Thursday, April 30, 2009
Algebra: topic b 1-3
Math: Set 118 16-30
Science: project
Geography: 2 ws
Lit: nothing
English: 2ws
CL: nothing
Spelling: test
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Keep working on the AR, the quarter will be over before you know it!
Algebra: 6 angles
Math: set 117 d-h 20 problems
Science: project
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
Lit: nothing
English: nothing
CL passages and 1st commandment
Spelling: unit 29 for Thurs
Geo: 2 ws
Monday, April 27, 2009
Today we started watching the movie for Where the Red Fern Grows. We also made some good progress in our science project in the lab. We even got some people to the audio part of the project!
Algebra: test
Math: set 116
Science: project
Geo: 2ws
Lit: nothing
English: 2ws
CL: memory
Spelling: unit 29
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
Friday, April 24, 2009
The spelling test went very poorly today. The class average was just over 50%. Some of the memory treasures were sub par considering it was just the hymn. The behavior has been slipping as well. It seems as if some students are already sliding towards summer. Please encourage your student to hang in there and keep trying!
Algebra: test 30A Math: test Science: project Geo: ws Lit: 767 #1-5 English: 2ws CL: memory for next week Spelling: nothing Health: nothing CE: nothing
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Today we did more work in the lab and learned about infinitives. The students were glad to learn!
Math: set 114 chose 25
Algebra: review test
Science: project
Geo: 626-632 ws, quiz
Lit: 767 #’s 1-9 for FRIDAY
English: 2 ws for FRIDAY
C.L.: hymn 242 vs 1,4 for FRIDAY
Cat: nothing
Health: nothing
CE: Nothing
Spelling: unit 28
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
All 7th graders are encouraged to attend examination Thursday night. I will be working to make sure the homework load remains lite that day.
English: 2ws
Geo: read 627-629
Math: 113 25 problems
Algebra: 123 25 problems
Spelling: unit 28
CL: passages and commandment for WED!
Cat: nothing
Health: nothing
Lit: nothing
CE: nothing
Monday, April 20, 2009
English: 2 ws
Geo: take home test
Cat: sermon sum. test Tue
Lit: nothing
Science: project
Math: set 112 25 probs
Algebra: set 122 25 probs
Spelling: unit 28
CL: passages and 1st comd. Thurs, hymn Fri
Friday, April 17, 2009
English: 1-8 on 251
Science: project
Literature: nothing
Geo: label map
Cat: sermon summary, test Tue
Math: test due Mon
Algebra: test due Mon
Spelling: Unit 28 Thurs
CL: p 16 mw for Thurs
Thursday, April 16, 2009
English: 2 ws
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
Geo: 6180620 ws + quiz
Cat: sermon summary and test TUE
Math: set 111 practice D-H +1-25
Algebra: set 121 choose 25
Spelling: nothing
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Spelling: nothing
CL: nothing
English: 2 ws
GEO: read 610-614 ws + quiz
Cat: sermon sum and test for Tue
Math: set 110 practice C and evens
Algebra: set 120 choose 25
Lit: nothing
Health: nothing
CE: crossword puzzle
Science: test
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Due in part to forensics, we didn't get our spelling test done today. We will have to do it next week some time.
English: nothing
Science: start researching for report
Lit: 730 1-10 read 732
Spelling: test
Cat: sermon sum +psalm 121
CE: crossword puzzle
Math: set 93 evens, set 101 1-6, set 102 1-6, R776-777
Algebra: 118 evens
Health: nothing
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
We are fine for room on the field trip. Anyone parent who indicated that they wish to go, may come. Please send you $7 as soon as possible.
Lit: 730 1-10, read 732 for Wednesday
CL: memory
Health: nothing
Science: nothing
Geo: nothing
Spelling: unit 27 and TEST
English: ws
CE: read 22-25
Math: 109 1-25
Algebra: 117 25 problems
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
Lit.: nothing
Health: 279 1-29
Geo: ws
CL: ws
CAT: on Monday! mw and sermon sum
Spelling: nothing
Science: nothing
English: 2 ws
CE: 22-25
Math: 108 practice and odd
Algebra: 115 25 prob
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Lit: Nothing
Health: 279 1-29
Geo: 2 ws
Cat: Class is on Monday! ws, mem, sermon sum
Spelling: test
English: 2 ws
CE: 22-25
Math: set 107, practice and even
Algebra: 114, 25 problems
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Lit: nothing
Science: nothing
English: nothing
Health: 279 1-29
CE: 22-25 read
Geo: read, ws, quiz
CL: mw 1 Cor. 6: 18-20 and 6th commandment
Cat: ws, mem, sermon summary
Spell: unit 26
Math: redo
Algebra: redo