Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Image result for Tuesday humor We worked on some more difficult math problems today and 1/2 of us did some good caroling.

Math: set 55 TOMORROW

Monday, December 17, 2018

Welcome to Monday! We did more ratio word problems today and had a couple of pretty exciting chapters in our novel as well. Caroling tomorrow for the Tuesday music group. Remember to dress appropriately.

Hymn: none
CL: none
Science: none
Math: set 54 TOMORROW
Grammar: none
Literature: Finish chapter 17 (one page) TOMORROW
Writing: Paragraph for TOMORROW
Vocab: review pages TOMORROW

Friday, December 14, 2018

Happy weekend! We did more story problems, won a beauty contest, and hard art and music on a non art and music day!

Math: set 53 MONDAY
Science: Review MONDAY
Grammar: ws for MONDAY
Lit: none
Writing: compare and contrast Tuesday
CL: none
CE: news quiz MONDAY
Vocab: Synonyms Tuesday

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Happy Thursday one and all. We had a pretty mellow day today. With no service practice, it felt kind of weird to tell you the truth! We looked at order of operations in math. I made a point of emphasizing that multiplying and dividing are of equal weight, as are adding and subtracting. You just work left to right and do any division and multiplication that comes your way in the order that it comes. DON'T do all the multiplying or adding first and then go back and do division or subtraction. 

Science: Lesson review for FRIDAY 
Lit: none
Grammar: subject-verb agreement sheet for Monday, two sides
Writing: Compare/Contrast
Music: Test TOMORROW (for one group)
Math: set 52 TOMORROW
Vocab: lesson review 85-87 TOMORROW
Math-Course 2 set 52 C3 lesson 50 FRIDAY

Monday, December 10, 2018

God's blessings on your Monday! We looked at making graphs today, different kinds to make, why to make those and how to make them right. We also had our first split Christmas service practice. Good job M-Z.

Memory Work for Thursday is What a Beautiful Name, for Friday is Hymn 38 vs 1,3,13. Please note that we will be using the words out of the hymnal and not the Christmas Service.

Grammar- WS on Action vs Linking verbs for Wednesday
Literature- Read Chapter 14 and do thought questions for Wednesday
Vocab- Review pages for TOMORROW!
Math- Investigation for TOMORROW
Geo: project
Science: Lesson 4 questions 5-9, 12-14, 16-19 for Wednesday
Music: Quiz on Liturgy

Friday, December 7, 2018

Image result for friday meme Happy Friday!
We had a good Christmas service practice, a math pre-test, major storms in science and a pretty homework-free weekend!

Memory work from the Christmas service for MONDAY
Hymn 38, vs 1,8,13 Friday
CE: NewsQuiz for MONDAY
Math: pretest for MONDAY
Science: none
Lit: none
Grammar: none

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Happy Voters' meeting night! We worked with unit multipliers today, got Billy to take a dare, and discussed heaven a bit.

Hymn 16 vs 1,2 TOMORROW
Math: set 50 TOMORROW
Science: none
Grammar: none
Lit: none
Writing: ?

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Image result for advent wreath png Happy Advent!
Christmas service recitation is due tomorrow! Luke 2, it's a long section!
Today we added and subtracted mixed units like feet and inches. It's all about taking your time and thinking about it. We also started looking at severe weather.

Hymn 16 vs 1-2 Friday
Luke 2 from the Christmas service TOMORROW
Science: none
Grammar: none
Lit: none
Math: set 49 TOMORROW
Vocab: none

Monday, December 3, 2018

These weeks sure are rolling into one another, aren't they? I checked, it really is Monday. 
We dealt with powers of 10, a science review, predicate adjectives, and Little Ann almost drowned!

Hymn 16 vs 1,2 Friday
Thursday there is Christmas recitation due, see the board
Math: set 47 TOMORROW
Science: lesson review, Wednesday
Lit: none
Grammar: Pred Adj ws Wednesday
CL: none