Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy Church Day! We got to talk about teeth and ears today. We also talked about another section of Africa. We also took a Meet Math test.

Spelling: Unit 23 tomorrow, test Friday check your work carefully so we do better this week than last
CL: Memory from lesson 4 for tomorrow
Math: set 88 skip 6,7,12,14,18,19,22,23,24,26
Geo: wsh from section 2, map test Friday, study guide Monday
Health: nothing
Music: theory ws for Friday
Art: nothing
English: nothing
CE: nothing
Science: quiz tomorrow
Lit: nothing

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

We have been working through more of our presentations and are almost done. They have been interesting. We also started talking about the ocean and also Africa in current times. Today we looked at Western Africa. We also did some geometric multiplication. (3x times 4x equals 12x squared.)

Spelling: Unit 23 for Thursday, test Friday
Music: theory worksheets for Friday
Health: nothing
Art: nothing
Memory: lesson 4 for Thursday
Math: set 87: 3,5,10,11,14,19,20,27
Geo: worksheet for Tue, Map test for Friday, study guide for Monday
English: nothing
CE: nothing
Science: quiz on section 1
Literature: review page 1-10 for Wednesday

Friday, February 24, 2012

Well, today we got through 10 of our presentations. Things worked much better. We also got our science corrected for the test next week. We also got through the rest of the chapter and into the next for Where the Red Fern Grows. 

Spelling: unit 23 for next week
CL: Lesson four memory for next week
Math: 85 skip 1-7, 14,15
Art: nothing
Music: nothing
Geo: took test
English: nothing
CE: news Quiz
Science: test Monday
Lit: nothing

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The big event today was the event that didn't happen. For a few different reasons we didn't get to see ANY of our Museum Box presentations. We will certainly do what we can to make it happen tomorrow. We also will take our geography test.

By the way, I am missing some signed notes from mid-term yet. Please return those as soon as you can. It lets me know that you saw them. I know some of you are checking on line at, but it is a way for me to make sure everyone has some idea of what is going on with his or her student's grades. Thanks!

Spelling: test 22 tomorrow
CL: nothing
Art: you will have about 45 min to finish the entire project tomorrow, make sure you are far enough for that to happen
Music: theory worksheets
Health: nothing
Math: set 84 skip 13, and 23-30
Geo: test
English: make sure your project is AWESOME!
CE: nothing
Science: quiz and study guide
Lit: nothing

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

In case you were wondering, the geo review and worksheets are due tomorrow. The science review got moved to Friday since we took time on Monday to work on the museum box project instead. Many of the students are done with geo already but have asked about science.

Spelling: Unit 22 tomorrow, make sure you divide the syllables on the first page, test Friday
Memory: lesson 3 passages and hymn for Thursday
Math: set 83 skip 5,7,8,11,18,21,25,26
Geo: study guide tomorrow
Health: nothing
English: 2 ws from yesterday for tomorrow
CE: nothing
Music: theory ws for Friday
Art: be far enough along to finish during Friday's art time
Science: quiz tomorrow
Lit: nothing

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hello all ya all. Happy Tuesday despite the dreary color outside. We looked at the hsitory and customs of Africa, how to find the area of a circle, and we started talking about climate. We also heard how Billy finally got his dogs, but is finding town not to his liking.

Spelling: Unit 22 for Thursday, test Friday
Memory: lesson 3 for Thursday
Geo: ws and map test for Wed, study guide Thursday, test Friday
Math: set 82 skip 2,3,4,13,15,19,20
English: two worksheets for Thursday
Music: theory worksheets for Friday
Health: 220-221 for Wednesday
Art: be able to finish the project by the end of art on Friday
Science: quiz tomorrow, study guide for Friday
Lit: nothing

Monday, February 20, 2012

So, they tell me it is Monday. We started a new chapter in geography, talking about the history and governments of Africa. Ask your students about the green, yellow and blue country people. We also solved more percent problems, but we did it as ratios this time. We took the afternoon to go to the lab and work on our museum box presentations. We seemed to make good progress.

Spelling: Unit 22 for Thursday, test Friday
CL: lesson 3 for memory work on Thursday (yes 490 again)
Math: set 81
Geo: ws on section 1, study guide for Thursday
English: Museum Box for Thursday
Music: theory ws for Friday
Science: study guide for Friday
Art: have picture finished by the end of art on Friday so do enough over the week to make sure you can finish during the art period.
Health: 220-221 for Wednesday
Lit: nothing

Friday, February 17, 2012

Well it is Friday and what a Friday. We had a visitor, some tests, a video and even some study time.

We had Eric come and visit us today. He is planning on coming to our school next year and wanted to get to know his future classmates a bit. We had a relatively calm day for him. We had a messy art period, but then we took at test, followed that with another test, started a video, did some correcting and some music, and then we were ready for lunch already. We did get some good character development and good examples of descriptive writing in our story though.

Art: flower picture for next Friday,
Math: took a test
Geo: study guide and ws for next Thursday
Music: theory sheets for Monday
Spelling: Unit 22 for next week
English: work on Museum Box
CE: news quiz for Monday
Science: nothing
Health: 220 and 221 for Wednesday
Literature: nothing

Thursday, February 16, 2012

I hate to break it to you, but it is Thursday. We took our science test today and we did all right. We averaged a B. We used a compass to bisect angles and lines. We did a lot of reviewish things in preparation for our geography test tomorrow, and started our new story. It's gripping already!

Spelling: test tomorrow
Math: Investigation questions, test tomorrow
Geo: test tomorrow
Health: review 220 1-14, 221 1-35
Music: theory ws for tomorrow
Art: artist ws
English: journal entry, remember 1 per week min.
CE: nothing
Science: nothing
Lit: nothing

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Welcome to another Wednesday! Well, we didn't take our science test today after all. I decided that the weather video would be a good additional review before the test. We WILL take it tomorrow Lord willing. We took a pretest with a partner for math, and we took our map test for geography. We averaged an A-! We also had our intro to our next story, Where the Red Fern Grows.

Spelling: Unit 21 due Thurs, test Fri
Memory: Hymn and passages due tomorrow
Music: theory ws for Friday
Art: ws for Friday
Math: pre-test
Geo: study guide and ws
English: ws for tomorrow
CE: nothing
Science: test
Lit: nothing

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Welcome to Tuesday! It was kind of funny as we looked at the climates of Africa countries last week, we kept mentioning how WI gets more snow than the countries of Africa. It certainly didn't feel much like it before, but we may be working on changing that this week.

Anyhow we did look at the African climate regions today. We also worked on transformations in math. No not transformers! We also reviewed for our science test a bit. Be ready for the test tomorrow, but I may let us watch the video before the test which would put the test on Thursday though. We also got to hear some of the 'last chapter' projects for literature.

Spelling: Unit 21 for Thursday, test Friday
Math: set 80, skip 6,8,10,11,12,13,15,16,26,28
Geo: map test Wed, study guide Thursday
Music: nothing
Art: wsh
English: nothing
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
Science: be ready for the test
Lit: nothing

Monday, February 13, 2012

Well it is Monday again. How is yours going? Well I hope! We started off the day by wrapping up our discussion on how we can get along better with our friends. Then we took a pre-test for spelling. We have names from places and people this week. Things like hamburger and frankfurter. Makes me hungry just typing about it. We then jumped into how to work with problems that may have not enough information, or may have just enough to make a comparison. (IF x is negative and y is positive, I don't have enough info to tell you what the numbers are but I can tell you that y is greater than x.) We followed that up by looking at the physical features of Africa. We then talked about our upcoming museum box project. We spent a lot of time finishing up our science section on weather as well. We finished off the day with some study time.

Spelling: unit 21 for Thurs, test Friday
Memory: Lesson two passages and hymn for Thursday
Music: theory worksheets for Wednesday
English: worksheet 18-1 for Tuesday
CE: nothing
Science: study guide
Lit: nothing
Health: nothing
Art: Artist ws
Math: set 79 4,8,13,17,19,21,22,26,28

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wednesday has come! We looked at graphing inequalities part two. We also learned about South Africa and Nelson Mandela. We talked a lot about weather and forecasting weather. We also spent some time working on our literature project.

Spelling: none
Art: worksheet for next week Friday
Math: set 78 skip 4,8,18,19,20,22,23,24
Geo: nothing
Science: quizzes on parts 2 and 3 on Monday, study guide due Tuesday
Health: nothing
English: nothing
CE: nothing
Literature: project writing and illustrating a chapter is due on Monday

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Hey it's Tuesday! Wow, everything took longer than I thought it would today. Wonder if it is the weather? Anyhow we did manage to get through the prezis for two countries today. We also worked through math problems involving percents. The example problems are all done for you on the picture above. (Fun with the Smart Board!) Our science quiz took some time so while we got through thunderstorms and tornadoes, we didn't make it all the way through hurricanes. We will finish up tomorrow.

Spelling: nothing
Art:artist for next Friday
Music: nothing
Math: set 77  skip 5,13,14,17,19,20,25,28
Geo: map test study guide. map test will be next week
English: nothing unless you didn't hand in your paper today
CE: nothing
Science: we will finish section 2 tomorrow, be ready for the section 2 quiz that we may or may not take
Lit: keep working on the project
Health: nothing
Music: nothing

Example problems from set 77

Monday, February 6, 2012

Happy Monday to you, happy Monday to you, happy Monday Dear reader, Happy Monday to you. I was told today that no one reads the blog, so thanks for being here to prove that person wrong.

Today we worked out some complex fractions. Those are fractions within fractions like 2/3 over 4/5. We know how to simplify those now! (5/6 by the way) We also took an overview look at Africa south of the Sahara dessert. We have been working on our song for church. Remember it got moved from the 12th to the 19th of this month. We are also learning about weather including what relative humidity means.

Spelling: none this week
CL: lesson 2 memory work for next week Thursday
Math: set 76 skip 3,11,12,14,16,20,22,24
Geo: worksheets
Music: nothing
Health: nothing
Art: worksheets on Holbein
English: final copy is due tomorrow, don't forget to include the outline and note cards ect, check the English book!
CE: nothing
Science: quiz tomorrow
Literature: Animal Farm project

Friday, February 3, 2012

Good day one and all. Final copy of the paper is due next week Tuesday! Also remember their is no school on Thursday or Friday next week since the teachers will be in Green Bay being students!

Spelling: nothing
CL: nothing
Math: set 75 skip 1,3,4,5,11,15,18,19,30
Art: Artist Monthly for Friday the 17th
Geo: nothing
Science: nothing
English: final copy
CE: news quiz
Literature: nothing
Music: worksheets, musical word games parts only for Monday
Health: nothing

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hello my friends, thanks for dropping in for a visit. We had a fine day today as we learned about how to get along as families. We took more time to work on solving equations with fractional numbers in them. (What fraction of the people read the blog if five out of 17 people read the blog?) We also got ready for our geo test tomorrow and took our science test today. We averaged a B. We also got to watch more of the Animal Farm movie. Ask your student about all the things that were different.

Spelling: test tomorrow
Memory: lesson 2 for next week Thursday
Music: nothing
Art: finish 2 point perspective
Math: set 74
Geo: test tomorrow (MORE PREZIS NEXT WEEK)
English: worksheet tomorrow final copy of paper next week Tuesday
Science: nothing
Lit: nothing
Health: nothing

Lesson 74

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Thanks for the good turnout last night. It was an interesting presentation with some great handouts and worth the time. Today we started the Animal Farm  movie and already saw quite a few differences. We also talked about how to multiply numbers with positive and negative signs on them. We also talked about trying out a variety of fitness activities and finding some we can do for a lifetime. We are also ready to our science test tomorrow.

Spelling: Unit 20 due tomorrow, test Friday
Memory Work: lesson 1 but instead of the commandment we will do "Follow Jesus"
Math: set 73 skip 1-8
Geo: study guide and worksheets due tomorrow
 Health: nothing
English: final copy is due next Tuesday. Are you keeping up with your journal?????
CE: nothing
Science: test
Lit: essays or nothing
Art: finish two point picture
Music: none

Lesson 73