Friday, March 31, 2017

Image result for friday cartoon

CL: none
CE: newsquiz for MONDAY
Music: none
Science: none
Math: Set 88 MONDAY
English: none
Geo: none
Memory: hymn for Friday
Vocab pages due for Friday
Lit: none

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Hey, sorry about no blog yesterday. Just too much going on. Today we talked about multiplying algebraic terms. We also started a review of different musical instruments, their sounds and their families. Additionally, we checked out the climates of Africa. It's not all desert (or desserts either) you know.

Memory: "Bring Palm Branches" due for tomorrow
CL: none
CE: none
English: none
Geo: ws for TOMORROW
Vocab: pages 123-125 for TOMORROW
Music: none
Art: finish coloring the picture TOMORROW
Science: none
Math: set 87 TOMORROW
Lit: Ch 19 for TOMORROW

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Math Test tomorrow! Art on Friday, the coloring needs to be done! Indefinite proouns today!

CL: none
CE: none
English: ws for Thursday
Vocab: pages due Friday
Music: composer due Thursday
Geo: ws due TOMORROW
Math: set 86 TOMORROW and test
Art: coloring for Friday
Memory: Bring Palm Branches due for Friday
Science: none
Lit: none

Monday, March 27, 2017

Happy Monday to you. We have started our study of Africa! Lot's going on there! We also started watching a film in Christlight. It discusses what can happen to people who speak out against evolution. It is pretty one-sided, but it gives students an idea of what can happen when they stand up for the truth. We also had a math pre-test. Additionally, many students started their English worksheet today that was assigned Thursday.  They found out they don't remember what to do anymore. I emphasised the importance of not waiting until the day before it is due to start.

Memory: Palm Sunday words for Friday
CE: none
CL: none
Science: none
Geo: ws for Wednesday
Math: pre-test for TOMORROW
English: ws for TOMORROW
Lit: ch 15-16 and ws for TOMORROW
Music: Composer for Thursday
Vocab: pages 123-125 for Friday

Friday, March 24, 2017

CL: none
CE: newsquiz for MONDAY
Math: set 85 for MONDAY
Science: none
Geo: took a test
English: ws for Tuesday
Vocab: pages for Friday
Music: composer for Thursday
Lit: none
Memory: hymn for Friday

Thursday, March 23, 2017

The play was pretty awesome! We didn't have time for the geo test after all, so we will do that tomorrow.

CL: none
Hymn 429 vs 1-3
CE: none
Geo: test TOMORROW
Science: lesson review TOMORROW
English: ws for Tuesday
Music: composer for Thursday
Vocab: pages 118-121 for TOMORROW
Math: set 84 TOMORROW
Lit: none