Thursday, October 22, 2009

Today we took our science test. Since we didn't have as much time to reveiw as I wanted yesterday, I allowed the students to take the test with an assigned partner. Some groups did very well, and the class averaged a C. We also took the math pretest with partners today, and that went very well, so we should be good to go for the real thing tomorrow. Please remind your student to take his time and avoid simple mistakes. The daily work seems to be filled with simple addition mistakes and the like.

You should have received a note letting you know when your student - parent - teacher conference time is. If you haven't please ask your student for it. As you can see, it is a very tight schedule, so we will need to keep the conferences to 15 minuets. If we need more time to discuss anything, an additional meeting can be arranged.

Math: test tomorrow
Science: test today
Geo: Mexico test
English: ws for tomorrow
Lit: nothing
Spelling: test tomorrow
CL: passages tomorrow
CE: nothing
Health: review from the book for Monday (girls) Tuesday (boys)
Music: nothing
Art: ws for tomorrow

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