Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The weather is taking a nasty turn, please remember coats, hats, and gloves!
Today we spent some more time with Russia, percents, sentences, water and Billy. To find out more, ask your student!

Spelling: unit 15 for Tuesday
Cat: sermon summary
Memory: Advent song for church
Math: set 48 skip 3,6,8,14,17,22,27
Algebra: set 53
English: ws
Geo: quiz and review for tomorrow
Sci: quiz tomorrow, review for Thursday
Lit: nothing
Music: nothing
Art: finish house pictures
Health: 516 1-7 for next week
CE: ws

Monday, November 29, 2010

Well, we had some Internet issues, but we are back. Thanks for checking in.  We stared new units in English, geography, and science today.

Don't forget we sing in first service on Sunday. We need all the voices we can get!

Spelling: Unit 15 is due on Thursday, test Friday
Memory: Baptism 3rd for tomorrow,  Work on our song for in church.
Math: set 47 skip 6,,8,11,13,14,17,19,24,29
Algebra: set 52
English: nothing
Geo: quiz on Tuesday, review for Wednesday
Science: quiz tomorrow, study guide for Thursday (they are on the desks)
Lit: page 730 1-9 COMPLETE SENTENCES
Music: nothing
Health: page 516 1-7
CE: ws
Art: nothing

Friday, November 19, 2010

We finished lesson five on Galatians. We also got through dividing by decimal numbers. We managed to almost get finished with our house pictures, but just ran out of time. Short week next week, and it looks to be a cold one. Please remember winter clothing.

Spelling: no spelling unit next week
Math: set 45 ship 3,4,12,15,16,17,22,25,30. Number 5 do but you may skip the diagram
Algebra 1/2: set 49
MW for MONDAY 1+2 Baptism
Cat: test Tue
Geo: test Monday, map test on all of Europe on Tuesday
English: WA #32 part 3
Science: nothing
Lit: nothing
Art: will finish at school
Music: nothing
CE: nothing
Health: nothing

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Today we finished Eastern Europe, reviewed different options for division problems and when to use them, and learned more about the situations in Washington and Haiti. We also heard that Billy is going on a championship coon hunt!

Spelling test tomorrow
Memory work lesson 8 for tomorrow
Music: Beethoven ws for tomorrow
Geo: quiz, review, and map test
English: 2wsh and outline
Math: set 44 skip 3,5,7,13,16,17,19,22,23
Algebra 1/2: took test
Art: we will finish the houses tomorrow
Science: took our test today no assignment
Literature: nothing
CE: nothing
HEalth: nothing

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

We had fun at the 4M Bison farm. Thanks for letting us come. Thank you also to the drivers. It was nice to not have to pay for a bus.

The assignments are all the same from yesterday. We will finish our chapter in literature and find out what terrible thing happened while Billy was hunting the Ghost Coon.

Remember we sing in first service December 5th.
Spelling unit is due tomorrow, lets work hard to do a good job.
Don't forget the science test tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Greetings one and all! Today we looked at converting decimals to percents to fractions and so on. We also finished up with Central and then Southern Europe, including a little time for WW1 and 2. We did some review for Science, and started a research paper with three resources. So far the papers have been pretty good, but we need to keep working on the other items, like the bibliography and the outlines and so on. Remember to refer to Chapter 17!

We also heard about Billy and the Ghost Coon. They found him, but something bad is about to happen and we will have to wait until tomorrow to find out.

Speaking of tomorrow, BISON DAY!

Spelling: Unit 14 for Thursday
Math: set 43, 6,7,13,16,22,24,25,26,27 for THURS
MW: passages and hymn for Friday
English: outline guide and notes for THURS
Science: Ws for tomorrow and Test Thurs   SKIP 13 ON THE WORD SEARCH. THAT SHOULDN'T BE THERE!
Geo: Quizzes for THURS, Section 4 quiz, map test and review for Friday
Lit: nothing
CE: boys ws for Thurs
Health: nothing
Algebra 1/2: set 48 for THURS
Art: we will finish the house in class on Friday
Music: Beethoven ws for Friday

Monday, November 15, 2010

Look for a field trip form that was sent home today. Wednesday is the day! Today we had a speaker in to talk about the bison industry in WI. We even got to try a bison snack! We also worked with repeating decimals and discussed how wind erodes things.

Spelling: unit 14 for Thurs, test Fri
Math: set 42, 4,8,11,13,17,18,21,22
Algebra: set 47
Geo: study guide is due on Friday as is the map test
English: finish ws we started in class
Sc: quiz and study guide for Tue, test Thursday
Health: nothing
CE: boys ws for Thursday
Art: nothing
Music: ws on Beethoven for Friday
Memory: lesson 8 passages and hymn for Friday
Lit: nothing

Friday, November 12, 2010

Today we talked more about central Europe. We also talked about he distributive property. 2(3 + 4) = 2 x 3 + 2 x 4. We are working on final drafts for our English papers, and we worked on perspective again, but made it it bit more challenging this time.

Agricultural ambassador comes Monday and our trip is Wednesday!

Spelling: Unit 14 for next Thurs
Math: set 41 skip 2,5,10,11,15,17,18,20,22,26,29
Algebra 1/2: 46
Geo: review and map test on Eastern Europe for Friday
English: final copy and finish ws we started in class
Science: quiz Monday, review Tuesday, Test Wednesday
Health: nothing
CE: boys for boys ws
Music: Beethoven for next Friday

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Today we rode a glacier over WI, found out why the island of Ireland is divided into two popolitical parts, why Finland is a bit different than its Scandinavian neighbors, and even took some time to find out why President Obama wants India to have a permanent seat on the UN security council.

Happy Veterans Day! Do you have to hide that you are a Christian? If not thank God, then thank a vet.

Spelling test Fri
Math: took test
Algebra: set 45
Geo: quiz tomorrow Eastern Europe Map test next week
English: WA #31 part 2
 Science: quiz on section 2 VOCAB VOCAB VOCAB
Health: nothing
CE: ws for boys
Art: nothing
Music: nothing

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Today we say a very interesting presentation on the history of our countries flad, along with a few others. We also looked at stem and leaf plots in connection with a box and whisker plot. We looked at how gravity affects errosion.


Math: investigation 5-12
Spelling: Unit 13 TOMORROW
English: ws and WA part 2
Algebra 1/2: nothing
Geo: Map test
Science: quiz
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
Music: nothing
Art: nothing
Memory: lesson 7 for Friday

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What a beautiful day again today! The weather was nice outside, too. ;-)
We took some tests today, got ready for another test, and started working on a research paper with two

Thank you for all of the volunteers to drive for our field trip. I know have more than enough drivers. How terrific is that!

10:15 presentation on the history of the flag tomorrow in the gym.

Spelling: unit 13 for Thurs, test Fri
Memory: CL Lesson 7 for Friday
Math: we did the pre test in class today, we will do the investigation tomorrow and take the test Thursday
English: ws and wa#31 part 1
Geo; nothing
Science: nothing
Art: nothing
Music: nothing
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
Algebra 1/2: set 44

Monday, November 8, 2010

Spelling Unit 13 for Thurs test Fri
Math: set 40 skip 15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29
Algebra 1/2: SET 43
Geo: test tomorrow, map test Thurs
English: nothing
Science: test
Cat: Sermon Summary
Health: nothing girls / boys 6-1 1-6
CE: nothing
Art: nothing
Music: nothing

Friday, November 5, 2010

Today we finished watching Expelled. It was very thought provoking. We also did an art project on perspective. (Trying to get things to look 3D.) Throw in some proportions and a final copy of our paper and we had quite a day.

Spelling: Unit 13 for next Thurs. test Friday
Math: set 39 skip 3,4,6,9,10,11,12
Geo: quiz on Monday, test Tue Map test Thursday

English: For Monday: Writing Assignment #30 Page 170

Write final outline
Write final report
PUT EVERYTHING (including note cards and rough outlines and bio)IN RIGHT ORDER
Hand it all in.
Science: quiz and study guide for Monday, test Tue
Algebra: set 42
Art: finish picture
Music: nothing
Health: finish reading 6-1 and answer questions
Lit: nothing

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Blessings on another day of grace! I sent an email and a note home about a field trip opportunity that I have just finalized. I am looking for drivers to avoid bus costs, I have one already (THANKS) but I need several more. Please let me know ASAP! Thanks!

Spelling: test tomorrow
MW: two passages tomorrow
Math: set 37 skip 9,10,17,19,28,29,30
Geo: map test on physical geography of Europe
English: rough draft
Algebra 1/2: set 41
Art: Monet ws
Music: nothing
CE: nothing
Health: finish 6-1 and answer 1-6

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

We finished the history of Europe today and got to watch the 8th grade play. We found out how to find the area of more complex shapes including triangles and rectangles with parts missing.

Mission offering on Friday, feel free to bring it early.
Most of the class could use lunch tickets, remember tomorrow is the day!

Spelling: unit 11 is due tomorrow, test is Friday
Math: set 37 skip 4,5,9,14,19,20,23,24,29
Geo: quiz tomorrow
Music: nothing
Art: Monet for Friday
English: ws and part two of WA #30
MW: CL passages for Friday
Algebra 1/2: took a test
Health: finish 6-1 and answer the questions
CE: Nothing
Lit: nothing

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Amazing how the time flies by! We talked about ratios and simple probability today. Then we started our talk about the history of Europe. It is a challenge to talk about a few thousand years of history involving what we now consider over forty countries in 30 min! We talked about soil formation, and then we moved on to rising action in a plot. After all of that, we had little time to read any of that rising action.

Spelling: Unit 11 for Thursday
Math: set 36 skip 6,12,13,15,16,19,30
Geo: nothing tomorrow, quiz Thurs, map test Fri, test next week Tue?
English: WA #30 part 1 for tomorrow  Using the Encyclopedia page in the text book, make a topic outline, bibliography card, and take notes on note cards. Then organize the cards. (Tomorrow)
MW: CL passages for Friday, no hymn
Algebra 1/2: set 40
Health: Ch 6 section 1 read and answer 1-6
CE: nothing
Art: Monet for Friday
Music: nothing
Lit: nothing

Monday, November 1, 2010

Good day!  I had an informative weekend, I pray you did as well. Today we continued to look at how we should treat people who mock us for what we believe. We also looked at working with decimal numbers. In science we looked at weathering and what can affect it. We wrapped up the day with some review of what has happened to Billy. We also heard about Pony's hiding place. 

Spelling: Unit 11 for Thursday, test Friday
Cat: Fourth Petition
Math: set 35 skip 1,5,6,23,24,25,26,30
Geo: ch 10 take home open book test for tomorrow
English: ws 18-1 for tomorrow
Algebra 1/2: Set 39???
Art: Monet ws for Friday
Music: nothing
Health: Ch 6, read section 1 answers 1-6 for next week
CE: nothing