Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Greetings on a blistery Wednesday. Today we started learning about the many things that using satellites has taught us. We were able to see many of the things that we have talked about in science this year. We also started reading through Hamlet. We used a program that I was able to download to start working on the text. This Friday, I will be receiving a grant to purchase classroom copies of Hamlet and another Shakespearean play. This will give us study guide editions to last us years. Very cool! In math today, we took a review day. After going through the tests last night, I noted some common mistakes. Many, again, were processing mistakes. As such, I made some worksheets based on the sections where we had the most trouble and we worked on those today. We will get back to our regular sets tomorrow.

CL: none
Science: none
Geo: 555 1-6 for TOMORROW
Music: none
Lit: none
Math: review sheets
CE: none
Vocab: word search and pages from the book for TOMORROW
English: ws for tomorrow

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