Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Well, well, well. Back again are you. I recently got to read some narrative stories with dialogue that your students wrote. They ranged from 1/2 a page to many, many pages. There were some really creative ones and some pretty straight forward ones. Our big job today was working with number families in math. It was a quick lesson so we had a nice long study time. Many groups used that time to work on the lit project. Tomorrow afternoon will be our last chance in class to meet as a group and work on it!

Don't forget that memory work is due on THURSDAY this week!

CL: none
Memory: Hymn 154 1,2 and 7,8 for THURSDAY
Math: set 86 skip:1,3,7,14,15
English: none (reviewed pattern 4)
Science: ws for WEDNESDAY
Geo: ws for WEDNESDAY
Music: Wagner for next week FRIDAY
CE: none
Lit: project for THURSDAY
Vocab: 171-173 for THURSDAY

Monday, March 30, 2015

Happy Monday!

We took our math test today. We averaged a B which isn't too bad. We also got a little deeper into the geography of Africa South of the Sahara. It worked in well that one of our news stories for the day talked about one of our Western African countries. We also had a long study time that we could use to work on our literature project. Some did and some chose not to. That is due on THURSDAY.

CL: none
Memory: 152 1,2,7,8 for THURSDAY
Math: took a test
Science: ws for Wednesday
Geo: ws for Wednesday
CE: none
Lit: project for Thursday
Vocab: 171-173 for Thursday
Music: Wagner for 4-10
English: none

Friday, March 27, 2015

Happy Friday! We worked on a pretest today so we can rock our test on Monday. We tackled friendly letters, business letters, invites and thank you notes today. We talked most about content rather than form since we don't send too many actual letters any more today. Additionally, we finished section two talking about violent storms. We learned various things about Africa and a bit about Othello.

Memory: none
CL: none
Math: pretest, test Monday
English: none
Vocab: 171-173 for THURSDAY
Music: Wagner, April 10th
Science: ws for MONDAY
Geo: none
CE: none
Lit: Project APRIL 3rd

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Thursday already! Time is flying by! According to science class, so are warm and cold fronts! We are working on learning how to predict weather and figure out what all those symbols on the map mean. We also spent a lot of time this afternoon working on our literature projects. We had some technical issues that we are trying to work through. We also worked on order of operations using negative numbers. That involves a lot of things to keep straight. We did lots of examples as you can see from the other post.

Memory: none
CL: none
Math: set 85 skip 1,2,5,11,12,20,30 FRIDAY
English: story with dialoge FRIDAY
Vocab: pages 166-170
Science: none
CE: none
Geo: none
Lit: Project next week THRUSDAY (no school Friday)
Music: none

Math Lesson 85 (not 55!)

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Happy Wednesday!

Music: None
Vocab: page 163
English: Story got moved to FRIDAY final copy
Science: ws for THURSDAY
CE: none
Geo: none
Lit: project for April 2nd (planing worktime tomorrow)
Math: Lesson 84 skip 3,13,18,20,21,24
CL: none
Memory: none

Math Lesson 84

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Good day to you! Math contest tonight at Fondy. Hope some of you will make it! We sing this Sunday and Easter.

CL: book
Math: Set 83 skip 7,8,14,18,21,30
English: narrative with dialogue for THURSDAY
Science: ws for WEDNESDAY
CE: none
Geo: ws for WEDNESDAY
Lit: project for April 3rd
Music: none
Vocab: none
]Memory: none

Math Lesson 83

Monday, March 23, 2015

Welcome back! We eased back in today with a double shot of current events, an intro to Africa South of the Sahara and a start on weather. Our math lesson was a quick one as we reviewed how to find the area of a circle.

CL: we handed in our books
Math: set 82 skip 3,11,18,19,28 for TOMORROW
Science: section 1 ws for WEDNESDAY ( I told some people tomorrow but we don't have science tomorrow, sorry!)
CE: none
Geo: map activities for WEDNESDAY
Lit: project for April 2nd
Vocab: none
Music: none
English: none

Math lesson 82

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Happy Thursday!

We had an awesome presentation today on drums!

CL: none
Memory: Prepare the Way for FRIDAY
Math: Investigation for FRIDAY
English ws for FRIDAY
Science: test tomorrow
Geo: none
CE: none
Lit: project
Vocab:161-162 FRIDAY
Music: none

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Happy Wednesday! We warmed up for singing tonight a bit ago and they sound great!

Memory: Prepare the Way for Friday
CL: none
Math: took pretest, Test FRIDAY
Science: Test FRIDAY
CE: none
Geography: none
Music: none
Vocab: review pages 158-159 for TOMORROW
Lit: project
English: none

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Happy Tuesday! Today we solved more percent problems by using ratios. It is like any other ratio problem, except that the total for the ration is 100. We did lesson 81 today. We will do a pretest tomorrow, an Investigation on Thursday and take the test for Friday. We sing tomorrow in the 3:30 service. Friday is the end of the world. No wait. The end of the quarter, I mean.

Memory: Prepare the Way due FRIDAY
CE: none
CL: none
Math: set 81 skip 8, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20b (DO 20A) 21
Science: study guide for WEDNESDAY
Geo: prezis for WEDNESDAY (2 star ones)
Lit: project
Vocab: review pages due THURSDAY
Music: none
English: none

Math Lesson 81