Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Today we continued our discussion of Galatians. We also started looking at the map of Europe. We were a bit amazed at how many small countries that most of us have never heard of there are. We also looked at decimal numbers on a number line, and we reviewed some of the other sentence patterns other than pattern 1.

Math: set 34
Memory: song for church is due on Monday
Algebra: set 38
Art: Monet for Nov. 5th
Geo: Europe map

Thank you for coming in for conferences. It was great to touch base with all of you. Always remember that you can contact me with any issues throughout the year.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

No Spelling
Math: set 33
Science: took test
English: ws and set 13 pg 165
MW: song for Monday
Algebra: set 37
Art: ws Nov 5th
Music: nothing
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
Geo: quiz

Monday, October 25, 2010

A new quarter has begun! After the excitement of last week, we had some long lessons today. In
Math we learned why the rest of the world uses the metric system. We also learned that Europe has twice the people we do, but only 2/3's of the land. We also learned that there are way more rules for outlines than we could have imagined. We also found out that Billy is out of trouble but Johnny and Pony Boy's troubles are just beginning.

I will be gone tomorrow for part of the day. Mr. Haag will be in as a sub again.

Spelling: nothing
Music: nothing
CE: nothing
Health: review from last week due
Math: set 32 skip 1,6,7,12,13,19,21,23,25,27
Cat: test tomorrow
Geo: take home quiz
English: nothing
Algebra 1/2: set 32
Science: test
Lit: nothing

Thursday, October 21, 2010

What an action packed day. We started off talking about how to speak to others who are tempted to turn away from God. We then looked at converting a number to a decimal to a fraction to a percent. We took our Geography test and talked a bit about the rain forest. We read about Billy getting his dogs, and then we started discussing how to write a research paper.

After lunch we took our walk over to one of the labs at the UW. We had to hustle on the way over there which was good for the cardio-vascular system. We had a fun learning experience while we were there. We looked at stream erosion, ground water pollution, clouds, light and even two volcanoes.

Tomorrow we will continue to learn about ground water and pollution when our guest speaker comes in.

Spelling: test tomorrow
Memory: lesson 4 for tomorrow
Math: set 31 for Monday skip 5,6,15,17,18,21,22,25,26,30
Algebra 1/2: set 36
Cat: memory for MONDAY 2nd 3rd petition
Geo: nothing
Science: we will go through the study guide Monday and take the test Tuesday
Art: Monet Nov 5th
Health: 220-221 1-14, 1-35 for Monday/Tuesday
English: nothing

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Walking to the U.W. campus tomorrow, dress appropriately!

Spelling:Unit 10 tomorrow, test Friday
Math: 87 test today
Geo: Jeopardy today, test tomorrow
Science: We will go through the review on Monday, test will be Tuesday
Algebra 1/2: Set 35
Art: ws due Nov. 5th
Music: ws for Friday
Memory: CL lesson 4 for Friday
Health: 220-221 1-14, 1-32
CE: nothing

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hello again. I pray that your day was as clear and breezy as the weather.

Spelling: Unit 10 is due for Thursday
Math: we looked at coordinate planes today and will take the test tomorrow
Geo: we corrected the review today, we will do some reviewing tomorrow and take the test Thursday
English: personification story rough draft (p.81)
Science: quiz on section three, tomorrow we will take on section four, so we will move the study guide until Monday, but we will keep the test on Tuesday
Algebra 1/2: set 33
Art: Monet ws for Nov. 5th
Memory: lesson 4 for Friday
Health: p.220 1-14, p. 221 1-35
CE: nothing

Monday, October 18, 2010

Today we went over the pre-test for rmath in class. We will have an investigation tomorrow and take the test on Wednesday. We talked about South America's blessing and challenges. We also took a little time to work in groups on the review that is due tomorrow. In English we talked about using personification in our writing. We also reviewed using details, especially sensory details, to make our stories really come alive. We then read about Billy and his "Puppy Love".

Thursday afternoon we are walking to the Tech. Please remind your student to appropriate footwear and warm enough clothing. We are also having agronomist Becky Wagner from the FDL County Land & Water Conservation Dept. come and speak to us Friday morning at around 9:30. Join us if you can.

Spelling: Unit 9 is due for Thursday, test Friday
Music: theory ws (both sides) due for Friday
Math: test on Wed
Cat: sermon summary and Address and 1st Petition of the Lord's Prayer
Geo: quiz on section 3 and study guide, test Thursday
English: nothing
Science: quiz tomorrow, study guide Wednesday, test 26th
Algebra 1/2: set 32
Art: Monet ws Nov. 5th
Memory: CL lesson 4 for Friday
Health: 220-221

Friday, October 15, 2010

The correcting is done. Check your email box for a progress report. They have been sent.
Catching up on correcting. Hope to have progress reports sent out before the weekend is over.
And so another week comes to a close. I pray yours was a good one. Today we finished up Mozart, our art project, a Math Meet test, and another section in math.

Spelling: Unit 9 for next Thursday
Math: 30 skip 10,11,17,18,19,20,24,29,30
Algebra 1/2: set 31
Geo: quiz for Monday, review is due Tue, test is Thurs 19th
English: 3 ws for Monday
Science: Study guide for Wed, test is on the 26th
Art: Monet sheet due Nov. 5th
Music: ws both sides due next Friday
Health: girls 519 lesson 5
CE: ws for Wed or Thurs

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Our guest speaker did a great job and hit on many topics that we just covered and will cover. Thanks Mr. Mindock! We also talked about Mexico, the miners in Chile and even took some time for estimating.

We will have another guest speaker coming in on the 22nd, also helping us with science.


Spelling: test tomorrow
Math: set 29 skip 2,5,7,11,13,14,15,27  (make sure you round to the proper place)
Cat: sermon summary and memory for Tue
Geo: quiz on part one tomorrow
Science: Quiz on part one tomorrow
English: students are on their own to finish final copy on the wiki by 3:00 p.m. Friday
Algebra 1/2: set 30
CE: ws
Health: girls 519 Lesson 5
Lit: nothing
Music: nothing
Art: we will finish our fall watercolors on Friday

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Check your email for details about some science activities that are comming up you can join us for.
After we corrected our study guides we took our geography test today as an open note test. We also wne to the lab to finish our naratives and our peer editing as well.

Spelling: Unit 9 is due tomorrow, test Friday
Math: set 28, skip 4,15,16,18,19,20,21,22,25,27,30
Algebra 1/2: set 9
Cat: sermon summary and memory for Tuesday
Geo: we will correct the test tomorrow and start our new section
English: tomorrow we will move on in the text, students will be on their own to finish their final copy of their narative on the wiki by Friday afternoon.
Science: we will take our section 1 quiz on FRIDAY due to the guest speaker tomorrow
Art: nothing
Memory: lesson 3 for Friday
Lit: we started Where the Red Fern Grows no assingment
Music: nothing

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Today we started typing our narratives into our wiki's. We had some mistakes, but we are learning!

The sign up sheet for parent/student/teacher conferences went home today. Please note that I do want the students to come along to these. If you would like to meet with me privately, let me know and we can set up an additional meeting. Also please note that my times start at 5:00 on Tuesday the 26th.

Spelling: Unit 9 for Thursday, test Friday
Math: set 27
Geography: study guide is due tomorrow,
English: we typed our papers into the wiki today and will spend some time peer editing, this can also be done from home
Science: we took out test today, we also graded them already
Algebra: 1/2 test
Art: nothing
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
Memory: lesson 3 for Friday
Lit: nothing
Music: nothing

Monday, October 11, 2010

Today we visited my wiki desk. We followed some links to review for our map test for TOMORROW! We also learned how to log onto our wiki's so that we can compose our latest story online. We also looked at our spelling unit for the week, multiplied and divided mixed fractions, and reviewed for our science test. We also took an easy test on Hatchet.

Spelling: Unit 9 for Thursday
Math: Set 26  do practice a-i, skip 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,10,11,13,14,24
Cat: sermon summary  3rd article
Geo: map test tomorrow and study guide is due
Science: test tomorrow
English: 3 ws for Wednesday, story elements outline for tomorrow
Algebra 1/2 set 28
Lit: crossword puzzle
Music: nothing
Art: nothing
CL: hand in all ws
Memory: lesson 3 for Friday

Friday, October 8, 2010

We did not take the geography map tests today since the history of Latin America took longer than planed. We will review the maps on Monday and take the test on Tuesday. We will also correct the study guide on Tuesday for the test on Wedensday.

We will go though the study guide for Science on Monday so that we can take the test on Tuesday.

We finished the movie version of Hatchet today. There were quite a few differences. Ask your student about them.

Spelling: Unit 9 for next Thurs. Test Fri.
CL: Lesson three memory for Friday
Math: Set 25
English: nothing
Geo: quiz Monday, map test Tuesday, Unit test Wednesday
Music: nothing
Art: nothing
Science: study guide for Monday, test Tuesday
Cat: sermon summary
Lit: Test next week
Health: boys nothing, girls 519 lesson 5
CE: nothing

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Another beautiful day outside. Inside we talked about an easier way to reduce fractions. We continued our look at the history of Latin America. We started the movie version of Hatchet. On top of all that, we are finishing our narratives. I tried something new with the Smart Board features. I was able to put a picture of one of the completed sample problems on the blog. I was also able to record a video of me solving one of the problems. I did not record any audio with the video, it just shows what to do. Check it out if you need help with math.

Spelling: test tomorrow
Memory: C.L. lesson 2 for tomorrow
Cat.: 3rd article for Tue.
Math: set 24, skip 1,3,7,9,10,12,29
Geo: quiz tomorrow
English: final copy of narative, with outline and rough draft
Science: ws and study guide for Monday
Lit: test Monday
Algebra 1/2: set 26
Art: nothing
CE: nothing
Health: boys nothing, girls 519 lesson 5
Music: ws due tomorrow

Math example video

Math example.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Welcome back to another day of education! Today we talked about the history of Latin America. So much good stuff we didn't even get to finish.  We also revisited how to subtract mixed numbers with borrowing. We also took our turn at making a story element out line. (I will include an example.) We were given three ideas. We get to pick one and then form a story around it. We finished off the day by finishing both of our books. Very exciting endings!

Example For Thursday

Pick a story starter from the book on page 65.

Starter 1. Carl Williams slowly backed farther into the shadows.

Write a story elements outline.

I. Main idea

Carl did not practice his piano for his lesson so he is hiding from his music teacher.

II. Setting

A backyard of a suburban home.

III. Character

Mrs. Nevens, Carl, and Sparky

IV. Plot

Carl did not practice piano all week and is not ready for his lesson with Mrs. Nevens so he decides to hide in her back yard after he gets dropped off. He wants to skip his lesson so that he won’t get yelled at. However Mrs. Nevens knows someone is outside and lets her dog, Sparky, loose to get the intruder. Sparky finds Carl and begs for treats. Mrs. Nevens and Carl have a good laugh and Carl promises to practice for next week.

V. Ending

Next week Carl brings treats for Sparky and has a great lesson.

Spelling: unit 8 for Thursday, test for Friday
Math: set 23 skip 1,2,3,4,15,17,24,25
Cat: Sermon Summary
Geo: work on maps
English: story elements outline and rough draft
Science: notes for quiz on section 3 (We go through the section in class, but the students should be going over the section again on their own to touch up their notes.)
Algebra 1/2: Set 25 odd problems
Art: nothing
Memory: CL lesson 2 for Friday
Music: ws for Friday
Lit: epilogue ws

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

We started the day with a discussion of what to say to someone who loses a loved one. A very pertinent discussion for us to have. We also then drifted into lots of speculation about heaven. The students stumped me often with their questions, but we had a good discussion. We then took a look at fraction of a group problems and how to draw a diagram to help solve those. Nothing new, but a good review as these problems will come up again and again. In English we expanded our writing to include short stories. Then Mr. Haag came and gave the Geography test, talked more about minerals and found out what was in the survival pack that Brian found. Thanks for filling in Mr. Haag!

Spelling: Unit 8 for Thursday, test Friday
Math: set 22 skip 7,8,9,10,11,13,14,15, 28
Cat: Sermon Summary
Geo: took test, map test Friday
English: nothing
Science: notes and quiz on section 2
Algebra 1/2: test
Art: nothing
Memory: lesson two from CL passages and hymn
Music: Mozart ws for Friday

Monday, October 4, 2010

Spelling: unit 8 for Thursday, test Friday
Math: set 21
Cat: sermon Summary
Geo: test tomorrow, maps Friday
English: 2 ws from Friday are due tomorrow
Science: quiz on section 1
Algebra: set 24
Music: ws for Friday
Lit: ch 18
Memory: 2nd article tomorrow, CL lesson 2 for Friday

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Magic Flute animated

FRIDAY!  We stared to work with watercolor, but ran out of time to finish. We also took a math test (some of us) and worked on comparative and superlative adjectives. (Ask your student why funner is not a proper word!) We were supposed to have our map test today, but apparently most of the class missed it on the board every day this week so we will take it on Monday. This moves the Geo test to Tuesday. We also watched a version of Mozart's Magic Flute, click the link if you are interested.

Spelling: redo page 4  remember that many words will have two afixes in a row, fear-LESS-NESS  both less and ness should be circled.
Math: test
Algebra 1/2: Set 23
Cat: Sermon Summary
Geo: Map test Monday, review Monday
English: two worksheets for TUESDAY
Science: nothing
Art: nothing
Music: ws for Friday
Lit: nothing new
CL: worksheets are due on Monday