Thursday, March 31, 2011

Welcome to another day of grace from the Lord. Today we finished lesson 9 from Galatians. We continue to hear about the blessings of the Gospel. We also his lesson 100 in Math! Hurray! We discussed estimating square roots that don't come out to be nice regular numbers like 4. We also talked about those pesky irrational numbers. In geography we took our test and that went fairly well. In English we talked about piranha. Then we went back to the prepositional phrases again. We followed that up with a discussion of garbage, but that was for science class so that was ok. That left us just enough time to correct literature but not discuss it unfortunately.

Tomorrow is WLA play day! Please remember you will need to make arrangements to get get your student home from WLA.

Spelling: Test
Geo: nothing
Math: 100 skip 9,11,13,15,16,17,19,28
Algebra: 108
Science: quiz Monday, study guide Tuesday
Lit: ws and ch 25-26 for Monday
Music: nothing
Art: nothing
CE: ws
Health: review

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Spelling unit 28 for tomorrow
Math set 98 even
Geo: test
CE: ws
Health: review
English: 2 ws
Science: quiz
Lit: Ch 24-15 and ws

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Today I was very excited to teach the students about Pythagorean Theorem. So excited that I was most of the way through the lesson before I realized that that is the lesson for tomorrow and not today. On the bright side, tomorrow's lesson should be pretty short! We finished Pride and Prejudice today so the students should be ready for our trip on Friday. Please remember that you will need to make arrangements to get your student from WLA. I have only gotten about 1/2 of the slips back making sure you are aware of that. We also took or science test. That went fairly well.

We will re-write the song for church tomorrow. Most everyone did quite well, but I want to make sure we really have it down. I am hoping that will help increase our confidence and thereby our VOLUME!

Spelling: Unit 28 for Thursday
Math: set 98 (NOT 99) skip 11-19
Algebra: set 106
Lit: chapters 22-23
Health: review page 296 1-10, 297 1-24
English: two worksheets
Science: we took our test
Art: nothing
music; nothing
CE: nothing

Monday, March 28, 2011

Hello again. We are trying something different in the calssroom. The assignments will no longer be posted on the baord. I am finding that too many students are suing this as a crutch to aavoid paying attention when the assingment is given. Then, if the person writing the assignemnts on the board misses something, these students are blaming the student writting the assingments instead of realizing that he or she should have been listening when the assignemnt was given. For now I plan to keep doing the blog, but please understand this is intended to be an aid for you to check on your student and to be involved in what is going on. This is not intended to allow your student to not pay attention when the assignment is given knowing that he or she can simply check the blog latter. Thanks.

This said, many students were doing just fine on their own and I don't think the assingment board was useful to them, so it should not be detrimental to them to have it gone.

Today we continued to discuss Galatians. We talked about how when we trust in God's grace to save us, we can't help but love others the way he loved us. In math we learned how to indirectly measure angles by using simialr triangles. We corrected our Geography study guides but the test won't be for some time yet. In English we discussed how prepositional phrases are more than just pretty phrases, they actually serve as adjectives and adverbs. Tomorrow we will have two worksheets to practice. The science test will be tomorrow. We are fairly far into Treasure Island. Today we listend to one chapter via audio book and assigned one. The second part of the battle is about to begin.

Spelling: Unit 28 for Thursday, test Friday
Lit: ch 21 and wsh for 19-21
Science: test tomorrow
English: no assignemnt
Health: 296 1-10, 297 1-24
CE: nothing
Geo: nothing
Math: set 97  skip 4,6,8,14,15,16,20,24
Cat: 2nd article

Spelling Unit 28 for Thursday, test Friday

Friday, March 25, 2011

For some reason today turned into nickname day. We had everything from Sparky to Fascination to Hey You. We did manage to get some school work in though. Be sure to ask about the Van Gogh movie. Lenard Nimoy aka "Spock" was the star.

Spelling: Unit 28 for next week
Math: set 96 skip 5,6,7,8,9,27,28,29,30
Algebra: test
Science: quiz on Monday Test Tue?
Geo: nothing new
Lit: same as yesterday
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
Art: nothing
Music/Memory: "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross for Monday" vs 1,3,4
English: 2 ws

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Welcome to another day of learning in 7th grade! The week is almost over but we are not done learning yet. Today we finished up or Christ Light book. We discussed some very heavy topics in this book. Ask your student about them. I'll be collecting the books tomorrow. We also discussed how to deal with volume problems. Find the area of the base and then multiply by the height. Passive tense was reviewed by us again. We also learned about ocean pollution and why it is such a problem. We continued our review of Pride and Prejudice and added a few more chapters to our reading of Treasure Island. By the way, have you noticed the link on the side of the page to the free audio version? Check it out some time.

Spelling test tomorrow
Memory from lesson six for tomorrow
Geo: nothing new
Math: lesson 95 skip 3,4,9,16,17,20,23
Algebra: 104 25 problems
English: 2 ws
Art: nothing
Music: nothing
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
Science: Quiz on Monday
Lit: ch 18-19 and worksheet

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spelling nit 27 tomorrow
CL: memory from lesson 6 for Fri
Science: study guide tomorrow and quiz
Geo: nothing
Lit: nothing
English: 2 ws
Algebra 1/2: 103 even
Math: set 94 9,12,13,15,17,18,19,21,24
CE: nothing
Art: ws for Friday
Music: ws for Friday

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Today we put two kinds of Math problems together into one new problem. We looked at some of the physical features of East Asia, reviewed passive and active tense of verbs, and started a quick study of Pride and Prejudice.

Spelling: Unit 27
Math Set 92 4,9,12,18,20,23,24  skip 14c also
Algebra: 102 even and redo test
CL: lesson six memory for Friday
Geo: study guide and quiz due for tomorrow (we may not get to it, but in case w edo have it ready to go)
Science: quiz tomorrow, study guide for Thursday
English: 2 ws
Lit: ws and read ch 15 and 16
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
Art: composer ws
Music: composer ws

Thursday, March 10, 2011

One more day down and only a half day to go before break. Things are winding down for the week, but we did manage to get some things accomplished today. We got through a section in Galatians talking about how the law makes us slaves and the gospel makes us free. We also worked on algebraic problems with more negatives added in.  - (-3) - (-4)(-2) + (2)(-2) We also reviewed the importance of not changing verb tenses in the middle of a sentence or paragraph. "I went into the kitchen and I see my friend Tom was eating all the ice cream." Then we tried to drum up support for forensics and get introduced to our new section in science.

Spelling test is due tomorrow
Math set 91 skip 5,6,8,10,12,16,22,24,25 test tomorrow
Algebra: set 100
Art: Artist wsh due tomorrow
Music: artist ws due tomorrow
Memory: CL lesson 4 passages and hymn verses due tomorrow
English: 25-1A
Lit: read ch 11 and 12, do wsh 10-12 (Monday) and finish AR!!!!(Last week Friday)  Let's have next quarter done by MAY 13th!
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
Geo: took a test today
Sc: ws for tomorrow

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Welcome to Lent! I pray that your reflections on Christ's passion help to strengthen your faith.

Spelling unit 26 for Thurs, test Friday
Math: Investigation 5-10
Algebra: set 99
Art: ws for Friday
Music: ws for Friday
English: ws for Thursday
Geo: test
Memory: 3 passages and two hymn verses from lesson 4 for Friday
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
Lit: read ch 9-10 and ws 7-9

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Hello again! Sorry about missing you yesterday, I had some things come up and the blog was driven right out of my mind, but I am back again for your enjoyment.

The quarter ends on Friday so AR points should have all been in last week Friday.  Great job to the about 5 students that have their points all in!

Spelling this week is unit 26
CL memory is from section 4. It is three passages and two hymn verses.
Science: nothing
Geo: review is due tomorrow
Math: pretest
Algebra: set 98
English: ws
Literature: read ch 7 and 8 ws to come tomorrow
Music: ws for Friday
Art: ws for Friday
Health: nothing
CE: ws
Cat: 1st Article for tomorrow

Friday, March 4, 2011

It has been another eventful week but now it is time to say goodbye and go see my baby, but first let's talk about your babies!
We started off the day with devotion in church were we talked about being ready to tell the gospel message where ever and when ever we get the chance. I shared an experience I had in the hospital last week. We then hit math and learned about diagonals and exterior angles. We also discussed some of the Muslim countries in Asia and even did some English jingles. OK, maybe a few too many jingles. Then we tried our hand at drawing a picture that was upside down. The idea is that the student will work on it a line at a time and have the left brain take over instead of the right brain looking at it as a whole and freaking out. Well, since the gentleman in the picture looks a bit, shall we say 'off' to begin with, there was a lot of laughing involved at the students' attempts. Some of them turned out very well though.

Spelling: unit 25 will be for next week
Science: Test Monday
Geo: quiz Monday, map test due Tuesday, review due Wednesday.
Math: set 89, skip 1,3,4,8,9,14,15,17,22
Algebra: took test
Lit: read 3 and 4 and do ws for Monday
Art: Van Gogh ws for Friday
Music: Handel ws for Friday
English: nothing
Health: review
CE: ws

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Today we started a new novel, reviewed for our Science test, took a closer look at India, worked more with verb tenses, learned how to use two unit multipliers and talked about how the Gospel fills us with joy.

We sing on Sunday at the first service. We sing first thing so please be there early. I will try to be there early, too! Please send me a note if your child can not make it, otehrwise I will plan on him/her being there.

Spelling test tomorrow
Math: set 88 skip 6,7,12,14,18,19,22,23,24,26
Algebra: set 96
Art: nothing
Music: Bach worksheet from weeks ago
English: ws
Geo: quiz tomorrow, study guide  and map test 3-8
Memory: passages from CL lesson and hymn 712
Health: review
CE: ws
Lit: read chapters 1 and 2

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Today we looked at multiplying algebraic expressions. 2x times 2x is 4x squared. We also learned about the progressive and emphatic forms of verbs. We took our test for geography and most of the class did quite well. We also finished our section in science on ocean water and its movements and learned about another play by Shakespeare.

Spelling: Unit 25
Science: quiz tomorrow, study guide due tomorrow
Geo: Map test us due next Tuesday study guide due on Wednesday
Health: review page
CE: ws
Music: Bach ws (from a while ago, should be handed in already)
Memory: passages and Jesus Take us to the Mountain for Friday
English: finish display for tomorrow
Math: set 86 skip 3,6,10,11,14,19,20,27
Algebra: set 94

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Today we reviewed definitions of number families. We also did some work with verb tenses. We had our map test and reviewed South West Asia. We also looked at the oceans some more and then heard some people speak about why they think Shakespeare is important.

We sing in first service on Sunday.

Spelling: Unit 25 for Thursday, test Friday
Science: Quiz on section 2, study guide due on 3-3, test 3-7
Math set 86 skip 5,8,12,14,16,22,24,26
Algebra: set 94
Art: nothing
Music: composer ws
Health: review
CE: nothing
Geo: test
English: ws and AF display
Memory: passages and song for Friday