Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Today we started a new project for science. We are researching major milestones of the space race. Each group is going to take 10 of the major events of the space race and put them into a timeline. Each group will be able to defend why they thought that event was "major". Then they will state which country they felt "won" the space race and explain how their 10 events back that up. We also continued with the history and governments of South East Asia. In English we took on object complement nouns and adjectives, reflexive and intensive pronouns and contractions. Yea, we'll spend a few days on this. In math we met with Mr. Pythagoras and learned about his theory.

Spelling: unit 27 for Thursday, test Friday
CL: nothing
Science: space project for Monday
Geo: nothing
English: nothing
Lit: nothing
Math: set 99 skip 2,3,6,7,14,20,22
Art: 4 panel pic
Music: nothing
Health: review for Monday
CE: nothing

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