Tuesday, January 31, 2012

lesson 72

I look forward to seeing you tonight. Remember that any student who comes tonight and stays for the entire presentation will get an extra day to do his or her literature. Also, any one who takes some notes on the presentation will get extra credit in a subject of their choosing.

CL: memory from lesson 1 for Thursday, our song for church will replace the commandment
Math: set 72 skip 7,13,14,19,20,21,24,26 also on 22 and 23 you do not need to show the line by line solution
Geo: study guide and ws due for Thursday
Music: nothing
Spelling: unit 20 for Thursday, test Friday
English: final paper due Tuesday
CE: nothing
Science: study guide due for Wednesday
Lit: essay test for Wednesday or Thursday if you are attending the presentation tonight

Monday, January 30, 2012

What a busy weekend! Congrats to the boys A-team for their win. To God be the glory! Good job everyone who performed at Let's Celebrate. It was a good time.

Please remember that we have the PSF technology presentation tomorrow night. Mr. Spriggs is going to be talking about Internet Safety which is very important for us all. Especially as things get aimed at younger and younger kids, and as the older kids get to take their privacy and safety as givens instead of things they have to work on. I will also have a short presentation about our technology here at Faith including where we have been, are , and are aiming and how you can be a part of that. I hope to see you all there.

Spelling: unit 20 for Thursday, test Friday
Math: set 71 skip 13,14,15,17,18,19
Geo: nothing
Music: learn the words to our song "Follow Jesus"
Health: nothing
Art: nothing
CE: nothing
English: work on paper
CE: nothing
Science: quiz
Literature: ws chapter 10

Friday, January 27, 2012

Hey all! We had another full day. We enjoyed the pep-fest to end the day. Go Panthers!

Spelling: next unit for next week
CL: nothing
Math: test
English: ws for Mon
Geo: we took our test
Art: nothing
Music: nothing
CE: news quiz
Science: study guide is due for Wednesday
Health: nothing
Lit: read the chapter and fill out the worksheet for ch 9

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Greetings one and all. Today we learned about air pressure as we tried to figure out why the water leaked out for Jacob and not for me. We also did an investigation in math where we learned that we have been doing complex algebraic work for years and didn't even know it. Then we saw how much more complex it is going to get. We are also good to go for our test tomorrow in geo, and hopefully in spelling as well. Tomorrow we will make some more progress in our two pint perspective pictures and take our math and geo tests.

Spelling: test
CL: make sure the book is totally filled out for collection tomorrow
Math: test tomorrow
Geo: test tomorrow
Music: Composer's Monthly for Friday
Health: nothing
English: worksheet for tomorrow
Literature: worksheet from yesterday for tomorrow
Science: quiz tomorrow on chapter 25 section 1
Art: nothing 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Happy Wednesday. Today we did a math pre-test, took our geo map test, talked about fitness and health, tooled around the library web site, and finished our volcano video. We also read chapter 8 of Animal Farm in class and heard how Napoleon is getting even worse.

Spelling: unit 19 for Thursday, test Friday
CL: nothing
Health: nothing
Music: Composer's worksheet for Friday
Math: pretest
Geo: Study guide and worksheet
Art: nothing
CE: nothing
Science: nothing
Lit: chapter 8 ws for Friday

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Marhaban! That means welcome in Arabic. Today we studied the history and culture of some of the countries that use Arabic. We also worked on finding the volume of something. No, not in decibels, the kind of volume that tells me how much of something I can put into a container. We also took our science test. We averaged a B.

Spelling: unit 19 for Thursday, test Friday
CL: fill in any sections of the book that a student may have been missing except for the end which we should finish this week
Math: set 70 skip 3,4,9,14,15,18,19,20,23,28,29
Geo: worksheet for tomorrow, map test tomorrow, study guide and worksheets for Thursday, test Friday
Music: Composer's Monthly worksheet for Friday  
Health: nothing
Art: nothing
English: Report is due February 7th
CE: nothing
Science: nothing
Lit: worksheet on ch 5-7 due tomorrow

Lesson 70

Monday, January 23, 2012

I hear those roads are pretty rough, so be careful out there folks! We started our day sliding back into the routine, despite being our pajama's and lounge clothes. We talked about why we need to talk to people who are living in persistent sin. We learned that confronting them is much more loving than ignoring the problem. We also had  math lesson on fixing some issues that may slip in when we are working with scientific notation. We also skidded through the history of our group of countries that we are studying in geography. In music we started talking about a composer from the cold and arctic land of Russia. In English predicate nous precipitated down to us today. In science, we said enough of this cold slippery snow and watched some volcanoes erupt. We checked in on Animal Farm. Guess what. It was a cold and hard winter for the animals on the farm. 

Spelling: Unit 18 for Thursday, test Friday
CL: none
Music: Composer's Monthly for Friday
English: rough draft for tomorrow
Geo: worksheet for tomorrow, map test Wed, study guide  and worksheets packet Thursday, test Friday
CE: nothing
Art: nothing
Science: test tomorrow
Lit: chapter 7 and worksheet
Math: set 69 skip 7,8,12,13,14,16,17,19,23  

Lesson 69

Friday, January 20, 2012

Let it snow let it snow. OK it can stop now we have to drive to BB games you know!

We had a good day of work. We had a busy morning and got some work done this afternoon. Hopefully all that study time helped the students make good progress on their rough draft that is due on Tuesday of next week.

Spelling: Unit 19 for next week
Art: nothing
Music: nothing
Health: nothing
CE: news quiz
Math: set 68 skip 1-6, 8,9,11
Geo: we took our test and averaged a B+, map test is on Wednesday
English: rough draft for Tuesday
Science: study guide for Monday, test Tuesday
Lit: nothing

Lesson 68

Thursday, January 19, 2012

It's another cold one out there. Hopefully you are staying warm. We kept are brains warm to day working on a variety of subjects. We talked about how to speak to someone who keeps on sinning willfully. We also discussed geometric solids like spheres and rectangular prisms. We also corrected our study guide for our test tomorrow and spent some time working on sheets. We finished up our chapter on volcanoes by learning about what kinds of features can form in the ground from magma that doesn't have enough gumption to make it to the volcano stage.

Tomorrow we are going to dedicate some class time to working on the research paper since the rough draft is due next week Tuesday. Please make sure your student has something to work on.

Remember we sing in church this weekend, including tonight.
We are collecting donations to send scrip cards to our congregation's students at MLC.

Spelling: Test 18 tomorrow
Art: 1 point perspective picture due for tomorrow
Music: work on the words for "Grace Gift"
CE: nothing
Math: set 67 skip 2, 6 has no diagram, 9,10,14,15,21,24,27
Geo: worksheets and test tomorrow, map test next week Wednesday
English: work on rough draft for paper
Science: quiz tomorrow, the study guide has been moved to Monday
Literature: Chapter 6 sheet for Friday (we read it in class yesterday)
Health: nothing

Set 67

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What a great turnout we had today. Thanks to all who came today and especially to those who helped out with geography! Speaking of which, I had originally said the geography sheets would be due tomorrow but I changed that to Friday. The review will still be due tomorrow though. We had a long lesson in science today about the different types of magma and the different types of volcanoes they create.  We also talked about a certain volcanic eruption that occurred near Indonesia in 1883. It would be a good idea for students to know what the name of that volcano was and be able to give evidence of how large it was (hint hint).

Anyhow times is fleeting so I best get on with this.
Spelling: unit 18 for tomorrow, test Friday
Memory Lesson 8 for tomorrow
Geo: study guide for tomorrow, review/activity worksheets for Friday
Music: nothing
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
English: paper rough draft due next TUE
Art: one point perspective picture
Science: quiz tomorrow
Literature: nothing

Set 66

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Lesson 65

Greetings! I hope you are enjoying this warm weather before it gets quite cold latter this week. There must be a "You might be from Wisconsin" joke in there somewhere.  We had a 'cool' presentation from our agricultural ambassador today. We learned that despite all of the food safety scares that we have regarding the processing of our food, the most dangerous place is usually our own kitchen! That is the spot without the inspectors and the regulations. We also talked about solving more kinds of ratio problems. We looked at volcanoes as well. We also learned that our new area for geography is mostly dessert so water is one of the more sought after resources.

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow. We will talk about radius and diameter and how they relate to circumference. The students will also do some enrichment sheets for geography and some sentences in English. We will study more about volcanoes in science as well.

Spelling: Unit 18 for Thursday, test Friday
Music: learn the words for our CE week song
Art: work on the perspective drawing
Health: page 190-191
CE: nothing
Memory: lesson 8 memory for Thursday
Math: set 65: 8,11,12,14,15,16,21
Geo: study guide for Thursday
English: rough draft of paper for Tuesday
Science: quiz Wednesday, study guide Friday
Lit: read in class do sheet on ch 5 for Wednesday

Monday, January 16, 2012

Hey all. Report cards went home today. You should have at least three sheets per envelope; some had more. The calendar sheet is the attendance sheet. A 1 means present a decimal is for part of a day and a T is for tardy. 0 will show for an absence. A blank means we didn't have school that day. As always, if you have questions, you can check Engrade or you know where I am.

Today we started a new section in geography. We also had an exciting moment when the projector bulb finally burned out. (I have been milking that old bulb for about three months now.) Don't worry, no teachers were harmed in the changing of the bulb. We also looked at how to deal with adding signed (positive and/or negative) numbers. We also looked at writing a friendly letter. (Perhaps I should have explained what a letter is . . .) In science we took our test and averaged about a B. We also took a pretest for spelling. Since that was our lowest class average last quarter, I am going to try and put more emphasis on it.

Have you noticed the math videos that have been posted? If someone has a need to have the lesson taught again, you can check out the video. Overall we have been doing fairly well in math, but it would be good if more people took advantage of the opportunity to make corrections and get their grades up, and make sure they understand how to do the problems since they will come up again and again and again . . . .


Spelling: review unit for Thursday, test Friday
Memory: lesson 8 for Thursday
Math: set 64: skip 3,6,7,10,12,14,18,20,24,26
Geo: study guide is due on Thursday
Music: learn the words for our Christian Ed song
English: worksheet
CE: nothing
Science: nothing
Literature: ch 1-4 worksheet
Health: 190-191

Lesson 64

Friday, January 13, 2012

Lesson 63

Art: one point perspective picture for Friday
Math: set 63 1,9-12,23,26,29,30
Geo: nothing
Music: nothing
Spelling: Unit 18 for next week
English: WA#20
CE: worksheet
Science: test Monday
Lit: read ch 4 and ws for Monday, ws on 1-4 for Tuesday
Health: 190-191 for Wed

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Spelling: test tomorrow
CL: nothing
Lit: read chapter 4 and do questions for MONDAY, 1-4 sheet is due for TUESDAY
Health: pages 190-191 for Wednesday
Geo: prezis
Math: set 62: 1,6,9,13,16,28
English: journal
Science: test Monday
Music: Vivaldi ws for Friday
Art: nothing
CE: nothing

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Here we are again. Thanks for checking back in. We had a good time today, and got some things done. We talked about parallelograms, animals taking over a farm, grocery stores, Libya, Iraq, and Iran, and had the geography bee.

(Friday is a half day!)

Spelling: unit is due tomorrow, test Friday
Memory: Lesson 7 memory work due TOMORROW!
Math: set 61 skip 17,18,19,21,22,23,28
Geo: more prezis tomorrow
Music: Vivaldi worksheet for Friday
Health: 190-191
English: worksheets are due tomorrow (outlines should already be in and also journals, I am missing some!)
CE: nothing
Science: quiz tomorrow
Literature: read chapter 3 and do the worksheet (we were supposed to get it yesterday but we ran out of time)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Greetings today! Did you miss me? I apologize that I didn't write to you last night, but on the plus side, I did get a cd rom drive replaced in the 3rd grade room before our faculty meeting. That "drove" (get it? It is a cd DRIVE?) blogging right out of my mind.

Thanks for all of the blocks. We used them yesterday to build buildings. We tried different designs and saw how they held up to 'earthquakes' that we made. Then we simulated one of the techniques that engineers use to make buildings quake resistant by using rubber bands to connect some of the pieces.

Today we took our geography test and the class average as an A-!  YAHOO! After that was done we hung out in the lab so people could work on their Prezzis. We also took a math test but we won't find out the results on that until tomorrow. We also talked more about earthquakes and how we measure them.

By the way, remember that Friday is a half day.

Spelling: unit is due on Thursday, test Friday
Memory: Lesson 7 memory work will be due on THURSDAY
Math: we took our test
Geo: we took our test
Music: ws is due on Friday
Health: nothing
English: paragraph is due on Wednesday, ws are due on Thursday
CE: nothing
Science: quiz
Literature: read chapter 3 and do the worksheet

Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy Spelling Bee day! We are just about to go check out the spelling bee and see the class use their God given talents to praise him. (We are back, congrats to Austin C.)

As you may notice below I have posted two videos that we watched in class about George Orwell and life in Russia under Stalin. I think they will really help us out as we read Animal Farm. It is a pretty deep book and I hope it gets the students thinking. If you are interested in following along I do have additional copies of the book. Otherwise there are some good websites that offer summaries and analysis. I recommend Spark Notes http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/animalfarm/context.html I have used it before and liked it. I have recently also found a site called Grade Saver at http://www.gradesaver.com/animal-farm/study-guide/ I have not used it before but it looks pretty good. Of course these sites are not to be used by the students to skip doing their reading, but they may be of assistance.

We started a new art unit today. We will be working on perspective, trying to make pictures look more 3D.

Spelling: Unit 17 for Thursday, test Friday
Memory: Lesson 7 from the Christ Light book for next Friday
Math: pretest 11
Geo: worksheets and study guide for Monday
Music: Vivaldi worksheet for next Friday
Health: nothing
English: journals and outlines for research paper are due next week
CE: news quiz sheet for Monday
Science: quiz on Monday
Literature: read chapter 1 and fill out the questions in COMPLETE sentences
Art: done in class

Thursday, January 5, 2012

George Orwell

Stalin vid

Math Lesson 60

Happy first Thursday of the year! Today we finished our discussion on how to treat people who persecute or mock us for our faith. We also worked with making equations out of story problems using percents or fractions. We are continuing to learn more about Russia back in Stalin's time and today. We are doing more practice in working with quotes and learned the three different types of earthquake waves.

Our new mission this month is Japan. We will collect our first offering tomorrow.

Spelling: test 16 tomorrow
Math: set 60: do A-G skip 1-7, 11, 12,15,16, 22-30
Geo: worksheet for tomorrow
English: worksheet for tomorrow
Science: quiz
Lit: read BACKGROUND section of the hand out
Music: nothing
Art: nothing
Health: nothing

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Hey everybody, I need a little help. I would like to do a science demonstration but it requires small toy building blocks. I am thinking something like the square wooden ones that have the alphabet on them, something like that. We need to be able to build with them but they need to be small enough to work with, so the big cardboard ones will not do the job. If you have any I could borrow, would you please get them to school by Friday? Thanks!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!

Let me start off by saying a great big THANK YOU for everyone's generous Christmas gifts. I got some neat individual gifts in addition to the class gift of a gift certificate to a meat market. That may not sound exciting to you, but for me it doesn't get too much better than firewood or meat!

Now, on to business.

Today we looked at how things are in Russia in modern times. We checked out the life of Eric Blair, better known as George Orwell. We will be reading Animal Farm which is really about the Russian revolution and the aftermath. The really interesting part is that we can see now how Orwell's predictions about the future of the USSR came true. We also worked on lines of symmetry and functions in math. For science there was "a whole lot of shaking going on" as we studied earthquakes. "We also learned," the teacher said, "the rules for quotations."

Spelling: unit 16 for Thursday, test Friday
CL: memory work from lesson 6 for Friday
Math: set 58: skip 2, 6 no diagram, 7,22,27,30
Geo: worksheet for tomorrow, study guide for next Monday
English: worksheet for THURSDAY
CE: nothing
Science: quiz tomorrow, study guide for next week Thursday
Lit: nothing
Health: nothing
Art: nothing