Tuesday, November 25, 2014

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! May God bless you all during this mini break from school. A few tidbits for you.

Research papers were handed out today. The quality ranged but those who made the corrections I suggested on their rough drafts, did quite well. Nice job!

The last few math sets handed in were not the quality we were looking for in most cases, so we had a corrections day today. The only assignment was to work on fixing what he or she got wrong on the past few lessons. I managed to get today's corrected and handed back during that time as well, and then took lots of questions to help students get it right the second time.

The students did a nice job on the memory work hymn from last week. We will be working on Christmas service things starting next week.

Safe travels (and hunting) and God bless your holiday.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Welcome to a snowy Monday. We looked at converting decimals to fractions and percents and all around. We also worked on an open book science test. There was some confusion about the test being timed with the timer on the board so we will need work on that a bit tomorrow. We tried something new for geography. The students were put in groups and each group was assigned a section of section two of chapter 12. Each group joined a shared Google presentation and put in the information they thought was the most important. You can check out the result here. We had a few hiccups, but in the end it worked pretty well.  

Please encourage your student to take his/her time on math. Thanks!

CL: none
Memory: none (pastor?)
Science: none
CE: none
Geo:  none
Lit: none
Math: set 43 skip 2,4,9,19,27
English: none
Vocab: pages 95-97 are due TOMORROW!
Music: none

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Welcome! Your students were subjected to watching me murder a helpless green pepper plant today. It gave it's live (it was terminal anyhow) to show us how plant roots hang on to soil and help stop soil erosion. It will receive a fitting burial in my garbage can at home. 

I am going to be observing in other schools tomorrow, doing my best to steal as many good ideas as possible. 

We took our spelling bee preliminary test today.

CL: none
Memory: Hymn 610 all verses for TOMORROW
Math: set 41 skip 4,7,8,9,21
English: ws 8-3 for TOMORROW
Science: ws 8-3 for TOMORROW
Lit: Finish the chapter for TOMORROW
Geo: none
CE: none
Lit: none
Music: none

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Welcome to a blustery Wednesday. We took our math test today and a DMLC Meet Math test as well. We did pretty well on Meet math> Hopefully we did well on the regular test as well. We corrected our science tests from Friday as well. We had a wide spread of scores on the test, but we did have about 32% of the class get in the A range. Good job to those students. We took some time to talk about soil today. Tomorrow might get a little dirty.

CL: none
Memory: Hymn 610 all verses FRIDAY
Math: took a test
Science: none
Geo: ws for TOMORROW
CE: none
Music: none
Vocab: ws for TOMORROW
English: none
Literature: none

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tuesday has sprung on us again. Today we looked at an interesting map. A map that shows us the countries that Great Britain has not invaded at some time or another. There are only 22. That explains the far reaching impact of their culture! We also looked at how low birth rates and high immigration are changing Europe. We did an investigation on box and whisker plots. The video in the previous post helps to explain that.

CL: none
Memory: hymn 610 for FRIDAY
Math: test tomorrow and investigation is due
CE: none
Science: ws for TOMORROW
Geo: old worksheet for TOMORROW new one for THURSDAY
Music: theory sheets for TOMORROW
Lit: Read ch 4 for THURSDAY
Vocab: ws for THURSDAY
English: NONE

We are talking about Box and Whisker plots today. This video helps to explain it. Feel free to watch this again if needed. Box and Whisker

Monday, November 17, 2014

Happy Monday! Today we worked on a math pretest and even got to correct it right away. We did quite well. We also talked more about the history or Europe. Quite a lot of changes over the centuries. We also started our new science section on weathering and erosion. Here comes soil!

CL: none
Memory: hymn 610 all verses for Friday
English: 8-2 sheet for TOMORROW
Math: none
CE: none
Vocab: wsh for THURSDAY
Music: theory sheets for WEDNESDAY
Geo: ws on 11-1 for WEDNESDAY
Science: sheet on 7-1 for WEDNESDAY

Friday, November 14, 2014

See the previous post for a milk and lunch ticked update.

Today we had a neat science demonstration. She even played with liquid nitrogen and burned stuff!

CL: Hand in your book if you didn't yet
Memory: Hymn 610 for FRIDAY
Vocab: Review ws for THURSDAY
Math: set 40 SKIP 4,5,6,7,9
English: 8-2 for TUESDAY
CE: news quiz for MONDAY
Music: theory sheets for WEDNESDAY
Lit: none
Geo: none
Science: took a test
Milk and lunch ticket update
Lexi 13, 3
Parker 20+,  9
Jaxon  -6
Cam 19, -4
Alex -8, -2
Kylie 19, 14
Trenton 9, 6
Logan 31
Doug 8, -3
Karissa 11
Jacob -5, 7
Zach -5, 2
Krista 12, 10
Parker 21, 1
Lauryn -8
Jack 11, 15
Breanna -5
Ausitn 0, 11
Nathan 4, -1
Dyllon 23, -1
Mackenzie 7
Kalli 16

Thursday, November 13, 2014

It was a rough geography class today. As king I made 5 barons and baronesses, but then I got two killed off in the crusades and took over their land. Then the plague killed 7 of the class as well. Good thing we talked about ratios and played with rocks earlier in the day before so much of the class was figuratively killed.

HYMN: 587 vs 3,4 for TOMORROW
CL: hand in the book filled out
Math:  Set 39 skip 6,14,18,24,26 for TOMORROW
English: none
Vocab: 85-87 for TOMORROW
Science: test tomorrow
Music: none
CE: none
Lit: read ch 2

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Happy Thursday, no wait Monday, no Tuesday? Oh yea, WEDNESDAY! It' s been one of those weeks I tell ya. We checked out some vids on the European Union and they did a good job of explaining to us that it is COMPLICATED! EU This is my favorite one. We also looked at graphs in math and learned there are different kinds for different purposes. Also, you have to be careful because graphs can be manipulated to look a certain way. We also corrected our study guide for science and then played a few review games. We will take the test on Friday. We also started a new novel Where the Red Fern Grows for literature. Considering the hunters in this room, it should go over well.

CL: none
Memory: Hymn 587 vs 3,4 for FRIDAY
Math: set skip 2,6,9,10,17 TOMORROW
English: Writing assignment number 9. Write a narrative using one of the story starters listed in the assignment. Remember that it should be typed or in cursive and around a page long.
Science: test FRIDAY
Vocab:83-84 for TOMORROW
CE: none
Lit: read chapter 1
Geo: none
Music: none

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

CL: none
Memory: Hymn 587 vs 3,4 for FRIDAY
English: Writing Assignment #9 for THURSDAY
Science: Study Guide for WEDNESDAY
Math: Set 37 skip 9,12,17,20,29
Geo: EU project for WEDNESDAY
CE: none
Literature: none
Music: none
Vocab: 83-84 for THURSDAY

Today we reviewed ratios a bit and then moved on to finding the area of a triangle and shapes that can be divided into rectangular parts. We are also starting a narrative. They should be fun to read. Ask your child what theirs is about.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Did you check out those Packers! We found a typo in my math lesson today that I think was from one of the times the Packers scored. Wow! Our day was not quite as exciting as the game, but we did have the agricultural ambassador come and talk about nutrition and give us cheese! The class also got to hang out with Pastor Parsons for a bit while I got our network working again. We worked on our geo activity for the EU today as well. Most groups are done, for those who are not the CIA factbook is a great resource for this. Just go to the site and then search for European Union. Or try this link. In math we talked about ratios and sample space when dealing with probability. We also finished with  our version of A Christmas Carol.

CL: none
Memory: Hymn 587 vs 3,4 for FRIDAY
Math: set 36 skip 3,13,14,23,25
English: None
Vocab: 83-84 for THURSDAY
Science: Study guide for WEDNESDAY
Geo: Finish EU sheet for WEDNESDAY
CE: none
Literature: none
Music: none

Friday, November 7, 2014

Happy Living History Night! Today we worked on a group project for geography. We used a new web tool for making a time line. It worked well. We also took a math test and learned about sedimentary rocks. There are three main kinds!

CE: no assignment this week
CL: none
Hymn: 587 vs 3+4 for FRIDAY
English: Writing Assignment #8 for MONDAY
Math: took at test
Geo: we will work on our EU sheets on Monday and get them finished for TUESDAY
Literature: none
Science: notes for MONDAY
Music: none
Vocab WS pp 83-84 for THURSDAY

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Hello again! We had an interesting trip yesterday. It turns out the coordinator there told me Wednesday but wrote down Thursday, so no one was there when we got there! We got someone to come on over and help us out and we got it done in the end. Phew!

Today we did a math pretest with a partner to get ready for the test tomorrow. We also didn't not talk about double negatives, the climate of Europe and metamorphic rocks.

Living History tomorrow night! Students should bring their papers and projects to school. If they want to have them here at night, they may, but there won't be any tables or anything to set them on.

CL: none
Hymn: none
Math: test tomorrow FRIDAY
Science: notes on section 3 chapter 4 FRIDAY
Geo: worksheet on section 10-2 for FRIDAY
CE: none
English: sheet 7-2 FRIDAY, WA#8 for MONDAY
Lit: none
Vocab Workshop pages 80-82 for FRIDAY
Cat: 5th and 6th petitions TUESDAY
Music: none

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Happy Tuesday! Have you recovered from the time change yet? I know I haven't!

Remember to send a cold lunch tomorrow for our field trip. We will eat in a lunch room at the education center. We will leave about 8:15 and aim to be back before 3:00. Please have your student leave their electronic devices at home or in the lock box in the room. Thanks! It is always great if the students wear something a little nicer for a field trip. In addition, please no gum.

We took some time to practice our speeches for LH night. They went fairly well all in all.

CL: None
Memory: none
Math: set 35 skip 15,21,27,28,30 for THURSDAY
Science: none
Geo: worksheet 10-1 for THURSDAY
English: Writing assignment 8 for MONDAY
Vocab: 77-79 for THURSDAY
Literature: none
Music: none
CE: none

Monday, November 3, 2014

Another week has dawned! Tomorrow we will be taking time to practice our 60 to 90 second speeches for Living History night. We also have our field trip on Wednesday. Living History night is Friday. BUSY WEEK!

CL: none
Hymnology: none
Math: lesson 34 skip 3,8,14,17,19 TUESDAY
English: speech for LH night TUESDAY
Vocab: 77-79 for THURSDAY
CE: none
Geo: 10-1 ws for THURSDAY
Science: notes on 4-2 for THURSDAY
Music: none
Lit: none