Today we heard updates from the students on various space missions. Some are melted into oblivion, some are still going strong and some haven't even been launched yet! We also looked at the Muslim countries of South Asia. We also looked at mixed number coefficients and spent a lot of time going through some of the recent types of problems. Tomorrow we will review for the test Thursday in both math and science.
Spelling: none
CL: memory from last week for Thursday
Science: study guide for tomorrow, Test Thursday
Geo: questions 1-3 on page 664 for Wed, 2,3 and 6 on 668 for Thursday
English: rough draft of creative writing for Wed, final copy for Thurs. start working on paper presentation, use presentation tool of choice (Museum box wants $100 now so they are out)
Lit: nothing
Math: set 90 skip 2, 10, 13, 20, 21, 30
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
Art: Picasso pic April 12th
Music: instrument matching sheet for April 12th