Thursday, February 28, 2013

Back for more are you? Fantastic! Today we starting things off with a good Christ Light discussion. We talked about the negative things that we often hear about kids and having kids. Then we reviewed what God says. Psalm 127:3-5 Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth.5 Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.
In science talked about sanitary landfills. Seems like a contradiction, doesn't it? Then we talked about more countries in Africa. We figured out that the key to success is a stable government.Golf in the gym was a lot of fun. For math we reviewed problems from the last two lessons and then looked at the new lesson. 

Spelling: test tomorrow
CL: memory for next Thursday 
Science: quiz tomorrow, study guide for Monday
Geo: ws for tomorrow
English: rough draft March 5th
Lit: Chapters 16 and 17 and summary for tomorrow, AR FOR MARCH 8th
Math: set 78 skip 1,4,8,17,20,24,30
CE: nothing
Music: nothing
Art: nothing
Health: nothing

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Happy Wednesday! We had a two hour delay today but we did manage to salvage the day and get some things done. We started our new section in geo today. We also talked about percent problems. We had some extra time to work on our math so we should have a lite night on new homework. Keep working on the report and remember that AR points are due March 8th.

Spelling: unit due tomorrow test Friday
CL: passages from lesson one tomorrow
English: Rough Draft March 5th
Lit: chapters 16 and 17 and summaries for Friday
Science: quiz tomorrow, study guide for Friday
Geo: nothing
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
Art: nothing
Music: nothing
Math: set 77: 14, 17, 22, 24, 27, 28

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

We talked about our African countries today. We talked about how to address some of the issues. We also realized that these problems are a lot more complicated than we think.

Spelling: unit Thursday, test Friday
CL: passages for Thursday
English: rough draft
Lit: ch 14 and 15 and summaries for Wed
Math: set 76: skip 3,12,15,17,18,20
CE: nothing
Geo: nothing
Music: nothing
Art: nothing
Health: nothing
Science: study guide for Friday

Monday, February 25, 2013

Here comes Monday! Good job to the bb teams for letting their light shine this weekend. Today we ran out of time for all of our geo presentations so we will have to solve all of Africa's problems tomorrow, but we did discuss our use of the land and the impact on it. We took a math test and talked about the rough draft for the paper as well. We discussed health fitness vs. skills fitness. Tomorrow we will get to do golf in the gym!

Spelling: unit for Thurs, test Friday
Memory: lesson one passages for Thursday
Science: quiz tomorrow, study guide for Friday
Geo: projects tomorrow
English: rough draft March 6th
Lit: Chapters 14 and 15 with summary for Wednesday
Math: test today
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
Art: nothing
Music: nothing

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Hey guess what? We won the Spirit Stick! Thanks to the class for the participation and the GREAT door!

Geo: project due on Monday

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Happy second Wednesday in Lent. We had an interesting presentation from LPS today. We also worked on out geo project, dove to the bottom of the sea and found out how NOT to deal with a dragon.

Spelling: test and unit
Cat: test
Science: nothing
Geo: project for Monday
English: rough draft due March 5th
Lit: chapter 13 and summary for Monday
Math: nothing
CE: nothing
Art: ws for tomorrow
Music: nothing
Health: nothing

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Happy snowy Tuesday! We started a new geo project today. We are going to solve all of Africa's problems. Well, maybe not, but we are going to learn about a few and investigate some possible solutions. We also talked about pollution in the oceans. Most of the pollution in the ocean gets there from the land. We also worked on finding the area of trapezoids and complex shapes.

Spelling: unit and test due on Thursday
Memory: none
Science: quiz tomorrow
Geo: project for Monday
English: rough draft
Lit: ch 12 and summary for tomorrow
Math: set 75: skip 2,6,15,22,28 diagram on 8 is optional
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
Art: Picasso ws for Thursday
Music: nothing

Monday, February 18, 2013

Happy Spirit Week! We had almost everyone participate today. I bet we will have everyone tomorrow! We checked out an interesting web site today that let's us compare what might be different about our life if we were born in a different country. We also talked about life in the ocean and fractional parts of a number.

Spelling: unit and test for THURSDAY
Memory: Pastor's memory is still due tomorrow even though class is on Thursday
Science: quiz
Geo: 564: 1,2,7 for Tomorrow
English: outline due tomorrow
Lit: chapter 12 and summary for Wed
Health: none
CE: nothing
Music: nothing
Art: Picasso ws for Thursday
Math: set 74: 6,11,13,19,20,21

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Welcome to Ash Wednesday. Today we spend some extra time thinking about all of the things that Jesus did  to save us purely out of his grace, his undeserved love. May God bless your reflections tonight and every Wednesday this Lenten season.

Today we watched some videos about ocean life to get us prepared for Monday when we will go through the section on ocean life. We also did a little review by correcting our geography. We then took some extra time to contemplate the meaning of love this valentines day. Oh all right, we went to break early and ate candy. We got Bilbo and the gang up to the secret entrance by reading the chapter in class. No summary this chapter. Happy Ash Wednesday/Valentines. We also took a pause from new material in math today and worked in groups to review problems from the last section.

Spelling: unit and test will be next week Thursday
Memory for Pastor will be due Tuesday even though he won't be in
Science: nothing
Geo: nothing
Lit: did it in class
English: outline due Tue. Feb 19th
Math: wsh (did them in class in groups, finish for Monday if not already done)
Art: Picasso sheet for Thursday
Music: nothing
CE: no quiz this week
Health: nothing

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Welcome to Tuesday! We checked out the ocean floor today. Turns out it is deep and has lots of useful stuff in it, much of which is just too far down to go get. We also finished our section on the culture of parts of Africa. Then we multiplied some negative and positive numbers. We also worked with predicate nouns as well.

Spelling: none this week
CL memory: none this week
Science: quiz tomorrow
Geo: ws tomorrow
English: outline Feb 19th
Lit: chapter summary tomorrow
Math: set 73: 2,4,11,15,21,25
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
Art: Picasso ws next Thurs
Music: nothing

Monday, February 11, 2013

Happy Monday!

Spelling: none
CL memory: none
Science: in class test
Geo: none
English: outline Feb 19th
Lit: Chapter 10 summary for Wed.
Math: set 72 skip: 13, 14, 18, 28, 30
CE: newsquiz for tomorrow
Health: nothing
Music: nothing
Art: Picasso ws next Thursday

Friday, February 8, 2013

Spelling: nothing
CL: nothing
Geo: ws for Monday
Science: nothing
English: creative writing story
Lit: read chapter 9 and summary
CE: newsquiz for Tuesday
Health: nothing
Art: Piccasso ws for Thursday 21st
Music: nothing

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thursday, what to say about Thursday. I got nothing. Today we took our math test. We managed an average (mean) of B-. Not too shabby. We are still making some silly mistakes in our multiplying and dividing, but we seem to slowly be getting better. We also talked about the history of much of Africa. We focused on the long term affect of European colonization. We also did a demo in science to see how a density current works. It started off slowly, but worked fairly well in the end.

Spelling: test tomorrow
CL: none
Science: write up observations on demo
Geo: nothing
English: creative writing story due for Monday
Lit: chapter 8 and summary for Monday. ("STAY ON THE PATH!")
Math: took test
Art: finish house pic for tomorrow
Music: nothing
CE: nothing
Health: nothing

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Happy Wednesday! We did not have much homework today but we do have spelling and memory work tomorrow. Also, the lit chapter for Friday is a long one so I recommend that the students don't put it all of for Thursday night. It would also be a good night to work on the paper!

Spelling: unit tomorrow, test Friday
CL: memory passages and hymn for tomorrow
Geo: nothing
Science: nothing
English: paper
Lit: chapter and summary for Friday (8)
Art: finish house for Friday
Music: nothing
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
Math: test tomorrow

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Happy Tuesday. The temp is supposed to stay above 0 for a while! We took our geo test today. Hopefully it went well. We looked at ocean currents today and why they are so important to life on the earth. In math we spent some time going over problems that we got wrong on the last to sets, and then worked through the test form A with partners. We will do it for real on Thursday. Tomorrow we are investigators! Everybody had their note cards today, and did a nice job. The only thing I saw was that each card should only have one idea on it. It was neat to look over the cards. I am getting excited to learn many new things when I read these reports. (I know they are really good when I get done reading it and realize I forgot to correct it!)

Spelling: unit Thursday, Test Friday
Memory: Lesson 5 memory for Thursday
Science: quiz
Geo: Took test
English: paper
Lit: chapter and summary for Wednesday
Math: 70: skip 2,5,13,24,29
Art: finish picture by Friday
Music: nothing
CE: nothing
Health: 191 1-34 for Wednesday

Monday, February 4, 2013

Howdee! We averaged an A- on our science test. Terrific! We are diving into the ocean now. We will take our geography test tomorrow and then head into the history and religions of Africa. We worked on finding the volume of a rectangular prism today and will work through form A test in class tomorrow for math. We are also working on a nutrition review in health.

A team girls and boys now have a game on next week Monday. Check the calendar!

Spelling: unit for Thursday, test Friday
Memory: lesson 5 passages and hymn for Thursday
Science: quiz tomorrow
Geo: test tomorrow
English: 20 note cards tomorrow
Lit: Read the chapter and have a chapter summary by Wed. (Ch7)
Math: set 70: skip 2,5,13,24,29
Health: page 191 1-34
CE: news quiz tomorrow
Art: finish house by Friday
Music: nothing

Friday, February 1, 2013

Greetings! We took our science test today, but we did it on paper so you'll have to tune in again to find out the results. We also are finally finishing our 2 point perspective project. We got to hear everyone's creative dialogue story. We also reviewed scientific notation and practiced correcting errors.

Spelling: unit 19 for Thursday, test Friday
Memory: CL lesson passages and hymn for Thursday
English: paper
Lit: read chapter and write a summary for Monday
Math: set 69 skip 3, 6, 16, 18, 30
Science; took test
Geo: review for Monday
CE: news quiz
Art: finish house pic
Music: nothing
Health: nothing