Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tiff on violin

Elle on violin

Brandon on violin

Samuel on violin

Good day one and all. A special thanks today to Dr. Schani, our musical guest teacher, who showed us how to play the violin and did some Christmas songs with Charlie. We also reviewed (yea, I taught ahead again) how to use scientific notation for really small numbers. (Who wants to write 0.0000000000000000000000000000734 after all?) We watched some of one of the many versions of Treasure Island as well.

Math: 57: skip 5,8,12,26,26
Geo: packet of worksheets is due tomorrow

Monday, December 19, 2011

Welcome one and all to the Monday edition of your favorite blog! We used our boxes today, but I am still not going to tell you why! We also re-learned how to subtract mixed measures. (I can't help myself sometimes and I teach things early.) We got to check out most of our tall tale Voice Thread projects. We had a nice service practice as well. We also got to see the end of the Patrick Stewart version of A Christmas Carol. Some students said it was a little weird to see Macbeth playing Scrooge, but he is still Captain Picard to me!

Spelling: nothing
Art: nothing
Memory work: nothing
English: nothing
Math: set 56 skip 5,13,14,27,28,29,30
Geo: worksheets for Wednesday
Lit: "test" worksheets for tomorrow
CE: nothing
Science: nothing
Music: nothing
Health: nothing

Friday, December 16, 2011

Greetings one and all. It is Friday! Although the week is not done. Please have your student at WLA by 8:20 for our practice tomorrow. We may be done early, but please allow until 10:15 for us to be finished.

Today in math we learned how to work average problems in reverse. (You'll have to ask your student about that one.) We also finished Treasure Island and started watching A Christmas Carol staring the one and only Patrick Stewart who, as some students noticed, also stared in our movie version of Macbeth.

Spelling: no unit next week
Memory: nothing
CE: nothing
Art: bring a box and wrapping paper on Monday, some tape would be nice as well.
Music: nothing
Math: set 55 skip 5,6,7,16,17,23,27
English: nothing
Literature: chapter worksheet is due on Monday, the other worksheets are due on Tuesday
Geo: packet of sheets is due on Wednesday
Science: nothing
Health: nothing

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thursday's school day is in the books. The power outage last night wrecked some havoc with our equipment, again, but we still got another full day of education in. We Took our science test today and we averaged a B, yea! We also looked at some story problems involving ratios. We worked diligently on our English worksheets. We also heard about an interesting negative consequence of the war in Iraq. Ask your student about the difficulties Christians have in Iraq and why, in some ways, they are worse now than they were before the war. We also crammed a lot of Russian history into a small time. We are coming along well with our Christmas service material as well. We just about finished with Treasure Island but ran out of time right at the end. We will finish it off tomorrow.

Spelling: test tomorrow
Art: bring a box and wrapping paper
Music: nothing
Math: set 54 1,2,17,18,29,30
Geo: nothing
English: two ws from Tuesday for tomorrow
CE: nothing
Science: nothing
Lit: nothing
Health: nothing
Memory: Silent Night for tomorrow

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tuesday time again. We had a bit of a topsy turvey day today as Mrs. Kemnitz needed to borrow the class for a bit. At first it was going to be three short times, but she managed to get it all in in one long time slot. What for you ask? Ah ha, I shall not tell, but your student does need a box, a shoe box or similar will do, and enough wrapping paper to cover said box. Please bring those tomorrow! Thanks.
We did manage to get our geography test in despite making time for Mrs. Kemnitz. We even managed a B average! Hurrah! I let the students read Treasure Island on their own this time. In math we discussed how to follow the proper order of operations when doing math problems. As your students about my Dear Aunt Sally.

Spelling: unit 15 for Thursday, test Friday
Memory: Invocation for Thursday, Silent Night for Friday
Math: set 52 skip 1,2,6,9,11,17,19
Geo: nothing
Music: nothing
Health: nothing
Art: nothing
English: rough draft tomorrow, final copy Thursday, ws Friday
CE: nothing
Science: study guide tomorrow
Literature: read the chapters and do the worksheet for tomorrow

Monday, December 12, 2011

Spelling: unit 15 for Thursday, test for Friday
Math: 81 8,9,11,14,15,16,17,19,24,27,28,29
Memory: Invitation for Thursday
Geo: test tomorrow
Music: nothing
English: rough draft by Wednesday of 3 paragraph persuasive essay
CE: nothing
Science: quiz tomorrow, Study guide Wednesday
Lit: ws for tomorrow
Art: nothing

Friday, December 9, 2011

Welcome to Friday! Come on in the classroom is warm, at least compared to the weather outside! Today we took a spelling test, wrote memory work, matched all of the countries of Europe (the bodies of water were extra credit - the class average was 102.5% YAHOO!), went through the Christmas service, took a math test, worked on voice thread, got through another chapter in Treasure Island and still had time to learn about how cold Russia is and how the sea floor actually spreads out. On top of all that, we moved desks! What a day.

Art: nothing
Spelling: unit 15 for next week
Math: took a test
English: finish the voice thread
Geo: study guide due on Monday
Memory: "Oh Come All Yea Faithful" Monday
Music: learn memory work!
CE: News Quiz for this week
Science: quiz on Monday, Science Study guide for 12-14
Literature: extra credit 281 1-8, 303 1-9
Health: none

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Happy Thursday! Today we started our new geography (Russia) and science (Plate Tectonics) units. For literature we didn't make it today but we will be heading back to Treasure Island.  We also worked on making graphs for math and got a few more people done with their voice thread project.

Spelling: test tomorrow
Memory Work: "Joy to the World"
Art: nothing
Music: learn "Joy to the World"
Math: investigation
Geo: we did the sheet in class
English: we worked on it in class
CE: nothing
Science: quiz tomorrow
Literature: nothing
Health: nothing

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Hidey Ho neighbors. My technology workshop this morning was informative and I was glad I went!

Remember we want to LEAVE at 7:30 tomorrow so everyone needs to bring a cold lunch and be here before 7:30.

7th grade serves for the Advent supper tomorrow night.

Today we took the geography test. We also started our voice thread projects for our English tall tales. We read some more of A Christmas Carol and we worked through the pretest for math.

With the field trip tomorrow please remember that memory work and spelling are still due on Thursday. Please don't forget!

CL: "Grace Gift" for Thursday, "Joy to the World" for Friday
Math: pretest with a partner in class
Geo: study guide
Music: study memory work
Spelling: Unit 14 for Thursday test Friday
CE: nothing
Science: study guide
Literature: nothing
Art: nothing

Monday, December 5, 2011

Good day one and all.  Just a couple of reminders. On Wednesday we want to leave school at 7:30 so please be here before then. Everyone will also need to pack a cold lunch that we will leave on the bus during the tour and performance and then eat on the ride home. Thanks! Also, I will be gone to a technology conference tomorrow morning but will be back for the afternoon.

Today 13 out of 16 people got A's on their memory work. Keep up the good work!

Memory: "Grace Gift" for Thursday, "Joy to the World" for Friday
Spelling: unit 14 for Thursday, test Friday
Math: set 50 skip 4,6,7,9,10,12,13,17,22,24,26,30
Geo: test tomorrow
Music: work on learning the words for memory work
English: nothing
CE: nothing
Science: took a test
Lit: nothing
Health: nothing

Friday, December 2, 2011

Happy weekend everyone. Just a note to let you know that all of the due dates for Christmas service memory work are typed right in the service. We had a handful of students today that seemed to miss the due dates on the sheets, the note on the board, my reminder and the blog letting them know that there was memory work due today. There is another hymn due on Monday and a repeat of today's on Monday as well.

Spelling: Unit 14 for Thursday, test Friday
Math: set 49 skip 5,6,8,9,15,26,28
Geo: study guide is due on Monday, test Tuesday
Music: nothing
Art: work on English illustrations
English: work on illustrations
CE: news quiz worksheet
Science: test on Monday
Lit: nothing
Health: nothing
Memory work: "Oh How Joyfully"

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Happy Thursday! We are making good progress working on our Christmas Service. (O Little Town of Bethlehem is due tomorrow don't forget.) We also discussed Easter Europe. Many of the countries in this region didn't even exist when we were in school! We also had a review of how to change a number from a decimal or fraction into a percent. English we worked on our sheets for tomorrow and in science we had a quiz. The Ghost of Christmas Past is now through with Scrooge and we are awaiting the arrival of Present.

Spelling: test tomorrow
CL: O Little Town . . . for memory work
Math: set 47 skip 6,8,11,13,14,17,19,24,29
Geo: worksheet for tomorrow, study guide for Monday
Music: vocab ws for tomorrow
English: worksheets for tomorrow, illustrations for Monday
Art: work on illustrations for English
CE: nothing
Science: study guide due tomorrow
Lit: nothing