Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Ahh what happened to all my nice cool weather? Thankfully it should cool off again by the end of the week. Don't worry, no snow is forecast. Not yet anyway.

We are over halfway done with the quarter. If you haven't checked lately, have a peek at the grades on Engrade. I also added how many AR points your student had as of yesterday. We are shooting to have those all in by May 17th! We have many assignments due tomorrow, but most of them were assigned Monday if not before, so hopefully your student has been working on them already. I saw many students getting various things done during our study period today.

In science we are talking about the Earth and moon system. We talked about how the tilt of the Earth creates seasons, not the distance the Earth is from the sun. (We are actually closest during January!) In geography we talked a bit about life in the Koreas. What a contrast between North and South! We worked at translating English into Mathish in math class. You can't solve the problem if you don't know what the problem is. We also corrected the tests. I noticed many students getting problems wrong because they multiplied incorrectly. If you get the time, review the multiplication tables with your students. (Fun in the car!) There were also many subtracting and adding computation errors.

Spelling: Unit 28 for Thursday, test Friday]
CL: none
Science: quiz tomorrow, study guide Monday,
Geo: ws/test for Thursday
English: 2 ws for TOMORROW
Lit: 3 ws for TOMORROW
CE: none
Health: none
Music: Joplin sheets for Friday
Art: none
Math: set 101 skip 1,2,8,15,16,18,21

Monday, April 29, 2013

Hey, we're back! What wonderful weather for confirmation weekend. Thanks God! It was super busy, but  a great weekend. This week has several unusual things going on, but we tried to get back into the groove of normal business today. The class got to present their information on the space race. It was interesting to hear the different things that some groups thought were important that other groups did not. SO who won the space race? It depends on what rules you use and whom you ask! In took a look at Japan in geo. Turns out they are really crowded over there. The test/worksheet got moved from Wednesday to Thursday. It is pretty long, so hopefully students have been working on it since last week. For literature we started delving into Macbeth. We got the basic plot line and some of the more famous lines. Next time we will take a closer look at the characters. We also got through chapter one of Galatians.

Spelling: unit 28
CL: none
Science: study guide for Monday
Geo: study guide for Thursday
English: two worksheets for Wednesday
Lit: Three worksheets for Wednesday
Math: took a test, extra credit sheets are due on Friday. Students must attempt all the problems not jsut the easy ones :-)
CE: News quiz for TOMORROW
Health: nothing
Music: Joplin sheet for Friday
Art: nothing

Friday, April 26, 2013

We had a great time on our field trip. We learned about liquid nitrogen!

Spelling: Unit 28 next week
CL: nothing
Science: projects are due on Monday
Geo: study guide is due on Wednesday
English: ws for Monday
Lit: ws for Monday
Health: review for Monday
CE: News quiz for Tuesday
Art: nothing
Music: nothing

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Remember to bring a lunch tomorrow!

We will still have our spelling test tomorrow and art should be handed in tomorrow as well.

Today we started a study of the book of Galatians by the way.

Spelling: test TOMORROW
CL: nothing
Science; project for Monday
Geo: ws packet for Wednesday
English: ws for Monday
Health: review for Monday
Lit: 3 ws for Monday
CE: nothing
Art: 4 panel pic for FRIDAY
Music: nothing
Math: Investigation 10 1-14 including the drawings

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Today we worked on our space race projects some more. We also wrapped up another chapter on Asia. One more to go! We also talked about irrational numbers in math, intensive and reflexive pronouns in English, and we are working on several language aspects with Shakespeare for literature.


Spelling: unit 27 for TOMORROW, test Friday
CL: none
Science: project for Monday
Geo: test form for Wednesday
English: ws for Monday
Lit: 3 ws for Monday
CE: none
Health: review pages for Monday
Art: 4 panel project
Music: none

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Today we started a new project for science. We are researching major milestones of the space race. Each group is going to take 10 of the major events of the space race and put them into a timeline. Each group will be able to defend why they thought that event was "major". Then they will state which country they felt "won" the space race and explain how their 10 events back that up. We also continued with the history and governments of South East Asia. In English we took on object complement nouns and adjectives, reflexive and intensive pronouns and contractions. Yea, we'll spend a few days on this. In math we met with Mr. Pythagoras and learned about his theory.

Spelling: unit 27 for Thursday, test Friday
CL: nothing
Science: space project for Monday
Geo: nothing
English: nothing
Lit: nothing
Math: set 99 skip 2,3,6,7,14,20,22
Art: 4 panel pic
Music: nothing
Health: review for Monday
CE: nothing

Monday, April 22, 2013

And we're back! Thanks for joining us for another edition of "What did my child do in school today and what does he have to do for tomorrow!" Good questions. In Christ Light we continued to talk about God's gift of sex. We have been talking about what is ok for dating, how to treat each other, and what things should be saved for marriage. We finished our series of videos on the American space program by learning about the start of the International Space Station. We then started looking at the history and governments of South East Asia. We did a very cursory glance at it and still have a ways to go. In English we reviewed the patterns we have learned so far since we will get some new ones in the next chapter. In math we tackled scale factor today.

Shakespeare's birthday tomorrow!
Field trip Friday!

Spelling: unit 27 for Thurs, test Friday
CL: none
Science: none
English: ws for TOMORROW
Lit: none
Math: set 98 skip 1,6,8,9,13,26,28 TOMORROW
Art: 4 panels Friday
Music: nothing
CE: news quiz for TOMORROW
Health: review pages for next Monday

Friday, April 19, 2013

Greetings. We are starting to take a look at the history and culture of South and East Asia. We also talked about similar triangles and how to find measurements indirectly. We heard some music from Irving Berlin and George Gershwin as well.

Spelling: Unit 27 for Thursday, test Friday
CL: none
Science: none
Geo: ws for MONDAY
English: none
Lit: none
Math: set 97 skip 3,4,6,10,13,17
Art: 4 panels
Music: none
CE: Newsquiz
Health: none

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Hamlet died. We spent much of the day wrapping up Hamlet. We also learned how to estimate angle measurements and using the distributive property with letters. Helped us forget how gloomy it was outside.

Spelling: Test TOMORROW
Math: set 96 skip 1-4, 11, 23 for TOMORROW

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Welcome to a wet Wednesday. HAMLET IS CRAZY! Or, is he just faking? We aren't faking that we took a math test today. We also looked at the climate regions of East and South East Asia. We also learned about the Challenger disaster, and that when Hubble wa first launched it was out of focus! Tomorrow we will see the repair mission to Hubble, the next space shuttle disaster, and the start of ISS.

Spelling: unit 26 due TOMORROW< test Friday
CL: Memory work from lesson 6 due TOMORROW
Science: nothing
Geo: Climate regions of Asia graphic TOMORROW
English: nothing
Lit: nothing
CE: nothing
Art: nothing
Health: nothing
Music: nothing
Math: took a test

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Welcome to another tantalizing Tuesday! We learned about Sky Lab, the last Apollo missions and mostly Apollo 13. I was surprised how many students thought Apollo 13 exploded and killed the astronauts. We learned better today! We also had an extended current events class today so that we could talk about the earthquake in Iran and the bombing in Boston. So many people to pray for! Our math assignment from yesterday did not go well at all so instead of taking our test today we are taking a second crack at it. We are doing the entire set (not skipping any) again. Whichever problems your student got right the first time he/she may simply copy the correct answer. The rest need to be done/done again. This allowed me to answer questions for about 50 minutes and gave the students a chance to figure out what they did wrong before we move on.

SPelling: Unit 26 for Thursday, test Friday
Science: nothing
Geography: Landform chart for TOMORROW
English: nothing
Lit: nothing
Math: redo set 95 all
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
Art: nothing
Music: nothing

Monday, April 15, 2013

Happy Monday! We commemorated the sinking of the Titanic today, delved into Hamlet, and studied how to find volume.

Check Engrade for late work for your student. I have caught up on late work

Spelling: Unit 26 Thursday, test Friday
CL: lesson 6 memory work for Thursday
Science: none
Geography: none
English: none
Lit: none
Math: set 95 2,11,12,17b,28,29
Art: nothing
Music: nothing
CE: news quiz TUESDAY
Health: nothing

Friday, April 12, 2013

Greetings! Today we had the opportunity to hear a speaker come in and tell us about our mission for this month. CAMM Central African Medical Mission. We are missing one Friday due to having break so we need to really work at remembering each Friday.  We finished all of our Asia prezis today and got through many of our presentations for English as well. We also spent some time talking about the probability of DEPENDANT invents. So far we have only done independant events. I'll post the pages below.

Spelling: unit 26 for Thursday, test Friday
CL: lesson 6 memory work for Thursday
Science: nothing
Geography: nothing
English: finish presentations on MONDAY
Lit: nothing
Math: set 93 skip 1,8,16,18,21
CE: news quiz for Tuesday
Art: nothing
Music: nothing
Health: nothing

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Happy Thursday! We had a bit of fun today and watch a fun adaptation of Romeo and Juliet . We got the idea without quite so many tears. We also worked at solving two step equations. See below. Several long term things are due tomorrow, don't forget!

Spelling: test TOMORROW
CL: nothing
Science: nothing
Geo: Prezis
English: presentations
Literature: nothing
Math: set 83 skip 1,8,16,18,21
Art: Picasso guitar TOMORROW
Music: instrument ws TOMORROW
CE: nothing
Health: nothing

Math 93

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Well it is a wet one today, and will be all week from what I hear. Just think though, how much we will appreciate summer when it does finally get here. Today we learned more about the Gemini project, pronouns, China, substituting in negative numbers in an equation, and Margaret Thatcher!

Spelling: Unit 25 for Thursday, test Friday
CL: lesson 5 memory work for Thursday
Science: nothing
Geo: ws for Friday
English: ws for TOMORROW
Lit: nothing
Math: set 91 skip 2,8,15,18,24,28 TOMORROW
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
Art: Picasso guitar Fri
Music: instrument ws Fri

What happened to Tuesday? It seems to have slipped past me somehow. I typed up a post but forgot to hit POST! Today is another busy one as well so I am going to keep it short!

Spelling: Unit 25 TOMORROW, test Friday
Memory: lesson 5 memory work for TOMORROW
Geo: Prezis, ws for Friday
Science: nothing
English: presentations TOMORROW
Lit: nothing
Math: set 92 skip 1,8,10,16,20,24 TOMORROW
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
Art: Picasso guitar
Music: instrument matching sheet

Monday, April 8, 2013

Welcome to a new week! Today we had an identity clearly explained, several cases of mistaken identity, and  we learned about direct and indirect variation and how to graph them. (It would have worked better if we had been studying the identity property, but alas, no such luck.) We also talked about eye problems and keeping our skin healthy. We also discussed our presentations for our academic fair project. The web site that we were going to use, now charges so I was hoping to find an alternative, but I did not do so. So it is going to be a student choice, but they need to have some sort of technology component that uses at least one visual. I am looking for the students to share the highlights of their paper so that the other students can also learn something without having to read all of the papers. We will start doing them on Thursday (some students are done already) and work through them Thursday, Friday, and Monday. Everyone needs to be done by Monday at the latest.

Spelling: Unit 25 for Thursday, test Friday
CL: lesson 5 memory for Thursday
Science: nothing
Geo: 2 ws for TOMORROW
English: final copy of creative writing for TOMORROW
Lit: Nothing
Math: we did an investigation no assignment
CE: nothing
Art: Picasso guitar for Friday
Music: instrument matching ws for Friday
Health: nothing