Hey everybody. Did you know you can now have this blog delivered to your email between 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM? Just click on the follow by email link at the bottom. The link to follow the blog in your RSS reader (like Google Reader) is still there.

Grandparents day is next week! We will be working on our project for it tomorrow. We really need those pictures of grandparents (with the grandchild if possible.) 7th grade is also responsible for the plates and napkins for the meal as well. We need enough for about 175 grandparents! How cool is that? If you would also like to bring some sloppy joes, please talk to Mrs. Lauber or Mrs. Albrecht.

Tomorrow is all school devotion with Pastor Boggs from WLA. Join us if you are able!

Spelling test, memory work, and geography test are all tomorrow!

Spelling: unit 3 and test
CL: memory work
Math: pretest with a partner
geography: test Friday, map test Monday
Music: Haydn worksheet should be done by now
Art: nothing
English: 3 sentences
CE: nothing
Science: quiz, study guide due tomorrow
Literature: nothing

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I pray you all had a good holiday weekend. We spent our day getting back into the routine. We did have some trouble with following directions on some assignments. Students have the ability to redo the assignment with the correct directions. Not everyone has taken this offer, but many have.

Spelling Unit 3 and test are due on Friday,
CL: memory work from lesson 2 is due on Friday
Math: set 9 skip 10,11,12,13,14,15,21
Geo: ws and study guide due for tomorrow
Music: ws was due today
English: journal entries at least one per week, redo sentences and today's worksheets if needed.
Science: section 1 quiz tomorrow and study guide for Friday
Literature: nothing
Art: nothing

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Please send picutres of your student's grandparents, perferably with you student if possible, to school as soon as is possible. Please make sure to label them so I can get them back to you. Thanks!

We talked about quite a bit today, but did carve out some good study time as well. We worked with measurements and percents. We also looked at the physical features of Canada and the US. We worked in non-renewable resources, a spelling test, and memory work among other things.
CL: lesson 2 memory work for next Friday
Math: set 8 skip :3,13,14,15,18,21,22
Art: nothing
Music: Haydn ws for next week.
Geography: ws for Tuesday, study guide for Wednesday
Health: nothing
Spelling: unit 3 for next week and test on Friday
English: two worksheets 2-2,2-3 for Tuesday
Literature: we did it in class no assignment