Monday, March 31, 2014

And we're back! We had some tired student today, but we still managed to get some things done. We finished our science section by learning that shooting stars are not stars and we also learned the difference between meteorids, meteorites, and meteors. We also did some map work to learn more about southeast asia. Those students also reviewed demonstrative pronouns and adjectives. (I used those as a demonstrative adjective in that sentence.) These are simple enough with a little practice. (I used these as a demonstrative pronoun there.) Which students learned about interrogative adjectives? Why, all of them. Which learned about interrogative pronouns? Again, all of them. We also multiplied algebraically. In other words we figured out that (-3x)(4yx)(3y) is really -36x(squared)y(squared). Most importantly we talked about how as we plan for our futures, the most important thing, the corner stone, is that we stay in Gods word and keep Christ in our lives. Our final devotion really fit in well.

CL: none
Science: section 4 notes ws
Geo: map activity sheets
Lit: ws on the next three chapters
Math: set 87 skip 1,2,8,12,14,18,19
CE: none
English: 19-5 for Wednesday
Music: none

Friday, March 21, 2014

Happy Break!

CL: none
Science: notes sheet
Geo: none
Vocab: page 160
Lit: ws on chapters
Math: took a test
CE: none
Music: none

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Are you feeling the madness? If so, you should probably seek professional help. We took time today to talk about differences and how we can appreciate differences. We find it hard to appreciate people who are different and like different things than we do, but it is differences that help us accomplish things! We also reviewed some terms in math so that we can remember the difference between whole numbers and counting numbers and how they are different than rational numbers. We are also learning to work with demonstrative pronouns and adjectives. It seems hard but it comes down to if the word is followed by a noun it is an adjective. (This cat is cute.) If the word is followed by a verb before a noun comes along, it is a pronoun. (This is a cute cat.) Same deal for interrogative pronouns and adjectives. We also looked at the inner planets of the solar system. The outer planets come next.

CL: none
Science: notes sheet for tomorrow
Geo: none
Vocab Workshop: pages 156-159 for tomorrow
Literature: ws on chapters for tomorrow
English: 19-3 for tomorrow
Math: set 86 skip 1,3,7,14,15 test tomorrow
CE: none

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Today we had a great presentation about bullying, what it is and how to deal with it. She made a great point that we all, as sinners, have some bully in us. We also talked about being a good friend and also talking appropriately. Good things for us to work on. In math we looked at using order of operations with negatives. The math is pretty easy, but it takes a lot of focus and paying attention to what you are doing to keep it all straight. For English, we are practicing what we learned yesterday about demonstrative and interrogative pronouns and adjectives.

Papers are due tomorrow. Make sure you hand in all the parts, including the rough draft and note cards and so on.

CL: Sheet for tomorrow
Science: nothing
Geography: nothing
Vocab Workshop: ws for tomorrow
English: Final copy, include note cards, outline rough draft etc as we discussed several times. Please put it in the right order.
Literature: ch ws for tomorrow
Math: set 85 skip 1,2,5,11,12,20,30
CE: none

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Happy Tuesday. Happy 44 degrees! Today we started looking at Life, the Universe and Everything as we started a new section in science. We will take a look at the planets and other bodies in the solar system. We also started talking about polynomials and combining like terms. Remember that  3xy + 4xy -8x +3x = 7xy - 5x.
Field trip forms and report cards went home today.

CL: sheet for Thursday
Science: Notes sheet on 24-1
Geo: Test sheet for Thursday
Vocab Workshop: review sheet for Thursday
Literature: ch sheet for Wednesday
Math: set 84 skip 3, 18, 20,21,24 for Wednesday
CE: none
English: none

Monday, March 17, 2014

Welcome to the fourth quarter! Let's make it a goal this quarter not to leave AR for the last minute.
Look for report cards tomorrow. We've had some good improvement this quarter.
Anti-bullying week is underway. We had a special presentation in the gym today, and a special discussion tied in with our devotion. I am trying to get the students to realize what is bullying behavior and also realize that it is no joke.

In geography we are looking at the island nations in Asia. We also discussed how to multiply numbers in scientific notation and predicate adjectives.

CL: Sheet for Thursday
Science: none
Geo: two sided sheet for tomorrow
Music: Russians for Wednesday
Literature: Ws for tomorrow
Math: set 83 skip 7,8,14,18,21,30
Vocab Workshop: sheet for Thursday
CE: none
Memory Work: 1st Article of the Apostle's creed.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Happy Friday! Save the date! Thursday, April 17th we are heading to the Planetarium in Neenah! I need some people willing to drive. Let me know if you can. Look for the permission slip to come home next week.

CL: none
Science: "test" for Monday
Geo: 23-2 double sided sheet for Monday
Literature: ws for Monday
Vocab: worksheet for Thursday
English: sheet for Monday
Math: set 82 skip 3,11,18,19,28
Music: Russian Composers for Wednesday.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Ahhhh. We meet again. You are looking well. Ok, I can't really see you, but I pray you are well. Anyhow today we talked about the moon some more. We added a few more specifics to our growing body of knowledge about the moon. We also did some work with India. Specifically we looked at the economy and government of India. We have had several counties now that have a president and a prime minister. It is an interesting concept. Speaking of interesting concepts, we also learned how to solve percent problems using ratios. It is actually very similar to problems we have already been doing. In literature, Stanley finally figured out what he found!

CL: 2 ws for Monday
Science: notes sheet for tomorrow
Geo: 2 sided sheet for tomorrow
Vocab ws pages 153-155 for tomorrow
Literature: ws for tomorrow
Math: set 81 skip 8,12,13,18,19 20B (do 20A) and 21
English: ws for Monday
CE: none

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Science: notes for Tomorrow
Geo: nothing
Music: ws for next Wednesday
Math: we did an investigation in class
English: ws for tomorrow (we did it together in class)
Literature: ws for tomorrow
CE: none
Vocab Workshop 151-152

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

THE END IS NEAR! Of the quarter anyway. Friday is the end of the quarter. I did a quick check on AR today and many students have yet to take a test. Time is running out quickly! Good job to the six students that are over their goal!

We got a very brief introduction into different religions of Asia today in geography. Ask your child what religion his or her group had and what he or she learned about that group. How does that compare to what we believe?

Rough drafts got handed back today. We have some good info, but a long way to go for the polished, finished form.

CL: Sheet for Thursday
Geo: none
Science: notes ws from 23-1
Literature: same as yesterday
Music: none
English: sheet and business letter (use page 139 as a model) for Wednesday
Math: we took a test
CE: none

Monday, March 10, 2014

What a beautiful day! Hope you get to enjoy some of it!

Thanks to the students who took the time to do the extra credit math. Today we went did, and then graded the pretest. The correctors were to put the correct answers on any that were wrong so your student can work through those problems tonight and make sure they know what to do for our test tomorrow.
I am almost finished with the rough drafts. We  have some interesting topics.

CL: War of the Word sheet
Science: none
Geo: project for tomorrow
Literature: questions on the chapters we read in class for Wednesday
English: sheet 16-3 use page 139 as a sample for a business letter. DO NOT do an envelope. Due Wednesday
Math: test tomorrow
CE: none

Friday, March 7, 2014

Fine Arts Fair night!

Today we learned more about the Space Shuttles, transformations (there more than meets the eye) and that the second hole is the worst, until you dig the third.

We did the practice problems for math today so lesson 80 will be extra credit (except for number 30 which is mandatory.) Students must do the entire lesson to get extra credit. 

CL: none
Science: none
Geo: project for Tuesday
Vocab Workshop pages 148-152 for Thursday
English: none
Literature: sheet on chapters 11-13
Math: set 80 DO practice a-d and number 30. The rest is extra credit (see above)
CE: news quiz for Monday

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Loving that sunshine! Happy Thursday. We started a project today looking at some of the various religions in Asia. We are trying out a different presentation web site called so the students are having to try and problem solve to learn how to use this new tool. Many wanted to give up right away, but we are making some good progress now. It is great to see their excitement when they figure out something. 

CL: none
Science; none
Geo: project for Tuesday
Vocab Ws: pages 143-145 for tomorrow
English: none 
Math: set 79 skip 1,2,3,4,10,22,24
Literature: sheet on 8-10
CE: none

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

It is Ash Wednesday. See you in church!

CL: none
Science: none
Geo: 23-2 and ws for tomorrow
Music: none
Lit: 2 worksheets for tomorrow 9ch 5-7)
Math: set 78 skip 1,4,8,17,20,24
CE: none
Vocab Workshop: none

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

"Once more into the breech, dear friends!" Well, maybe it wasn't that dramatic, but we did go back at it today. We did an extension lesson today in math which was good since it was a good reminder of a concept we are having some trouble with. We also took an in depth primary source look at the Gemini project today. We will blast off with Apolo tomorrow. (The space missions, not the greek god from myth.)

CL: none
Science: none
Geo: read Chapter 23 section 2 and answer the questions on the sheet for Wednesday
Music: Composer Monthly sheet due tomorrow
Literature: ch 1-4 and ws for Wednesday
Math: set 77 skip 14, 17, 22, 24, 27, 28
English: keep working on report
CE: none

Monday, March 3, 2014

And so another week of school begins. We started a new chapter in geography and a new novel in literature. We re-reviewed expectations for the research paper and forged ahead in math. Speaking of math, students who wish to retake their math test should let me know. We also learned about Russia sending in troops into the Ukraine. 

CL: none
Science: none
Geo: read 23-1 and do the worksheet for Tuesday
Literature: chapters 1-4 and worksheet for Wednesday
Math: set 76: skip 3,12,15,17,18,20
English: keep working on the paper
CE: none
Vocab: none
Memory: 7th - 9th commandments