Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Happy Tuesday!
Today we started working on adding negative numbers. Negatives is a tricky concept, so we are starting off small. It is important that they grasp this part because we will be building on it all year long. We also reviewed sentences with indirect objects. 
CL: none
Memory: Hymn 183 vs 1,4 Friday
Math: set 64 MONDAY see below
English: none
Lit: none
Vocab: pages due for Friday
Geo: none
Science: none
CE: none
Music: Composer for Thursday

Monday, January 30, 2017

Happy Snowy Monday! (It is WI after all.) We checked out a video on climate change today. We also were very inclusive in math. We started the Christmas Carol as a play we are reading aloud. (Yea, we are a little behind this year . . .) Paul made it to Jerusalem today, and as predicted, bad things happened.

Hymn: 183 1,4 for Friday
CE: none
CL: none
Science: none
Geo: questions 1,2 TOMORROW
Math: set 63 TOMORROW (see below)
Music: composer for Thursday
Vocab: pages for Friday
English: none
Lit: none

Friday, January 27, 2017

Happy Friday to you all.  Today we did an investigation for math. Those who had watched the video ahead of time were able to get right to it and finish before the end of math. Those who didn't, got the chance to watch it today but may not have gotten time to finish it. We also got to watch Where the Red Fern Grows today.

CE: news Quiz MONDAY
CL: ws for MONDAY
English: none
Science: Lesson Summary MONDAY
Music: Composer for Thursday
Vocab: pages for Friday
Geo: none
Lit: none
Math: Investigation for MONDAY

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Memory: Hymn 506 vs 1,3 TOMORROW
CL: none
English: none
Vocab: 91-95 TOMORROW
Geo: page 375 1,2,4
Music: Composer Thursday
Science: Lesson Summary for Monday
CE: none
Lit: project TOMORROW
Math: set 62 also WATCH VIDEOS FOR INVESTIGATION tonight please

Math videos for Friday, January 27th

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

It's a wild, snowy, sloppy Wednesday out there. It wasn't snowy inside, but it was a bit wild. We had a tough time using our study time effectively today. We also decorated our rocks for Christian Education week. Add to that a tech issue in another room and it was a bit of a day. We did take a look at the area and perimeter of a parallelogram. We also discussed indirect objects, which led to a review of direct objects. Then we discussed how to do quotations. Oh yes, additionally we reviewed how wind affects climate.

CE: none
Memory: Refrain and last verse for TOMORROW, Hymn 506 1,3 Friday
Lit: project for Friday
English: ws for TOMORROW
Geo: none
Science: #s 7,9,10,11,12,16,17,18,21 TOMORROW
Music: none
Math: set 61 see below
Vocab: 90-94

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

It's Tuesday! Not sure why that deserves an exclamation point, but there it is. We took our math test today, and we averaged a C+, with 5 people in the A category. Not too bad, but some room for growth. We also heard about to drama opportunities for 7th and 8th grade coming up soon. In other news, we had a sub for art since Mrs. Kemnitz is having some foot surgery done and needs to stay off her feet for a while. Our Eastern Europe map test was today as well. We took that right after the math test and we averaged a C-. However, we had 8 people get A's. This one seemed to be a case of studied/didn't study. I wasn't planning on doing a map test for all of Europe, but I would be willing to offer that as an opportunity for students who want a chance to up their grade. Have them speak to me about it if desired.

Memory: Christian Ed song last verse and refrain for Thursday, hymn 506 1,3 Friday
Math: took a test
Lit: Project for Friday
Vocab: 90-94 for Friday
English: none
Geo: none
CE: none
Science: none
CL: ws for Thursday
Music: none

Monday, January 23, 2017

We did a pretest for math today in preperation for the test tomorrow. I corrected all of the ones that were handed in early enough. Students should look ever the pretest and make sure they are ready to go for the real deal tomorrow.

We also took our last MAP test today (barring a few make up tests students have to do).

CL: ws for Thursday
Memory: Christian Education hymn, refrain and ALL verse for Thursday, hymn 506 1,3 Friday
Math: pre test for TOMORROW
Lit: Project for Friday
Vocab: 90-94 for Friday
English: none
Geo: Test on part of Europe TOMORROW
CE: none
Science: none

Friday, January 20, 2017

CE: Newsquiz for MONDAY
CL: none
Memory: words for the Christian Ed Song MONDAY, 506 vs 1,3 for Friday
Music: None
Vocab: 90-94 Friday
Math: Lesson 60 MONDAY see below
Science: none
Geo: none
Lit: project due Friday
English: none