Friday, April 29, 2016

FRIDAY! Busy busy weekend ahead. Enjoy!

Hymn: none
CE: news quiz for MONDAY
English: none
Science; ws for MONDAY
Geo: questions 2,5,6 for MONDAY
Lit: none
Music: Waller for FRIDAY
Math: took a test
Art: nothing
Vocab: none
CL: none

Thursday, April 28, 2016

I've been trying to start this for 45 minutes now, but sometimes life gets in the way! The sad event of the day was that between the rain and k-4 musical practice, we were stuck in our room for our first recess. We managed to survive, somehow. After that, we were confronted with passive and active tense. We went through a practice sheet in class. A practice sheet was done in class. (I almost typed a PLASTIC sheet. It's been a long week.)
This cartoon came from a blog discussing why not to use the passive tense. You can read it HERE.

We also talked about Julius Ceaser and the famous "Friends, Romans, Countrymen" speech.

Memory: HYMN 377 1,3 TOMORROW
English: ws for TOMORROW
CL: none
CE: none
Music: ws TOMORROW
Geo: none
Science: ws for TOMORROW
Lit: none
Math Set 101 and test TOMORROW

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

We tried out our new seating arrangement today. The students had input on where they sat. We will see how long this arrangement lasts! 

Memory: hymn 377 1,3 Friday
CE: none
CL: none
Eglish: none
Vocab: none
Lit: none
Music: ws for Friday
Geo: none
Science: ws for TOMORROW
Math: pre-test in class (WORK ON CORRECTIONS!)

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Happy cold busy Tuesday! Not great weather for our softball game this afternoon, but at least that won't matter at our forensics meet tonight! I sent an email about a possible extra end of the year field trip. The class voted to go bowling and have a movie day! Any thoughts or other ideas, let me know. Thanks!

Memory: Hymn 377 1,3 for Friday
CL: none
CE: none
Vocab: none
English: none
Lit: none
Science: ws for TOMORROW
Geo: ws for TOMORROW
Math: investigation 100 for TOMORROW
Music: ws for Friday

Monday, April 25, 2016

Happy Sunny Monday! Congrats to the confirmands. Today we estimated square roots and reviewed how irrational numbers can be. We also looked at our affect on water, learned more about Asia, got explored Shakespeare further.

Hymn: 377 vs 1,3 for Friday
CE: none
CL: none
Math: set 100 see below TOMORROW
Vocab: none
Music: ws for Friday
Science: ws for Wednesday
Geo: pollution ws for Wednesday
Lit: none
English: none

Thursday, April 21, 2016

We watched part of the movie version of A Midsummer Night's Dream today. We haven't finished reading it yet, but I thought it would be a good review of what we have covered so far. We also took our map test and nailed it! We had 12 A+'s! In math we took on scale and scale factor. We covered a few more prezi countries and should finish them all up tomorrow. Speaking of tomorrow, don't forget about the hymn. We had a few forget to study last week.

I am attending my uncle's funeral tomorrow afternoon. The Theisens will be covering the last part of the day for me. The class will be checking out the first part of a great NOVA video talking about what we have learned about the earth from satellites. It covers many things we have talked about in science and geography. (I kind of hate to miss it even though I've seen it several times already, but then again, I am a nerd!)

CL: none
CE: none
Memory: hymn 203 vs 1-3 TOMORROW
English: none
Lit: none
Vocab: review ws for TOMORROW
Music: none
Geo: none
Science: none
Math: set 98 for TOMORROW (see below)

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

(Yes, I did spend way too long looking for that.)

Memory: hymn 203 vs 1,2,3 for Friday
CE: none
English: ws for TOMOROW
Vocab: finish the book for TOMORROW
Lit: Laugh at the image above
Science: chapter review for TOMORROW
Geo: map test TOMORROW, select Prezi's for TOMORROW, ws for Friday
Music: none
Math: set 97 for TOMORROW see below

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Wow! A record low number of views of the blog yesterday. I must be losing my touch! Oh well, for the emailers and the two folks that come to the website, thanks for coming! I tried to find a funny Shakespearean cartoon that I could share with you for free, but that is harder to do than I thought. So, let's get right into the meat.

CL: ws for Thurs
Memory: hymn 203 vs 1,2,3 for Friday
Music: none
English: ws for Thursday
Vocab: finish book for Thurs
Lit: none
Science: chapter review for Thursday
Geo Ws for Wednesday, map test for Thurs, Prezis for Thurs
Math: set 96 see below for TOMORROW
CE: none