Friday, January 31, 2014

Welcome to Friday! Today we jumped into the ocean, ran circles around math, visited West Africa and learned Hamlet's plan.

Science: ws for MOnday
Geo: project for Monday
Vocab: Pages for Thursday
Literature: none
Math: set 65 skip 7,8,11,15,27
CE: News quiz for Monday
English: story for Monday
Music: none

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Today was a little topsy turvy since we were fortunate to have Mrs. Kemnitz take art today. We reviewed words from the last three chapters in Vocabulary Workshop and spent a little time working on our geography project. It is due Monday but based on today, it seems that most are just about done with it so I don't plan to spend any time on it tomorrow. We plowed ahead with Hamlet today. Our books haven't arrived yet, so for now I am reading it aloud to them in the original language and then making explanatory remarks every few lines. This way they get to hear the original language, but have a much easier time following the story. I have also been projecting a website that has both an original and a modern version side by side. Check it out here if you like. One week from tomorrow we get to go see it! Thanks to everyone who offered to drive. I will need all three of you at or near your max capacity so it actually worked out really well. Thanks God! We looked at adding positive and negative numbers for math. I have dropped reading out loud to the students and moved current events to that time slot. This gives us an extra 15 min to work on math. The parent survey last year indicated that we should spend less time on math, but I think an extra 15 min. to work on it and also to be able to ask questions will be valuable as we proceeded into the more challenging part of the text.

Science: none
Geo: project for Monday
Music: none
Literature: none
Vocabulary Workshop: pages 118-120 for tomorrow
Math: set 64 skip 3,4,7,12,24 for Tomorrow
CE: none
English: write a story based on one of the four cartoons presented, FINAL copy for Monday

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

It's funny how warm 19 degrees sounds to me now. It doesn't feel as warm as it sounds though. This morning we started a new project for geography. The students are given a problem in an African country or region. They are asked to research the problem and then come up with viable options to solve this problem. It is designed to make them really have to think about the problem and problem solve rather than just look something up. They had a bit of a tough time this morning, which is just as it should be since these are complex real world problems. I look forward to seeing what they come up with.

Science; nothing
Geo: project due for Monday
Music: none
Literature: none
Math: set 63 skip 3,6,24,27,30 for tomorrow
CE: none
English: work on the paper
Vocab Workshop is due TOMORROW

Friday, January 24, 2014

Happy Friday! Today we watched part of a video that shows the persecution some people have faced for believing that the world didn't evolve by accident. It was eye opening to hear some of the names people had for those of us who believe that someone was behind the creation of the world and the life on it. We also did some work on the history of Africa and the countries' attempts to gain their independence. We also classified some triangles. We did have a bit of excitement as I received a check today as a grant from the Meemic company to purchases study editions of  two of Shakespeare's plays. Due to a sale at the web site, I was actually able to get three different plays. Very exciting!

CL: none
Science: none
Geo: ws for Monday
Vocab Workshop: 115-117 for Thursday
Math: set 62 skip 4,6,12,18,24 for Monday
CE: Newsquiz for Monday
Music: none
English: work on paper
Literature: none

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Happy Thursday one and all. It seems we are not done with the cold yet. I still love WI! Today we practiced our song for this weekend.. As part of Christian Education week, we are collecting money tomorrow for our church members who are studying for the ministry. It means a lot to them to get a small gift of encouragement from our church. Please have students bring any money they/you wish to give tomorrow to this cause. Thanks!

CL: none
Science: None
Geography #'s 1-4 on page 564 1-4
Vocab Workshop: none
Lit: nothing
Math: set 61 skip 20,24,25,27,29
CE: none
Music: none

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Greetings on a blistery Wednesday. Today we started learning about the many things that using satellites has taught us. We were able to see many of the things that we have talked about in science this year. We also started reading through Hamlet. We used a program that I was able to download to start working on the text. This Friday, I will be receiving a grant to purchase classroom copies of Hamlet and another Shakespearean play. This will give us study guide editions to last us years. Very cool! In math today, we took a review day. After going through the tests last night, I noted some common mistakes. Many, again, were processing mistakes. As such, I made some worksheets based on the sections where we had the most trouble and we worked on those today. We will get back to our regular sets tomorrow.

CL: none
Science: none
Geo: 555 1-6 for TOMORROW
Music: none
Lit: none
Math: review sheets
CE: none
Vocab: word search and pages from the book for TOMORROW
English: ws for tomorrow

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Good afternoon. We did a lot of work today. We finished our geography section and have some questions for Thursday. We also took a math test. I hope to get that corrected when I am done here. We also worked on some projects for Christian Education week. (Remember we sing this weekend.) Mrs. Kemnitz wasn't able to be here today for art, so we used the time for work. I had in mind that the students could work on their research paper, reading through their materials. While most of the students worked hard a got much done, I did notice that most worked on their regular school work. So, when they have no or little homework tonight, please encourage them to use the time to work on their project. This is a lot of work and should not be left until the last minute.

CL: none
Geo: page 555 questions 1-6 for THURSDAY
Music: Handel ws for TOMORROW
Literature: Hamlet module 6 sheet for TOMORROW
Vocabulary Workshop: wordsearch and pages from the book for THURSDAY
English: Final copy and sentences sheet for TOMORROW
Math: we took a test
CE: none
Science: none

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Iran hostage crisis ended today in 1981 just after Ronald Reagan took the oath of office. We didn't do anything quite that dramatic today but we did learn more about what to say to someone who tempts us to sin. We also watched a density current in action and learned more about tides. We followed that up with a start on the history of Africa. Most of Africa was controlled by Europe through WWII. In math we went over the pre-test and talked about how to classify quadrilaterals. We will take the real test tomorrow. Speaking of tomorrow, the students will be given some time to work on their research project. Please help them remember to bring their resources so that they can make good use of this time.

CL: one
Science: foldable note by tomorrow and "test" by Wednesday
Geo: none
Vocab Workshop: word search and pages from the book
Literature: module 6 worksheet for Wednesday
Math: test tomorrow
CE: none
English: final draft and sentences for Wednesday, bring resources tomorrow
Music: Handel sheet for Wednesday

Friday, January 17, 2014


Science: notes on the foldable due Tuesday
Geography: nothing
Vocab Workshop: word search and pages 113-114
Literature: nothing
Math: We took a Meet Math test
CE: news quiz for Monday
English: rough draft of persuasive paragraph for Monday
Music: Handel ws for Wednesday

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Tomorrow is Panther Day! A field trip form went home today.

Science: none
Geo: none
Vocab Workshop pages 110-112
Literature: none
Math: pretest for tomorrow
CE: none
Music: Handel sheet for Wednesday
English: rough draft of persuasive paragraph for Monday

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Well, well, well. Back for more I see. Good news! We have more! We worked in groups today to take our science test. We also are starting on Handel as our new composer. We didn't get time to talk about him together so we will make sure to do that later. We did find time to look at various actors versions of Hamlet's famous "To be or not to be". We noticed some similarities and some differences. In math we translated from English to mathiese and back again. We ended the day with Fang, the mascot from the Timber Rattlers. It is part of our incentive program for Accelerated Reader. He played with us on some basketball activities as well.

CL: none
Science: test sheet is due tomorrow
Geo: none
Vocab Workshop: pages 105-107 for tomorrow
Lit: write a dialogue ws for tomorrow
English: none
Math: set 60 skip 3,7,8,13,15
CE: none
Music: Handel ws for Wednesday

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Greetings! Most of us had a rough time on our math assignment for today. So, we spent the entire class today going through most all of the problems. There is no new assignment tonight, but anyone who wants to redo set 59 and hand it in tomorrow may. I will correct them and it may improve a students grade to a max of a B+. There aren't many assignments for tomorrow, so that should be very doable. Many of the problems we had were very correctable things. We forgot how many mm in a m, how many pints in a quart, what a number to the 0 power means and so on. Many of the other errors were just mistakes in our calculations.

CL: none
Science: none
Geo: Worksheets for Thursday, work on prezis
Vocab Workshop: pages 105-107 for Thursday
Music: none
Literature: none
English: worksheet for tomorrow
CE: none
Math: redo for tomorrow

Monday, January 13, 2014

Greetings! Welcome to a new semester! Today we took another reading test in the lab for Accelerated Reader to see how our reading comprehension is coming along. Look for those results soon. We had some trouble with the computers, but we all got it done in the end. We also did some review in English which was sorely needed and worked with number lines for math. It was a full day!

CL: none
Science: Chapter review for tomorrow
Geo: prezis
Vocab Workshop pages 105-107 for Thursday
Music: nothing
Literature: Hamlet basics crossword puzzle for tomorrow
Math: set 59: 2,3,5,6,11 for tomorrow
English 11-3 for Wednesday

Friday, January 10, 2014

Welcome one and all. This is the end of our week. Some students need lunch and milk tickets. I let all students know their totals after lunch today. More tickets may be purchased on Monday. Today we spent some time on lines of symmetry. We also did some prezis. Those students who were ready to go today did a great job and got extra credit for being on the ball. We continued to work on expanding our vocabulary as well as our understanding of tragedy.

What does it mean when I look at the temp and the - sign is missing?

CL: nothing
Science: nothing
Geo: Prezis
Vocab Workshop: pages 105-106 for Thursday
Literature: worksheet for Monday
Math: set 58 skip ,4,9,10,19
CE: News Quiz for Monday
English: nothing
Music: nothing

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Hi there all! Today we looked over the research paper books and topics. Almost everyone had their stuff here today! Good job! We have some interesting topics. A few students need to work on coming up with a thesis that ties it all together. We also finished our section in science. It was a long one so we split it over two days. In today's part we talked about global warming. Always fun to talk about global warming when it has been below zero for several days, although some scientists think there may be a connection between global warming and this polar vortex cold hitting us. We also discussed negative exponents today. Remember that 2 to the negative 3rd is 1/2 times 1/2 times 1/2. Use the reciprocal!

CL: worksheet for tomorrow
Science: worksheet for tomorrow
Geo: we will do prezis tomorrow
Vocabulary Workshop: pp 100-104
Literature: nothing
Math: set 57 skip 3,10,12,17,28
CE: nothing
English: nothing
Music: nothing

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Well, as if I wasn't messed up enough about what day of the week it was already from last week! Welcome back everyone. We jumped right in where we left of Friday. We are talking about climate in science and discussed El Nino and La Nina. Tomorrow we will look at climate change. We will also do some prezis and look at topics and sources for the research paper as well. Today we took the geography bee and it asked questions on things we just talked about!

CL: ws for Friday
Science: nothing
Geo: ws for tomorrow
Lit: ws for tomorrow
Math: set 56 skip 1,13, 17, 22, 28
CE: nothing
Music: nothing
English: nothing
Vocab ws: nothing

Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy cold Friday. We kept warm by working hard today. We spent some time talking about the Middle East. Our book talked about the violence in Beirut. We then talked about the recent bombings, including the one yesterday. We also looked at adaptations that God has given plants and animals to help them survive in various climates. Looking at the weather report, we need to make some adaptations to survive this cold snap! We also took a math test. In addition, we heard various people explain why the study of Shakespeare is important to them.

Resources due for research paper on Thursday.

Science: section 2 ws
Geo: section 2 ws
Vocab Workshop pages 95-96 for Thursday
Literature: none
Math: took a test
CE: none
Music: none
English: none

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy Monday/Thursday! Moursday? Anyhow, we jumped right back into it today. The class took a bit to warm up, but then things livened up, a bit too much in fact! We started talking about climate, North Africa, multistep rate problems, a bunch of vocabulary words and even Shakespeare.

Just a reminder that it is research paper season. We talked about it right before break, but that was last year after all. Our first due date is January 9th. That is a week from today. The students need to have resources here to show me that they have started. I will also want to check out their topics and thesis on that day as well.

Science: section 1 worksheet for tomorrow
Geo: section 1 worksheet for tomorrow
Vocab Workshop: pages 93-94  for tomorrow
Literature: none
Math: set 55 skip 7, 14, 19, 25, 20
CE: none
English: we did it in class
Music: none