Thursday, March 29, 2012

Happy Thursday to one and all. I have a family function out of state this weekend so I will be gone tomorrow. Mrs. Weigand will be subbing for me. This also means there will be no blog tomorrow. God willing I will be back to blogging on Monday.

Today we reviewed for science and geography. We will take the science test tomorrow and the geo test on Monday.

Spelling: test 26 tomorrow
CL: nothing
Art: nothing
Math: test tomorrow
Geo: study guide due tomorrow
Music:theory ws due tomorrow
English: nothing
CE: nothing
Science: test tomorrow
Lit: nothing

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

HELLO! Tomorrow is another chance to get lunch and milk tickets. Several students need some. Thanks!
I am also looking for a few more report card envelopes and the sheets regarding singing on Sunday. Those were due yesterday. Please send in the field trip form as you have time. Thanks again.

Spelling: Unit 26 tomorrow, test Friday
Math: set 100 skip 4,11,13,15-17,19,28
Geo: ws for tomorrow, study guide for Friday
Health: nothing
English: ws from yesterday
CE: nothing
Science: quiz  tomorrow and study guide
Literature: nothing

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Hello again. Nice to have you back. We got to work with the Pythagerean Theorem today. We also checked out the Muslim countries of South Asia. Did you know that Bangladesh has one of the highest population densities in the world? In English we are practicing more with object compliments. These are words that tell what has happened to the direct object after the action of the verb was applied. For example, "We elected him president." President tells us what we elected him. It tells us more about him after he was elected. We also looked at the ways we use the land and what affect that can have on the environment. (It fit in very well with our presentation on the Friday before break!)

Please return the report card envelope, the filed trip form, and the note for singing in church. Thanks!

Remember that you can have this blog emailed to you daily for your convenience!

Spelling: Unit 26 for Thurs, test Fri
CL: Memory from lesson 1 for Thurs
Math: set 99 skip 3,5,8,12,14,22,23,28
Geo: ws for Wednesday, study guide for Fri
Health: nothing
English: ws for THURSDAY
CE: nothing
Science: quiz tomorrow, study guide Thursday
Lit: nothing 

Monday, March 26, 2012

It's Monday and we are back into the swing of things. It is kind of odd to have the temps back where they belong, for one day at least. We started looking at South Asia as it is today. We also looked at how to figure out the scale factor in shapes. We also reviewed object compliment nouns and adjectives and we are looking at how we use our land. Oh yea, Billy won the hunting contest!

Please send back the report card envelopes. I sent home our report cards before break.
I sent home a form today for our next field trip.

Spelling: Unit 26 for Thurs, test Fri
CL: memory work from lesson 1 for Thursday
Math: set 98 skip 11-19
Geo: ws for Tuesday, study guide for FRIDAY ( I originally said Thurs but I changed my mind)
Music: theory sheets for Friday
English: nothing
CE: nothing
Science: quiz on 20-1
Lit: nothing

Friday, March 16, 2012

We averaged a B on our geo test today and we had a great time with our guest speaker. Ask your student about it.
There are no assignments for over break. If anyone wants to get a head start though, when we get back we will have spelling unit 27, math set 97 and the literature review.
I sent home report cards today. Please look for those and send back the envelopes when we get back. Thanks!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

I hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather, I know we are! We are also enjoying averaging a B on our science test and watching Robert Ballard go to the ocean depths back many years. Hopefully we will soon be able to see James Cameron go to the depths as well. We also also did some work on angles and the distributive property. 3(x-2) = 3x-6 We also corrected our geography reviews for our test tomorrow. We are also looking forward to our guest speaker tomorrow who will tell us more about pollution. 

Spelling: test
CL nothing
Math: set 96 skip 5-9, 27-30
Geo: Test
Health: nothing
Music: theory ws for Friday
Art: Money ws
English: nothing
CE: nothing
Science: nothing
Lit: nothing

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

It is a warm one out there my friends. We warmed things up in here today as well. We are all ready for our science test tomorrow, and we wrapped up a quick peak into the people and customs of South Asia. We also tried to rebound from a rough math assignment by learning how to find the volume of a right solid. We finished up talking about eyes and what to do to help take care of them. We also got Billy to the big hunt, but he hasn't had his turn yet.

Spelling: unit 25 tomorrow
CL: test tomorrow
Math: set 95 skip 3,4,9,16,17,20
Geo: study guide tomorrow test Friday
Health: nothing
Art: Monet ws for Friday
Music: theory sheets for Friday
CE: nothing
Science: test
Lit: nothing

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Good day to one and all. After 4 months of spring summer is here! At least it seems that way doesn't it? Anyhow we looked at compound probability today. We also looked into the history and government of South Asia. It is kind of scary to study the long history of discord between India and Pakistan and then realize they both have nuclear weapons. We also got Billy started on his championship raccoon hunt.

Spelling: Unit 25 Thursday, test Friday
CL: Test Thursday (I will also collect the books)
Math: set 94 skip 9,12,13,15,17,19,21,24
Geo: study guide is due Thursday
Health: nothing
English: 2 ws from yesterday for tomorrow
CE: nothing
Art: Monet ws
Music: theory ws
Science: study guide for Wednesday
Lit: nothing

Monday, March 12, 2012

Hey everyone! A bunch of Click and Tab orders went out. If you are thinking of making an order, it would be great if you could get them to me by Friday. Any checks can be made out to me, or you can order online using the code on the forms.  Thanks!

FYI Remember Friday is a half day due to the end of the quarter.

Spelling: Unit 25 for Thursday, test Friday
CL: Test on Thursday
Math: set 93 skip 4,9,12,18,20,23,24
Geo: study guide for Thursday
Music: Theory ws for Friday
English: 2 ws for WEDNESDAY
CE: Nothing
Science: quiz tomorrow, study guide Wednesday
Lit: nothing
Art: Monet ws for Friday
Health: nothing

Friday, March 9, 2012

Happy Friday! Today we looked at percent of change problems for math. We also looked at life in the ocean. Did you know Robert Ballard is trying to get to the very bottom of the ocean? Stay tuned for updates. We also looked more in depth at the countries of South Asia. There are a lot of people in India!

Art: Monet ws for next Friday
Math: set 92 skip 2-5, 8, 16, 24,25
Geo: study guide due next Thurs
Science: quiz Monday, study guide Wed
Music: Theory WS for FRIDAY
English: WS for Monday
CE: news quiz
Lit: nothing
CL: test Thursday
Health: nothing

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Happy Thursday! Did you miss me yesterday? Sorry about that, things got very busy very quickly and I didn't think about it until late last night. Today we started a new section for science and geography. We also got Billy chasing the Ghost Coon and we did some work with problems with a lot of negative signs in them. We also had  very robust discussions in Christ Light today. It was great! By the way we averaged a B on both our geo and sci tests. We also average a B+ on our map test. I gave the students 4 freebies, and some people even ended up with extra credit. Way to go!

Spelling: test tomorrow
CL: nothing
Art: finish coloring
Math: set 91: skip 5,6,8,10,12,16,22,24,25
Geo: study guide due next Thursday
Music: theory sheets for tomorrow
English: nothing
CE: nothing
Science: study guide next Wednesday
Lit: nothing

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

So meet again. Today we heard about how Little Ann almost died, but Billy is able to save her with the help of God. We also did some more work on graphing functions. We also averaged a B on our geography test. Hopefully we do that well on science tomorrow. Things in English continue to be indefinite. Indefinite pronouns that is.

Spelling: Unit 24 Thurs, test Fri
CL: memory from lesson 5 for Thurs
Art: nothing
Math: nothing, test tomorrow
Geo: took our test today
Health: nothing
English: 2 worksheets for THURSDAY
CE: nothing
Science: test tomorrow
Lit: 1-9 for THURSDAY
AR 15 points due for FRIDAY

Monday, March 5, 2012

Welcome back to Monday. Today we took our pretest in math so we can be ready to go fro Wednesday's test. We also corrected the review so we can be ready fro Tuesday's geo test. We are looking at different musical note and rest values in music. We also are working on indefinite pronouns for English. We also learned that Valdimir Putin won the election to be president of Russia. What we don't know is how the opposition is going to deal with that. We also heard more about Billy and his dogs.

Spelling: Unit 24 for Thurs, test Friday
CL: lesson 5 memory for Thursday
Math: pretest
Geo: test tomorrow
Music: theory ws for Friday
English: ws for Tuesday
CE: nothing
Art: nothing
Science: study guide for Tue
Lit: nothing

Friday, March 2, 2012

Spelling: unit 24 for Thurs, test Friday
CL: memory 5 for nest Thursday
Art: color pics for Friday
Math: set 90 skip 3,6,7,10,12,l5,20,24
Geo: study guide for Monday, map test of all Africa for Wednesday
Music: theory sheets for Monday
English: nothing
CE: news quiz
Science: study guide for Tuesday
Lit: nothing

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Happy March! To celebrate we talked about our gifts and talents,neap and spring tides, waves, southern Africa, exterior angles and the primaries!

Spelling: test tomorrow
CL:Lesson 5 memory work for next Thursday
Math: set 89 skip 1,3,4,8,9,14,15,17,22
Geo: map test and 2 ws for tomorrow, study guide Monday, test Tuesday
Science; quiz tomorrow, study guide Tuesday, test Wednesday
Music: theory ws for Friday
Art: nothing
CE: nothing
Lit: nothing