Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Today we compared probability with odds with chance. All different ways to express the same idea. We also worked on combining short choppy sentences to make our writing better.

Math: did investigation
English: 2 wsh
Science: study guide is due 4-19
Lit: nothing
Spelling: nothing
Psalms: ws 21,
MW: psalm 84 hymn 152 vs 1,7,8
Cat: ws
Geo: took test
CE: ws
Health: review 320-321

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Today we looked at the relationship between two parallel lines and a transversal (line that cuts across them). We also looked at how to solve problems like 3x-6 = 2x+9. We also did our final assignment for Hatchet. Movie tomorrow!

Math: set 102
Science: the new study guide was handed out, due for 4-19
English: no assignment
Psalms: p. 21 4-12
Cat: ws for Wed
MW: John 20: 22,23 Psalm 84 for 4-15
Music: ws due Wed
Art: ws due Wed
Geo: Review
Spelling: nothing
CE: ws
Health: 320-321 select problems for 4- 12, 4-13

Monday, March 29, 2010

Today we worked at turning word problems into equations, talked about what personification is, and got Brian rescued.

Math: set 101
English: nothing
Science: nothing
Spelling: nothing
Literature: ws for ch 18,19 and epilogue
Art: ws for Wednesday
Music: ws for Wednesday
Psalms: p. 21 for 4/12
CE: ws for the boys
Health: p. 320 #'s 13-21, P. 321 #'s 1-31
Geo: Review, test Wed
MW: 3rd article

Friday, March 26, 2010

Today we saw how Brian survived and even thrived after the moose and tornado. We also took a math test and tried to be Frank Lloyd Wright.

Math: took test
English: ws 9-3 a+b for Monday
Science: study guide is due on Monday
Spelling: we took our test
Lit: CH 17 ws
CE: ws
Health: nothing
Art: ws for Wednesday
Music: we for Wednesday
Geo: N21-3 quiz
Psalms: ws for Monday Psalm 84 from the hymnal due after break

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Today we practiced for our math test tomorrow. We also looked over our science notes for the chapter. We compared compound sentences to complex sentences. Meanwhile, Brian got hit by a moose and then a tornado, but he is keeping his positive attitude that surviving in the wilderness has given him. (CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!)

Lunch and milk tickets are needed. Remember to get some on Monday.

Math: pre test today, test tomorrow
English: ws 9-2
Lit: ws ch 16
Science: study guide is due on Monday
Spelling: test tomorrow
Psalms: nothing
Cat: sermon summary , 3rd Article and explanation
Geo: N21-3 quiz
Art: nothing
Music: nothing
CE: wsh on news show
Health: nothing

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Greetings! Remember lunch and milk tickets are on sale tomorrow.
Congrats Youth Praise on taking a first place!

Math: set 100
English: ws
Science: section 3 ws. Study guide is due on Monday
Spelling: unit 31 for Thurs.
Music: nothing
Art: nothing
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
Geo: took test
Cat: retake the test tomorrow
CL: nothing
Lit: two chs from yesterday

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Math: set 99
Science: sections 1+2 ws and section 2 notes
English: final copy of narrative, no outline is needed
Lit: ch 13-14 ws
Spelling: unit 31 due Thurs
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
Cat: redo test
CL: nothing
CatMW 2nd article and meaning
Art: nothing
Music: nothing
Geo: Ch 20 test

Monday, March 22, 2010

Look for report cards tonight. I apologize but there was a mistake on music grades. It has been corrected and I sent an email with the corrected music grade in it. Academic fair projects also went home today. It was nice to see the many nice boards.

Math: set 98
Science: notes on section 1 study guide 3-29
English: outline and rough draft of personal narrative. Around 10 sentences.
Lit: Ch 13 ws
Spelling: Unit 31 for Thursday (
Health: nothing
Art: nothing
Music: nothing
CE: nothing
Cat: redo the test
CL: nothing
Cat Mem: 2nd article and meaning
Geo: N20-2

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The end is near! So is the end of the quarter. Today we went through the science study guide question by question. We learned how to estimate angles and use the distributive property with variables. 3(x-6) = 3x - 18. We also saw Brian lose all hope after a rescue plane missed him. To top all of that off, we talked about taxing soda!

Math: set 96
Science: test tomorrow
English: 3 ws due on Monday
Spelling: test
Lit: Chapter 12 ws due for Monday
Music: nothing
Art: nothing
Health: girls read 310-311 and answer 1-4
CE: Nothing
Cat: ws 3-23
CL: page 18 3-22
Cat Mem: 2nd article and meaning 3-22

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Boy is it getting warm out today! Enjoy the weather after church, there shouldn't be much homework tonight.

Math: set 95
English: nothing
Science: study guide is due tomorrow, test Friday
Spelling: unit 29 is due tomorrow
Literature: nothing new
Health: read 310-311 and answer 1-4 for next week Monday
CE: nothing
Music: nothing
Art: nothing
Memory: Palm Sunday song due for memory tomorrow
Geo: test

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Enjoy the nice day!

Math: set 94
English: ws
Spelling: Unit 29 for Thurs
Sc: review is due Thursday
Lit: ws
Art: nothing
Music: nothing
Health: nothing
Memory: Palm Sunday Song for Thurs
Cat: 1st Article
Geo: Quiz sections 1-2 and review

Monday, March 15, 2010

Welcome to a new week! Today Brian ate raw eggs! Meanwhile we worked on Psalm 90, solving equations with negatives, fractions, inequalities and two steps all at the same time, narrative writ ting, and even ocean pollution. Whew!

CL: Palm Sunday hymn for Thursday
Cat: sermon summary, test
Math: set 93
Spelling: unit 29
English: short story
Health: 310-311 #1-4
CE: nothing
Sc: ws for chapters 2-3 and notes for Tue, Study guide due Thurs, test Friday
Lit: 2 ws we read in class
Art: nothing
Music: nothing

Friday, March 12, 2010

Today we finished up our psalm, looked at percent mark up or discount, made some awesome collages (the mess wasn't so bad) figured out how Brian can make fire, discussed story elements and had a lot of fun.

Math: set 92
Spelling: took test
English: did it in class
Health: read 2 pages and answer 1-4
CE: nothing
Science: Section 2 notes
Lit: ch 8 ws (read it in class)
Art: collage (did it in class)
MW: Hymn 130 vs 1,3 for Thurs
Cat: sermon summary
CL: sheet

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The students are really getting into their extra credit projects, good thing we had lots an lots of study time today. We looked at equations with lots of negative signs in them. Don't lose one or you will get the wrong answer. Brian has found a good source of food, but he also got quite a scare! Foreshadowing? We also talked about how evn though we are sinners we can say that we are sinless! How does that work? We also talked about sea life. It is amazing how much Finding Nemo has to do with this chapter.

Math: set 91
English: 2 ws
Science: section 2 notes
CE: nothing
Health: read 2 pages and answer 1-4
Lit: ws
CL: we will finish the psalm tomorrow
Art: ws for tomorrow
Music: nothing
Spelling: test tomorrow (

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Today we did an investigation on graphing functions. The Smart Board was big help. We also had some fun singing fun songs. We looked at double negatives and decided we are never not going to use those.

Some of the students ran out of things to do at the end of the day, so I gave them an English sheet to work on. This is NOT due tomorrow, it is going to be assigned tomorrow due for Friday. I was just giving the students a chance to work on it rather than waste time. Hopefully this means that everyone knows psalm 90 perfectly for tomorrow.

Math: investigation 9 questions 5,6,7
Science: finish notes for section 1
English: ws 7-2 for Friday
Spelling: set 28 for tomorrow and test Friday
Lit: ch 4 ws from yesterday
Health: read 310-311 answer 1-4
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
Art: ws for Friday
CL: ws and psalm 90
Geo: Test

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Today we took a math test and a science test. We looked at how to write a good descriptive paragraph. We also got Brian some food, but will it stay down?

Math: took test
Science: took test
English: wa #8 final copy
Spelling: unit 28
Lit: Ch 6 read in class, ws
Health: 310-311 #1-4
CE: nothing
Music: Ws for Wed
Art: ws for Friday
Cat: w.s.
Cat: memory 1 Cor. 10:17
CL: ws and Psalm 90 for Thursday

Monday, March 8, 2010

Thank you to those who wore their field trip shirts. We had a great time. It was well worth the trip.

Our science test is tomorrow. We did chapter 5 in class today and the worksheet is due tomorrow for ch. 5. Everything else is the same.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Today we did a lot of work, but had some fun, too. We finished watching Where the Red Fern Grows. We also did our pre-test for math. We got new sheets for music and art, but had loads of time to work on them. For English, we peer reviewed our rough drafts.

Monday is our field trip. Remember to wear your field trip shirt.

Math: pretest
English: final copy
Science: study guide and ws for Monday
Spelling: Unit 28 for Thursday (
Lit: read ch 4 and do sheet
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
Music: ws for Wednesday
Art: ws for Friday
CL: ws for Monday, Psalm 90 form CW for Thursday
Cat: ws and sermon summary

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Today we got to look at a new kind of Psalm. We also ramped up some of our equations as well. We are looking at five paragraph essays and reviewing waves and tides.

Math: Set 90
Science: review and ws for Monday
English: rough draft of five paragraph essay for Friday
Spelling: test 27 tomorrow
Literature: nothing
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
Music: ws for Friday
Art: nothing
Cat: ws, sermon summary
CL: ws for Monday, Psalm 90 for Thursday

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Today we had lots and lots (and lots) of study time, plus a visit from WLA! See you in church!

Math: Set 89
English: ws 6-3
Spelling: Unit 27
Literature: nothing
Music: ws 3 parts
Health:Quiz for the girls
CE: ws for the boys for tomorrow
Art: nothing
Cat: Sermon Summary
Cat MW: 10th commandment and conclusion
CL: ws for tomorrow
CL MW: Psalm 31 for tomorrow
Geo: read 499-502

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Today we looked at using two unit multipliers to convert measurements. We also looked at ocean currents, possessive nouns and took our Meet Math test. The students were very energetic today.

Math: set 88
Sc: ws on sections 1+2
English: ws
Spelling: Unit 27 for Thurs.
Lit: nothing
Health: quiz for the girls
CE: ws for the boys
Music: nothing
Art: nothing
Cat: ws
Cat MW: 1Cor 11:27-29
CL: page 15 for Thurs

Monday, March 1, 2010

Today we looked at another psalm, started talking about the importance of the oceans, learned how to multiply with variables and finished up our paragraphs.

Math: set 87
Sc: notes for section 1
English: final copy
Spelling: unit 27
Lit: ws
Health: quiz for girls
CE: ws for boys
Music: nothing
Art: nothing
MW: 7-9 com.
CL: page 15